/ttg/ - Tik Tok General

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thumbnail of 7182658775801695530 viverse is not doing well rn.mp4
7182658775... mp4
(5.19 MB, 720x1280 h264)
TikTok Zoomer General

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/1997.html

Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/2027.html
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final_8242e75679693771 mp4
(12.8 MB, 854x480 h264)
> Not until I gradually settled down to my surroundings, and the confused picture began to grow clearer, did I acquire a more discriminating view of my new world. And with that I came up against the Jewish problem.
> I will not say that the manner in which I first became acquainted with it was particularly unpleasant for me. In the Jew I still saw only a man who was of a different religion, and therefore, on grounds of human tolerance, I was against the idea that he should be attacked because he had a different faith. And so I considered that the tone adopted by the anti-Semitic Press in Vienna was unworthy of the cultural traditions of a great people. ... Generally speaking, these anti-Semitic newspapers did not belong to the first rank--but I did not then understand the reason of this--and so I regarded them more as the products of jealousy and envy rather than the expression of a sincere, though wrong-headed, feeling.
an insane gf would be nice, and when i'm done with her i can simply use a neuralyzer on her and have no bad feelings
is brandon the only poster that posts tokfus literally no one is interested in? I get the impression he follows dozens of these generic, interchangeable tokfus.
I wonder how many people made it over here, I see some of the worst posters made it over.
make me mod, I will ban all the bad posters! (I am angry and have lots of time on my hands)
Would be funny if all of this was because admin was on vacation and the server died.
It's my guess as it went down the day after christmas, he may have just decided to turn it off before he left just in case schizo tried to do something
but why didn't he say anything?
could have just said "gonna turn off 2chen for a couple of days because I won't have any time to check on it."
first thing i'm doing when 2chen is back is downloading the stream archive
also does anyone know how to make a script to archive 2chen threads?
Nah, he followed the law by deleting illegal material.  If he was intentionally allowing it up then people would believe your shit schizo.
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54 -... jpg
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> Sick every single new years
it's not fair bros, I thought this year would be different but now tonight I feel the sore throat creeping up, it's over
There are a bunch of different reasons but usually if someone is arrested it would be posted and the site seized and show a federal agency symbol and a message about the site being seized.

Much more heinous things are posted and remain up on much more popular chan sites like 4chan so you're "muh arrested" shit is pretty tired.  Unless I see evidence that it was then I don't believe it as he obviously took steps to follow the law.
thumbnail of it's over.mp4
thumbnail of it's over.mp4
it's over mp4
(2.56 MB, 720x1280 h264)
I knew something was wrong the moment moemin stopped locking old threads
it's almost certain that he deliberately shut down 2chen
the reason he hasn't just published the reason why the site is down is because it's embarrassing and he knows he is in the wrong

it is because of content that he left up
i'm pretty sure all the oldfags left /ttg/ back in 2021 for 2chen's hidden board /vip/ where they could pedopost and share @s and archives freely, keeping /ttg/ as a containment board for spammie and all the other posters they didnt like. it's probably what was on their board that got 2chen taken down.
I'm going to buy hard drives and DOWNLOAD EVERYTHING. I hope to God that admin returns and saves the site. I am a retard for not doing this sooner.

