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The Frugal Gourmet (#F!awt3wTjS!nQsYgdo_u-Yh0vLA-ohcIA)

The Frugal Gourmet was a classic cooking show that first aired in the late 70s on WTTW in Chicago. Later, re-airing nationally on PBS from 1983 to 1997.

There are no DVDs of this show in existence. Old VHS recordings were uploaded to Youtube a while back ago, but Google Inc. shut it all down. Fortunately for us, I have it all backed up.

All the episodes will be mirrored below in timely fashion, many of them come in two parts. A few special holiday episodes come in three or four parts.

Expect around 4 to 5 episodes mirrored per day until uploading is finished. (This show is also currently being shared via the P2P client Soulseek!)
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Thats it folks. This is the entire collection I have of the Frugal Gourmet. Currently this show is being shared via Soulseek as well (a free and easy to use P2P client). Hope you enjoy the show and if so please feel free to share these episodes. They are hard to find.

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Yes, but I am in a little town and I have 0 online friends.
I managed to get only into one single serious private tracker, the rest aren't serious.
I am trying to see if someone pity this priviledged white trash.
Usenet is also in general, I never got access to that too.

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Eva, of course.
Her naked scene was removed from the dvd release in some countries for some reason. Everyone else's nude scenes remained.

I was disappointed when she was replaced by Xenia. Eva gave off strong Carrie Fisher vibes for me and I find her a lot more attractive.

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