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Imaginare firendz r real

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2.2 thousand posts instantly anonymous.

Hundreds of personal, hand tailored responses rendered less useful.

And no one will care.

Of course I'll have no regrets, but why am I doing it? Is it to hide the cringe? Naa, Idc. Is it to get those bastards back? No, they don't care. 

I'll tell you why, because there is some embarrassment. Not from the cringe, but from the interaction with mentally ill people. Does that make me mentally ill-phobic? Hell yeah.

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Hmm, personally I'd just never log in there again and call it a day but do what you must. Also I don't find anything I've done there embarrassing, some stuff still entertains me a lot. It was fun but there always comes a time to leave. We have better places like this one now.

So toss a coin maybe?
Bonus: edit all 2.2K posts to NIGGER

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