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thumbnail of Vanty Bionic Punch.mp4
thumbnail of Vanty Bionic Punch.mp4
Vanty... mp4
(2.19 MB, 720x1280 h264)
TikTok Zoomer General

Tiktok Downloader: >>>/awemer/
Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [ID Number] [Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/15440.html
> belle delphine's whole aesthetic
she started AFTER the tok came out, you know that right? belle wasnt whoring out back in the summer of 2018
it depends, if the deletion of the posts was the result of a shadowban then yes, the posts deleted at the same time than the shadowban are from the same poster.
hitlers a falseflagger, he manually deleted pushing p toddler replies to imply samefagging. But he got a little confused and binned my post too where i called her hideous. And that's the story of how i found out he's trans
i originated the 3chen meme because i was the only one that bothered to watch koto livestreams and found a clip of her accidentally saying 3chen
sorry bros looked in the mirror and saw my bald head that reminded me of babies head and i lashed out, please forgive me
every post he doesnt like is made by discord, all the pedophilia comes from the discord (when pressed for screenshots of said pedophilia he suddenly cannot post any more screenshots)
He has never stopped me from posting.  He's more perplexing than anything, what kind of sad pathetic life leads someone to be like that.
If schizo and nat poster are the same person than it's ironic that he screams about everyone being a pedo while he only posts and jerks off to the toks she made when she was 14
spammie can i be nat for you i can suck you off and if you close your eyes it will be like nat is slurping on your dick
im not replying to you if you capitalize the first letter of your post. be faux-apathetic like the rest of us or kick dirt.
> now 
he literally spams his shitty gimmicks the entire day
just because he isnt posting niko anus doesnt mean that he isnt being a nuisance
I will only ever capitalize the first letter of my post as it drives certain posters into a fit of rage
link me a single post where I called someone "spammy" or any variation of that name
You cant find a single one because I havent
> creates hostile environment for himself by being a dick
> its the pedophile transexual jewish admin lefty chilean discord that is after me
thumbnail of 6884786465142803718 Fit check tho #SkateLife #ThriftShop #DoItBold #fyp.mp4
thumbnail of 6884786465142803718 Fit check tho #SkateLife #ThriftShop #DoItBold #fyp.mp4
6884786465... mp4
(7.15 MB, 720x1280 h264)
after i stopped taking my medicine i was able to see spammy. he peered at me through the ventilation duct in my home. i will capture him soon.
So the issue is that web pages can only be so large before they kill your browser (especially on slower/older machines). 

I've recommended to the BO to turn on Cyclic mode on a thread. This just keeps the last 500 posts and just rotates them out as new posts are made. 1000 is probably already too large.
> This just keeps the last 500 posts and just rotates them out as new posts are made. 
I love collective amnesia and memory-holing previous posts
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thumbnail of 6851763847615810821.mp4
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(6.54 MB, 720x1280 h264)
I think we had some thread go for over 3000 posts in meguca and it worked fine, but if I expand 3 or 4 threads here my browser suffers yes

not really hevc support, you are being served a converted file, but yeah, it's nice
these insipid whores really just google 'MOST POPULAIR MANGA BOOK" and start gushing about how good berserk is

greetings from kazakhstan
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the amount of times i have seen niggas with this profile pic in my rocket league games is too high because those dudes suck so much fucking dick
and french people
hate weebs and french people in my games. always fucking tossers.
I just took a diarrhea shit in the toilet and feel terrific. I'm back in my bedroom and even though I just got up 2 hours ago I feel so blissful that I might just nap for another couple hours.

sometimes u just got some bad stuff in you that u have to get out. it's like how sometimes u just need to have a good long cry to get all the emotions out, but instead of emotions it's poo or vomit.
why does the little tickbox that enables auto refreshing get excited and jump a lil when you manually refresh?
wtf i posted this and now the tickbox got shy and stopped dancing but now the Auto XY count down text dances instead thats sick
idk what has happened to me but ever since 2chen went down ive started going into twitch streams and typing stuff hoping people interact with me
my tokfu also got minecraft boxers and she is so cool but there is no adminny anymore to admire her with me...
girls play the sims, with mods that allow them to live as the sex-concubine of a 7'2 goth kpop emo boy with strawberry bangs

