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it is said that the Prequel to Game Of Thrones will contain vast more amounts of graphic sex in it than Game of thrones, George Insisted on nudity in HoD, and there will be multiple insane sex scenes that will be basically more or less akin to that seen in porn going.

it has even been mentioned that Matt Smith trained with porn stars for the role.

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A new Movie being made based off the book with the Same name, Starring Sabrina Carpenter as the lead role McKenna Berney.

have heard that this book is laced with gratuitous sex in it, most of the first half of the book contains a tremendous amount of sex scenes in it, like within the first sex scene in the book it's goes into great detail of her character preforming various sex acts on the dude she hooks up with and ain't shy about how blunt it goes into it.

I'd like to know if anyone here has read the book themselves and what they thought of it and what their favourite parts were?

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The princess of the Kingdom of Medellin is the production supervisor of her father. From Los Angeles to Miami, all drug dealers say that her goods are whiter than snow, and her heart is blacker than ebony. After the death of her mother, her stepmother took away her production workshop and began to sell her own goods. Every week the stepmother holds a video conference code-named "Magic Mirror": "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the best product in this world?" The American distributor said in unison: "It's Snow White." The stepmother was so angry, called the chief of police to kill her. The police chief had collected so much money from Snow White for so many years. He couldn't bear it. He gave Snow White a fake passport, blew up Snow White's car, took the license plate and said to her stepmother, "I'm done." Still worried, the stepmother held a video conference: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the best product in this world?" The gangsters said: "Snow White’s product hasn’t been seen for a few months. Of course, yours is the best product. The great Queen of Medellin." The stepmother smiled contentedly.

Snow White wore ragged clothes, wandering all the way to Mexico City. She saw a small house, walked in and ate all the taco and guacamole, and fell asleep in the bed. Seven Mexicans who made methamphetamine came back from the laboratory and yelled: "Who ate my taco? Who ate my guacamole?" They took out the shotgun and said to Snow White, "Who are you, police or DEA?" Snow White made them beef rolls with honey mustard and chopped parsley, and the seven amigos decided to leave Snow White to cook for them. Snow White watched the Mexicans' process of making methamphetamine, helped them improve, made pure ice, and taught them to put the goods in coffins and transport them across the US-Mexico border.

One day, the stepmother held an online conference again: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose goods are the best in this world?" The American gang said: "Your Majesty, in Colombia, your goods are the best, but in far away Mexico, Snow White’s goods are whiter than snow, and the price is only one-seventh of yours." The stepmother was very angry. She pretended to be a drug dealer and peddled cocaine along the street. Snow White stopped the old woman and said: "Old bag, how pure is this stuff?" The old woman secretly replaced 25% of the distribution packaging with 98% pure goods, and gave Snow White a tin foil package. Snow White finished her breath and passed out with a creak.

Seven amigos came back and found Snow White lying on the ground and foaming. They cried and put Snow White and three hundred pounds of new goods into the crystal coffin, intending to cross the US-Mexico border. The princess lay in the coffin with ice bricks piled around her. When they were crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, they encountered a DEA inspection. A black agent with a white convertible Ford stopped them. The black agent was nicknamed "Prince" and couldn't help but want to make a shot while it was hot. Halfway through the matter, the princess woke up, but she did not move. She shot a small movie of the agent through the camera, and the agent also discovered the secret of the crystal coffin. The two looked at each other with smile.

The agent and the princess got married. The villa on the beach in Southern California was full of photos of the prince burning coca fields, and the basement was filled with suitcases full of dollars. The stepmother's kingdom collapsed in despair and was extradited and sentenced to 300 years. The princess was pushing a stroller when she saw the news in the supermarket: "Although the White Horse Detective wiped out the Columbia Witch Group, a new drug lord has emerged, and we still don’t know who he is. But from Los Angeles to Miami, all addicts are saying, his goods are whiter than snow."

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All In The Family (Seasons 1 - 9) + First Two Seasons of Archie Bunker's Place (MKV Format)


This show is also being shared via Soulseek (a decentralized P2P file sharing client).

Several episodes will be mirrored per day within this thread, until finished.

Archie Bunker's Place has not been forgotten:  >>/114/
54 replies omitted. Click to expand viewer

I have decided that I'll be converting my MKV formats to mp4s and then upload the mp4s considering mp4s can still be uploaded. As far as I'm concerned something - or someone - has blocked the MKV formating from being uploaded. Intentional or unintentional, whatever.

mp4s of the rest of this show will be dumped here within the next week, depending on my schedule.

UPDATE: To my dissatisfaction and dismay, I am no longer able to upload videos to this thread anymore, not even mp4s will upload! Something or someone has disabled uploads completely, if deliberate likely from fears of a DMCA crackdown. Therefore, you can download ALL the episodes of this show here (oh, I WILL be seeding!):


You can also find this show on Soulseek! Sorry for the inconvenience but I QUITE! /tv/ threads are being sabotaged and I'm not going to deal with this bullshit any longer!

Complain here:  >>/operate/8056/

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