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thumbnail of 6865776620662263045 Out of curiosity how many of you guys live in Ontario💕 #yanderesimulator #ayanoaishi
thumbnail of 6865776620662263045 Out of curiosity how many of you guys live in Ontario💕 #yanderesimulator #ayanoaishi
6865776620662263045... mov
(4.84 MB, 0x0 h264)
TikTok Zoomer General

TikTok Downloader:

Sauce? [">Embed]

1. No lewding minors
2. No personal contact with any tokkers
3. No doxx (except to bring Seth to justice)
4. No discordniggery
5. No skipping meds

The problem is not on endchan's end.  It is on your end.  Your mov files from 2chen are not mov's but mp4's.  You need to change the file extensions.
this is their best combo from their recent trip - the cyberpunk one
their kobeni/makima is the least.
nine's facial features dont go well with kobeni.
pedos just cant keep their sites up
at least endchan fbi agents are much more reliable
thumbnail of rekt.png
thumbnail of rekt.png
rekt png
(3.36 MB, 1920x1080)
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thumbnail of Pack SMOKED.png
Pack SMOKED png
(2.89 MB, 1920x1080)
i havent played the story since it first released. got back into it from the yt algoriym. im gonna be a good boah this time

also the photo mode is kinooooooooooooooo
it must be one of the OG's since it has effort involved. 99% of splits are just random clips that are plastered on while these ones are merticouly crafted. not a interacial fan myself but u have to respect the edit
> taking the site down, possibly because he is sleeping
the discord is literally SPEEDING UP as we speak
over 500 posts a minute, ALL LONG AND DEVELOPED IN SUBSTANCE
how can we ever compete
gonna buy a selfie from a hot guy and use it to pretend its me on (its a super cool alt-chan that allows you to see posts as they are being written (its kinda a rare club tho (you need to be cool to join (if u cant open it right now it means you are not cool))))))
Dammit I got falsely banned during the porn dump I didn't even post porn man c'mon when is takeymeds back up..
thumbnail of 6982242637386403077 im not doing it right  #evangelion #physicallyfit #asuka #foryou #asukacosplay #nge #asukalangley_h264.mp4
thumbnail of 6982242637386403077 im not doing it right  #evangelion #physicallyfit #asuka #foryou #asukacosplay #nge #asukalangley_h264.mp4
6982242637... mp4
(9.54 MB, 720x1280 h264)
my life feels stuck in a holding pattern. there is no sense of progression, just day following day like pages of a book, the end coming closer and closer into view. at one point in my life I had brave aspirations and intentions. I was going to enjoy life moment by moment, seizing every opportunity as it came and rolling with every blow. And yet here I am now, the time ticking by without pausing for breath; even as I type this post the end of yet another day beckons. This is the prime of my life, and this is how I am spending it. One day it will all end and I will never have lived at all.
I think tinder with unlimited likes and passport might be the best thing ever invented
Infinite woman of all colors and shapes its heaven
you pretend like hes going to go fuck any of these chicks
they are across the planet and ugly as sin
the ultimate cuckold, spending money to talk to women because its "interesting"
Lemme get this straight the two responses im getting are "hookups are shallow and worthless" (which is right) and "talking with holes?!?"
ttg is grouchy today
Im glad ttg is gonna die for good
You guys are miserable assholes who dont appreciate anything good and always complain about the littlest things
I will create a tinder thread on b and found a new community based in collecting girls
We could even make a game of it like pokemon
and no underage drama
seeing the thread quality on meds really did sour my view but that could just be a matter of a lot of good posters not moving there
> everyone moved there

