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Tiktok Zoom Central

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/1997.html
Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/13368.html
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> it really works

WHAT THE HELL, I CAN FINALLY DITCH CHROME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wtf i know someone who isnt me who got wrongly post banned during the porn dump like a week ago and they are still banned. 

thats what i heard from the word on the street that is
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damn, HEVC working in ff is amazing but magrathea is a mess, can't even save settings without getting an error
I honestly expected admin to return shortly after New Year. I still don't want to give up hope, but maybe we should move on from just waiting and try seek him out more actively. And when I say "we" I guess I mean you guys, since I'm retarded and don't know anything about him Let's put together all the information we have on admin, try make contact and document success/failure. I assume maany anons have already emailed him but it speaks to how unserious we're taking this that no one on has posted a screencap or anything as proof they have sent an email. And that's only the first step. We need to find out who this guy is, find out if he's logging into any of his accounts, we need to dig deeper to find him. What if he's dead and his corpse is rotting in some apartment somewhere with no one to recover his body? we owe it to him to find out what happened.
how do you know that? two most common theories I've seen posted here are 1) he has been arrested for some unknown reason or 2) he is dead. Both of these are involuntary and in either case he could use our support (e.g. donate to legal defense fund, return his remains to his family).

aren't you in the slightest worried about him disappearing with no word to anyone?
I'm just saying that up until now we have been passively waiting and it hasn't worked. being proactive and seeking him out for a week or two is surely worth a shot?
If he was arrested it could have been for storing nudes of minors on his PC, and if he made any name for himself online and pissed off the wrong people, anything could have happened at that point. Heck, feds are even known for planting that shit onto remote computers just to make busts. Another very good reason to learn good opsec.
this procedure should be illegal tbh. both the woman and surgeon should go to prison. it's an affront to nature, beauty, God, basically anything that is meaningful and true in the world.
I know for a fact that someone who badly wants moemin isolated only wishes harm on him.
I don't actually know this but you get the point.
> how do you know that? two most common theories I've seen posted here are 1) he has been arrested for some unknown reason or 2) he is dead

2chen had several domains in at least two distinct registrars and the A records for all of them were deleted at the same time.
this is the kind of information we should be compiling. do you want to put down all the information you have in a pastebin somewhere?
one time nat said on her stream that ted is on antidepressants. it was said with such deadpan that i can't tell if cosmopolitan upper class families give their cats SSRIs or not.
> he doesn't have notepad open 24/7 datamining all the personal details the various identifiable ttg personas reveal about themselves

about what? "spammie" isn't a consistent ttg persona and for the past month any posts a certain German poster dislikes is attributed to "spammie", regardless of how inconsistent and schizophrenic the criteria are. "spammie" has nothing to do with the anon who occasionally spammed the threads back on 2chen. spammie is the anti-persona of anything a certain anon dislikes.
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you're not depressed, dog.
you're lacking that rottweiler grindset.

wake up at 3 AM. cold shower.
bark at the mailman. express your primal self.
breakfast. milk bone.
spammie spams reports and derails threads for moral hyteria anytime a minor is posted doing anything remotely suggestive
it is one guy because for 8hrs every day (while he's asleep) regular ttg posting (including pushin p for example) can be posted without fuss
spammie's reports got cloudflare to ban admins account which probably pissed him off
so he broke up with us, nuked shinomaz, ghosted his email, and ghosted the thread
he has other backroom channels to enjoy toks in with quality posters
we will never get an invite because spammie might get it
those backrooms have probably already been far far better than ttg for months
i really hate this, ttg has been my everything for the last 4 years
a guy just told you that admin sent him CP in that "back channel" and you want to go there

just kill yourself, you are one of the discord faggots that shouldve never been invited to ttg
i doubt you ever used 4chan or an image board
> so he broke up with us, nuked shinomaz, ghosted his email, and ghosted the thread
your logic is just a tad retarded
admin was furious at one singular boogeyman, so he ghosted all of you? he is refusing to reply to *your* needy emails because of the ghost of spammeneezer scrooge?
> share archives of my tokfus for my fellow anons

