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Safe haven from 4chan jannies

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TikTok Zoomer General

Tiktok Downloader: >>>/awemer/
Sauce? https://pastebin.com/raw/TFEVRqTw

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/10282.html
This confused me for a long time when American TV shows would reference olive garden breadsticks, because in Europe breadsticks are like really thin dry crunchy sticks of bread, like finger width. What olive garden calls bread sticks we would call small bread rolls.
Pizza hut style breadsticks are sort of crunchy on the outside while soft in the center and sort of chewy as well.  Afaik pizza places just use their pizza dough to make breadsticks, garlic knots, etc.
I have decided that ttg is dead. This is not a dramatic goodbye but i have to say i will not be posting anymore. I will be checking up on this place from time to time. Hopefully one day we can have a day like we did on christmas day again. Take care /ttg/ and thanks for the ride. You will always be a part of me <3
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> find out twitter stops displaying tweets past 3000
> "oh ok, i'll just use advanced search to get the older ones"
> search by date is broken and only shows you 2-3 days at a time even if you search a year-long period
> "hmm ok... i'll just use gallery-dl or something i guess..."
> gallery-dl uses the twitter API so it also stops getting tweets older than 3000
> "... maybe something else?.."
> the only twitter scraper that doesn't use the twitter API is a broken unmaintained OSINT tool

good morning ttg. I'm going to kill myself. and how are you?
is the video really just one frame of her covering her face or is my browser messing with me again?
why would he tell me to specifically watch that "tok" ?
Because it is okay when a woman does it until she realizes that's not a feminine penis but a real penis and she was actually impregnated by a man.
Kinda feels like Noemi just makes the same tok every time now, same point of view, same movements, she used to be a lot more varied in what she did
> FreeFileSync
thanks for the tip, I'll dig further. but that reminds me of a couple other stupid questions I have, if anyone can help.

1. does anyone know of good a program for scanning two separate hard drives and detecting any duplicate files shared in common for easy deletion? the files are spread randomly across each hard drive, they don't share common pathways. (assume FreeFileSync doesn't have this feature)

2. I have a lot of corrupted video and image files due to my hard drive failing, is there any way of automatically detecting which files are missing data so I can easily just delete them? Manually doing this is impossible because I'm a hoarder and there are far too many files to go through.
> does anyone know of good a program for scanning two separate hard drives and detecting any duplicate files shared in common for easy deletion? the files are spread randomly across each hard drive, they don't share common pathways. (assume FreeFileSync doesn't have this feature)

sounds like something dupeguru or czkawka would be able to do

> I have a lot of corrupted video and image files due to my hard drive failing, is there any way of automatically detecting which files are missing data so I can easily just delete them? Manually doing this is impossible because I'm a hoarder and there are far too many files to go through.

maybe you could make a script for testing all of the files with ffprobe, and if it can't play the file, delete it
ty. keeping a notepad of all the advice from thread. hope I can get all of this sorted in a couple weeks, been putting it off too long.
> first vid
she looks extremely bad here. is this her new look? it seems like she might have walled (first time noticing) but she's not doing herself an favors with that disgusting makeup and hair dye style. Has something happened to her irl? is she broken?

what do you think happens to the subscribers of a patreon that gets banned for these reasons? if she did something bad enough to get her patreon yanked, even if not illegal, and some grown-ass men paid for her to do it with their credit card. seriously who is retarded enough to do this.
i finally figured out you gotta feed gallery-DL some twitter advanced search URLs in 3000-post time blocks. and its gotta be the full timeline URLs not the media-only ones (they are broken)

bit annoying but phew
on endchan whenever i accidentally click the email tab, chrome tries to autofill my personal email. kek

each image board has fun and creative ways to doxx yourself
It feels weird Christopher Cantwell is finally out of prison. It feels like an entirely different era from 2017.
> false report
when is it ever appropriate for grown men to be paying children for photographs?
obviously I didnt report it if some nigger is gonna accuse me. I hope none of you are paying for this shit.
> when is it ever appropriate for grown men to be paying children for photographs?
Have you ever paid to see a movie that had children in it, anon?
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I have solved it. 

