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> he
you guys really are delusional, everyone that attacks your little pedo circlejerk must be spammie
Where will we meet if we get kicked from endchan? We have to find a place we can communicate from even if we can't post toks.
oh nice, I doubt there'll be consensus around colors, but layout could probably be improved a bit. mainly there's a lot of extra space at the bottom that's being hogged up by the content actions form and reply form if it's open. it'd be nice if posts too up as much space as possible with like a minimal footer
To protect my own emotions I have decided to not trust anyone that says that 2chen is back up
one day it will be true and I will miss it but that is the price we pay
> mainly there's a lot of extra space at the bottom that's being hogged up by the content
it would be cool if it was hidden under a collapsible dropdown arrow
she's right though, nobody wants an unhappy person that isn't comfortable with themselves
work on that first and the girls will come
https://www.tiktok.com/@trashboatdotcom [Embed]
yes so we should probably have someone bake a new thread around 980 posts instead of letting it go up to 1k and then multiple people bake
theres already a thread so we can just use that one

do NOT click this until you make 10 posts: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/2027.html

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New Reply on thread #2022
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