> get replies thanking me

it's the little things πŸ₯°
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*puts on beanie* im a unbiased 3rd party totally not bald bro. I just get super uncomfortable when the voices remind me that bald people are unpresentable 
instead of this balding talk we should reply to that other guys schizophrenic paragraphs and his discord screenshots for 2nd week in a row
oh god, I shared so many over the years, can't list them all
jinx, frenchfu, athena and alice were some of the tokfus I was passionate about
i was on wsg for like 4 years before ttg

not furious, just out of options, he couldnt host the site anymore with someone in the community is mass reporting
> all of you 
all of us anon, you are one of us right? or are you the one that seeks to destroy us?
he hasnt responded to anyones emails from what it seems, i dont think he is checking his email or if he is he isnt responding to us stuck on endchan
jocko is unironically a decent role model. he could do way more by being more openly far-right imo, but he does name the Jew. and at least he's not a gatekeeper which is based as fuck.
I refuse to believe there is more than one retard that refers to literally anything involving minors as porn.
instagram can send notifications about shit that happened days or weeks ago. same as tiktok
I lost interest in emq about a year ago.
She's just nasty now.
Thank you for reading by blog post.
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He is in every way subhuman and unimportant so he copes by inventing these enemies persecuting him. If he hated that ttg moderation so bad then its a perfect opportunity to create your own site and be the admin. But his neetbucks and his iq is too lacking to do anything besides writing fanfics about his xyz enemy of the day
I can't figure out who the worst poster here is.  The call everyone a pedo and claim everything is pedo poster or the guy who spams nat and samefags himself about nat.
any supposedly identifiable bad poster on an image board (e.g. "spammie") is almost always dwarfed in how disruptive their posts are by the people who believe they're replying to him, constantly derailing the thread
> single baldness post got him upset
> now he will passive agressively samefag to feel better 
your demeanor and endless gossip about thread people just shows deep inside you were meant to be a woman
and who knows estrogen might just put some hair on your head again friend
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Big cities make you feel like you're in an NPC zone. You will never see the same person twice, but you can go to more places and have more experiences, whereas small towns are limited but allow you to build relationships with the community and friends.
i've lived all over the US in cities and rural areas
i currently live in a small town and it's great.
there is nowhere else where you can find the unique combination of dirt-cheap living costs, and no niggers whatsoever.
there are rural counties all over the US that are 98%+ white and have housing and food so cheap you'd blink at it
> Or rather, I'd be the kind of person who doesn't want to deal with others in general, unless they are really interesting.
this is not at all what I meant
the village we moved to had a bit under 300 total inhabitants and 80% of them were from 1 or 2 families
they were actively spreading rumors and shit, likely because we were "city folk" or because we were new to their little club
protip: start saving your tokfu's toks, there's a 50/50 chance she will block you or become moots with you (depending on how creepy your profile is)
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That's kinda true, because of wfh I only really go out and do things on weekends (and most of the time it doesn't involve hanging out with others or meeting new people).
It could get me connected to others tho, I'm just really shit at socializing. Actually already blew 3 really good opportunities to connect with people with the same hobby as mine. One of them was a really cute asian girl.
thats not so odd to me considering they had colonies all over the world
what is odd to me is how brown a country like sweden has become.
anyone know why I cant follow people on my new tiktok account? it unfollows me when i refresh as if it never went through at all
mezzie's humid sweaty ass pressing forcibly down on your head? despite the moistness making it slippery she somehow manages to keep you pinned underneath her while she rubs her swampy parts all over your face?
"mental illness" is a social construct created by those in power to eliminate personality types that interfere with the continued, increasing efficiency of the System. problematic personalities are removed by institutionalizing "patients" or forcing psyhoactive medication on them. I am what the powerful would call "mentally ill" because I am a non-compliant person who holds to those pesky ancient customs such as freedom of speech and bodily autonomy. When I was a teenager I was groomed into "voluntarily" taking ssri's. I will never again take any "meds". Nothing will change this. Least of all some petty rule on an imageboard. I will not follow Rule 5. I REFUSE.
fr why do fags draw so much attention to themselves like this? this is objectively as offensive as seeing someone walking around with a swastika armband, but no one else but fags does this in real lived experience.
how do faggots get away with pretending they're being oppressed by mainstream society when they are literally painting themselves luminescent and baiting you to look at them the wrong way when you're just trying to go about your day outside like a normal human being?
in another timeline noemi's autism would have been channeled into being a virtuous Christian lady, a devoted wife and mother. instead her autism is weaponized in the most profane ugly way possible. sad.
> noemi
> good mental health
literally anyone can take one look at her and tell she is batshit crazy. even when she is in cosplay you can tell something is off - she seems constantly aloof all the time. maybe she was raped and that's why she became a dyke.
all the posts mentioning shinomaz from my archives

