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I would like a new elder scrolls set in a place that actually makes the game fun.
In real Life. No I will not entertain which classification of otherkin designates which locale. Nor will I identify myself with a heathen star gazing genotype. Might as well ask me to fuck a waterbed because i will not lower myself to defile myself in the copulation sorcery of this scroll. What is not explained remains the most actute rotes of wizerdry.
If the next TES game would be similar in content and quality to Morrowind and Daggerfall, I would develop mods to make the game increasingly better. I would donate (Money and time) To the modding community with the hope that the game will exceed every other game on the planet. I would also donate time to the community surrounding the game. On forums and Jewtube. 

And of course, sink thousands of hours into it like in Morrowind. 

But we all know TES 6 will literally be the shittiest thing since Fallout 4 and any other AAA title released today. 

Brb, gonna stream my suicide.

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