not him but nah, I've decided to not return to liveposting. let the adhd addled anons have that
anon the shitposting continued through the entire day and there were plenty of shitposts that didnt get deleted with the initial wave, so if anything you just proved its more than one person
Its interesting theres one guy whos SOO adamently against discord when it would solve all of our moderation problems
I honestly fantasize about the moment i have moderation powers and he realizes it
The joy of toying with him before permabanning his ass
Thread will now peter out, 3 active users by next week, discord is already dead
Byebye /ttg/
thumbnail of 2021-05-28_00-21-58_UTC_3(1).jpg
thumbnail of 2021-05-28_00-21-58_UTC_3(1).jpg
2021-05-28_00-21-58_U... jpg
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> i-its just one person
sometimes I think there's a certain type of person who browses anonymous image boards solely they can cope with multiple people disagreeing with them by pretending its always just one outlier
the way her wig blocks the middle of her brow makes it seem like shes got a unibrow 
gotta be bonbis worst look yes, worse than akali
If we don't have a stable place to stay in by the end of the week i think endchan should be our new territory.
someone posted it on kiwifarms and it got raided, you can go check their tiktok thread its all they're talking about for the last 10 hours
nights can be empty
and nights can be cold
so anonie was looking 
for someone to hold
thats only natural
but why did it have to be me
If Rinrin's patreon growth stays consistent she's going to beat Bonbi within the year despite being relatively brand new to the scene compared to bonbi
wtf i got a notification about being banned until February for spam and then I can suddenly post again
Nonce will always remind me of the OG Bonbi discord server. The upper parts of it were filled with seething fags who were jealous of seth and called everyone a nonce
There might have been some other one before it. I don't know. There were only two noteworthy ones though. One is seth's lair. The other one was that autistic nazi one which loved to post trap porn
Gonna start bullying my brother until he fucks his gf. A good brother does not allow his male siblings to enter their 20s a virgin
> i still fucking detest firefox fags with my entire being
This is the kind of weird autism that sparks so much fucking trouble, I just wish you niggas would find peace and chill out
any anon have an idea of how i can have the files I am converting just replaced? instead of it creating a new one?
command that was given to me 
ffmpeg -i "%~1" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 -ac 2 -movflags faststart -preset veryfast -c:a copy -crf 18 -b:v 0 "%~n1_264%~x1"
people will dislike you as a person if you post a girl that they dont like. this is literally like the consolwars i had when i was 14 on /v/
thumbnail of mabel freakout.gif
thumbnail of mabel freakout.gif
mabel freakout gif
(2.97 MB, 303x389)
> You are banned from all boards until Wed Feb 01 2023 20:32:06 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time). Reason: spam. 
bought a can of cheese ravioli and it's 80% sauce 20% ravioli. bloody bastard bitch ravioli makers
literally none of us want to look at fat cow bonbi bonkers
why post here
it's like exposing yourself to innocent bystanders who don't want to look at your dick
not only is she fat and gross, just being reminded of her existence is like being reminded about the degradation of the modern woman
from normal cosplay girl to a psycho shit smearing, fat, post-wall, porn producing COW
> ffmpeg -i "%~1" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 -ac 2 -movflags faststart -preset veryfast -c:a copy -crf 18 -b:v 0 "%~n1_264%~x1"

guessing "%~1" is your in file name, so this would be the format, though I'm not sure ffmpeg supports this.

ffmpeg -i "%~1" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 -ac 2 -movflags faststart -preset veryfast -c:a copy -crf 18 -b:v 0 "%~1"

thumbnail of 7181983779844623658.mp4
thumbnail of 7181983779844623658.mp4
7181983779... mp4
(4.64 MB, 720x1280 h264)
this was smart
chatgpt managed to figure out that if you append  a && del and a && rename command you can delete the input file (HEVC) and then rename the output file from XYZ_264 to XYZ
the other stuff I found says that you have to make a temp file and that sounds annoying to have to learn so I just went with this way instead
my command looks like this now and it works, converts HEVC to 264 and names the output file -264 and then removes the HEVC and renames it to not have the -264 anymore
> ffmpeg -i "%~1".mp4 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -threads 8 -ac 2 -movflags faststart -preset veryfast -c:a copy -crf 18 -b:v 0 "%~n1-264%~x1".mp4 && del "%~1".mp4 && rename "%~1"-264.mp4 "%~1".mp4
thumbnail of 3b4f7a57fd2dc4d21ab07dd09a010098-videomp4.mp4
thumbnail of 3b4f7a57fd2dc4d21ab07dd09a010098-videomp4.mp4
3b4f7a57fd... mp4
(1.39 MB, 576x1024 h264)
I hope never returns.
I hope never returns.
I hope endchan fucking dies.
I hope we're all freed from this prison of rampaging hebephilia.
thumbnail of dinner 2nd january 2023.jpg
thumbnail of dinner 2nd january 2023.jpg
dinner 2nd january... jpg
(1.38 MB, 4096x3072)
I cooked a really good dinner today too!