    "id": "692409",
    "post_body": " >>/692402/\nshinomaz?",
    "thread_id": 692271,
    "time": "2021-07-09T18:27:20Z",
    "_version_": 1718226763699453953
    "id": "1519915",
    "post_body": " >>/1519914/\nhow are you shinomaz",
    "thread_id": 1519052,
    "time": "2022-06-21T03:30:28Z",
    "_version_": 1738175248993353729
    "id": "1519917",
    "post_body": "shinomaz I kept your secret for as long as I could I'm sorry I could not protect you",
    "thread_id": 1519052,
    "time": "2022-06-21T03:31:09Z",
    "_version_": 1738175249017470980
    "id": "1519929",
    "post_body": "wait no way he is shinomaz\nbruh ",
    "thread_id": 1519052,
    "time": "2022-06-21T03:36:19Z",
    "_version_": 1738175249392861187
    "id": "1519974",
    "post_body": "Shinomaz should be my bestie ",
    "thread_id": 1519052,
    "time": "2022-06-21T03:48:51Z",
    "upload_file_type": 1,
    "upload_name": "1655783337660",
    "upload_sha1": "6b13c6a493f1df7d3a7184341dbdf348bcffd16b",
    "_version_": 1738175250161467392
    "id": "1520046",
    "post_body": "shinomaz wanna be besties",
    "thread_id": 1519052,
    "time": "2022-06-21T04:52:38Z",
    "_version_": 1738175252154810373
    "id": "1525397",
    "post_body": " >>/1525350/\nshinomaz bestie was it you asking for her archive",
    "thread_id": 1523170,
    "time": "2022-06-22T18:52:32Z",
    "_version_": 1738175284766572545
    "id": "1679906",
    "post_body": " >>/1679882/\nthat one was shinomaz, he is nice",
    "thread_id": 1679219,
    "time": "2022-08-10T06:46:12Z",
    "_version_": 1741241485113688065
    "id": "2002814",
    "post_body": " >>/2002813/\nshinomaz.... I kneel",
    "thread_id": 2001489,
    "time": "2022-11-03T08:54:35Z",
    "_version_": 1750682309689868290
    "id": "2027899",
    "post_body": " >>/2027895/\nshinomaz shut the fuck up",
    "thread_id": 2026370,
    "time": "2022-11-08T22:49:42Z",
    "_version_": 1750682305655996425
    "id": "2081420",
    "post_body": "wait is shinmaz....",
    "thread_id": 2081361,
    "time": "2022-11-22T02:49:59Z",
    "_version_": 1750682264201592832
havent seen ChazPrinceton since .moe days
maybe he was moemin????????????????????
ive made up my mind.
some government apparatus would pay waaaay more than 2mil for 4chan
that could be what happened with the hiroyuki acquisition in fact
is there a name for the widely-held belief/feeling/intuition that some of our ego or consciousness is inside of your children, that if you have children you're continuing your "bloodline" and that your descendants are part of a chain of beings that add up to one whole?