14. HH.
I had the same thing happen on 2chen a couple times. It's just cause my filenames have @s in them but I don't know what is causing it
Are you sneeding me? 
Dude are you sneeding me? 
Are you sneeding me right now?
Why are you sneeding a chuck?
That's...are you a city slicker?
Are you a city slicker? 
Are you a city slicker? 
Don't...don't sneed chucks, dude.
I'm a chuck
I'm a chuck, don't sneed-what the fuck?
Ok, this is a porno for chucks if you sneed chucks.
I'm a chuck
You know as much as i hate mothi, we would be perfect for each other. I can't even begin to imagine how hot the hate sex would be /j
Wish we had megu. In these comfy hours i would be posting good finds from megu here.
You do fucking know moemin was getting paid by the fbi right? I've been saying it all along there was a fucking warrant cannary and it went away a month after the site opened.
Yeah, that's the majority of posters. But guess what you and i both know there are fucked up people coming here. Those people are tracked back to where they live and what they do. Do you know how many freak live in our country? How do you think they catch criminals before the act of crime?
maybe you should get off of your meds anon. all that shit's blurred your mind so much you can't stop sucking glowing cocks
i had a dream that my parents kicked me out and i took my bed amd my battlestation out and i was just chilling and gaming at my battlestation outside. but then it started raining and everything was ruined
that video of andrew tate getting dragged into a police car by the romanian swat team is so fucking surreal
anon we've all missed out on things we could've had it life. but you cannot imagine having a 15 year old girlfriend anymore. Some people had good experiences and we had the shitty end of the stick. what are you gonna do? it is what it is.
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thumbnail of Tate.jpg
Tate jpg
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If /ttg/ has a million posters, I’m one of them. If /ttg/ has a hundred posters, I’m one of them. If /ttg/ has ten posters, I’m one of them. If /ttg/ has one anon, then I’m him. If /ttg/ has no posters, then I am no longer alive
any interesting posts in this thread that I should go back reading or was it just a continuation of last nights shitshow?
tate is just an edgy entertainer 
stupid people will take what comes out of his mouth as 100% serious
I really like how terfchan has the option to hide sage posts so you can just enjoy the contributions
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thumbnail of 2022-02-05.7061067760742403374_i_didnt_get_like_any_vids_SMHH_CA-264.mp4
2022-02-05... mp4
(2.87 MB, 540x960 h264)
Today we are listening to this musica tropicale album called Sex Symbol by Adalberto Santiago
reason for listening to it: got a song of theirs on my fyp and I liked it (the song was La Noche Mas Linda)
small fun coincidence: the account that had the tok was called Mr. Chip
If someone drew a 100% accurate drawing of Andrew Tate
You would be like "that's a shit drawing"
realists are the artists who were too fucking dumb to draw or paint but had the conviction and dedication to learn it anyways
No this is actually a terrible idea. you're going to end up with teens streaming hours of TT right in front of the fridge, getting fat.
Update: my bogan neighbours didn't shoot a single firework tonight. Guess they finally learned how many days December has.
Mothi reported the site to the police because of the stalker so moemin had to shutitdown.jpeg
i can usually see through the jank and the aging graphics of old games
i played through system shock 2 this year and its like the best single player experience ive had in a long ass time
I got a tok of a lady pumping her breast milk today. nipple cleary visible getting suctioned back and forth
didn't save it
Fun fact: I've been scraping mothi so long my folder for her is still called "loveghoulish" which she hasn't had for a few years now.
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thumbnail of Cobra Tate - Revert to Gender Roles.webm
Cobra Tate - Revert... webm
(11.31 MB, 640x360 vp8)
granted the tate arrest is just gonna make him more popular when he is released again especially the media coverage with them literally sitting outside his place filming the arrest
> take steroids bro
> beat women bro
> be friends with criminals bro
> lock women in your house bro
> walk around like a timebomb getting mad over the tiniest shit bro
such a masculine figure, totally not mentally ill
> beat women bro
This is the one thing I can agree with.  Maybe women would be better people if they were beaten more.  Spare the rod spoil the child.
That's basically cheating and I don't install specialized scripts for websites besides 8ball worked before because it gave everyone the same fortune viewable by all.
it is random, but predictable random, everyone should get the same results and they should persist between page refreshes
but I totally get it
you guys know that feel when you really want to say something but realize that sharing it will add nothing of value? no?
maybe just me then
remember when spammie got mad at that anon making beating up women jokes
now he's defending tate, truly a drone
only leftwingers are other faggots hate tate nayway. Not worth listening to these ""people""
spammie has seen the light, he will know the joy of watching the latest amateur soccer match with a after working construction all day, and your bitch wife not talking through the game every 3 minutes
my tokfu would date andrew tate and so would yours. this enrages us. he can't keep being rich and handsome
one thing has to be said about the temporary chentube
its slightly eerie seeing these guests in the viewer list. they could just be random nerds somewhere that are watching along with us
When it comes to his legal situation based on the little I have read I would not be surprised if he did nothing wrong legally but he will get the book thrown at him due to his "politics."  About his philosophies they are so generic there is not much to disagree with though he seems like a grifter.  I feel nothing toward him.  I don't care about ecelebs or other kinds of celebrity.  Wake me up when he names the Jew.
i think expensive watches look like shit thbqhdesu. they look like ricer gear in MMOs
the only watches that look good are the super simple-looking ones
if communism failed then what did fascism do you retard, both ideologies are edgy memes for teenagers and jobless neets
oh nvm then i thought it was just random people checking out the github and checking the sample site and seeing it being used
the Guest0 guy has been connected for days I think, no idea who that guy is
I unironically like grand seikos so i can't really talk about taste, but i do know that i have better taste than tate
i hate commies and nazoids because they think theyre more than proles 
they need to sray in their lanes
that brainworm chan we got kicked off her shittons of threads about "communist trans theory" and etc
its a funny read
probably fashion in some sense and perhaps even sewing though nothing ive seen hints at that, its just what energy she gives off
You need to go find a real gf to devote this kind of time into instead of investing it into an underwhelming, unremarkable egirl
girls like guys that can create websites that have small communities on them
perhaps try creating a new meguca ttg. chicks dig that
endchadmin liveposting is broken on chrome as of today
it shows disconnected immediately after you refresh
it's the chilean, since he is third world he has an unconscious desire to annoy the first world tokfus

