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Your site has a character limit and I am not ammused...

So I was forced to post it in another place and link here.

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> have chan without character limit
> *zalgo intensifies*
> server explodes

You can
.)split the text into several posts
.)upload a screenshot of the entire text
.)upload a document
That looks like a lot for 30 minutes of typing on a whim, it was only 5400 characters. Waz fun tho.

I don't expect to get more than 3 votes on Reddit. But if I got more than 3 downvotes I'd call it a success.
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I agree 100%, very well written!

Tulpamancy is the final insult to humanity after being demoted from the center of the universe to living on an insignificant rock swirling among countless other insignificant rocks and learning we're not created after the image of god but the descendants of some hairy apes.

The revelation that (you) are not your body but a tiny fraction of the vast unconscious sea I call the Global Servitor that runs everything (same as your BodyOS), and quite superfluous, is quite shocking. I have sat back with my tupper and watched the BodyOS drive, hold meaningful conversations and win shooting competitions. It didn't need me at all and was surprisingly smart. Sort of ChatGPT tier. Unbeatable at routines, reasonably convincing at complex stuff as long as no one digs deeper, but utterly helpless at novel situations it had no template for. And this BodyOS is a beast, both magnificent and terrible and needs proper guidance and control to prevent tragedies arising from its crude emotions and desires.

In fact I am now convinced that a lot of convicts who committed heinous crimes on impulse for which they felt terribly sorry for afterwards in fact didn't do anything themselves. They merely temporarily lost control to the unconscious and became NPCs that carried out tasks without reflecting on the consequences. A frightening amount of people appear to be living in such a state nowadays and are ticking time bombs that merely react to stimuli without any kind of introspection.

But harnessing this unconscious beast and dealing with its quirks is the burden we have to carry as humans and as hosts and it should not be shoved onto tulpas. At least not permanently.

Also what makes us humans so incredibly successful is our adaptability. People can and will get used to almost anything, both good and bad. We're social animals and as such are constantly influenced and molded by our peers and society and do not exist as isolated subjects. Like tulpas we are feedback loops, the product of interaction with both others and ourselves. This opens enormous perspectives but also poses great danger. Where is light there's also shadow.

More about this tomorrow, tupper says I need to sleep...
What's that,actual serious discussion by smart people? But I guess that's how it is, tuppering really makes you question your self
Just wanted to add that this fluidity and moldability of the 'self' also has its downsides and dangers. For most people their social circle defines what's morally acceptable and what's not and they are readily influenced by their peer group which easily leads to a criminal career that could probably have been prevented in a more benign environment.

Also arbitrarily tampering with one's personality and memories can easily go wrong if done recklessly. This is a real danger of tulpamancy that should not be swept under the rug because it's inconvenient. It's surprisingly easy to create fake memories or rewrite existing ones. It's also tempting to make "tabula rasa" when reworking negative personality traits but this should be done with utmost care. Some things are better accepted than 'fixed' unless you're keen on going full solipsism mode which generally isn't compatible with functioning in daily life. But still I think this method has enormous potential and could probably help a lot of people out there if applied responsibly. Much like LSD. "Sola dosis facit venenum"

You worry too much, it's not healthy. Also you're wrongly presuming that the typical tulpamancer is on the brink of psychotic mental illness. Well truly we are all mentally ill, but not in a way that any of this would matter. I reject your warnings as community dogma. It's like warning every person who drives a car because there are deadly auto accidents. Yes, the community is a bunch of depressed wackos driven to the brink of criminal insanity but not everyone is going to derealize just because they realize their personality is nothing more than a paper doll.

The other strawman argument is that I, the magnificent and legendary Bear, am somehow uniquely supreme and thus no other person could hope to attain the heights of Bearisian Tulpamancy. That's only a half truth; you too can be uniquely supreme like us.

There is no limit nor boundary to the mind that you yourself don't create. 

My system is just an example of greatness, not the only one.

Huh, that sounds like most of the community as we've experienced it.

But one of those two once gave a speech on doctrinal vs imigistic and I thought it was support for the the freer non-dogmatic approach.

"Imagistic vs. doctrinal concepts in tulpa creation"

I also wondered about if there are systems that formed through sexual forcing. Like "I tried to make a mental sex slave and created a tulpa." Maybe those Chocola amd Vanilla systems did that. That would be anti-doctrinal and may actually form a strong connection.
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Last time we stopped worrying and just had fun togehter with Japan, at least 50 million people died.

