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Pouncing on a teen the second she turns 18 to talk about how they want to rape her jailbait body isn't any less unhinged LMFAO

Also fyi they had a whole thread talking about 'observing' another 16/17-year-old artist. And of course, they talked about nudes.
> Also fyi they had a whole thread talking about 'observing' another 16/17-year-old artist.

Wait, I missed out? Who was it?
Oh wow, not even Melly is safe. 

The immediate need to jerk off really is a disease.

> And of course, they talked about nudes.

"We don't go for real people, fucking prude"

-Them, probably.
I know that it's very unlikely that these wet paper towels will ever do anything to anyone in real life. But does she know?
Anons were talking about finding her girl after all.
> But does she know?

Idk. But her relocating to France was probably divine timing, regardless of whether those degens would be targeting her or not.

They really went off on you, holy mother of projection.
Is that the fucking cinephile guy 

What are you talking about, they continue to do it, just a little more hidden than last time.
Why are they fixating on the person behind the screen? I thought that "they didn't go for the IRL person"
> "I mean, she's tall enough and has boobs, so she's an adult"

Suddenly, all of the 13-year-olds with deep voices or boobs in my school are adults.
But it would be fair to assume that they are an adult, no?

You are just using that as a cover, you don't care about "kids", you're just a sexist and assume that everyone who does this is a man.
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> But it would be fair to assume that they are an adult, no?

The pred knew that she was underage you fucking tool, and the feds won't care about "B-...B-...B-..But I thought she was 18" bullshit.

> You are just using that as a cover, you don't care about "kids", you're just a sexist and assume that everyone who does this is a man.

> "Wahh Everyone but me is a SJW feminazi misandrist" 

Literally, one anon has mentioned men, one. Go back to Reddit or wherever you reactionary idiots hang around, Tyler.
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> You are just using that as a cover, you don't care about "kids", you're just a sexist and assume that everyone who does this is a man.
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> you're just a sexist and assume that everyone who does this is a man

Point proven

Suicide is probably the only option for obese fatty fats like you.
Didn't that shit start when she made the vid on r34 or whatever? July 2020? 

I understand why she would want to make that, but jeez that was a bad idea.

8kun degens thrive on the fact that these YouTubers are against it.

This isn't too bad, just typical cloverchan dwellers doing typical cloverchan shit. A little cringeworthy, but at least no underaged people are involved.... Unlike 8kun lmao
I feel like /aco/ will immediately shut you down if you talk about actual kids tbf, while /ytc/ will encourage it.
Not to beat a dead horse, but remember how someone was pizza boxed on a thread over icarly ships? Please tell me I'm not the only one.

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