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> American women
Why no wonder there are so many halfbreeds in burgerclap, no self respecting man wants to deal with their inherent bullshit.
> implying the problem is just American white women

Bro, the problem is all WESTERNIZED women. Have you looked at Asian SJWs? If you want to marry, doing it in a Westernized country is the worst thing you can do. And note I'm saying WESTERNIZED, meaning if you go to Korea, guess what? Get ready for slut pride, and getting arrested for watching hentai or playing Touching Feeling.

I myself am trying my hardest to learn Jap and getting my degree plus debts sorted out. But even Japan's not entirely safe, they're living on borrowed time. Although I remain hopeful since they recently abolished their liberal arts courses and are restructuring them.

But with the Zainichis gaining traction and making anti hate speech laws, the future still looks uncertain.
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Kill all zainichis. Deport all Koreans.  Do not cave in to China's demands.  Fill the Defense Force's Ranks. Pay citizens to have children. Bolster pride in the countryside.
thumbnail of Zainichi Korean crime - Taxi theft (360p).mp4
thumbnail of Zainichi Korean crime - Taxi theft (360p).mp4
Zainichi Korean crime... mp4
(5.17 MB, 400x224 h264)
Zainichi Korean,so-called Korean resident in Japan,who is commiting crime in a Japanese society.
This guy,named Kim stole a taxicab,then shouts
" Yossha! " (means " I did it ").

The guy stole a taxicab.There,he finds cash in the pocket of the taxi driver's jacket and says "Idid it!"
In the other part,he says "get off my way,old bitch!"to an old woman who is traversing the street,blocking the robber's taxi's way.
A hydrant was scattered in the taxicab and all the money gone.

This is why ordinary Japanese people don't like Zainichi Koreans,and this is not the " discrimination "
as Zainichi say.
Zainichi have Korean nationality ,however they are exempted from military services.
Zainichi also have many privileges in Japanese society such as receiving monthly living protection(more than 200,000yen every month!),alias ,etc.
Zainichi's organization called Mindan requires local suffrage for permanent foreign residents in Japanese society just because they pay taxes.
However,taxes have nothing to do with voting rights.
This requirement by Mindan and Zainichi is mere domestic intervention.We strongly oppose to their requirements of local suffrage.

Please do not misunderstand the cause,and misleaded by some Zainichi Koreans claiming Japanese are basically racists.We simply don't like criminals commit crimes in our country.

Therefore,we are not racists.We are hating the criminals.
I want to brutally rape the white shirt and cum inside her while looking directly into her tear-filled eyes of terror.

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