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post some fucking video games this time

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> 8chan moe is the least bad
> 8chan moe

There's CP all over that site. Wouldn't recommend it.

>  Anyway I guess shitposting days are over gotta find me something else and be serious about it

sportschan's /v/ board is the best option for now. Try inviting them here in case dudder forgets to pay the bills again

The point of porn games you don't just jerk off to is to desensitize you further to porn. Like if you can play a porn game that's an actual game without jerking off then you either have the best wife ever or are completely desenitized to tits and pussy.

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About an hour ago the official server for Genesz, devs for the driving game with a cult following "The Long Drive", was completely pwned by persons unknown.

Quote of the night comes from the unofficial server which has served as a 'lifeboat' for the massive amount of people banned for no reason, BS reasons, or refusing to validate LGBTQP.

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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

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lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!

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So We just banning everything we don't like, but somehow it's still free, somehow it's still uncensored? What a fucking bubble. I'm here to pop it and show you that jannies DO ban people simply because they do not like them. 

Join me at stake. us/?c=rrUvqSX1 for some fun gaming, We got slots, we got dice, I'm just a player there, referring people because you get 25$ free for sign up if you follow my referall link, YES DOES IT READ LIKE AN AD? SURE? IT'S NOT AN AD THOUGH BRO, IT'S JUST WORD OF MOUTH. LEGIT TRYING TO HOOK PEOPLE UP, AND STILL I GET BANNED EVERYWHERE, THIS IS SO UNFAIR WHERE'S MY FUCKING FREE SPEECH NIGGERS?!?!?!? AHHHHHHHHHH IM LOSSING IT 

If you ban me you're gay!

I see this is place to ventile your anger or whatever emotions you have so I want a say that Steam,Epic and other launchers are cancer of gaming. Corporations just use your RAM,PC info and offer you games you dont want. You are forced to be online and use that shit for most games and sadly most of people worship this system. Launchers my ass. Why can people just download from official sites,pay there for it and its done?   Because of money and info they want. Im glad Im not interested in modern games so I dont need this.

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