Chicken breast with asparagus and onion in a creamy lemon sauce. Without a doubt the best tasting thing I have ever cooked myself. I meal prepped too, so I'll be eating this for the next 3 days
why have you put everything ontop of the chicken
do you not see how much real estate you have open on the rest of the plate?
> gross gore has become a cuck
to be honest I am not surprised anymore
that man has gone downhill since he was #1 Twisted Fate
its so over for him
we are doing a ttg group if you wanna join
first album was american idiot by green day
thumbnail of rare strawbaby pog.jpg
thumbnail of rare strawbaby pog.jpg
rare strawbaby pog jpg
(187.07 KB, 1440x1455)
Why do so many people think "Whats up?" means the same as "How are you?"

If I ask you whats up I want to know what you're doing, not how you feel, I don't fucking care
he needed several days to deploy a container, he probably needs time to increase the storage or whatever, selinux is hard
so first it was 2chen that tanked without warning, now its takeurmedschan or whatever the fuck it was called. where are we now? this place is dead af
It was simply  That's all.

For now we are here and it is pretty much over.  There is a reason why it is called endchan
> look at the wsg beautiful western girl thread
> it's so boring that the few nat toks posted in it are nearly the only good content
thumbnail of 6788666567593872645 who do you want to win the super bowl tmr.mp4
thumbnail of 6788666567593872645 who do you want to win the super bowl tmr.mp4
6788666567... mp4
(5.03 MB, 720x1280 h264)
those threads get spammed by some autistic guy who calls himself "AGR" and advertises his twitter in them, and if anyone else posts a video he shits on it (and his pants)
im on another megu in the meantime but i wont share because i dont want schizos on my favorite megu
Isn't banning someone for one gay nigga edit too much? I'm not the BBC spammer. That's someone else 

With love

it kind of sucks jschan is becoming more popular than meguca when jschan is just libchan but less shit
autistic people are literally frightened by liveposting when they first experience it. it's too different. every imageboard autist wants "4chan but a little newer-feeling"
but once you get used to it it becomes extremely addictive
its also very easy to self moderate which is an issue on 4chan with its overbearing and retarded mods
i dont post on it but i find interesting because its a meguca fork solely so koreans can post kpop
The issue with liveposting is if you get 20+ active posters it is impossible to follow.
We all saw what happened when 2chen just got a little busy.  Most posts were ignored since the thread went too fast to keep up with it.
never had that problem, about 20 posters is the best for megu IMO
the biggest problem for me are overbearing mods on sites like shamik who don't allow a person to integrate into the board culture over time
I have never even heard of shamik  Most of these altchans are too slow and boring so I don't keep up with them and there have been so many of them.
moderating retards is always necessary, some people don't get that
adopt the board culture or people will make you feel unwelcome
i used to think multi-image posting was a cool concept but now I understand how bad it is
thread looks a lot better on my 4k monitor than on my 2K one cause the multi-image posts don't spill over onto a second row
one way to make multi image posts better, would be if the board created a collapsible thing depending on how much screen space you have, to prevent the files spilling over to new rows and making the post enormous

so if your window is resized to be really thin, it might collapse all of the files except the first one or two. and if you have a really big window it wouldnt collapse at all
entertain if you will the idea that bonbiposter is like a walking god
god on earth maybe
UPDATE: 2023-01-02 9:08AM PDT - The date has been bumped until tomorrow, same time but we'll be fine for today

UPDATE: 2023-01-01 8:20PM PDT - We may have up to an 8 hour outage due to data center power work tomorrow moring at 16:00 UTC

