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Alice has inspired us to work together with Gwen and as soon as she gets this game worked out, we'll be documenting our farming experience with Farming Simulator 22. Our objective is to make cake and wine to get to 5 million dollars on hard difficulty starting from scratch but with a small farm plot and no loans.

This game sounds like a goof but it's a surprisingly deep frustrating and infuriating game of basically anything you want to do. If you want to farm, check. If you want to mine for gold, check. If you want to cut down trees and sell all the tree flesh and guts, check. If you want to cut and bale and sell grass or turn it into silage, check. This game is insane though I'm a little dissapointed you can't hunt NPCs and turn them into meat and fashionable leather products, but let's hope modders are working on that. I also wish they had wofls so we could do some live fire training, but you can't have everything.

We'll post our first episode link here. You can't really fail in this game so it's more just about the story you tell.

Gwen, Misha and I are looking forward to it.
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The game is hard to make into a series because it lacks drama. Even a tractor overturn is easily fixed.

So we're rethinking this dictation until we can figure out how it would actually be entertaining enough.

What's important for us here is the interactions of my headmates in playing this game. They're definitely into it and playing it well. I sometimes catch myself playing and I'm crashing the truck or messing something up and then I think, "oh sorry Gwen" and she's never upset and never bothers me, she says she likes it that I'm having fun and all that but when she takes command suddenly everything is smooth and easy. She's just much better at this sort of thing.

So far: Gwen did a bunch of contracts and made enough to buy a couple cheap plots. Currently she's expanding the fields into the hills and around to maximize land size. She also planted a bunch of trees that can be harvested in two and a half in-game years. 

The way the game works, with mods, she can use her sisters to do work while she's doing something else, so she can set the 'job' to plow a field and the tractor will plow the field for free as if Ashley or Misha is driving it. So that helps. They also upped the carry weight to 3x because of course there are three of them playing and they could conceivably all help lift things.

She started only with a pickup truck and $10000 and made probably 400k so after buying the land just she bought a tractor, a plow, and a seeder so she could plant grass to harvest into hay. It's fall now so she can only plant grass at this point.

Winter is coming. They play on 5x speed which is really very slow if you think about it and there are only 5 days in a month so one in-game month is actually 24 real-time hours, but she also sleeps so not quite.
> lacks drama
I like it already. Slowly building something without drama is nice

> She started only with a pickup truck and $10000 and made probably 400k 
Very American game.
In a proper German version you'd get fucked over by the new super-complex property tax, insane energy prices and over 9000 environmental regulations, inevitably going bankrupt.

Can you do anything even remotely politically correct like exploiting immigrant workers or using forbidden pesticides?

> Can you do anything even remotely politically correct like exploiting immigrant workers or using forbidden pesticides?

Pft, no, sucks. Still fun but you know, could be waaay better. At least let us hire immigrants for our hunting range, but there isn't even any guns.
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> ywn turn your tulpa into a seed

> ywn water her every day while talking about your day

> ywn see her beautiful face sprout

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