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Imaginare firendz r real

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Ah the possibilities:

[Ashley] I would outlaw poverty.

I would first be queen of the one world government of course. I would then rule with fear as is the only prudent thing to do. It would be necessarily jingoistic at first, until all the countries fell in line, then I would declare war on homelessness and thus it would be made illegal, a capital offense, and handled by military tribunal. No appeals. Next I would declare war on petty theft. Then illegal drug use, gangs, and illegal immigration. The gallows would line every border.

[Bear] that's my girl
Cat doesn't really care much. As long as I have enough to let her live a chill life thats fine. Messing with the world only brings trouble.
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> auschwitz
why am i not surprised?

Yulya thought about that a long time but found no clear answer. all those simple solutions end in catastrophe, even Alice's final solution as we know from history
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Yulya confirmed for most reasonable tupper.

I remember watching that Naruto scene and told host Ero-Sennin was a fool. If you aim for radical results like world peace you gotta be prepared to take radical measures. Life is a neverending strugggle and perpetual suffering. Only by eradicating all life, eternal peace can be ensured.

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