tap tap tap ma'am
i dont get why bubwigger absolutely has to post unspoilered porn in the main thread
he has a porn thread and everything, just needs the attention. needy black child
If people would stop using Firefox and switch to a better browser, you wouldn't have to mald about hevc.
hevcposting has to be the saddest form of shitposting

It's like being at a party and all you can talk about is how lonely you are
thumbnail of Ichigo Bateman.mp4
thumbnail of Ichigo Bateman.mp4
Ichigo... mp4
(3.31 MB, 720x1280 hevc)
firefoxposting has to be the saddest form of shitposting

It's like being at a party and all you can talk about is how lonely you are
> follow a tokfu

> thought she is 16 (in her bio)

> turns out she is 26 and was a webcamwhore
If you went to dinner with ryo what would even order? I have no idea what vegetarians eat desu
imost vegetarian food at restaurants is vegetable soups
basically they just put all of their near-to-expire veg in a pot, fry it in seed oil sometimes with a little flour, pour stock on it (it is sometimes chicken or beef stock, if that's all they got, vegetarians...) and then simmer it for half an hour, then hit it with as tick blender
No yeah you're right anon she just happened to put on weight after she got a boyfriend because he likes to cook for her
ryo also said she weighs exactly the same now as she did 3 years ago which is BS.
i'm not even saying she's fat, she looks good, but THE SAME weight? no way
The FBI is political police, they have extensive propaganda in movies and tv shows to pretend they go around catching criminals when they actually exist to suppress dissidents and others who disagree with the government.  They often do stuff like prey on mentally ill people and push them into committing crimes.
> They often do stuff like prey on mentally ill people
makes sense why they go after white nationalists then
thanks for clearing that up
Not what I meant then but sure.  If you look into their operations over the last few years like that lefty group who was going to kidnap the governor, it turned out that half of the group including the people pushing for the action were feds, atomwaffen as well was completely taken over by feds and used hallucinogenic drugs on mentally ill young people to try and convince them to commit crimes.  The history of the FBI is the history of gay ops.  Bombings that killed people in the 60s and 70s were widely blamed on the KKK but turned out to be committed by an FBI asset who was protected from prosecution.
click the post number
where the fuck did you come from? did some discord or telegram pedophile link you this place?
very unfortunate that brandon and his ilk followed us here
they should have died with 2chen
Ipad blog update
on the 9th gen, 16:9 vids are uncomfy. borders too big
but 4:3 is SOVL

imma watch hxh
not the modern 2011
are you a girl on tiktok? if yes the you're someone's waifu
also if you you're a cute femboy, those fall under the definition as well
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thumbnail of The Amulet of Natkings_59.94006fps.mp4
The Amulet... mp4
(37.76 MB, 720x1280 h264)
maybe it's just someone from another endchan board who wandered in

newfriend what do you think of nat? is she cute and the best tokfu?
settings > filters > put this in