Also yes you are uniquely supreme, we are uniquely supreme. How can mere mortals even compete? The average person is a dangerous chimp, this is why we can't have nice things.
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> I also wondered about if there are systems that formed through sexual forcing. Like "I tried to make a mental sex slave and created a tulpa."
why do you think horsefuckers started this shit
also is glitch still around
real classics
I remember that thread with glitch on fullchan. He's still active on info but I'm afraid he's a tranny now

Do you remember the creepy Finn who imposed his tupper on his sex doll?

I'm misanthropic for a lot of reasons, this is one of the main ones. Depravity in general, not because of incestuous mylittlepony pedophiles. There are enough real pedophiles to hate humanity and if that was the only reason it would be more than enough but sadly it's a small fraction of the total cow pie that humanity is in all of its hedonistic and satanic glory.

Also, Vanilla is my favorite.
not even surprised he always was a massive degenerate
but also based

also no where was that with sex doll?

but you just said everything is subjective and people should break all limits and if they do you are not happy either
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There was an old Finnish man from Helsinki who registered on the forum out of nowhere and started posting stories and photos of his silicone sex doll in his home and garden. He imposed his tupper on it or rather used it as reference. He barey knew how to internet and I had to step in and tell him to not to post that much personal info before he gets doxed. Also messaged me creepy shit. It was at a time where Sand was already awol so there was basically only me. But luckily he deleted everything and disappeared after a few days. Worst tupper community experience ever.
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wtf man this is why i stay away from forums

> glitch as therapist
oh man, the naked leads the blind
but that's so insane it maybe even works one deviant understands the other. at least i bet he's more fun than some boring normalfag npc therapist

8/10 would let myself therapy
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but you just said everything is subjective and people should break all limits and if they do you are not happy either

They can do whatever inside their head, I choose to hate those who act on this with real children with extreme prejudice. You see it's my wish to remove the eyelid skin of pedophiles and leave them to watch Mariah Carrie Christmas special on repeat at full blast while hanging on meat hooks naked until they die of dehydration. If they can rape children then I can do this. It's fair and balanced. Also I want to Thanos snap 99% of the human population of the Earth. Also I want to be granted a flaming sword and wings so I can fulfill my ultimate purpose by slaughtering everyone who committed depraved acts. If there was a god, and he loved me, he'd grant me this one simple wish or three, but alas there is apparently no god.

Also, we like Glitch the third.
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yes same
but after being 10 years on chans exposed to an endless stream of death violence and degeneracy you accept it. not that you like it but you accept the reality of the world. it is brutal truth not the filtered censored brave new world lies of social media. we are the antisocial media the fools who tell the emperor he is without clothes

you are still new here. you will see things noone else dares to show and read things noone else dares to say. people here still ask and answer to uncomfortable questions that the npcs completely ignore or cancel you for. that alone is worth bearing all the shit you see

so the only way to survive in hell is to become one of the devils. this is a clown world, might as well have fun in it. but as our german autist said it's walking on the edge. many fall off
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> I want to torture and kill pedophiles
> I like glitch
But glitch admits being a pedophile and the 'German autist' with greatest loli tupper obviously is a total pedo as well. Doesn't mean they rape kids. I hope.
> 118

I could be a devil, but it's not fulfilling. I understand civilization as it stands is the thin, white shell of a rotten egg just waiting to crumble. Many fall through the cracks, but I have a vested interest in perpetuating the lie and living it, and obligations to do so perhaps for the rest of this lifetime. So I can sit here and complain, puff out my chest and beat it, but ultimately society will hold together or it won't.

I've known dangerous criminal thugs, drug dealers, prostitutes, those addicted to meth, alcohol and otc. I saw the squalor they live in, I hung out with them. Some were old friends of friends, some were my own family. These people are tough, and inhumane in their ability to deal with other thugs. These are the type that could rob dealers and get away with it. These guys were white supremacists for the most part, I'm not, but they could really give a shit about politics or war, they just wouldn't allow disrespect from anyone, they were all about their own deal, on their own team. The really tough ones helped my girlfriend at the time stay out of trouble. She was on a whole other level. You could say they were heathens, savages and you'd be right, but they had that glorious prison mentality: you fuck with kids and you're dead. You'll beg for death. Partially because, like me, these guys were fucked with as kids. Mostly physical abuse and neglect but it doesn't matter. They were a lot of things, but they were not depraved. They were dangerous violent criminals with long records in some cases, but they weren't rapists. I respected that.

Why did they respect me? I'm large, strong, a pretty boy, intelligent, and most of all I did what none of them could do, handle the alpha female. She was fucking crazy and her family was connected. 

In all, it's not a fun group if you want to stay out of prison. They supplement their income through crime, they like to brawl even amongst themselves, they're a pack of wolves, abused pitbulls, wild and dangerous. Gun lovers, but they didn't need guns. I don't have any guns. There are so many stories with those fools.