It's clearly implicit in the thought of most people who've procreated throughout all of history. expressions like "genetic dead-end" are used in a modern understanding for people who fail to procreate, and I'm pretty sure I've read this kind of thought being called "genetic immortality" before but when I look that up I find hardly anything. It's surely a big enough topic that whatever it's called, it definitely has a wikipedia page all on its own, but I can't find it. I know there's a lot of crossover with this belief/feeling and more developed theological concepts like reincarnation - I know that European pagans believed they can only reincarnate as one of their descendants. but I want to know what the more basic, intuitive sense is called when a father sacrifices himself for his children.
the vast majority of incels are clearly left-wing. right-wing thought is eugenic and discourages ugly, scrawny, effeminate men from procreating. incels throughout history have always been Christian, socialist, feminist, etc.
why would incels align themselves with hierarchical ideologies rather than egalitarian ones? most incels are and have always been Christian, socialist, feminist (in the sense of de-emphasizing the traditional gender roles they couldn't possibly live up to), or some other egalitarian ideology. Why would an incel want to cull himself from the genepool? have you ever observed the way these people interact with each other? their ideal worldview is one woman for every man and everyone gets to procreate. it's a silly, utopian, egalitarian worldview that's unsustainable. just like all leftist ideologies.
Heredity or more generally inheritance. 
There are spiritual analogs but anything before Darwin kind of misses the point and anything after Hitler is too censored to have finished developing.
you're the one that thinks trannies being incels is some kind of irreconcilable paradox. you realize that right-wingers have more sex than left-wingers, right do you think all virgins are neo-nazis who congregate on /pol
idk if you're aware of this but like 30% of the population are incels these days. 4chan is definitely less than 5% of just the incels who are perpetually online.

this is another point these people overlook. if you actually visit these incel communities they are disproportionately non-white.
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lol weak men adopt whatever ideology validates their victimhood which currently happens to be right wing. It's why the trendy grift is being a conservative brain damaged boxer that's a substitute daddy for fatherless men (think andrew tate, prev jordan peterson, etc.)
andrew tate is normie as fuck
even my chad big brother who doesnt even know what 4chan is knows about him and watches clips about him on tiktok and youtube
Like at least Roosh had some kind of charm to him. Why would anyone waste time watching Andrew Tate?
not sure, vaush fans self select for autistic people and Tates audience self select for low iq people that think breaking the matrix means buying expensive stuff and chasing  
bimbo hoes. Maybe Hasan vs Tate is a more fair comparison and i feel like Hasan fans have more sex. 

But it's not about bipolar ideology it's about which ones can a weak man adopt to feel better and it looks like Tate is much more popular than male feminist
> i feel like Hasan fans have more sex. 
oh no bros, i thought right wingers were the ones that were more attractive and had more sex?? did my right winger newspapers lie to me?
All that time spent watch Tate, Vaush, and Hasan Piker is time that could have been spent having sex
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The /ttg/ book club commences this week. Aim is to have the first book and rules settled by Saturday night, with a regroup each Saturday from then on to discuss the chapters we've read.

If you are interested please reply to this post saying so along with up to 3 book suggestions. Winner will be decided by strawpoll. So far we have had:

Catcher in the Rye
Crime and Punishment 

Amount of chapters set each week will depend on the book we choose.
Did any of that right wing rizz drip down on you? You are not some terminally outline, 0 bitches, balding manlet ugly are you anon
> that one guy who followed nej 20 minutes ago, has already donated >$50 and is white-knighting to protect her from the nasties in chat
please stop
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I went to the doctor and he confirmed I have Fibromyalgia