//#wipe(samelines,samewords,longwords,symbols,numbers,whitespace) |
#exp(/2chen/i) |
Most boards on endchan are dead. All we see are pics of teen girls on the front page. That's why you get visitors btw.
Yes, we know
Site owner even removed us from being able to show up on the "most recently active threads" because of it but forgot to remove us from the "Top images" list
Im not talking about the board tech but the inhabitants
2chen had a bad few hours here and there but it seems to be a larger part of the day here
perhaps its selection bias where the bad posters are the more likely  to be on a lot during the holidays or that the good posters are not around as much to where the ill ones take up a larger share of the thread than they used to do
> 2chen had a bad few hours here and there
lmao nigga the bad hours were 24 hours a day by the end wtf are you talking about
found one bug on locked threads since i changed how locked threads are shown yesterday. Should be all fixed.

Board owner has to enable IDs

How can we make them more usable?

You can always ask on >>>/operate/

Ah weird yes, I see. Fixed.

yes. Personally I like active communities on the homepage but the community manager (BO) chooses the board settings.
tighter moderation, our rules have always been:
1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds 
but all of these are being broken through backdoors and using your hospitality to get away with it
Don't know if anybody mentioned it but ryo took back her old username
https://www.tiktok.com/@ryogerms [Embed]
there's also some dollchan settings that configure it, mainly "reply form display in thread" -> "at bottom"
and the mascots userscript
otherwise it's this

/* Post styling */
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/* Larger min size of reply box*/
textarea#fieldMessage {
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input#oekakiWidth {
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input#oekakiHeight {
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/* actually, just hide it */
td:has(input#oekakiWidth) {
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/* Hide padding on top of reply form */
div.hField {
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/* Hide manage board, moderate thread links (may not work on older? FF) */
p:has(a#linkManagement) {
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/* Hide nav links under reply form */
p.topNav {
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/* Hide close reply form button */
div.de-parea > div:first-of-type {
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/* Remove del link */
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/* Hide posting mode banner */
div#modeBanner {
    display: none;

/* Site announcements in header */
details > iframe {
    background-color: #676E7CD0;
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Rule 1 is and always has been dumb. Lewding is 80% of the appeal of toks, some tokfus have charisma but most are just nice to look at. If there's no lewding then you're just expecting people to sit there saying "yeah, great tok, really liked how she did the same dance as everyone else in the same cosplay as everyone else to the same song as everyone else"
> but anonie, it's OK to lewd, just the adult tokkers
nobnody cares, 90% of tokkers are underage
you want to bring in a more common sense rule like "no lewding tokkers under like 14 or whatever subject to admin's discretion" then sure, straight off no lewding minors is stupid especially when we are a vibrant diverse international community with varying standards as to what a minor is
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aeiou jpg
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this one is really minor but i figure you'd want to know about it anyway for your bug book