I will set up a blog, and every time I would otherwise have posted on ttg (a tok I want to share, a reply to someone else, etc) I will instead upload that post to the blog and share a link to the thread. This will be subscription only.

I will be rich in no time.
i have seen this woman grow up and suck cock in front of a camera. i have seen her get cummed on. this should feel a lot more sickening than it does. sometimes I have to stop and remind myself "oh yeah, it's a already this bad".
when are we getting a podcast episode discussing the christmas game get-together, the following new years site implosion, the medschen disappearance and future prospects for the ttg population?
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> we got a new chen in like 1 day this time

nope, in 3 days

to the question of why meds is down
anon said from the beginning that it was a temporary meguca
he does not have time to manage it
4chan is the pressure release valve. they could've shut it down years ago but it's useful to them. can you imagine what would happen if they shut down the last semblance of being able to speak freely? these people aren't just going to disappear. better for them to waste away in the metaverse than go outside.
what ssd should i buy? is the reddit guide good? 

samsung and WD are expensive but good. the cheaper chink brands have suspect firmware and often little or no RAM

NVME SSDs are an item where you can get absolute steals if you buy used, btw.
especially if you buy new releases. like brand new PCIE4 models. people buy 2 or 3 of them, find out how PCIE lanes work and they can only use one on their machine, and sell the spare brand-new
why did anyone ever like her? she's a 5/10 at best. short, ugly, dull. she's not even white but I'm willing to factor that out of the calculation and be neutral. now she is an onlyfans whore so she is not even pure.
> people buy 2 or 3 of them, find out how PCIE lanes work and they can only use one on their machine
Is using an NVME drive with the PCIe lanes provided with the chipset a bad idea for just storing games/software on?
the situation changes every generation, and is frequently different between motherboards, even within the same manufacturer

i THINK on intel you can have two NVME drives on Z690 & Z790 without reducing your GPU to PCIE x8, on most mobos. but not sure. check the manual for your mobo.

it should be stated that x8 is not actually a big performance hit, even with a 4090 it's only like 2%. but people still don't like it.
> because my motherboard has 2 m2 slots
that's standard because some people won't run a gpu, they just cram as much NVME in as they can. there are also boards hyper-optimized for that, they allow bifurcation of the X16 lanes for the GPU, so you can use an addon board (by the mobo manufacturer usually) to put two SSDs where the gpu would go.
Yes reposting chubbychonkers when she was thin and underage even though we have all seen them way too many times is a bad gimmick.
are you guys just going to post female toks indefinitely forever? doesn't it get old at some point? or do you at least wanna take a break for a while?
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> tfw hanging out with my mid-30s friends who are completely out of touch with modern culture while I'm still knee deep in them thanks to tiktok

Feels weird watching them get old while I remain young forever
> vague "i want...things!" instead of actually explaining what because in the end he has no idea what he wants but just wants to bitch
> cliquechen
this is the retard who finally got banned for non-stop spamming about baldness for fucking months
now hes over there being emo about ttg, LMAO
> cliquechen says we're too horny
> their thread is full of literal porn
Seeing all these other obscure image boards has really made me appreciate 2chen even more, there's so many retard trannies
I never used that option, in any case I've seen you mentioning this before but I don't remember seeing a single line of the output yet. It's difficult to debug anything like this.
The thing with those tranny types is they're just inherently bitchy to "outsiders" cause they love the feeling of being in a tribe/clique (it's half the reason a lot of them go trans to begin with)