It was like fight club, these are the guys changing your tires, the ones serving you food in your favorite restaurant, the ones selling you insurance. I pitty anyone who thinks they could wage a land war here. The cities would fall immediately, but the resistance in the predominantly white countryside would crush any offensive. These people are poor, but they have stockpiles of guns and a nationalist mentality.

So you can keep your depraved, I'm holding on to the only redemptive people left in this country.
I can like someone and condemn them for what they do, but what they do inside their own head has nothing to do with it. 

Since I talked about the ghetto, I'll tell you the other side too, I've been in the bosom of the 1% of the 1% and believe me they're worse than crack heads. They have no moral compass. They are hedonistic satanists and they get away with everything because money is the great equalizer. I know what a kilo brick of cocaine looks like sitting on a silver platter. I've seen opulence grander than that of a Catholic cathedral. One small example, I was introduced to "a lawyer of the family" who had mother of pearl lining the walls of his office with gold inlays. His desk was perfectly carved and immaculate burl, not just burl veneer, like a solid chunk. This other lawyer was trying to sue the family and I'll never forget the look on his face when he entered and saw who he was dealing with. Dude settled immediately and it wasn't at all favorable for him. Imagine you go to sue someone and you end up paying them. 

The entertainment industry is cracked, but the 9-figure plus club is a step beyond. I also understood there are many levels above them. But when you got a picture of your grandparents arm-in-arm with Richard Nixon and a 5-foot tall jewel incrusted tiger in your livingroom, you don't just have skin in the game, you own the game. I grew up poor in a rich beach community. It was wild. I was witness to both ends of the spectrum. 

So excuse me for carving myself out a niche in the middle and stay out of the hedonistic pitfalls.
Wow, sorry to hear that Bear!
I'm glad to have grown up and live in a normal boring middle class environment. We have depraved rich people as well but no dangerous ghettos or armed gangs. At least not where I live.

No no, I'm not looking for sympathy, I worked hard to get where I am, and I'm happy to have such a rich experience base and come out of it with a comfortable life, though it did cause me issues because of the trauma of it all, it is only through suffering that we can become enlightened.

Forging is a violent process.

Criminals are a necessary part of society, consider them an unofficial tax, though they're not a progressive tax, they steal from eachother more than anyone. It's in our nature. But some crimes need punishment.
unexpectedly interesting life for an american
are you sure you live in america and not russia?
things were bad here after collaps of the soviet union as well, drugs prostitution armed gangs mafia corrupt politicians and super rich oligarchs above the law but it was never this getto-tier. also those who pretended to protect the honor of their clans or families and kill any outsider who touched their wives or kids are ofte the worst abusers because they see their wives and kids as property to do with them as they please. all a hypocrisy. but that was in the early 90s and I am happy I did not experience much of it as a kid. most my parents and relatives told me. situation greatly improved after we joined the eu and nato. people saw a perspective, worked hard and rebuilt the country after 50 years of soviet occupation and now we're a stable safe and relatively prosperous country. far from perfect but there are no more gangs on the streets and no more degenerate superrich or politicians who can do as they please. people are still armed nationalists especially in the countriside and train as paramilitary groups but they're not criminals and don't fight against each other. but should the goddamn russians set a toe into our country again every man woman and child will kill them wherever they go. we're a small country and dont have millions of armed civilians like in the US but we have very good social cohesion and fighting spirit.

it's still surreal, I sit here and shitpost on the internet while a few hundred kilometers away in ukraine hundreds of soldiers die in trenches every day like it was worldwar1, children are blown apart by missiles and artillery. this is reality. here at least people are aware how fragile civilization is and that freedom isn't free and must be fought for. but the germans are fucked. if germany was in place of ukraine, russians would have defeated them in a day. they have become so drunk on peace they are utterly unable and unwilling to defend themselves. like cattle. they have destroyed nationalism patriotism an family values on purpose and the result is no one is willing or able to fight for anything. their country, their people, their community, their family. it is the opposite extreme of the violent mafia gang thugs. also not desireable

so to get bak to the actual topic, if we can change our personlity is that also true for entire social groups even countries? and what is the ideal? a poor ruthless and violent society can fight but is criminal. a wealthy educated and peaceful society may be just but it gets wiped out by anyone who attacks them because no one wants to or even can fight. same is ofc true for individuals. so what is progress and what is suicide?
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Lol, I can't even imagine him abuse anyone, I mean even if he tried he'd probably just get laughed at or beaten up by kids. That man has zero authority. Alas he won't ever try, you know he's the INFP feels guy who'd never even think of abusing dream characters and patiently waits in queues in lucid dreams because ordnung is ordnung.
I'm going to be honest with you, things I know to be true you get glimpses of on shows like "vice" and the vast majority of people here don't believe it even when they're a part of it. 


