/tv/ - Television & Movies

I wonder what's on TV?

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I'm having trouble uploading videos here, again. Will try to upload more from time to time. Page freezes for no apparent reason, hopefully this thread was not blocked.

Download the rest via torrent or Soulseek in the meantime...
I have decided that I'll be converting my MKV formats to mp4s and then upload the mp4s considering mp4s can still be uploaded. As far as I'm concerned something - or someone - has blocked the MKV formating from being uploaded. Intentional or unintentional, whatever.

mp4s of the rest of this show will be dumped here within the next week, depending on my schedule.
UPDATE: To my dissatisfaction and dismay, I am no longer able to upload videos to this thread anymore, not even mp4s will upload! Something or someone has disabled uploads completely, if deliberate likely from fears of a DMCA crackdown. Therefore, you can download ALL the episodes of this show here (oh, I WILL be seeding!):


You can also find this show on Soulseek! Sorry for the inconvenience but I QUITE! /tv/ threads are being sabotaged and I'm not going to deal with this bullshit any longer!

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