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've got this movie Idea about a very high end Escort Service that specifically cater to old millionaire businessmen where the girls who work there are aged from 18 to 23 years old.

the main actresses in it are Sabrina Carpenter & Talitha Bateman who play Escorts named Tiffany (Talitha) and Brook (Sabrina) of course aren't their real names

where both of them meet one night not knowing they've come to service the same client, an 80yo man in the hotel they start to have sex with him both sucking his cock at the same time before Sabrina's Character starts riding him for awhile before Talitha's Character jumps on top of him where she starts getting really into it while he's eating out Sabrina when he starts to ask her to slow down but neither of them hear him from moaning so loud that he begins having a heart attack and dies only moments after he cums they realise he's dead long story short they are they in his room completely naked and later find out his the head of crime family and they then have to spend the rest of the movie doing what they can to stay alive and clear their names from his death my any means

Don't know how Much Room there is on here to write everything here but there's a orgy scene midway through the film where you see them in the actual building the Escort business is ran out from trying to find somewhere to hide from the goons who've been sent out to hunt them down, where they burst into a room where they are hearing some muffled noises coming out from to see s massive orgy taking place with a bunch of the girls (Francesca Capaldi character included) to see Daisy (played by Ciara Bravo) fucking two old men where she looks up at both of them and say "hey!, shut the door or if your coming in!!!, come in you're a little late to the party but I guess there are a few guys in the back waiting for their turn" so they both come into the room where the floor is completely socked from all of the sweat and semen that didn't find it's indented target walk past all of the old men fucking towards the back of the room.

this is a long shot here but if anyone happens to know and actual movie Director or know of someone who's one please see if you can get them to see this.
OP here
just to let everyone know I've near enough finished writing the script now and I'm just going over a few parts I wasn't so happy about

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I have this movie idea for a Romance Drama Thriller where I want it's Two main Roles to be played by Sabrina Carpenter & Keith David.

where it's about this upstanding very traditional Family values family man the typical kind you get in america who always votes Republican goes to church, wife, a lot of children, and even a couple grandkids, played Keith David, who has his whole life turned upside down when he meets this aspiring Glamour Model working as a barista in one of the local coffee shops in New York to pay the bills till her modeling career takes off.

when his usual coffee shop he goes into before work every morning was/is having some renovations to it so he decides to try out the one just around the corner, where, when walking into the place to wait inline to get his order taken is greeted by Sabrina Carpenter's Character and to his dismay is blown over and away by her incredible looks charm, charisma and bubbly personality and has never seen such beauty in all his life not even his beloved from all these years he's been with her can nor could compare to her beauty or the feelings created from this single glance and knew from that moment he had to be with her and that he couldn't leave or let things dissolve into nothing from this one encounter he had no needed to see her again.

I can continue on with what other parts are in the story if you'd like to hear more of the ideas I have in/for the story, and yes I can go into as much detail pertaining to the main one you want to know about.

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Time to list some must-see films I think anons should watch before SHTF.

What counts as a good film for me? Story must be intriguing and get you hooked. Acting must be good, believable and unique. Also, I prefer more realistic movies, but it doesn't have to be if the movie is a top notch classic with a great story and incredible acting.

Go ahead and make your own recommended lists if you like, and if you do, please post the titles and release dates!

Badlands  (1973)
My Cousin Vinny  (1992)
STONE  (1974)
The Day After  (1983)
River's Edge  (1986)
Absence of Malice  (1981)
A Fistful of Dollars  (1964)
For A Few Dollars More  (1965)
The Boys Next Door  (1985)
Beast With A Gun  (1977)
Stranger Than Paradise  (1984)
Five Easy Pieces  (1970)
Blue Velvet  (1986)
Kojak: The Belarus File  (1985)
Kojak: Fatal Flaw  (1989)
Dirty Harry collection (the whole movie series: 1971 - 1988)
The Dirty Dozen  (1967)
Nebraska  (2013)
My Friend Dahmer  (2017)
Menace II Society  (1993)
The Sandlot  (1993)
Falling Down  (1993)
Kelly's Heroes  (1970)
Night Of The Living Dead  (1968)
Dawn of the Dead  (1978)
Day Of The Dead  (1985)
Panic In Year Zero  (1962)
In The Heat Of The Night  (1967)
Far From Home  (1989)
Desolation  (2017)
Deliverance  (1972)
The Shining  (1980)
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(A business commuter is driving through California to meet one of his clients. When he heads back home to his family he notices someone in a truck is following him. It does not take very long for him to realize this is no ordinary stalker, 1971)

Mysterious Island Of Beautiful Women
(Decades after a devastating plane crash suspected to have killed all on board, an all-male crew makes an emergency landing on the same uncharted island. Believing they are stranded on a desolate island they become shocked when they realize the island is inhabited by a tribe full of women, 1979)

My Friend Dahmer
(Based on a true story about the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, this movie depicts the childhood and social life of Jeffrey when he was growing up with his dysfunctional parents, 2017)

(A troubled pre-teen girl living in rural Alabama with her religious grandmother suddenly becomes obsessed with the rock 'n roll scene after listening to Elvis Presley. Of-course in those times at that region of the world, that was considered blasphemy, 2007)

