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> Rebels are apparently oppressed cause they got told to stop acting like niggers
> Rebels outnumber/outgun the people they are fighting.
> Bad guys are wrong cause they want to install order and make everyone safe, along with build up infrastructure.

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> Still no "fun" arcade tank vidya
> All Slav bullshit F2P grind simulators
> All based on "real world" tanks and try to claim "Muh realism" with healthbars

Why does tank vidya suck now anons? Shit from 1988 was way better.
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> wants arcade tank game
> complains about healthbars
uwot? Healthbars are more fun, anyway. Too bad WoT and AW are shit for other reasons. War Thunder is just boring as fuck in general because of the insane inbalance and the fact that it seems every single fucking tank has a hand-cranked turret.
> Thinking complaining about healthbars was the point

No it's complaining that these games pretend they are super realistic when they are just not.
I've never heard of them claiming to play realistically. Just that they have authentic tanks in them, which I actually like because it's really good at brainwashing a really autistic interest into your mind. Gives you lots of IRL stuff to read up on.

Unless you're talking about the in-depth armor modelling, which can only be a good thing because it adds depth to the gameplay.

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Pick a type of game.

Now you have to imagine or name a game of that type without any kind of formal language, not even numbers. It may use any pictures, sounds, status bars, gestures, and anything else. References to keyboard buttons don't count.

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I'm fucking tired of being a goody two shoes hero man. I wanna kill some helpless individuals and rule the world.
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That's a given for anyone who doesn't play with default models (or at least explore the options). Update: I remembered the Androids are -simulated?- assholes too, and the fact that Nalis are wordy in their own language, so there is a possibility they are assholes too.
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postal 1 is much darker than 2 in terms of the atmosphere, but personally i had a lot more fun with 2. people just keep on spawning and there is a lot more detail to the killings. it is also a lot more accessible and perfect for when you just want to kill some fuckers.

plus there is more content and cool shit to do and it has a new expansion pack. very highly recommended. don't bother with 3 though, apparently it sucks balls.

there's also hatred but i've heard it was over the top and kind of shitty.

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ITT: Make a stupid fucking list of autistic shit that you will post in without reading the thread because I'm too fucking stupid to realize this is not a good thread to make.

I'll start.
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Let's talk about Frogger.

frogger was an arcade game back in the day created by konami about a frog crossing traffic.
The gameplay was fun and simple and innovative for it's time.

in the late 90's, konami partnered up with hasbro and mad a new fogger game for the ps1 and pc simply called "frogger", that game bought new things like 3deeee and actual level design and a story... it was good and difficult.

then 2 years latter, a sequel was created called "frogger 2: swampy's revenge" it was for ps1 and pc and it was an improvement in every way from it's predecessors like a new playable female frog! let it be known that frogger was the first franchise to be truly diverse.

in the early 2000's, konami wanted to make frogger "edgy" and "hip" so they made him talk, wear a bookbag and strech him out a bit.

there were 3 ok games for this new "edgy frogger" at it was all good.

then in 2011, konami made a new bland reboot to frooger simply called "frogger" on the 3DS.

where did all the talent go? this new frogger on the 3ds was bland and boring as shit and it wasn't even funnily edgily bad like the edgy froggers... such a cash grab...

now that konami is absolute shit nowadays, I wonder what will happen to this little green frog...


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let's start.

> Emulators

emulate anything from the nes too the wii u. the PlayStation 1 to PlayStation 3 (Rpcs3) and the xbox (xqemu) to 360 (xenia) also hsndhelds from the psp to the ds to the 3ds (citra) and they will all only get better. rpcs3, xenia, citra and cemu is getting better and more improved everyday.

the wiki will tell you everything you need and will give you the latest builds of your desired emulator as they come out. let's be clear here, you will be able too play EVERY SINGLE GAME on your pc in just a few years hell I heard the rpcs3 devs are also going to tackle vita emulation once they get rpcs3 in a presentable state (which is quickly getting to that point if you say up with the newest builds and look for recent videos here on youtube for people testing them)

frankly I am appalled that you put up a fake 360 emulator here, next time you should do more research.

> mods

mods can make a game that had a poor port into a okay port (if a game has a 30fps lock, people can sometimes bring it up to 60, texture mods,  etc.)

> native backwards compatibility

all the way from windows 10 to dos, if you're willing to do enough research, you can run almost any old pc game on your windows based pc.

> more ports of console games

as pc gaming grows, more and more developers that never made a game or ported anything to pc are porting games too pc (if some are shit, you always have a possibility too mod it unless you ABSOLUTLEY cannot.
> fangames, indies, old flash games, independent games

pretty self explanatory. there is also a way that you can turn browser based flash games into an .exe file for use offline and not have to be confined to a browser and a way to make them fullscreen

> joy2key and xpadder

wanna play a game that doesn't use a joypad but you really wanna use a joypad? bam, you can

> cracks

if a game has drm, someone will eventually make a crack and you can play that game without the drm if you apply the patch. you won't be able too play multiplayer online games online but if you only care about singleplayer content, you should be fine with that.  cracks exist for: steam, uplay, origin, game for windows live, securom, vsrious other old forms of drm and denuvo

> image mounting software

if you can't play a old game that demands a cd and you can't put the cd into your computer, you can mount it virtually.

> multiple stores you can buy modern games from

steam, gog,, etc. if you wanna support developers

> piracy

I'm listing this because people can pirate for many different reasons. you can pirate everything, you can choose what you wanna pirate and buy, which devs to support and not, if you're poor but you'll buy it once you get money yada yada. point is that YOU can chose what your money goes to. and it's not really stealing, it's file sharing. keyword: SHARING meaning someone had to originally buy it.

> actual 1080p and 4k

Self explanatory

> actual 60fps and beyond

Self explanatory

> multiple screens

you can have 2,3 or more screens on your pc. some games even support more than one screen. wanna have fun? download desmume (ds emulator) and mess with it do you can play the bottom screen on your second screen and the top on your first. better yet, get 1 touchscreen monitor and use that for the bottom screen. it's tricky but you can do that. hopefully citra ends up supporting that nativley when it gets more developed (doubt it)

> use pretty much any controller you want

adapters for retro controller, programs to make controllers with a usb disguised as a xbox 360 device (scp server for the dualshock 3)

kinda hype after the DMC4: Special Edition, it was tremendously fun, CAPCOM can make a good game if they try to

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> The main observations were that boys with ASD spent significantly longer playing video games – on average around an hour more per day.

> By genre, “normal” boys showed greater preference for shooter games than the ASD group, and greater preference for sports games compared with the ADHD group. In boys with ASD only, preference for role-playing games was associated with higher problematic video game use scores.

Wew lad.
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tbh it's true, I've been diagnosed with both and I'm a weeaboo video game nerd, but it's a given since people with ADHD and autists can really sink into something that interests them
im diagnosed with heavy paranoia, anxiety, and depression. icloke sandbox games and rpgs 

these studies are dumb, you could argue any abnormal person likes weird shit or abnormal things. especially with more substance than shitty dudebro games. 

i hate normies

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