boys play minecraft with andrew tate character skin and sex-with-animals plugin
the coolest kids generating god seed 33%
generating god seed 77%
generating god seed 81 perc
zoomerslulwlulw has acquired achievement: same three stones
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thumbnail of 7180598300653948206.mp4
7180598300... mp4
(14.72 MB, 1080x1920 h264)
ttg might be kill but I havent been in such a good music listening mood in years
check this shit out right fucking meow
Besides chan culture's idea of good music is lacking anyway so it is best to avoid.  I don't have spotify either or a smartphone.
any suggestions for websites I can visit to just be around a live chat with people who aren't normies, without any obligation for me to post? just to feel less lonely and scared once in a while.
I could use a cry right now but I'm scared of thinking about what I need to think about to set it off. the dread has been building up for weeks.
that nigga is Tim Murdock, a.k.a. 'Horus the Avenger', a.k.a. White Rabbit Radio. He's a bit of a relic from early 2010's internet white nationalism, helped popularize "anti-racism is a codeword for anti-white", "diversity is a code word for white genocide" and the other parts of The Mantra people are familiar with these days https://en.metapedia.org/wiki/The_Mantra
Glad to see he is still somewhat relevant.
I often see people say their only reason for not killing themselves is that their parents would be broken over it. whenever I've considered suicide over the years I always factored in just disappearing. Ensure your body is never identified after telling your family you're going to Alaska or something. It just doesn't seem like a big hold-up. If you're depressive you're probably making  your parents depressed already they'd be better off if you're just lost to them, even if they have a suspicion you might have killed yourself. Don't depressive people already fantasize about going to live in the woods and stuff?
Is ornithology anon here?
I saw an invasive Egyptian Goose the other day it was pretty cool
refreshing political feeds all day won't save you. the only way of being saved is to recognize Hitler as our savior and let him into your heart. only when the male and female egg become re-united can we become whole again and transcend. there's no earthly salvation. it's all rotten, and more suffocating by the day. let go, and listen to the words of Adolf Hitler. It's ok. It will all be fine.
> ai vtuber
that's neat
will have to check the /vt/ thread on it. I might actually start watching twitch for that, last time i did was for the chat plays pokemon streams, for the gold one
we multitasking.
occupying time with multiple activities is mandatory, i cannot see myself watching a movie or tv show, must be a in a second monitor.
there hasn't been a single post (1) in 40 minutes. we need to get serious. ttg can't survive without 2chen. I will say it again, we need to get in contact with admin. Time is running out. The more dead this place is, the quicker anons want to leave it.
moved to where?
anyways, i still think its over, moemin deleting his tiktok account is the final move, there's no recovering from that
I knew it. I knew admin wouldn't have abandoned us. He's just struggling with some deplatforming issue. He will find a way. God bless admin.

you keep posting this retarded blackpill. firstly, you've never posted proof admin even had a tiktok account (whenever anyone asks you just accuse them of being a newfag). secondly, why the fuck does it matter if he deleted his tiktok account? I deleted mine over a year ago. I thought 2chen was a replacement for tiktok.

you don't know that. admin always admitted he wasn't some tech genius. it took months for kiwifarms, 8ch@n and dai1ystormer to return online. why are you blackpilling the hopeless anons on here? you want people to kill themselves out of despair?
A genie lets you pick one tokfu to give MASSIVE honkers to but only one. Who do you pick? you can't pick delta you fags
> The Nuremberg executioners were Master Sergeant John C. Woods and his assistant, military policeman Joseph Malta. Woods miscalculated the lengths for the ropes used for the executions, some alleging intentionally, such that some of the men did not die quickly of an intended broken neck but instead strangled to death slowly.
> Born in Wichita, Kansas,[3] Woods joined the US Navy on December 3, 1929, and went absent without leave within months. He was convicted at a general court martial and subsequently examined by a psychiatric board on April 23, 1930. He was diagnosed with "Constitutional Psychopathic Inferiority without Psychosis", was found "poor service material" and discharged.[4] Before being inducted into the United States Army in August 1943, Woods was intermittently employed in construction as a laborer, and was working part-time at a feed-store in Eureka, Kansas, when he was registered for Selective Service in 1940. He married a nurse, Hazel Chilcott,[3] but had no children. 
I've been crunching numbers and after all these anons announcing their departure lately I've come to the conclusion that I'm the only active user left.
yippee is live
he's not a losertron poster
he said he was friends with AP, its one of the british discordniggers (either lime or "bingo anon")
I think I see more posts complaining about the "-$50 Discord" and "reluct" per thread than I have seen posts about the actual discord itself
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(31.02 MB, 720x1280 h264)
idk homie I didnt check her profile I just thought the fit was fire and wanted to share it with my bros (I know my bros dont give a shit about fashion but her ass looked real juiced and figured they might like that instead, win win)
> Shit up the thread with gay porn and gore
> Kill the site by crying to cloudfare
> Its Discord guys
Have you considered a therapist yet for a possible untreated mental illness
Could you explain what kind of content might get a site taken down by Cloudflare? It says in their policy that nothing besides illegal content will result in removal.
ive seen the mails and it clearly stated that someone complained about child porn being hosted on /tv/ which is not true
admin got his site back up and later it was taken down again for the exact same reason
> ive seen the mails and it clearly stated that someone complained about child porn being hosted on /tv/ which is not true

For the recent cloudflare takedown? Where did you see this, and what proof do you have?
western turks are the real turks and the ones who get the most attention
the rest like the circassians and kurds who are european live rurally in the south
moemin shared the cloudfare mails back on 2chen and it talked about complaints made against the site
spammie would frequently call the admin a pedophile and would spam gore and gay porn if someone posted low lvl tokfus
he also got his post removed talking about complaining to cloudfare because according to spammie moemin is a sex offender who molested a child
I remember some of the posts you're talking about. More clearly than you remember them, apparently.

