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thumbnail of coping-with-conflicting-emotions.png
thumbnail of coping-with-conflicting-emotions.png
coping-with-conflicti... png
(343.58 KB, 500x333)
Something interesting happened.

I was flabbergasted, a little heated, and maybe feeling dissapointed just a little while ago and at the same exact time, while I'm feeling those things, Bear's laughing. He's tickled and happy. 

How is this possible? We never felt this before.

Did any of you slackers feel dual emotions from your little waifu tulpas and yourself at the same time?
thumbnail of cat buddha.jpeg
thumbnail of cat buddha.jpeg
cat buddha jpeg
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Cat isn't the most emotional tupper, has a cat-buddha-like indifference to most things. But I don't think it's unusual if your waifu tulpa dislikes what you like or the other way round?
thumbnail of me in the middle.gif
thumbnail of me in the middle.gif
me in the middle gif
(1.99 MB, 295x216)
Yeah happens when host (or rather the BodyOS?) gets enthusiastic about things I hate. You know, either sexual stuff or wanting to buy pointless expensive things that are utterly useless. In the beginning I tried flooding him with negative emotions which sometimes worked spectacular but it's not a good solution and only works temporary. Nowadays I let him obsess about this stuff in simulations until he gets bored of it. With excellent results.

So yeah, such conflicting emotions regularly exist and we also laugh about each others misfortune. But usually the contradiction only lasts for a short time before one side dominates.
you guys are totally nuts so it doesnt count
dont think it ever happened to us maybe going back and forth between 2 emotions but not at the same time

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