I'm only 23 and I will be dealing with this to some degree for the rest of my life
Any word on the rinrin patreon situation? You guys know if that gets determined to be against tos and gets closed everyone subbed is getting sent to the authorities, right?
i dont care im already on some list
i got a letter in the mail warning me after a discord server got shut down and my account got permanently suspended
no clue what she posted on your patreon but you're probably fine assuming she wasn't actually breaking the law
breaking someones TOS isnt illegal
Considering Starfire's attitude there is no way in hell her patreon doesn't get shut down like rinrin's 

Remember this is the tokfu who when publically asked for lewd photos said "DM me"
ive tried replacing the honey in my tea with maple syrup to try it out and its pretty nice tbh
Is starfire who all these screenshots going on about gay drama I don't care about have been about?
The only reason we are paying attention to the caca girl drama is because of one comment left by a tokfu I believe is sushi
Alright, I'm confused what everyone is talking about.  

I'm also going to just say the obvious truth.  As long as phones with cameras exist this shit will exist and just get worse.
Sure Argentinian white just like starfire.  One of your fellow "white" people impregnated a 9 year old a few months back and the left used it for months as a rallying cry for more abortions.  If only we sent all of you "white" people back.
She probably has a treasure trove of minor porn of herself that could land her in trouble and being Brazilian her nether region might be brown too so she is really just defending herself by proxy.
She made a reference in a tok.  The tok was reposted on 2chen in the latter half of 2022.  It is that tiktok meme of the girl mentioning she has a treat you have to try and references her ethnicity.
So far he's refusing to bring it back up, I imagine he had people causing issues and the one guy who posts here was probably going on about him being a pedo and threatening him constantly.  I understand why people don't want to run sites when you have unhinged people trying to dox you and ruin your life.
Plus it is a gray area reposting tiktoks of underage girls and in mainstream culture they want to see such people strung up by their toes yet what the parents and minors are allowing and doing is somehow perfectly fine.  It is like the AoC debate all over again.
It is a gray area in American culture if not legally then morally and ethically based on the comments I have seen on American news and on American social media.
No one cares about american feminism outside of america, if you think your fellow americans are going to crucify you because you looked at a girl who still had fertile eggs and was capable of still having children that's on you and your fucking faggot country.
> platform bans random toks for their own reason
> somehow this means we have to pretend it's some kind of legal thing and scream pedo at each other
Just expect if tiktok is banned in America fully or removed from google and apple app stores in America then china will be shutting it down very quickly.
That is not what is being referenced.  The American government and military have banned use of tiktok for themselves.  All that is left is banning it for normal citizens
So then the platform will die and there will probably be an exodus to another platform that will make similar content.  I have no clue why people are so worked up over this.  The US would ban it to try to get some kind of own on china, not for any other reason.
Tiktok is just vines basically, something will come around that will replace it just like vines was replaced
Last year on American televised news parents were becoming increasingly worried about exactly what ttg does which is amassing a hoard of videos of their children for distribution on the internet.  That with worries of tiktok being a chinese spy app and it won't take much of an event to tip the scale in favor of a full tiktok ban.
Yeah, you better believe that at any real hint of tiktok being banned in the US will have dozens of companies trying to pump out an alternative
> The American government and military have banned use of tiktok for themselves.
Except they literally have a tiktok e-girl for military propaganda
Someone watches fox news as the conservative gay op is all about "muh china" while libshits get gay op'd with different shit.  The entire media is fake and gay.  It's meaningless shit to keep you distracted.
That took a few years though and only happened because of one of the most powerful governments in the world creating an app.  Also the RIAA doesn't go after tiktok for copyright infringement like they did with twitch since they don't want to be shut out of the Chinese market.  If anyone else had created a lipsync app then they would have been sued into oblivion and/or dismantled.  A true tiktok alternative unless it is created by China again isn't really possible.
Just enjoy toks anons and don't worry about it.  We don't do anything illegal and the board rules err far to the safe side despite claims to the contrary.
I don't think originally but it also doesn't matter as 99% of US tech companies are effectively created and funded by the government too
> Musical.ly Inc. was founded by long time friends Alex Zhu and Luyu Yang in Shanghai, China

> Douyin was launched by ByteDance in Beijing, China in September 2016, originally under the name A.me, before rebranding to Douyin (ζŠ–ιŸ³) in December 2016.