(A young woman who is inspired by punk rock moves to New York City to find like-minded people she can form a band with. After meeting several people she takes advantage of whoever she can to get what she wants, but this exploitation won't last forever as people find out what she is really all about, 1982)

(An older woman who owns and operates a hotel and diner nearside a public beach with her daughter are having excavation done near the property. When a fatal accident occurs the excavation crew is shocked to find out massive colonies of killer ants are living below the beach and humans just got on their bad side, 1977)

Phase IV
(After a mysterious cosmic event, desert ants suddenly network together to wage a war on human inhabitants. It is up to two scientists and a stray girl they rescued to destroy them, 1974)

Assault On Precinct 13
(An old Los Angeles precinct is under siege by a bloodthirsty street gang. An unlikely partnership between a Highway Patrol Officer, two criminals and a station secretary is formed to defend precinct 13, 1976)
A few more classics to wrap-up....

They Live
(A covert alien takeover of Planet Earth has largely gone unnoticed by the masses. Only a small group of people have come to realize the human race is being deliberately kept under a dream-like mindless consumerist state by these aliens who take human form and have subverted the television and radio airwaves to keep humans dumb. When a pair of monochrome glasses are discovered, a job-seeking city drifter can see the aliens, and see the subliminal messages they have placed all around gone unnoticed by the masses. Desperate to find where these glasses came from, and who may have more of these glasses who also may be aware, he tries his best to form a posse of like-minded individuals to alert the human population and prevent the final takeover of the planet, 1988)

War Games
(A young teenaged hacker finds a backdoor that leads to the United States Air Force Strategic Missile Wing which has control over NORAD. Unaware that he has access to nuclear launch control centers and this is not some kind of online game he hacked into, he proceeds to send false alarms of Soviet attacks directed at major American cities which force the US military to escalate the DEFCON level while trying to defuse tensions between Russia. The teenager has little knowledge of what he has done and just how many powerful people he has pissed off around the world, 1983)

The Wild Bunch
(After an unsuccessful robbery, an aging group of outlaws look for one last big score as the traditional American West is disappearing around them. When they head down to Mexico the group finds they have a lot of other problems to deal with and get themselves stuck in the middle of a war while trying to seek more lucrative opportunities, 1969)

Rio Bravo
(A small-town sheriff in the American West enlists the help of a disabled man, a drunk, and a young gunfighter in his efforts to hold in jail the brother of a criminal kingpin. The kingpin hires a posse to take them out and free his brother in the meantime, 1959)

Beast With A Gun
(Dangerous criminal Nanni Vitali escapes and Italian prison with four accomplices. He and his henchmen terrorize the populace and seek revenge against those responsible for Vitali's incarceration. Commissioner Santini, son of the prosecutor who had sentenced Vitali, tries desperately to stop them, 1977)
Five Easy Pieces
(An oil rig worker, Bobby, lives with his girlfriend, Rayette, in Kern County, California in a small town. When Bobby finds out Rayette is pregnant and his best friend Elton is arrested for armed robbery, he returns to LA to see his family, finding out his father had two strokes. Bobby cheats behind Rayette's back whenever he has the chance to but Rayette is eager to maintain their relationship eventually pissing off Bobby's own family, who consider her to be poor white trash, 1970)

Wild Man of the Navidad
(Based on a true story, this film depicts the old conspiracy/fairy tale about the first sightings of "Bigfoot" in Texas, along the Navidad River bottoms. It's said that the Wild Man of the Navidad was eventually sold into slavery in Victoria, Texas, and lived in Refugio and Victoria Counties until his death, 2008)

The Shining
(Jack Torrance, a recovering alcoholic and former school teacher turned writer, takes a job to be the caretaker during the winter in the remote Overlook Hotel out in the mountains. Jack intends to stay three months in the giant hotel with his family while caretaking. Jack's son Danny has a telepathic ability called "shining" and on certain occasions Danny can see into the future. When Danny witnesses a horrific glimpse to come, he has to face his dreaded fear staying at the supposedly haunted hotel. As Danny starts having more frightening visions, Jack's mental health deteriorates creating a perfect self-fulfilling prophecy from his shining. Meanwhile Jack's wife Wendy is increasingly worried about the safety of Danny and Jack's declining mental stability. When Wendy suggests they leave the hotel, Jack snaps and makes it apparent he never intends to leave, 1980)
Does anyone know where I might find an English subtitled version of "Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun"? It's the third movie/series.
> Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun

Never heard of it, looks to be labeled an anime so I wouldn't know anything about that genre. Although I checked a couple p2p clients and some people are sharing it (season 2), only one says "English dub" though. Also checked and they have magnets of some episodes but I have no clue what language they are.

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there was this like foreign Gangster movie I saw back around 2012 or 13 can't remember the name of it or what country if was from it might have been a Russian movie, where one of those old timey Mob Dons (guy who played him must have been in his late 80's) in this movie was always seen fucking some hot chick there was never not a scene where you didn't see him having sex with some hot girl, does this sound familiar at all to anyone here or maybe might have seen it yourself at one point?
Not a mafia film but a great gangsta film about two troubled teens growing up in the hood, and seriously, this film is very realistic, it indisputably depicts what it is like having to live in the ghetto where gangs and gangstas are everywhere, a way of life.

Menace II Society (1993)

das rite nigga!

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