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thumbnail of 17144964269490.mp4
thumbnail of 17144964269490.mp4
1714496426... mp4
(1.61 MB, 576x1024 h264)
new thread for refugees

TikTok Downloaders: https://sturdychan.help/tv/419

Archives Thread: https://sturdychan.help/tv/414
Sauce? Click the tiktok logo by the filename
Backup Chan: ??? IDK

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No replying to shadow banned posts
4. No discordniggery and telegramniggery
5. No skipping meds
6. No political posting

Old: https://sturdychan.help/tv/2007050
77 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

thumbnail of IMG_2393.jpeg
thumbnail of IMG_2393.jpeg
IMG_2393 jpeg
(214.09 KB, 1039x1280)

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thumbnail of IMG_2544.JPG
IMG_2544 JPG
(31.58 KB, 384x472)

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thumbnail of 1640064775683.webm
1640064775... webm
(675.13 KB, 480x854 vp9)

thumbnail of awemer_2022.12.10.zip
thumbnail of awemer_2022.12.10.zip
awemer_202... zip
(3.4 MB, 0x0)
Thread for awemer/scraping related discussion

< last awemer version I have saved

You need node installed.
After unzipping run npm install in the folder or one of the install_dependencies scripts.
Generally you want to use videos-node.js (start with node videos-node.js --help)
95 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

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1186x2208_... jpg
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thumbnail of 63c5cb547242e7b8c2f87f83546ba9cc53b8c96b.mp4
63c5cb5472... mp4
(3.44 MB, 720x1280 h264)

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media_GAwI2dDWwAA75... jpg
(135.41 KB, 900x965)

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thumbnail of 2021-10-19_02-41-13_UTCe.jpg
2021-10-19... jpg
(518.62 KB, 1125x2000)
TikTok Zoomer General

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/1997.html

Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [Embed] [ [Embed]">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/8219.html
4 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

thumbnail of file.png
thumbnail of file.png
file png
(25.6 KB, 150x150)

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