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I wonder what's on TV?

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Dude if your going to post something on /tv/ please rip something in full and just upload it to the damn board. Don't be dishing out random Youtube links to trailers which could be taken down any time Google pleases.
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Okay, faggots, this is how you modernize a franchise:

So you can't make a somber story because you need the ADHD kid ratings. I get it. You have that constraint as your personal obstacle. What you do is, you allegorize it, and make it a component of the story you're writing. If you can't do real Peter Rabbit, maybe make it about a Peter Rabbit Jr., and include Peter Senior as a side character. Draw from your experience of having to balance the expectations and reality and tell your own story about a younger, unruly rabbit, who is coming to terms with meeting the older halfway by learning to appreciate the old values. Hell, even make him not learn shit, but just flip the tables by carefully presenting the case that new generations can be more off-the-cuff and it's the old ones who are too strict, but justify it. You can have your little bitch Mr. McGregor as well, screaming to keep the kids entertained. Make the old one having died offscreen and him inheriting the house, and make the central conflict to be exactly that he's so much of a pushover that he allows the animals to mess things up. Create a conflict and then resolve it. That's storytelling, you damn hacks.
> trailers which could be taken down any time Google pleases.

Noted. At the risk of hitting the wall of region locked content, I post official links when I find it appropriate, and at the risk of upload impermanence I post fully ripped videos when appropriate.
Funny, because I personally can't stand new movies because their story lines suck ass. I haven't been to a movie theater since my kids were teenagers! That's been over 12 years ago. I stick to the old time classics because at least they have good story lines. It makes sense that they get so obnoxious with films now days considering so many kids have ADHD and have the attention span of a monkey.

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