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Alice has inspired us to work together with Gwen and as soon as she gets this game worked out, we'll be documenting our farming experience with Farming Simulator 22. Our objective is to make cake and wine to get to 5 million dollars on hard difficulty starting from scratch but with a small farm plot and no loans.

This game sounds like a goof but it's a surprisingly deep frustrating and infuriating game of basically anything you want to do. If you want to farm, check. If you want to mine for gold, check. If you want to cut down trees and sell all the tree flesh and guts, check. If you want to cut and bale and sell grass or turn it into silage, check. This game is insane though I'm a little dissapointed you can't hunt NPCs and turn them into meat and fashionable leather products, but let's hope modders are working on that. I also wish they had wofls so we could do some live fire training, but you can't have everything.

We'll post our first episode link here. You can't really fail in this game so it's more just about the story you tell.

Gwen, Misha and I are looking forward to it.