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thumbnail of Jay - mmm I wanna order his clothes so bad - Aether.mp4
thumbnail of Jay - mmm I wanna order his clothes so bad - Aether.mp4
Jay - mmm... mp4
(3.9 MB, 656x1278 hevc)

Sorry but Ukraine is not doing well and even in the west they have to admit they are sending boys as young as 13 or 14 and women to the front to save it.  Russia is not doing well either but their country is still intact and has more resources/people to weather a long war despite in actuality fighting American munitions and other assistance.

The propaganda for this war is crazy.  I see videos of men in ukrainian uniforms being killed being pushed as videos of russians after they tried to darken the uniforms in the video.

> Pornography and sexual services:

> We don’t allow pornographic material or sexual services on Patreon, which we define as “real people engaging in sexual acts such as masturbation or sexual intercourse on camera.” If you want to learn more, please make sure to also consult our Benefit Guidelines.


Ukraine hasnt been losing ground since they got funded and even got lots of territory back. Whereas the orcs mobilized and concentrated all the forces near bakhmut, months in - still haven't taken it. Map lines don't lie ivan but the voices in your head do

it's worse than just showing their boobs, 30 year old porn whores will make content for a kid's app with their ass and tits out to advertise their porn
can't imagine the same thing flying if they were male

except for the odd "Im accusing you of being (poster I dont like) because you are posting (stuff I dont like, unrelated to the person I am claiming you are) I was only accurately picked out
With that said, Ive seen other people get accused of being me more times than I was correctly spotted


I am 48 years old and there is literally nothing wrong with me fapping my old dick to some fresh 18 year old pussy. seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeethe.

> Seth won
accurate. bonbi is btfo'd. she is now equally as ugly on the outside as on the inside. DUMB FAT EVIL BITCH
> Spammie won
WRONG. 2chen WILL RETURN. admin would never abandon us.
> Biden won
and Drumpf eternally btfo'd. next time we will get a real hitler, not some grimy new york shabbos goy who marries his daughter off to israel.





What were you imagining while fapping to this? i get off solely on imagining humilating bonbi. like shoving her fat pig face in food and pissing and shitting on her. God I'm becoming erect rn just typing this

bros I seriously recommend nutting into a clear glass. if not regularly, at least every month or so. it allows you to check how consistent your sperm is. I started doing this a couple years ago. you can estimate how much sperm is in the load vs. whatever the liquid is (semen). keeping a watchful eye on your fertility is literally the most important thing you can do.

> Man must not fall into the error of thinking that he was ever meant to become lord and master of Nature. A lopsided education has helped to encourage that illusion. Man must realize that a fundamental law of necessity reigns throughout the whole realm of Nature and that his existence is subject to the law of eternal struggle and strife. He will then feel that there cannot be a separate law for mankind in a world in which planets and suns follow their orbits, where moons and planets trace their destined paths, where the strong are always the masters of the weak and where those subject to such laws must obey them or be destroyed. Man must also submit to the eternal principles of this supreme wisdom. He may try to understand them but he can never free himself from their sway.

thumbnail of eggs.jpg
thumbnail of eggs.jpg
eggs jpg
(53.75 KB, 509x338)
> only mid thirties

what the heck nat??? i also dream about cuddling you and taking you out to dinner im not completely driven by lust i was just making an inflammatory comment to spice up the thread no need to make such rash allegations

> most posters are nonces just look at the discord
you're using discord as an example? kek
of course they are pedos there

in terms of the thread itself there's only ever been like 4 real pedos:
1) brandon
2) chilean pedo (friend of brandina)
3) moemin
4) the transgender hapa twitter filename poster who posts about baldness a lot and spams emojis. he was one of the people posting CP on 2chen.moe/jp/

these 4 people post an insane amount, especially 4). ttg is 100+ people. it's not a pedo community no matter how much the balding hapa wants it to be

He doesn't bother me as he's like a bot that has his pre-programmed reactions.  His attempts to claim everyone is a pedo and portray himself as having knowledge of everyone are pretty laughable too.  
I will admit that the threads are always worse when he's around though.

spammie is obviously posting, he's now the most recognizable and most present poster
other posters have obviously disappeared, we dont have even half the regular numbers so its impossible to claim that thats not the case
its just making me sad to see all those names, a lot of them just stopped coming or moved to the dead as fuck discord
im past coping and now im just sad i wont be able to talk to those anons anymore

Anon was replying to the gimmick schizo.  The gimmick schizo is the guy who is always giving people pet names for their "gimmick" and complaining that one of his gimmick identities is ruining everything like the spammie identity.

the schizo (spammie) has been trying very hard for the past few days to craft a narrative where his persona only lives in the imagination of other poster that accuses multiple innocent posters of being him. Yeah, I know, very elaborate, as expected of the mastermind who started spamming kids that time we told him to fuck off.

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