when there's a post at the bottom of the page which quotes a *large* post, when i mouse over the quote, it vibrates the shit out of my browser 9001 times a second as the big quoted post resizes the page (which mouses me off of the quoted post and back onto it over and over)
there's no hard-and-fast easy definition for what is a cancerous pedopost, it's just something moderators will have to make judgment calls on. nobody gives a shit about someone typing "nice legs" at a pic of 17.95 year old nozzomi, but the weirdo who spams about rape-correction of 13yos shits up the thread and should be removed
see I think if Sushi was conventionally prettier her hoeniess would come off as sluttier. But since she's a little bit plain, a little bit tomboyish it comes off as more rambunctious and fun.
> nigger
I can (and have) written essays about 15 second bonbi toks describing their sophistication and artistry from makeup to choreography without lewding her just dont be a nigger and get a tokfu with toks worth exalting
is it possible to disable the animation that shows up when you hover over a reply with dollchan? I just want it to instantly show up like on stock endchan without the animation and the increased font size
How are u so dumb that u think bc we post toks we have to talk about them and ur so retarded that the only thing u can think to say about them is horny
glad somebody said it
if your argument is that there is nothing worth discussing about the tiktoks you post then you should simply stop posting shitty tiktoks
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overheat jpg
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is there any way to get the page to lock to the bottom and auto-scroll like on meguca, so i dont gotta scroll down myself?
I figured it out.  Admin shut down the site for a period of time to make schizo think he won, the site will come back after a while.
how do i change the color of everyone's text in css?
and how do i make the tabs of every post transparent?
all i know is that on her twitch stream where she complained about the stalker guy, aiden kept laughing at minecraft and she was getting super annoyed at him by the end
inspect elements to figure out which selectors you need and then try shit out until it works the way you want
as a starting point, all posts are inside divs with the innerPost class
any of you firefox chads that have any recommended extensions for us chrome refugees fleeing manifesto 3?
daaaamn this shit is way better bro. how did i miss this? fuck those gay ass uninspired evangelion edits this is the shit
when we measured our heads in high school I had the largest circumference
what does this say about me?
Goodnight guys, sadly we don't have moderation here on endchan. See you tomorrow for the new years eve <3
this spammer 1 day later:

> guys, endchan is so bad, we get spammed all the time, let's go to discord
might as well, you only get one opportunity to do such a thing without it ruining a normal thread; this one is already past the point
we get it, you're alright with bbc spam but God forbid someone is racist and you have to spam the thread seething about muh nazis.
I hate how blacked stuff is pretty well edited, imagine if you used that power for good
what are you talking about, this is exactly what i mean, this kind of schizo 'outing' has been past its expiration date for months now
I would legit not mind if you posted big white cocks instead of niggers. it's the niggers that I find disgusting, idm if you spam pornography though. would you mind posting normal porn and not blacked?
daily reminder that "big black cock" is literally a hoax
there was a hacker thread in the catalog a couple of days ago that's not there anymore, someone obviously has access to some buttons
you can tell he is about to cum by how much his spamming has slowed down
he cant even get up to 2chen gore levels. pathetic
just want to reiterate that the board owner turned captcha on 10mins ago so her is currently here, and deliberately not banning the guy
He did not. I turned captcha on, as a reminder for the BO to check his board. Posts which were reported globally I deleted.
captcha: 54bbc5
Just wanted to reitreate that you have schizophrenia, a debilitating mental illness that interferes with your ability to perceive reality itself
please ignore this person if he ever accuses you of stuff or just ban him
he has severe schizophrenia and thinks everyone is aligned with some discord server full of pedophiles that doesn't exist
I promise you none of us actually believe anything he says and we appreciate being allowed to stay on endchan
so can captcha be turned on and off by the BO, or is that just a global mod thing?

also just for feedback the captcha never seems to refresh properly, and every time I try to post it tells me the captcha has expired and I have to manually reload and input again
he is our local schizo obsessed with everyone's identity, he believes the weirdest things about pepple
my favorite theory of his is that 4chan mods were in cahoots on our former board
*growls and kicks dust angrily* the only thing that makes me angrier than andrew tate, is when someone says transfolk arent valid
> my favorite theory of his is that 4chan mods were in cahoots on our former board
The guy you're talking about was a bonbiposter who thought that spammie was a 4chan mod on /wsg/. You are unironically dog-awful at spotting posters and your post is deeply ironic
The only funny thing here is watching you become what haunts you - a fictional poster with schizophrenia who has weird theories about everyone and derails the thread

You are spammie
BOs can turn it on and off.
It expires in like 20-30 secs or something, not sure how much after that it refreshes. Foor good measure, start with a reload.
It gives me the expired thing even when I answer it and my post goes through, sometimes

Board owner can you turn it off, I don't think it will really hinder the bbc spammer anyway
One thing I'd suggest to BO to turn hourly thread limit on.

> I don't think it will really hinder the bbc spammer anyway
That's exactly what a bbc spammer would say.
say if he were in this thread right now and reading this post how exactly would he do that? asking for a friend btw

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Duration: Days

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1000 replies | 379 file
New Reply on thread #5051
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