> The app was launched as TikTok in the international market in September 2017

> On 9 November 2017, TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, spent nearly $1 billion to purchase musical.ly, a startup headquartered in Shanghai with an overseas office in Santa Monica, California, U.S.
Literally us military propaganda.  The jews running the US realized they could do what they do in Israel and hire models to pretend to be in the military.
We better get it soon
Interesting, I thought it had been bought out but I guess it makes sense that the US would ban it as they want to be the ones controlling international propaganda.
Right now it has been banned for security concerns in regards to the government and military due to its data collection but it is still fully  accessible to the public.
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> Chatting with some chick over tiktok
> Thought things were going well
> she uploads a tok about how so many guys are DMing her
> dont message her for over a month
> she eventually DMs me asking whats up
> Tell her I got a girlfriend and she isn't comfortable with me talking with girls online
Regardless those "models" are just girls in the military due to compulsory enlistment by the Israeli government.  It isn't fake except for perhaps it gives the sense they are sent to the frontlines in some epic war but they are not.  Even those with down syndrome are required to enlist but of course they are not giving them any critical work.
> she uploads a tok about how so many guys are DMing her
> she eventually DMs me asking whats up
she missed the attention so much she was willing to dm you anon....
Israel is well known to hire foreign models, at the time mostly Ukrainian to be the public face of their military.  It may shock you but the average kike is really fucking ugly.
Like it was mentioned previously.  It is a slow roll out.  You get one terrifying incident of a minor getting hurt in America to hit the front page they can link to tiktok and it is banned in the US.  That's the third largest country in the world banning your app which could cause the CCP to reconsider the app in its entirety.  Especially since the purpose of the app is really to collect data on the CCP's chief enemy, USA.  Also the US controls the apple and google app stores so if the US lays down the ban then they are wiped from the stores which means it is practically wiped for everyone internationally unless you are using some alternative phone.
I think a lot of that is just crazy speculation.  The US doesn't care about protecting it's people, they care about controlling them.  Tiktok is just a form of propaganda they don't control.  It's as simple as that.  If they think they can get away with banning it they will so they can replace it with one they control the message on.  None of this has anything to do with protecting children.
Except the propaganda on tiktok is all the typical talking points of the Democrat party who control the Washington DC bureaucracy and the military.
its kinda surreal that this pol celebrity became close enough friends with kanye to join him on that alex jones show where he fucked up his whole career
Yes, of course it is.  The chinese want to lower social cohesion and weaken the population.  Tiktok in china is very different then in the west.
> The chinese want to lower social cohesion and weaken the population.
That is exactly what the democrat party has been doing for decades.  China is a little late to the party if that is their aim which I have not seen evidence of especially on tiktok.
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The types of tiktoks popularized are very different in china vs the west and it's not by accident.  Also, if you buy into the muh democrats vs muh republicans fake dichotomy then you are also propagandized.  They both have the same goal.
A year ago the fyp was mostly American and some sort of comedy like a police officer chasing a black man down the street as another gave it a soundtrack.  It was very much pushing blacks hard.  Now it is mostly Asian usually pushing Chinese bull like products to buy.  I do not have an account, my ip is dynamic and regularly changed, and cookies are regularly cleared.
There is common ground among establishment politicians which diverges from what Americans want on either side but it is pretty obvious the Left controls our most important institutions.
Except the so-called right opposition just supports the same shit.  Left pushes niggers into everything while the right talks about how much they love niggers because they are not racist.  You would be shocked to see how commonly left wingers will avoid niggers while right wingers will embrace them to prove how not racist they are.  They have literally been trained wrong on purpose.
yea but only the balls
no sauce
then i put some sauce on them after
it was an ok depression meal 6/10 the cheese was not a good choice though, not a complementary taste
Swiss National Bank reports loss in 2022 equating to over 60% of total profits in the last 20 years
My blogpost is that after 2 weeks I am finally over my case of covid, first time I got it and it sucked
nice bro
I had it once back in april and when you have it, it feels absolute cocks but then in retrospect it feels as if it wasnt that bad
It was like a bad, drawn out flu, that's about it but it's annoying for how long the last few symptoms last.  You are right that in retrospect it isn't bad.
for me it was the incredible fever I got
was hot as fuck and I could never rest because of how uncomfortable it was
had no other significant symptoms that I can remember aside from that though
> go to bed
> wake up
> the hapa has destroyed the thread and it's at historic low levels of activity
ttg will die if it doesnt get a crack team of jannies soon
>  >the hapa has destroyed the thread and it's at historic low levels of activity
show me where and endchan isn't as suited for the fast posting that happened on 2chen
I haven't mingled regularly with the common rabble since way back in 2013 and the only unusual trend I noticed was I saw most women in red dresses at the mall for Valentine's Day.
Last time I saw a kid in a yard it was a young girl who set up a plank of wood on the ground like a balance beam and did a cartwheel on it.  She was pretty good.

