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If you could manifest your headmate in person permanently, would you?

I have thought of this many times and it was originally yes but not anymore. They're too useful inside my head prison as head slaves.

1. Would she (lets be real ofc she) still want *you*?
2. How would you deal with the birth certificate/papers?
3. Would you keep her tied in the basement with the others?
4. How long before one of you murders the other? (For Alice)

Interesting ponderings fo sho.
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Purely hypothetical but good question. I'd run into even more problems explaining where the big catgirl came from than those with human tuppers.

I hope that Cat would still want me and not just leave me for the next best person with better food but you know cats.

Ofc I would not lock her in and let her do what she wants, not that I could stop such beast with berserker strength. So yeah it would probably not end well. But it would be cool to have her walk around with me in public. Maybe one day household catgirl robots for her to control. [Spoiler]and mess up everything[/spoiler]
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Implying host has a say in this. If I could manifest as the real monster me -fuck yeah! I would take over the world and rule with an iron hand. All our troubles would soon be over.
As little girl - fuck no. I couldn't do anything and host would go to jail.

> 1. Would she (lets be real ofc she) still want *you*?
Host may be a weirdo and a fool but he is still a God among Insects. I could never find a finer slave!

> 2. How would you deal with the birth certificate/papers?
Paperwork is for the weak. If you're strong enough nobody asks for such details.

> 3. Would you keep her tied in the basement with the others?
Host is not Austrian where this is tradition.

> 4. How long before one of you murders the other? (For Alice)
See 1. Beatings would continue until morale improves though.
ur tuppers are all dangerous nutjobs
i guess i could live with Yulya as a normal couple if we could fix the papers issues there are ways here with money. yeah it would be cool but shes not sure how to deal with irl stuff daily life and earning money often sucks but we'd manage somehow

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