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> 1 : if it's not atleast somewhat video game related or board related, take it to /b/.

> 2 : spam will NOT be tolerated.

> 3 : if you cannot handle the banter or as you call posts you don't like "shitposts", you really should take your no fun allowed ass back to /v/ or 8chan

> Remember that no matter the rules of the board, all global rules apply

critique of these rules would be nice.
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I think the chaos emeralds are used to unlock the sound test.

why do you wanna 100% a game that's made specifically for fapping?
everything that's on the menu that's locked becomes unlocked basically.

you can't really 100% it because the game's still being worked on.
does anyone have a 5.8 or older save for project x? it's a sonic sex game of course.

Don't think there is a thread for this on here, and I would like this board to actually become something other than a steaming cesspool, greater in depth than that of /v/

Anyway, got any good Roguelikes? ToME is pretty good, best part is that i's open source and supports Linux.

recently I've got more interested in Dwarf Fort, and have been learning to play that.
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I'm pretty fond of this one, and it's free


Been playing it off and on for awhile. Every play, world, and software version has been interesting and different

And the setting just works better for me than many roguelikes
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This makes me want to die, I wanted to kill several feminists and internet user, and now I caaaaan't.
I wanted to kill a wide varity of specific people but now I can't...

no realistic moonman mod then I guesss.....
The game itself has only been out for a year or so. To my knowledge, development kits usually comes within a year or so after the game has been released.

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sign it you faggots

anotha one.

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