But anyway, I will tell you that it is not possible to fool cloudflare to take a site down. They are extremely rigorous.
spammie claimed that moemin was a sex offender but then again he claimed a lot of things about moemin
i think our greatest luck is that spammie is insane so ots jard for him to ever paint a clear picture of our posters
What I do particularly remember is you labeling everyone with your favorite petname at the time accusing them of a "gimmick" no matter what they posted and when you weren't doing that you were claiming everyone was a schizo.  This is why you are called the gimmick schizo.
imagine if moemin raped you. you're at the convention and all of a sudden somebody comes up behind you, and you smell chloroform.

you wake up with a splitting headache in some con hotel room, dressed in a little anime dress that looks absurd on your hairy adult male body, your hands bound to a chair. a voice whispers behind you. "hello, stardust... my little kitten"
ill give you the benefit of the doubt here but schizo was replaced with spammie because everyone kept calling each other a schizo
I don't see a point.  You mostly only post old toks repetitively of girls who retired, partially retired, or turned to porn a year or even years ago instead of finding new ones.
There were a lot of underage girls on 2chen who were scantily clad or in revealing attire where you could see their genitals.  On top of that there were a series of clips of one 16 year old minor fully nude humping a dildo on a pillow.
he never bullies anyone hes one big joke
he tries to make fun of bingo but comes off as deranged 
why do you think we all make fun of him
not the guy you're replying to but you seem a little upset. perturbed i would almost venture

it might be time for a nature walk, these internet demons arent real anon, they cant hurt you
i bully him without any personal reasons
hes just an easy target and his tantrums are funny
thumbnail of 873 [OOC] (crush on me).mp4
thumbnail of 873 [OOC] (crush on me).mp4
873 [OOC]... mp4
(7.23 MB, 720x1280 h264)
any /ttg/ bros have the edit where's it's like this tiktok but after the "i think you do" it cuts to like a cool slideshow?
sumn like crushonme(fixed).mp4
dont ask questions just hold her morty while i swing this sock with a soap bar in it against her face
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wat png
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wut png
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has anyone ever had this favicon color bug on chrome? these are all youtube tabs. only seems to happen to favicons with red in em

deleting/regenerating the favicons file didnt fix it. doesn't happen on other browsers. dragging the same browser window onto my second monitor fixes it (???) then i can drag back to my primary monitor and it comes back. it persists through shutdown. weirdest bug ive ever seen.

i'm building a new pc in a few days anyway so it doesnt matter but i'm actually just curious what could cause this
originally just mentioning political beliefs was meant to be funny because openly talking politics is considered taboo, like the scene in monty python where the poor farmer jokingly questions having a king
now its just poorly hidden political campaigning
That's just how politics has worked since forever through repetition like the beating of a war drum to embolden and rally the troops.
politics are retarded youre fighting over who gets to spend your money to do the opposite of what benefits you as a person
i vote the anon party and i win every election
when presented with screenshots of samefagging, the person doing it isnt going to go "omg no, they have discovered my deepest secret! I must repent and abstain from repeating this behavior immediately lest I disgrace myself again!" but rather do it again regardless
just stop talking about it
board owner should turn on that rolling delete thing like endchadmin said

its pointless to have old threads here since we dont have megutv
He's so fat now his neck fat fold pushes his head back so he can't look straight at the camera.  You are getting a bit of an under angle.
new 2 trillion dollars in damage nog riot just dropped
they got floyd-like video of cops tazing a BLM founder to death
> The mutt, the fire
> The jive, the no-hire
> The illegal alien
> In my sombrero attire
> The burrito blast at siesta speed
> Is she down with the globohomo? (I am yes indeed)
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hmm jpg
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hmm2 jpg
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it seems if you replace the file extension (but NOT the &sfrm=jpg, it must be kept as is) with .png you get a better copy
haven't found a way to get a better copy than png 2000-height. it gives something called ".jxr" that is higher file size but looks the same as png

in any case, will update nat archive with the best copies i can fiddle out of it later
> JPEG XR[4] (JPEG extended range[5]) is an image compression standard for continuous tone photographic images, based on the HD Photo (formerly Windows Media Photo) specifications that Microsoft originally developed and patented.[6] It supports both lossy and lossless compression, and is the preferred image format for Ecma-388 Open XML Paper Specification documents. 

> As of January 2021, there were still no cameras that shoot photos in the JPEG XR (.JXR) format. 


oh god i just realized i have to open every single clothing listing and check the alternative colors in case they used nat there but not on the cover
> 30 hours
> 800 posts
Мёртвый тред
Постят говно (как обычно)
Да и сами вы говно
Только чип открываю и смотрю
good to see the most unpleasant anon is still here and keeps spamming that disgusting pic
that's some real actual mental illness on display
I was gone for a day and I see schizo is literally the exact same as he's always been.  Making up unprovable bullshit and then samefagging himself in agreement.
i started malding for like two years but then it stopped and gave me a very straight forehead hairlinethats not even on the norwood chart 
havent been losing hair ever since either its very weird
emiru is underrated tbh
glad italiano is brave enough to show her the appreciation she deserves

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