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Safe haven from 4chan jannies

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TikTok Zoomer General

TikTok Downloader: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/5051.html

Sauce? https://www.tiktok.com/@share/video/ [Embed] [ [Embed]">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx (except to bring Seth to justice)
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

Old: https://endchan.org/ttg/res/74.html#74
ok we're actually dead. board owner you need to choose between sleep and trusting strangers to moderate.
at least now we know wr have a spaniard, canadian, aussie, brit, german, and mexican
it's probably one of the flags posted
i suspect the mexican
just think it's him for no reason at all other than that he's mexican
I doubt anyone would be driven away if it was turned on for like an hour or so, people could just choose not to post during that time
it could be a smart idea to trial different new things while we are here anyways
might as well see if it improves thread quality to have IDs, brings some use to this purgatory we are in
ids will make it meta to samefag on a phone and mash airplane mode to agree with yourself
people will be discouraged from shitposting too hard if everyone can see thread id, which is half the reason 2chen went downhill
ids will mean i'm not allowed to get drunk, call mothi a bitch, then wake up and say i love mothi
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Reze... webm
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I really hate how i will have to wait till season 2 of chensoman to get the deluge of reze cosplays.
And on addendum, my mind wasn't blown by the anime the hype was blown out of proportion and the director is hack.
< OMG i wanna make it more like Hollywood
whenever I (you) myself its usually when I forgot to add something to my post like if I was going to link something or if I forgot to attach a tok I was talking about
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if IDs become a thing 
im confessing now
my sins
i pivot from bully to luv
my recent victim

i must repent
and i am forgiven
> boardmin teased us with the flags
> when we realized their power he took them away
I never watched Chainsaw Man so I always confused Makima and the other one. Got confused when I saw the Rocky cosplay cause I was certain the character was supposed to be assertive lol
Need gf with cried-out makeup
you act like you didnt know this when he posted his "DO IT FOR HER" (NSFW Edition) with pics of her when she was 15
I cast a hex on any aon who talked shit on admin these past 2 years you deserve to burn in Hell for what you did fr fr
I don't know why people care so much about discord people coming here, its literally just a chat app
You can't even stop us anyways
we couldnt go 3 days without discordniggers posting 5yo children's asses

this place will die for good soon
if thread had to guess, what is likelihood of 2chen not returning? I want to hit myself for not saving everything while I had the chance.
the retarded board owner is going to get us removed from the website because he refuses to make any mods and people are now posting CP

welp it was a good run
Over the years I've said the same thing. I could have easily used DTA to get the dedicated threads to tokfus, and much other goodies.
> prosecutors said the four detainees are suspected of creating an "organized crime group with the purpose of recruiting, housing and exploiting women by forcing them to create pornographic content meant to be seen on specialized websites for a cost.

> Romania's Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) also released a video of the raid, showing guns, knives and money in the villa.

one less degenerate walking the streets
i thought someone else would have made one by now but this is a temporary meguca

last time i posted it admin had 2chen up within 12 hours
once again somebody links a liveposting board and instantly all the worst posters migrate there
this says a lot about the appeal of liveposting tbh
> 2chen when it gets back up
One of two things will happen if that does:

1) admin will start deleting CP and adjacent content (no problems using it then, in that case)
2) it'll go down again
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How did it take him several days to get it running if it's just running a container and he had done it before?
Why is medminy lying? What is he trying to hide? hmmmm?
he doesn't want to spend a bunch of time developing features for you, and definitely doesnt want to run the site long term
if it were what you schizophrenically insist on it being, it wouldn't go online again after a mail exchange with the host every time, you fucking retard, moemin would have a party van at his house and we would see an fbi seizure notice or similar
> it wouldn't go online again after a mail exchange with the host every time
host 1: permanently banned due to refusal to moderate CP
moved to a bulletproof host used by malware devs and the like. never "went back online after an email exchange"
this downtime is almost certainly due to cloudflare based on what i've seen. certainly doesn't seen to be up. if it is, it will either be after he removes all of the CP shit or because he went to some bootleg cloudflare clone (that will be even less permissive toward CP)
2020 was the first and last time i used docker
i tried updating the old 2020 vps image i had saved and lost a few days on that
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he means when the image board produces some text showing the codec of the file
so he can filter out h265/HEVC videos (they dont play in firefox but do in chrome)
i dont think admin is coming back, he clearly stopped caring and slipped away, he barely posted at the end
admin if you don't restore 2chen I will kill myself. I will fucking off myself if you don't bring 2chen back. if you don't you have my blood on your hands.
admin I am going to fucking hang myself if you don't bring 2chen back. I am warning you. I will kill myself right fucking now if you don't bring 2chen back. BRING IT BACK NOW :(
at this point I would legit suck admin's dick if he brought 2chen back. I am freaking out. i'm pulling out my hair.
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I know you are probably asleep by now anonie, but I really enjoyed this! If you like this kind of stuff I would really recommend Tito Puente. Here is one of my favorite albums of his https://open.spotify.com/album/1yyq8NvIWhvZ7eCIpxs0rg?si=1QPrLpSHT1qP6OTS0-Meyw
That polaroid is reminiscent of the child porn hoards of the 80's-early 2000's when they would bust a pedo.  It is just kind of creepy.  I bet her being the narcissist she is she has porn of her and her bf which might be a problem in the future being aren't one or both underage?
it has been 3 days. anons are already betraying 2chen migrating the archive, awemer and porn thread over here like admin is dead. it's officially fucking over. 2chen is gone. I am going to hang myself right fucking now. admin, if you see this, just know this was preventable and your fault for not bringing 2chen back sooner. I have the rope around my neck right now. it didn't have to be this way.
> The reason the sweat (and pee) are so stinky after a night of imbibing is because, according to White, diacetic acid has a smell that mimics vinegar.
I smell manky on top of feeling like shit. I am never going to drink again. Please God give me the strength to quit drinking and overeating.
2chen is gone. any board we migrate to will lose half of our posters minimum, especially lurkers. I say instead of retreating to a bunker we use this opportunity to go on the attack and re-colonize /wsg/. there was a time that 90% of the /wsg/ catalog was us alone. jannies powers are limited and the memory of our presence has faded. we can dominate /wsg/ and even if they crack down super hard on us in a couple months we will have established a renewed presence if we want to retreat then to a new bunker with new blood posting in threads. /ttg/ wouldn't have been possible without 4chan. we should retvrn and hopefully become strong again.
the usual suspects are very active on takeurmeds and so the ip count usually looks like "4 / 18" if ya know what i mean
im enjoying here more
i remember zone followed a lot of tokfus before they added the ability to hide your followig
it's getting freaky how big some of the tokfus lips are
soon women are going to be like domesticated animals, with absurd hyper-inflated bimbo lips
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bros my AIO cpu cooler is making water trickling noises
theres no leak but i can hear water moving around inside it. i need it to last a few more weeks till ryzen 7000x3d cpus come out
what do we honestly think about medmin is he actually doing a bad job or is it just 1 or 2 users complaining?
>  is it just 1 or 2 users complaining?
if you look in the mod log for there, its pretty obvious what happened
some guy posted his discord then shat up the thread for an hour, got banned, and spammed more
I feel bad about me shitting up the thread to users who can't watch hvec, but these whiny fucks make it far too tempting to shit it up.
forgot to add, I'm a cool guy that shares sammy and lily patreon content (thinking about subbing to rinrin too since that anon doesn't want to share anymore)
I have one big problem with endchan and that's the threads display in the order they were created, not by last comment.
the software feels like an amalgamation between super old imageboard design (like early 4chan) and new cool features
i actually laughed out loud at how the captcha worked when it was enabled
we do have https://takeurmeds.org/ttg/2111?last=100 already
but more wouldn't be a bad idea just in case that guy wants to shut his down after a while
I don't think anyone envies the absolute burden it is to host a site for even a small number of users.  2chen was a small site but had some absolutely scummy people who did nothing but try to stir up shit.  I don't envy admin.
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I really admired adminy, he was one of the things that truly made 2chen special. He put in the work, he had genuine passion for toks and he didn't let the power go to his head, the older you get on the internet the more you realize just how rare those types of people are.
He really was a good admin but schizo had to ruin it.  Unironically in a just world, admin would have been allowed to execute schizo.
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thumbnail of 6919958436818013446 thank you so so much @nero_claudius_caster for getting me new lashes!! i appreciate it sm 🥺❤️.mp4
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Schizo is thrown around a lot but I can't even imagine how mentally ill you have to be to do what he does.
I can be really petty and stubborn but keeping up that much work for years? Wild.
now that you guys mention it i think admin's hyperrealistic AI generated childporn board (/tech/) was a good idea. and the /jp/ one with 8yos vaginas on it

admin is the greatest figure to have ever lived, maybe even better than jesus christ
how could you forget about schizo in your ranking? he edited porn and videos of kids together after all
I wonder if he's being monitored yet
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I want to smell richie so bad, this clip made me obsesse with her 
/tech/ is sorta a grey area since it should techically be legal
Not sure what you mean about /jp/ tho
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> Buy koto stuff
> she vanishes
> Buy Richie stuff
> she goes to a mental ward
> Buy Strawbaby stuff
> Week later she announces she's tired of cosplaying
> Profess my love for 2chen on Christmas
> dies two days later

it's all my fault
good lord just shut up already
you've whined about it and nobody joining your discord all day
> admin bans an anon for complaining about hevc 
> cuckposting and homoposting are aok and don't get deleted
that was one of the reasons moemin always kept moderation to an absolute minimum, it makes people question why other things don't get banned
Well, happy new years everyone! Though not you schizo, I hope you die a horrible death!
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who would win in the end? takeyourmeds or endchan?
I am very upset by the fact that we are divided
some anons don't even know about these places
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blue is my tok
with a blue little tok
and a blue tok 
and everything is blue for me
and myself
and everybody
cause I aint got nobody to listen listen listen
I had a friend who unironically thought the lyrics to this song were "I'm blue, I'm in need of a guy"
I didn't want to comment
its getting almost comical, the spectrum of things you guys will blame on schizo
its like people who say fags cause hurricanes
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I'm pretty tipsy/buzzed and maybe even drunk so I'm incapable of lying

