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thumbnail of 7023806586909035823 I’m just posting drafts cus I’m bored 😑_264.mp4
thumbnail of 7023806586909035823 I’m just posting drafts cus I’m bored 😑_264.mp4
7023806586... mp4
(3.86 MB, 720x1280 h264)

I can't handle this, I'm to old to change my ways 
Slow typer could be out there right now typing slowly and there's no way for us to know
This is a travesty

dude i'm doing it again right now and i swear i'm not crazy
when i try to drag the quick-reply window's resize thing to be smaller, it becomes xbox hueg instead
like it doesnt respect the direction i drag and only goes xboxhueg

I am kinda getting in the mood to code a real life image board. Should be doable in under a week. I just wouldn't know how to keep the pedos out. Maybe make a thread long IDs?

It would be very autistic of a solution. But I was thinking of a timer. Every new ip has a slowdown, and if someone acts alright and doesn't get reported, the slowdown per each posts get less and less. That way you can't really overwhelm the board with spam, and if you act normal you shouldn't have any slowdown at all

Well you can think of some rules to combat that. Every report is also a report for youself. So it's essentially a bit of sacrifice to report someone. Also reports by new ips could be worth less. So it's unlikely that someone can mass report in any meaningful way

New megu!!

one note of feedback would be to have clicking an expanded video close it again so you dont have clicking on the video to expand but have to click the little [-] to collapse it, seems odd to not have that consistent ruleset

you can use a channels chat even if the host is offline so how about this: if we ever come to a point where everything we used to use if offline/has kicked us out we can meet at mothi's chat and discuss our future there
just an idea I just had
could also do this next time 2chen dies (if it comes back) to point anons in the right direction

What illegal content?
The only stuff close to being illegal on 2chen was more legal grey area stuff like /jp/'s junior idol thread, but that was killed after the troubles.
Neither /ttg/ nor /cumg/ had any illegal content being posted.

Ok live posting is somewhat working for me using opera on Android
But it didn't put it in a post until it was submitted, it just like hung out down where it says hope many anons are online

your posts show up in the realtime feed but not mine, so I have no idea if my posts are live or not
one feature that would be nice is if you could copy-paste images from clipboard to upload them

yeah it's pretty funny the way all the worst posters immediately migrated
it kinda supports what I was saying before about how liveposting just works primarily as a reward system for the shittier aspects of the general
it hasn't even been 24 hours and they've already been through like 3 different megucas to get their fix

this is some pretty good info for anons who want to cheat 


as fun as it is to argue with trannies, that isnt the job of ttg, so cliquechan is a decided failure. i, however, enjoy arguing with the mentally ill, so i wont leave just yet

are people really that delusional that they think a couple vids of a lv15 dancing in a cosplay costume will get them in trouble
do they not know that literally every social media platform has this?

dunno, they got banned pretty quick, it's not like there was non-stop discussion about sus content (maybe a couple minutes before they got banned) and afaik nothing actually illegal got posted on 2chen.

Every one of these tick tock creatures are genuinely creepy. They all have crazy or unhinged eyes. Are you guys legitimately simping over them or is this some sort of ironic lul posting?

thumbnail of 15865452203580.webm
thumbnail of 15865452203580.webm
1586545220... webm
(2.86 MB, 540x960 vp8)
shamichan sucks, i would rather take my time making sure my posts have no typos and have the proper file attached instead of accidentally posting webp thumbnails at the speed of light
this is why vichan is superior

thumbnail of 1671648230241886.jpg
thumbnail of 1671648230241886.jpg
1671648230241886 jpg
(74.89 KB, 838x1024)
I mean goddamn. We talked so much about how /ttg/ would die but it never occured to me it would be like this. The site is just gone, no word from the admin. My favourite posters saying they're just gonna move on. This is some sad shit man.

< complaints about meguca
> I make typos and its hard to get my thoughts across when more than a few people are actively posting
< complaints against endchanposting
> the sense of  community is not the same, it feels colder to be disconnected from the anons that we once stood closer with

also yeah liveposting works to the degree that it can, i saw you write your post anonie  >>/1820/

also even if 2chen.moe domain can't be gotten back, we can easily get the old users back with a little shilling on 4chan. if you post a tok on 4chan it wont be more than 30 minutes before some ttg anon posts one too, like a game of marco polo

i notice sometimes messages get "stuck" in the liveposting thing
maybe when people paste stuff in, because there was a youtube URL stuck in it for like 20-30mins till i refreshed

> call burger place to place an order
> hear this slightly feminine teen-boyish tomboy voice on the other end
> thinking about my future with her
> arrive at burger place
> it was just a teen boy and not a tomboy with a slightly raspy masculine voice

Newbie lurker here. I've been drinking hard liquor since the age of 17 and you are right, I could not fathom celebrating and socializing without it. I'd feel awkward AF without it in larger social gatherings.

but meguca is abandoned too, look at the devs github, he completely stopped working on it in may https://github.com/bakape
and moemin hasn't published his fork with all the extra features he implemented

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