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This is a series of threads where we are building a map of occult symbolism to decode the secret language of the ruling class.
For those who missed the first three, I have prepared a cryptic summary.

Thread #1:
August 8th, 2022 - November 25th, 2022
262 / 300 posts archived

> The first thread was a bit chaotic.

> We drove by Volunteer Fire Departments.

> The one in Sandy Hook has stars on the roof.

> When it comes to geometry, I bet they know a thing or two.

> The Royal Art almost led us to the secret garden of Frances.

> Did we overlook the spirals in roses?

> The Hitchhiker's Guide was touched on, of course.

> But not the first chapter's clue about a horse.

> We went to the beach where Tom Hanks was cast away.

> Time rules over us without mercy, so he found a Mercedes.

> Maybe he just needed to wait until sunset.

> Peggy Sue got married, but did she fall out of heaven?

> And let's not forget about 1, 2, and 7.

Thread #2:
November 26th, 2022 - October 10th, 2023
299/300 posts archived

> I meant to do more with Alice but fell in the deep end.

> We forgot the life preservers for The Enchantment Under The Sea Dance.

> While looking for The City, I got directions to New Jerusalem and The Republic.

> Let's try to plan for that long-overdue Hippo safari in August.

> I pointed out reflections and found a rainbow connection.

> There was another trip to the beach, and I remembered to bring Hawaiian garments.

> We talked about palms but not freemen from Lucania or Lukedonia.

> Do robots go fishing in aquariums? I bet Skynet speaks Quenya.

> I contemplated the nature of half mermaids and amphibians.

> Our understanding of Corinthians will peak soon, I imagine.

> And it's about time we go over Lovecraft and the deep things of Satan.

> Did you catch Graham before Hesse? Maybe there are no coincidences.

Thread #3:
October 11th, 2023 - April 5th, 2024
151/~250 posts archived

> Knowing was ennobling, and Linda Hamilton was pretty.

> October really spooked us without even making it to Santerelli.

> Was Coast to Coast part of the belluminati?

> Lighthouses guided us towards arrival.

> Michael Sembello was rather attractive.

> We found a host of avatars and body snatchers.

> But never asked if there's a difference between wanderers and travelers.

> We learned Frank has a franchise and visited the apartment he rents.

> A few JCs were named, and I am sure Jackie Chan knows about that.

> We found several Connors but had no love for Philip.

> Maybe one day we will finally discover William.

> During our research, we came across more than one Scotsman.

> There are still mountains to climb as we barely explored The Highlands.

> On balance, I think we should attend The Last Supper, again.

> The Da Vinci Code is centered around it, and we're well into these threads.

> Immer is their word, but we can say Emma.

Eventually, I'm going to make a thread that covers everything so far in an ideal order.
With bad portents ahead, there will be a more relational and technical approach.

Welcome back.