Doesn't matter what we do or who we are, they just wanna circlejerk against the outsiders
they arent actually bitchy towards outsiders from the small conversation ive had with them on there
the posts saying ttg is too horny w/e are all from the spamfag polturd trying to save face and act like he doesnt browse ttg
input, with liked.json already having been made from a previous command: node videos-node.js o f e="t=uv n=0 j=sid_tt=xxx i={} g=@{}.txt l f=E:\downloads\liked q=2 z d=200 ui l convert_hevc" l d p=10 i=liked.json u;
output, which instead of being awemer downloading toks does this: output file: E:\Downloads\awemer\videos-node.js_20230107T000307Z_cmds.json

I am using the exact same batch file, just with the new version that fixed the empty response errors.
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I understand from your point, I could just be lying, but from my experience I literally just posted "Greetings from /ttg/" the first day we found out about them and that alone got me shadowbanned, so I have to assume being from /ttg/ is an issue
their janny removed chip.webm not even 5 minutes after it being linked in their thread though

I don't see it in their mod log, you were probably shadowbanned on the 28th

> Im not the person that keeps going there and posting screenshots
That's me, but I've had no conversation with them, I just lurk and use their megutv since it's full of toks now
> their janny removed chip.webm not even 5 minutes after it being linked in their thread though
sounds like an exceptionally based janny tbh
you scared that the only people who accept you for being a tranny femdom diapernigger are going to start banning you because you ruin their board?
you are the retard who posted about "female toks" on both and brought up the topic there, you sound like you were engineered in a lab to be as autistic as possible, please stay there

how does bamboo feel? I think I've only had cotton and polyester
they're incredibly airy, it's amazing in these 30c+ days over summer. They also don't stain which is a huge plus (wiggy bros... I used more olive oil...)
hopefully she gets full facial reconstruction surgery now that she is 18. Of course my fists could do it for her if she asked
I want to see the TITS of two tokkers so bad bros but I can't reveal who until april and august
> I want to see the TITS of two tokkers so bad 
I swear to God if I could force my will on this board I'd ban female toks until y'all get your heads sorted
> you are the retard who posted about "female toks" on both and brought up the topic there
nuh-uh anons were spamming DISGUSTING WHORE toks for a while before I even opened my browser. my post is the exact opposite of you guys. I disavow all tokfus.
Our perception of time is based on memory of a previous state.  We have no real proof that previous states still exist.  Only if previous states exist along side current states can time be real.
>  We have no real proof that previous states still exist. 
Isn't a ball falling over a ledge proof that I pushed it in a previous state?
The state of the system changed but for time to be a real dimension then you would need to be able to move along it or prove simultaneous positions on it exist.  All you proved was changing states but not discrete states existing together.  You have done more to prove the current state has destroyed and replaced the previous state.
I'll be honest if you think you need proof to be certain the past is real you're just a retard pretending to be smart
A recording is nothing more than a memory of a previous state.  It is not proof of that previous state's continued existence along side the current state
The current state is the stimulus for a memory.  It takes successive states to fully create and comprehend a memory but that just further proves how imaginary our recollection of previous states is.
I don't see a single meaningful distinction here
you somehow are putting 100 percent faith in the fact that your perception is accurate
it is literally just as likely that your current perception is all hallucination as it is that all memories are implanted
he's right though, you have no proof that the past happened and you didnt just spontaneously start living this moment with a false memory of the past implanted into your mind
we posted at the same time
but yes, theres no way you can know if what you perceive is real or if your memories are real but everyone except the ill just look past that and assume what they see is (mostly) real because you cannot live your life in the looney bin thinking that Last Thursdayism is true
Tother way around good sir.  You believe since you can perceive a past then a past must exist.  The counter is you can only at most account for the current state while the past could very well be replaced by the present.
> occam's razor
why must "intellectuals" create a name for something that nomral people already do
a field full of appeal to authority, if it doesn't have a name it's not principal you're "allowed" to follow
because thats how languages work retard
things people regularly refer to can be concised into singular expressions or phrases in order to convey more information in less time
Could a solution be to merge bbg and ttg again
Thats what jump started ttg again in dec 2019
I figure the people willing to pay a few bucks a month for ttg are probably going to do a decent job of moderating the site. Should we go full coLlEcTive and set up a new megu.

