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thumbnail of 7187823133053684998 There I did it.mp4
thumbnail of 7187823133053684998 There I did it.mp4
7187823133... mp4
(10.8 MB, 1080x1920 h264)
Tiktok Zoom Central

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/1997.html
Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/16467.html
technically we are on like ttg #8 or #9 because of the fucking 1000 POST LIMT ENDMINYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
> The ho, the fire
> The live, the sex-for-hire
> The child pornstar
> In my jailbait attire
> The squirter blast at broadband speed
> Is she down with camwhoring? (I am yes indeed)
she is BUILT for squatting heavy weights at the gym while I hit chest & tris and then flirt with her on the drive to our homestead (we are married)
got off work at the mines, getting a chocolate milkshake and an apple pie at mcdonalds bros hows your friday so far
what will the court do if someone opens a OF at 18 and posts pics of themselves at 17.99 year old?
didn't you know that californians should be allowed to dictate what's right and what's wrong all around the world? your barbaric laws and sense of morality don't matter
this anonie has been shot to dead while typing his post, accidentally his head has fallen into the Enter key, which is why you can see the post now.
Saw a cute alt girl today. She exited the train I had to take, walked by me really close. Should have taken her home.
thread sucks and no liveposting
endchan doesnt enforce our laws and now our threads are even worse
the fat retard swede is live
having mad fun on the discord right now you guys should think about joining 
i paid for bigger file uploads so we can all post our favorite tokfus
thumbnail of 7157240486024039686.mp4
thumbnail of 7157240486024039686.mp4
7157240486... mp4
(18 MB, 1080x1920 h264)
I dont see you posting any toks at all, my browser must be bugged
A few weeks back my desktop fyp was better than my app one in every aspect and a lot of the toks I got on my phone I had already gotten on desktop a few days before but it shifted around the new year
it's been grim
what is the name of that bald swedish nazi
i could jumpkick that guy into next weeki could probably surprise him and knock him out with a single haymaker
we need more people like him
i wonder if i could knock pewdiepie out if i caught him unaware
no hits that could put him in the hospital and me behind bars, but maybe like a good punch in the throat 
he is pretty fit though so i dont know if i could do it
the next time i have to fight someone im gonna tell them i will rape them if i win 
imagine the mental anguish it would create, the fight or flight instincts would become an inner struggle 
i would look really serious too and maybe lick my lips to let the other guy know im serious
maybe anounce that im already getting a chub a little or something
dam wasnt even thinkn of a stream since she posted a story of her being sick. i should really set up  a phone notification or sumn but i think i need to make an account for that
why sometimes when i click on the filename of a video it dowloads it and sometimes it opens the video on my browser? this didn't happen in 2chen😠
I think schizo is posting in /tv/ right now, spamming gay porn images and screaming pedo.
Confirmed that schizo is posting in a 4chan /tv/ thread screeching at people.  Is he a bot?
Schizo was the one doing that, literally same behaviour as he does here, same responses to people.  Does he just go around screaming at everyone all day all over the internet?  What kind of psycho does that?
Channels?  The girls are tokfus.  The clips are toks.  The accounts are profiles.  The "broadcasts" are streams.  Nigga thinking we turning into Walter Cronkite for the nightly news.  Get it together adminy.  Been watching too much boomer media like youtube and twitch where they use channels to not scare the geriatric.  Make them think they still watching tv.
thank god the bonbifag didnt post the bonbi webm
it wouldve sent me over the edge. I might have turned feral at the sight
That's definitely her fat upper pussy area squeezing and spreading out because despite that outfit being tight, she definitely couldn't push her gunt all into it.
Anyone have the bonbi pic where you can see she has a red rash where her thigh meets her torso?  I laugh everytime I see it
thumbnail of clearly a downie.png
thumbnail of clearly a downie.png
clearly a downie png
(243.01 KB, 410x334)
I am not paying 45 dollars so this little shit can make gingerbread castles.  I better get the retard discount.  Just look at her.  She's obviously a downy who should get special consideration.
I don't think those could make it up those massive thighs without a hell of a lot of force.  They would fall down if anything
From now on when people start getting cranky over whether bonbi is white we just point to this pic and say,"NOPE!  That's a mutt."
it's the Jews. they are trying to sap your vital essence by getting you addicted to nutting to tiktok whores. wake up white man. it's not the masons, it's not the illuminati, it's the Jews, stupid.
deny them your essence. we are in a psywar, and the more essence you have the more powerful your psychic energy is in taking the fight direct to these Jew bastards.
why would a woman advertise her disloyalty to a potential future mate? do they not realize guys care about this? even if he wants to fugg he will never take her serious. dumb whore bitch cunt.
why is this ugly high-testosterone freak so self-confident? she thinks she's a lot smarter and cooler than she is. and she must realize she is fucking hideous. I said it before and I'll say it again, I have no problem with uggos, I just hate it when they don't know their place. she should be banned from tiktok for offending beautiful people.
I have diahrrea but don't want to do a poo because I did one a couple hours ago and it was a horrible feeling. was legit worried I'd vomit because of the nausea.


sex with koto while she tries to be as quiet as possible so her evil mother doesn't hear 🥰
stop posting girls with insane amounts of makeup it's bad enough already that all of them are hags
that guys resorted to trying to pedopost with 20 year old LATAM onlyfans girls
hes lost the plot
there are actually anons planning on retiring? western civilization is not lasting till you turning 75
python3 tt_lives_recorder.py -c xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -f ./download/@{username}/{user_id}/{live_id}.mp4 -ll 10 -rt 10 -dtf -sm -mf
it says 350mb size limit but when i try to upload a large file it just says connection failed
I feel bad for the normies who have to experience what I smell like when I must venture out of me parents' house to buy the tendies. I haven't showered in over a week. there is a nasty stench eminating from my taint region constantly and you can smell it even if I put on clean clothes my mummy has washed for me. I often like to sit with my legs open when I'm in my bedroom alone, and just take giant whiffs.
i read this 4chan or reddit post a long time ago about some guy who just reeked of shit no matter what he did. like, he would shower and clean himself thoroughly and he would still smell like he shat himself afterwards. must be awful!
how do you still not realize that this place is majority comprised of pedophiles who want to have sex with minors 
none of these people are good. if you are looking to create new friends and relationships you are setting yourself up for failure by looking to /ttg/

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