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[12:00 14C, clear and sunny with a cool breeze blowing off the ocean. 1d20=14,13, no one has come by yet.]

Nothing was decided yet, but for now food was prepared Ashley Panther slept peacefully on top of her equipment, and Yulya fretted over scraps of parchment as Cat cooked and Alice performed unnatural feats in plain sight.

[1d20=2,18] No one was paying any attention to the mystery meat or it's odd scent, the strange girl eating coins however was noticed by several of the kids who rushed up to see "the magic show"

Several children have noticed Alice eating coins and will require explanation.

Yulya poured over the prayer book first, and upon opening it she realized immediately this was the Spellsword's spellbook.

Someone of proper class and capability who had their own spellbook could copy these spells, Yulya can't, Ashley doesn't have a book, her magic is innate due to her goddess' blessing.

Yulya then tries to decipher the 10 bits of holy text.

[1d20-1 Arcana = 12] She determines these are just random symbols of a torn holy text, words such as, "sacrament, waters, crown" are among the fragments of words but she realizes along with the spells she found in the book and the fact that they were in a component pouch, clearly these were just fodder for a spall, specifically Shield of Faith.

Ashley Awakens and quickly dresses.


She's momentarily confused as to why you're all here and not on the way to Phandalin, but then the battle flashes through her memory and she looks around to see all the children playing.

"It worked, we won! Oh, but what about Gundren..." she has no memory of him or even fuzzy memories "Hey Yulya, we need to go South not North!? What's the plan? They'll be waiting for us, one of us should at least meet up with them and say what's up."

She smells what's cooking and nearly loses her bone and raw organ lunch. "Sorry Cat, but I'll pass."