Endchan is dead as well............... where do we go next
we have not had any new prominent tokkers since that video was made except for maybe rockruff, how would it be updated?
bros I have masturbated 5 times already today. would you mind just posting guy toks for once? getting really bored of girls being sluts. just want some wholesome guys being creative and funny.
I destroy my penis 5 times a day fapping to the toks you post and there is literally nothing you can do about it cuck
don't post this disgusting mtf goblin creature
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thumbnail of dn.png
dn png
(124.68 KB, 327x639)
what is up with this discordnigger -$50 admin knowing all this secret stuff about moemin? either moemin was a discordnigger or this guy is moemin
is that before or after moemin wrote 4 weeks ago that he's never contacted someone offsite outside of the 2chen email?
brandon getting unbanned like 300 times after posting child gymnast videos of 3yos twerking is beginning to make sense now tbh



fuck that was good. i'll be back in 2 hours to nut again
this guy is genuinely hilarious. I enjoy his streams immensely. he is such a character and he always has interesting clips to react to too.
i saw some of his clips from omegle
he was a bit boring compared to the other alt right omegle people. he would try to educate random people on jew stats and stuff instead of just being absurdly racist
if you didn't know, there was a whole secret cabal (including moemin) on communicating and sharing toks off-platform
moemin prolly took the site down because he finally found true love with brandina, they are gooning in telegram video chat right now
were you in this cabal?
tell us more

i assumed as much when the quality of toks posted and frequency of really good/rare toks nosedived like a year and a half ago or so.
realized I still had a loser and carly archive on my yandex disk account so if anyone wants them:



they are from 2021 so some newer things are missing
why the FUCK would I need a loser archive, you idiot. you realize loser's archive has been uploaded already? dumb nigger.
thanks for uploading "carly" whoever the fuck that is. I'm downloading now. if this is shit I'm going to come back though and I'm going to make it very clear to you what I think of you.
Wow the ttg listening party is really blowing up! Sorry i haven't been able to join in yet. Lots of work after christmas and new years
On discord and u werent missing much that u would have liked, it was different style of tiktoks. A lot of brandon style girls. Only unique thing is admin posted some ppls message histories which was funny
> Only unique thing is admin posted some ppls message histories which was funny

now that's an interesting tidbit
wish I'd experienced that
I am just jealous i couldn't get into admin's secret server. after sucking his dick daily and helping him moderate the site i thought he would consider me his friend.
thumbnail of 7175925064439827754 😅🎀.mp4
thumbnail of 7175925064439827754 😅🎀.mp4
7175925064... mp4
(3.22 MB, 720x1280 h264)
had a tokfu dream again, this time I was with HK
she was really cute
forgot the details, should have written them down
a tokfu dream diary...
I have been jerking off everyday, sometimes multiple times since i was 12 years old. I told myself i won't jerk off in 2023 and i'm already walking around with half a chub thinking about the girls from my past.
I jacked off 3 times yesterday and the 3rd time was the best.
There are way too many cute girls, every time I try my hand on nofap I feel like there are so many wasted opportunities for a great fap.
I already bought the rope a few days ago. 2chen isn't coming back. if admin doesn't return within 24 hours I will fucking hang myself. I am serious. I can't take it anymore. I will fucking hang myself in my bathroom if admin doesn't return within 24 hours.
oh ok.

interesting. coincidentally I expect I will be posting something really pertinent on 13 march but as of right now my mind is strangely blank for some reason, no idea why.
what about that anon who said he will upload his archives if 2chen dies
will he follow through
I just realized that board owner is the one posting his bbc cuck fantasies about tokkers omg
> thought we have a new home

> new home dies too

we are cursed to wander aimlessly forever

what really gets me that we have no idea what happened in both cases
no bros my theory just got proven wrong
how can a running joke on a liveposting board not be all one guy
I have two questions.
1. How old is apple?
2. If she is over 18 has she shown her tits?
Actually three.
3. If she has not posted her tits yet, is she the type of girl who would?
Of all the girls who posted their tits online i would trade all of them just for a glimpse of apple's. Oh how cruel life is...
You are wrong sir. I would not condone speaking ill of any woman and yet realfrogg looks like my granny. She is ugly and has saggy tits. Apple on the other hand is youthful and pretty. It's not just about the jewels themselves but who they are worn by.
> Four men who brutally raped and recorded a woman during the summer are sentenced with up to 5 and a half years prison. The prosecutor had moved for all four, who all held Eritrean citizenships, should be expelled after having served their sentence. However, district court denied the claim and allows for them to say, citing "risk for persecution in their home countries" as the reason.
> The reason is that the four men had avoided mandatory military service in Eritrea and had left the country illegally. They therefore risk being treated with "treatment alike persecution in nature" according to the migration agency. 
It's all so tiresome

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995 replies | 439 file
New Reply on thread #7170
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