Requires at least one american for freespeech laws.
you fucked the whole vibe bro
whole-ass vibe was just ruined bro why'd you do that
couldnt just kept on keeping your mouth shut? for fuck's sake man
> they have said they prefer guys on the shorter side. lmao, cope. their last bf was 5'9
fucking AP in that /gif/ thread before I even linked it lmfaooooooooooooooo
moemin never left fyi, he just put up a new meguca for Brandon&Co about a month ago and let the old site expire
its why brandon hasnt been around
a better question is what the fuck happened to meds? I feel bad I complained about meds the first time, but now I miss it dearly
> a better question is what the fuck happened to meds?
mentally retarded discord pedophile tried to buy the website (lol?) it didn't work, then spent $50 on a discord server and 2 days spamming medschen with terrible posts and links to his discord. this caused the admin to give up
wtf i have been wanting someone to post this tok for months i love you anon i love you anonie i love you you have saved me i thought it was lost to the sands of time lets goooooooooooo good start to 2023
give me ideas how to protect it from spammers and I'll maybe try making a new live image board. I'm too lazy to modify meguca so I'll make it from scratch. Shouldn't take that long to get something working
thumbnail of GOING INSANE RN CANT BELIEVE ITS REAL. #tf2 #teamfortress2 #tf2memes #tf2update  [7179354370847329582].mp4
thumbnail of GOING INSANE RN CANT BELIEVE ITS REAL. #tf2 #teamfortress2 #tf2memes #tf2update  [7179354370847329582].mp4
GOING... mp4
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cant believe no one is willing to associate their credit card info to a website hosting questionable material 😔
love kaine btw
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Hey, /ttg/!
You are invited to our monthly Endchan Movie Corner on our cytube channel.
Today's feature: Full Contact; Hong Kong action movie, 1992.
Starts at 21:00 UTC (4pm EST)
Pre-show stream starts at 19:UTC, in about a half an hour.
Geowizard, Steve1989MREinfo or Shiey, Steve Wallis, and...
DIY with Ashly by Ashley Jones who has her own board on Endchan >>>/ashIeyj/ - at 20:40 UTC
can anyone pretend to be nat so we can goon together 
only taking fellow baldcel applications
did you guys know that pakistan, while being one of the most homophobic countries in the world, ranks the highest in gay porn search queries
did you guys know that /ttg/, while being one of the most bonbiphobic communities in the world, ranks the highest for bonbi posts?
if my bros will watch the nier anime on chentube then I will watch the nier anime on chentube
to the guy who wanted to play fortnite like a year ago, do you still want to play? sorry for saying no
why dont you guys make a cytube room? that site is way better than whatever shit software chentube is using
you've all given me some of the best memories of my life
I hope we can be together in the afterlife
goodbye my friends
no idea, it looks like one of those agency accounts or one where they post aesthetic not themselves
> B&H photo video wont check out items during the shabbat
the jews are fucking my life over once again
Yeah, but I want to add some stuff to get rid of spammie. Like a timeout, I think I'll add something to see if an poster has an unknown idea which will temporary make his timeout longer and that sort of stuff. It's easier for me to make an imageboard and add that to it then read all of meguca to make sure I am not shooting myself in the foot somewhere because I missed a bit of code.
Yeah, it's only reason I'm making this stuff
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ill coom to lily when she turns off all the beauty filters and does raw pics. im not being played i know that bitch has bad skin
you havent missed much tbh
on a semi-related note I found out that the site is not running on the 1001 albums list from 2005 but rather an updated version which includes album all the way up to 2021 (possibly 2022) so its not all boomer shit
disable all telemetry and enable all privacy options 

get these exensions:
ublock origin 
violent monkey 
i dont care about cookies
I was just joking around.  I was recently on /tv/ and the only dune thread I recall was a woman's face on a worm.  I guess it was in the books

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