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Welcome! Thanks for joining us today, newcomer! 
We will update this thread shortly. 

Guide to this Board: You are Here! 
ATC inc. & You: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z5509mWYrjM3nbyZIN0jQXbX4yUBYWh4lsMSJ91qurU/edit?usp=sharing
The Secret Places You'll See: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MJh8mmc1nH3rL-FUlWoEluK3wG_b8cRYcCeoT9Devtw/edit
Introduction to our Fictional, Spiritual Creations: Coming Sooon! 
Character Database: Coming Soon!  

This is the official board / directory to ATC Inc. and you, newcomer who is reading this! 

I am your host, Maria. 
And this is the creator, John. 

Hi there!
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[Sorry, John posted that stuff under his name.] 
[Bold/Italics/Red is the host. Normal unedited text is from John.]

Now, regarding fetish art... mainly diapers, what are things you like to see or don't want to see? 
Fuck if I should tell you what I usually draw/like to see in these art, personally I wish to see the diapered character jack off and play around with their dick in/at the toilet. 
What I DON'T like to see is characters messing their fucking diapers as if they're, as they call themselvs, "diaperbrained". More like fucking poopbrained you fucking weirdos. 
Not to kinkshame anyone, but please, for the LOVE of Jesus and Mary, don't try to interact expecting I'm into these things. And I don't like to see anybody hating on the toilet, when the toilet is - secretly - a horny thing. 
My experience with the Toilets are NOT to be really shared with the public, but they are not quite deep. 
Ah... ahaha. Wow. 
What? What's so funny? 
Nothing, just... thought you'd tone it down a little? 
Fine, but I still stand corrected. It just smells gross when they unload human waste. I'd rather see silly/sexy things in these arts, y'know? 
As for uh, many other fetishes... yeah, they are ALL safe and fictional, but it's not too fun to talk about. Especially inflation.

Right right, sorry bout that folks. Hope I didn't bore you out.
So, how about this, back on the general side of things, John; How did you find Maria? 

Umm... right.. Uhh. you know that- 
Wait you want me to tell from the beginning?? 
If you want to, yes.
[long pause] 
Well, let's just say, I was riding my truck, suddenly stopped at like... uh, two gas stations.. to get some water. 
And then, I was happily driving by... until I got curious over that dumpster yard I had found. Safely, I parked it in and.. um-


Let's not talk about what happened, and focus on the positives... 

Since new years hit, I've been sort of... continuing most of my leftover projects - extending onto post-new years. So, whatever I have in store for most people that demanded/requested before; will have to be drawn before I end up forgetting it. That is why I was in a technical rush to post something and not permanently leave over it again. Although, some people come and go, most others never truly leave. Or others just lurk, with mostly no interaction, unless it's actually private in DMs. 

Our goal remains the same. Make content privately, and post some for people that are actually nice.

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Okay, so, until the new image is finished.... there will not be display image of the character. 

(Name unknown), formerly known as Baaa-tan, is a character introduced for the original baaa board in 2019, they were later retired for 3 years. 

In 2024, they made a comeback.

Baaa-tan's known origins aren't much clear, but it had been said to provide a gallery and entertainment thru art. It sometimes had blog stories, which would later be wiped off. The original board brand had retired not long ago, before quietly returning around September 2024.

As with our up and coming changes to our catalog, we have made quite few modifications to our projects. With the project going onboard and in progress, we have updated a few of Pamp City's stuff. 
-WIP map will come soon.

Hello and happy late halloween, and good morning November. 

Surely you all had fun giving candy, or getting candy on that day, Halloween, aside from  it already being Hallow's Eve on the 30th. 

Currently, we are resting from working our pamps off (aka drawing and design), and we will get back to the board shorly. 

Additionally, we have projects and visuals regarding our project; including our text-written story. It is part of a niche series: 202x. 

- Mike.

Welcome, to the questionnaire of things! 

What stuff do I do? 
Specifically, drawing character designs. Even drawing them in diapers, yes. Undies included. Please don't reveal this if you're icky with it. 

What kind of alias/branding/account are you? 
Mainly, I'm Mike Riverson; and i run plenty of other brands including with other co-owners of plenty. Currently, a new music distribution label has been made. 

Are you NSFW or no? 
No, not necessarily. And if you ever stumble upon that, just know that I hadn't really drawn it. 

Do you DNI? 
No, unless it's directed to AI accounts and NFTs. 

What are your main characters? What is this. 
Mike is, obviously, me, as the main character. Mackenzie is just my biological cousin, and Maria is my assistant. 
Plenty of other OCs exist at the time of writing this, but not a lot are specified. 
I run the Flufferia world and many others with Mackenzie. 

What is "xmkcjz"? 
A board made for obvious reasons, which is archiving at least plenty of new art that were saved. We suffered a great loss of content in the months, March, May, June-July, respectively. We are currently either seeking to remake these stuff or redo it with a successor. 

EX: Most of MackZone stuff during June. In other words, the typeface for said zone has been finished and created. 

What are you doing stuff on now? 
Projects are currently: Jampacked (whether into a full web series or comic or not), Obscuer Zone, Pamp City, Puff Trick Bunny, Planet Zera, Hogpog's Dimenson, and other misc stuff.

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Cubs! (les little ones!) is a franchise and a series about variations of the niche internet tag, 'cub'. Mainly used by b*abyfurs, it was also made for diversity where cubs, loli, shota and possibly 'adults' live in harmony together. 

First batch in the series - according to production date 
Pearcubs: Mid August 2024 
Plot: _ 

Cubs! (series) 
Plot: A puppy dog in a group of other dogs and kittens, and Carry the Couragely Dog is in it too..

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Hey all. Just wanted to let you know, that this board had a new logo, prior for public release. 

The new logo has since rolled in August 2024, previously made a month ago (July), replacing the previously custom drawn wordmark (it may be still used sparely.)

The logomark and text are set under Klarheit Grotesk for more consistency, and in general, more connection. 

Logo PNGs and SVGs coming soon!

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