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This movie was just a couple of amusing/cool scenes strung together with duct tape to form a somewhat coherent whole. I won't even mention the liberal propaganda and the questionable morals because that was to be expected, but I didn't expect this movie to be downright insulting. And it's not like it couldn't have been good, this actually had potential.

Also, Nick's awful, badly delivered oneliners during the train scene should have never made it past production. That was simply embarassing.
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It's clear it had some type of ridiculous anti-racism, anti-discrimination based on biology message.

Which is ridiculous because you're always more wary of the wasp than the honey bee (unless your baka). Even if some wasps are good ones that don't attack unprovoked. You're still wary of them as a group. Even if 8% of blacks can fit into civilization you're still more wary of them as a group, for being in general, more 'savage'

But if you ignore that is was just a fun flick.
Yes, it was a "fun flick", I'll admit that much. I guess that's why I'm so disappointed. I wanted it to be something more. Something memorable.

Fun flicks sell though, so that's the only thing we're ever gonna get I suppose. If we're lucky.
Is this really a "fun flick?" I am an adult and this seems like a movie for kids.
It is a movie for kids. It's fun, but it's not actually good.

So, if you like movies for kids and you're bored, it's worth a watch. Just don't expect anything more than a "fun flick" (in the worst sense of the word), because you'll be disappointed.

shitboarding is like an imageboard's fiat currency. sure making more boards will stimulate discussion in the short term, but it's just causing inflation and a bankruptcy of interest in the future. This site is already becoming difficult to navigate. pls stahp adding useless boards

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