The fact of the matter is if admin banned me for discordniggery that would be fair

But he didn't
He made up some weird schizo conspiracy that I actually use chrome and just fake my outrage over hevc

No, I genuinely hate hevcposters, I do not use chrome, and I think hevcposters are the canary in the coal mine to a dying culture/community
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In what way am I deranged? Sincere question if that's a sincere post.

The people who post hevc know most of the users can't actually see the toks. You have to ask yourself at that point why even bother postin them. It's because they know it causes trouble and they get a kick out of it.

I don't know what you're talking about, if you think I am single handily responsible for the shitshow that is that thread you're horribly mistaken if not outright retarded.
you are pissed because you dont have filters, not a single poster cared on 2chen when i posted hevc, not a fucking soul
you are a simple minded child you cant handle things he doesnt like
> schizophrenic thread shitting ban evading discordnigger spends multiple hours of his day attacking the thread
> wonders why people dislike him
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It's the principle of the matter. 
That's like me saying you having an issue with me is simple minded cause you can just filter me.
Literally never happened, I haven't been near the site since I got banned. 
You're trying to make me out to be some boogeyman but I'm just someone with a valid concern over the cultural degradation of /ttg/
I posted on 2chen for about two years without a single ban, the fact I got banned on meds in 12 hours is more of a comment about the admin than me.
> I haven't been near the site since I got banned.
dude you are not stealthy
you think you are sam fisher cause you're drunk right now, you have no idea how bad you are at lying/deceiving
> the principle of the matter is i get to ruin threads because i dont like ur heckin codec
yeah well spoken animal
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> You are totally in that thread...because I said so, okay?
I want the site to die, me posting on it, whether shitposts or good posts, would be counter productive.
Me voicing concerns isn't ruining a thread anymore than you're ruining this thread right now.
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How is that nasty? Why are you always afraid to go into any real detail in your posts?

It has an admin who has shown to be willing to make up complete nonsense in order to justify a ban while ignoring tons of other shitposting in the thread, why would you want that site to do well? Why would you want to post on it? 
Eventually his scummyness will be directed at you.
it's self evident that he's a disingenuous faggot because out of the multitude of valid reasons he could have chosen to be concerned about the cultural degradation of the general, "muh hevc" was the most retarded hill he could have possibly chosen to die on
> the mentally ill discord tranny threadshitter was the natnigger all along
I am shocked to my core
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Makima... 7z
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It's a small set but here are the new Rinrin Makima pics from patreon. I'll only be posting paywall content on endchan from now on.
> Bad admin

have you gone completely crazy on this topic?
one ironic ban (1 hour btw) and you guys keep making up crap 
thanks for patreon but you really should reconsider your attitude about what happened
> Bans aren't ironic

have you seen the reason for the ban? lol
no one has been banned since then btw
I hope your sanity comes back to you
bottom half can be fixed with css if you put in the effort to figure it out
I imagine the multipost layout can also be improved but I haven't really tried yet
It's scary how easy it becomes to vividly imagine/daydream about interactions with tokfu after consuming enough of their content (especially streams).
I can imagine me and my tokfu doing anything, I can hear her say anything in her own voice and it sounds natural, her inflections and mannerisms, sometimes I can imagine how it feels touch them as well.

I'm not even talking in a sexual sense, dates, just watching TV together, dealing with some situation, anything. Imagination is one of humanity's core traits and yet doing this feels unhealthy in a way, but at the same time I will not stop.  

Yes I was thinking about Apple while typing this
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My 2023 New Years resolution is to have really rough raw sex with Arie in a public bathroom stall while her boyfriend waits outside.
seepydoll and seepyloli, recently went private though.

give me a minute and I'll post to the porn thread the stuff of hers I ripped from twitter in her fansly days
sushi was so desperate to get a bf she settled for ashkenazi looking faggot
was kinda funny to watch seething sushifaggots
she is live (again)

https://www.tiktok.com/@nekomiisa/live [Embed]
what am i doing here?
i have my tokfu's patreon
i dont give a flying fuck about anyone else
2chen dead
buy i guess it was fun while it lasted hope you all will be fine 2chen bros its time to move on
Guys... I got BANNED for FIVE(5!!!!) minutes for breaking one of the rules the administrator put up onto his site!!!!!! Fuck that shit come join my 50$ discord!
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No where is it mentioned you can't dislike hevc, not to mention he totally lied, stop pretending like his ban reason wasn't schizo tier

"This person secretly uses chrome and actually doesn't dislike hevc"

Post(s) action:

Moderation Help
Duration: Days

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New Reply on thread #6095
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