Actually there was a more recent one during the first year of the pandemic iirc of a couple of little girls pranking me by playing ding dong ditch.  I assumed they stopped after a couple times because someone caught them doing it to others.  They were probably just out of school too long and bored.
You need to understand that if she menstruates she can never be pure.  The purity of an adolescent girl is an act to hook men.  They are pandering to your vices because they have no respect for you and simply want to get what they can out of you.
I simply don't understand the purpose of reposting the same old toks.  I can only think it is a troll like the nat or bonbi spammer
Can you go to jail for supporting someone on patreon?
Asking for a friend.
Google didn't know the answer.
just wanna let you guys know im ramping up to samefag for a while. you can know my posts by how they have emojis or are short 1-10 word self-replies
wish there was a good way on desktop to see live channels and sort and filter them
the way it's currently is terrible
what a shitty website
> like 99.9% of lives suck and is not a cute girl

exactly, it's so hard to find the cute streamers because the current system on desktop is complete and utter trash
that would give him an out since he knows he can just download it again. 

like a smoker trying to quit but still has a pack in the drawer. also he probably has a lot of sussy toks
hello, does anyone know for the dollchan extension how do i filter videos ?
and also how can i expand images on the right side of the screen instead of center?
I look forward to tyrone curbstomping the teeth out of your head so you can give him better gummers when the two of you cuddle up in your cell bunk at night
this third world retard actually just browses tinder 12hrs a day then goes to bed and does it again
thumbnail of Richie - Ur an idiot.mp4
thumbnail of Richie - Ur an idiot.mp4
Richie -... mp4
(6.77 MB, 720x1280 h264)
not the same really since toks are entertaining and we all post different ones and we all know who they are. 

posting random whores on tinder isnt fun for anyone but him/you unless he starts posting his dms with them and how gets zero replies
Computer how do I filter posts with the filename Screenshot_2023*_*.jpg


Well you heard her lads.  It is impossible.
2chen wasn't even that particular and this isn't 2chen.  Just expect the tiktok portion of ttg is more suggestive than mandatory.  Emphasis on the general.
I am mad that I wasn't part of the secret club because I was the best poster on 2chen.moe.
Didn't people who posted girls like Zoe get banned?
I think the claim that he was a Zoe-fag is bs.
Could you guys stop posting tiktoks? I was trying to spam some tinder screenshots and circlejerk with my discord friend. Thanks.
I just woke up so rest assured, every single one of the absolute worst posters are active in the thread now
I can not understand why such a small number of posters can have so many unrelenting faggots.
new thread for worst posters

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