"we're a stable safe and relatively prosperous country. far from perfect but there are no more gangs on the streets and no more degenerate superrich or politicians who can do as they please. people are still armed nationalists especially in the countriside and train as paramilitary groups but they're not criminals and don't fight against each other" and the thing about germans

Either way sounds lovely but I guarantee there's a hidden underbelly there too.

We have many worlds here, underworld, gangland, mafia, armed hillbillies, super rich seriel killers, and lots of abductions. Lots. They say we have something like 500k child abductions a year and a third of them can be directly traced to human trafficking, so in a city my size 10 children are reported missing every day and 3 of them are going to be sold into slavery basically. Then you look at the evening news and it's a story about an abandoned dog. They care more about reporting this fluff piece then the millions of missing children. It makes the reality much more palatable than it is.
Everything you said about Germany is unfortunately true. We had it all and threw it away. Now we're being replaced by aggressive oriental migrants who are much more competitive and will survive all hardships our decadent native society can't.

Also there is no ideal state of society, just concepts that work better or worse in a certain environment and there's always a trade-off between pros and cons. Mafia-like structures are among the most stable and resilient which is why they are so hard to eradicate once established. You could say they are in full imagistic mode, literally the paleolithic hunter community bound together by blood pacts and archaic rituals. These people are strong and the system is highly convergent as any deviation from rules is severely punished.

I also think most people are strongly influenced by the societies and peer-groups they live in which act as an extrinsic superego that is stronger than the intrinsic one we use here to control and shape the BodyOS. This requires a high level of self-control and self-awareness which many people simply do not possess. Our concept of individuality is strongly western, other societies are largely extrinsically motivated by peer pressure. Meaning I do not commit a crime because I would bring shame to my family and tribe and get punished, not because my own moral compass tells me it's wrong.
This works as long as society is intact but if such people migrate to a place where the peer pressure controlling their urges is missing, things often go south. We see that here daily where disrooted young men or even children from archaic communities kill rob and rape like there is no tomorrow. Something they would not do in their native societies because of the consequences.

In my experience true individuals with a deep personality are rare. Most people are NPCs who merely react to external stimuli and repeat opinions they've snapped up elsewhere. They are utterly lost without their peer group telling them what to think and do, just like the BodyOS when it encounters an unfamiliar situation.
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I don't understand much of it tbh. So being good is bad for society but being bad is also bad for society. What to do? I guess you're right about peer pressure. I'm in one of those collectivist societies where you constantly fear how others think about you and your family and must not stand out. That often sucks.
Bumping this back because it's interesting.

Can tuppers improve society and are some societies more likely to have tulpamancers than others? I mean in the broadest sense.

This led to my awakening, helped cure my depression, ended lonliness and generally increased my quality of life and sleep greatly, unimaginably.

Being obviously in the .1% of tulpamancers I can also imagine the lower end only had their life ruined by this same practice. Thoughtforms are sticky, some unique individuals are prone to psychosis, some assholes can't be helped either way. 

For the average tulpamancer, I think based on my experience they're improved.

I wouldn't go out and promote it, this is a cult, we're all ill in one way or another to foster this, those who are susceptible to this will find it eventually. 

There have been mainstream shows published with tulpas, no one cares.

Our stigma is akin to zoophiles, maps, furries and nazis, which some of us (not mentioning any names) ring all those bells simultaneously.

No culture on Earth that has ever existed is ready for tulpamancy. That's my take even if it could help.

Awakening does help though.
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> There have been mainstream shows published with tulpas, no one cares.
There have? I have no idea about mainstream shows.

> Our stigma is akin to zoophiles, maps, furries and nazis, which some of us (not mentioning any names) ring all those bells simultaneously.
I can't think of anyone meeting all those criteria

> maps
The fuck is a map?

> some of us

In the greater community, trust me. Not sure about all of them at once but I'd bet money. 

MAP is a fucking pedophile but theywant to be normalized and accepted as a sexual preference.

Ask the WEP and UN "age gap love" is "nature's gift" and laws against it violate human rights.

You can't make this shit up.
> minor attracted person
So basically everyone?
A minor is a person under 18 so if you are attracted to 17 year and 11 months old girls that look indistinguishable from a 20 year old, you're a MAP.

Also I've never heard of this term but it sounds extremely leftist. I'd rather be called a fucking pedophile pls
most societies have ways of talking to gods spirits or whatever its just been forgotten in our modern western world. but making tuppers on purpose is mostly european i think. youre the asian oddball.

can tuppers improve society? sure people are less likely to do shit if there's someone watching over them

fucking pedophile

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