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sorry for the late reply. I usually use t=v but I tried using t=uv because t=v didn't work and gave me an "Empty response." error.

Is there any way of downloading stuff now without using cookies from a logged in account? I've never used cookies from tiktok as I don't have an account and it's worked perfectly fine for months.
i cant download tiktoks from this profile 7156516182881832235
works fine for all the other profiles ive tried

heres my script 

node videos-node.js t=v d=255 q i=clipboard f="Videos\awemer" cookie=xxx convert_hevc rename_hevc progress_bars x

does it work for you guys?
dl tampermonkey/violentmonkey extension
use this userscript

// UserScript
// @name         Print UID to Console
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://www.tiktok.com/@* [Embed]
// @icon         
// @grant        none
// /UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

    let userId = window['SIGI_STATE'].UserModule.users[window['SIGI_STATE'].UserPage.uniqueId].id;
    console.log('HELLO!: ' + userId);
    let infoNode = document.createElement("p");
    infoNode.innerHTML = "Meta: " + userId;// + " " + NEXT_DATA.props.pageProps.userInfo.stats.videoCount;
    //let descNode = document.getElementsByClassName("share-desc")[0];
    //let descNode = document.getElementsByClassName("tiktok-b1wpe9-H2ShareDesc")[0];
    let likesNode = document.getElementsByTagName("strong")[3];
    likesNode.innerHTML =  "Meta: " + userId;
    //let containerNode = likesNode.parentNode;
    //console.log(containerNode, containerNode.childElementCount);
    //containerNode.insertBefore(infoNode, likesNode);
    //console.log(containerNode, containerNode.childElementCount);
here are the outputs from print uid to console

HELLO! Print UID to Console.user.js:15:13
TypeError: window.SIGI_STATE.UserModule is undefined
    VMwrdt7cwtq2p moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/ Print UID to Console.user.js#9:17
    VMwrdt7cwtq2p moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/ Print UID to Console.user.js#9:30
    VMwrdt7cwtq2p moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/ Print UID to Console.user.js#9:31
    Ut moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/sandbox/injected-web.js:1
     moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/ Print UID to Console.user.js#9:1
    Se moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/sandbox/injected-web.js:1
    post moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/sandbox/injected-web.js:1
    ScriptData moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/sandbox/injected-web.js:1
    onHandle moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/sandbox/injected-web.js:1
    je moz-extension://57cc0fd2-d46f-472b-9c1c-d2bfcb7a49b7/sandbox/injected-web.js:1
Print UID to Console.user.js:31:28
XHRGEThttps://www.tiktok.com/api/user/detail/?aid=1988&app_language=en&app_name=tiktok_web&browser_language=en-GB&browser_name=Mozilla&browser_online=true&browser_platform=Win32&browser_version=5.0 (Windows)&channel=tiktok_web&cookie_enabled=true&device_id=7188710928320693765&device_platform=web_pc&focus_state=true&from_page=user&history_len=3&is_fullscreen=false&is_page_visible=true&language=en&os=windows&priority_region=&referer=&region=EN&screen_height=1080&screen_width=1920&secUid=MS4wLjABAAAAs2aCZSPn0WmEbk351UV-pmM2TwrIh_2jCNaAR2KiiRCZuQsoC9wQsyzXG-b9NwWF&tz_name=Europe/Paris&uniqueId=jessepinkmanstinkman&webcast_language=en&msToken=JILdwxr4lJXAFB44o0SXx68eMOoJb8pP5VJjeNzLNVqLxlFrOmIpZfkJNdut6NFeaUYr2uGKCFdm-j7Ndfk4p1EVY8mgzcv_Zjqr6r75CyTIiPnBrWIys9pW36h_jvyW5XC56KhDOloDdw==&X-Bogus=DFSzsIVOy-iAN9Y/SZArz2O8kJMp&_signature=_02B4Z6wo000012MB99AAAIDCf0JJby6NiedjAPNAALsO08
[HTTP/2 200 OK 419ms]
Maybe its your cookie/account then.
Works for me.
Can you scrape stories with that cookie?
That's not an error just a warning when the response is suspiciously empty. It can false positive if you're account doesn't have a lot going on.
Getting an internal server error.
Any idea what might be causing this? Not doing anything different than the last 20 times it worked.

Error: Internal Server Error
    at ClientRequest. (C:\...\awemer_2022.12.10\videos-node.js:834:14)
    at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)
    at ClientRequest.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnIncomingClient [as onIncoming] (node:_http_client:693:27)
    at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (node:_http_common:117:17)
    at TLSSocket.socketOnData (node:_http_client:534:22)
    at TLSSocket.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:324:12)
    at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:297:9)
    at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:234:10)
Seems a lot of people are having cookie issues, so I'll just add that I am using a logged in sessionid cookie.

Exact command;
node videos-node.js t=uv d=255 q=2 cookie=2361f490bbc89f8227722d10cd6481c6 l=5000 i=52025260371369984 f=./output
Is there any neat greasemonkey scripts extensions that will just allow me to download a videos on an individual basis as I'm scrolling through a profiles videos. I tried a few on greasyfork but the best and most consistent I got was https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/447369-tiktok-download . It works but you have to right click open in new tab which is a pain in the put.
There's this one https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tikfast-tiktok-video-down/enbpgklkminalibdialjfpkfejckhpfd

But it also opens into a new tab to select download options. It has a bulk feature but I've found it finicky.
If I'm being totally honest, I use this
For single video downloads, or even just a couple videos like when Lily updates.
It's not really what the other guy was asking for, so I didn't recommend it, but it works for me, I find it efficient, and don't mind the extra clicks

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