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> 48% APR

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Pyrrolysine is an amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins in some methanogenic archaea and bacteria; it is not present in humans.

Pyrrolysine was discovered in 2002 at the active site of methyltransferase enzyme from a methane-producing archeon, Methanosarcina barkeri. This amino acid is encoded by UAG (normally a stop codon), and its synthesis and incorporation into protein is mediated via the biological machinery encoded by the pylTSBCD cluster of genes.

Unlike posttranslational modifications of lysine such as hydroxylysine, methyllysine, and hypusine, pyrrolysine is incorporated during translation (protein synthesis) as directed by the genetic code, just like the standard amino acids.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrolysine

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The Toba supereruption, which occurred around 70,000 to 75,000 years ago, is thought to have led to a volcanic winter, causing a severe reduction in the global human population due to the ensuing cold climate and reduction in resources. Some genetic evidence suggests that this event may have caused the human population to reduce to as few as 10,000-30,000 breeding individuals.

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Maybe instead you can visit the Axel Stenross Maritime Museum?

"Modern seed oils were only introduced in the 1800s, after the industrial revolution.... Fat chance that hunter-gatherers are hybridizing plants and using hexane to extract oil from them. How many chemical engineers does the average hunter-gatherer tribe employ?"

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Axel Stenross - Finnish ships carpenter – sailed across the mighty oceans on windjammer sv Olivebank, reaching Port Lincoln in 1927 to load grain for Europe – and decided here was the place to be. Discover his story, and the lost craft of wooden boat building, at Axel Stenross Maritime Museum.

Delight in Axel’s original living quarters and his workshops with still operating slipway. Admire the display of restored historic vessels, marine artefacts and relics. Chat with the knowledgeable volunteers.

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> New Metokur stream
> Decide to join in
> Cracks 2 jokes and goes on talking about a literal no one that clearly has drug problems and steals cats.
> Does an entire stream on this guy and cracks one joke during the entire stream.
> Starts talking about medical issues and crap.
> Goes back to talking about said guy for another 40mins
> Wonder where MATI stream is.
> No stream and won't be another stream for the foreseeable future.
> Finally just get bored and turn off the metokur stream
Sure would be nice to have something to laugh at....

Aruba, Jamaica, ooh, I wanna take ya
To Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama
Key Largo, Montego, baby, why don't we go

Ooh, I wanna take you down to Kokomo
We'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow
That's where we wanna go
Way down in Kokomo

Mämmi is a traditional Finnish dessert, eaten around Easter.  Mämmi is traditionally made of water, rye flour, ground malted rye, salt, and dried, ground Seville orange zest. The mixture is then left to sweeten naturally, before being baked in an oven until set, by which time the colour and flavour has developed due to the Maillard reaction. After baking, the mämmi is chilled for three to four days before serving.

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It did actually hit mainline Debian. Seems I fetched the vulnerable version on the 29'th of February. So personally been vulnerable for a month.
The package in Testing was as well for equally long

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It was, but testing/unstable are still mainline!
But yeah, it didn't reach Stable, and I doubt it ever managed to reach any server out there.
A huge failure in a backdoor attempt. If you want a backdoor, target something like Windows. It worked well for NSA.
Honestly though, why bother with backdoors in Ring 3 when we got some in Ring -2?

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Scariest part about this thing, is probably that it wouldn't have been found if the performance impact wasn't this significant. Even then, since it was open-source and all, he could find out what exactly was going on, something that'd be far less trivial, had the project been proprietary.

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> Weren't you actively minimising your egg consumption because of the fear mongering around the cholesterol in eggs? 
Nope!  I've never done that, and in fact I've known for many years that dietary cholesterol is most irrelevant to blood cholesterol.

I'm not saying not to eat any almonds; a couple hundred calories of almonds a few days a week is fine.

I wonder what their names will be...

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> Buy vegetables from the grocery store
> Bland
> Unripe
> Hard
> Small
> Full of fruit fly eggs
> Can't even taste the flavor
> Grocery stores are jam packed with people and kids screaming up and down the isles as you shop.
> Nearly get ran over by shoppers in a hurry
> Crowded
> Limited selection of food
I feel like I'm going crazy here. Carrots don't taste like carrots, tumeric doesn't taste like tumeric (taste like hard tuber with a little tumeric taste), Ginger doesn't taste like tumeric, tomatoes don't taste like tomatoes, fruits were always questionable. I can take an entire bite out of a carrot/tumeric/carrot/tomato/cucumber/etc and it taste like crunchy hard thing. I've been to three different grocery stores and keeps being an issue.....
I get the demand of rushing produce to the store and spraying everything down with nitrogen so you can get a lot of growth... And I get that your palate changes with age. But, I can pop a piece of ginger in my mouth and it taste like root with a slight ginger after taste. Onions and garlic still retain their flavor. I'm more partial to growing my own stuff now just to see if my tongue has failed me, or if the grocery store is just that bland.

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> The fruits and veggies in the US are more tasteless than the ones in Europe
Subjective. But my recent misadventures at the grocery store have shed light on this issue of nothing tasting vegetables....
If I eat a ginger. I should tear up. 
Aussie. Describe the taste of something from a grocery store next to you.

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> Windy winds are supposed to be upwards of 25mph all week.
> All my vegetables are big leafed
> Camper is on the lake and gets full blast of wind all day.
> Look at my tomato plant rocking in the pot and my fennel being blown sideways.
> Put them behind a cardboard box.
> Eddie currents still blow the plants around.
> Put a plastic pot on top of the fennel and alls good.
Should I go out to eat?
I'm always disappointed when I do.....

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> Average American needs to earn $120k/yr in order to even think about owning a home in the US.
> My salary is just enough to buy me okay-ish things despite it being a high salary.
> Need to wait 1-3 full years in order to get any sort of sizable down payment.
Incorrect. Fox's parents are Jew Boomers that amassed their Jew Boomer fortune while the getting was good. Ergo, the wealth is not shared between family members. Instead, I am expected to pull myself up by my bootstraps and start my own wealth generation. 
I'm working on something.... Just boomer idealism is rearing it's head again and I'm stuck trying to heard cats.

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A handsome man shows up to rich family home and proceeds to have sex with everyone in the family. Then he leaves.
Everyone suffers emotional breakdowns.
1)Father goes crazy and looks for men at a train station before going mad, stripping naked and wandering in the wilds of a volcanic waste land.
2)Mother starts looking for young men to bounce while driving around.
3)Son gets depressed and makes moody paintings.
4)Daughter becomes suicidal and goes catatonic.
5)The maid flies through the ceiling and becomes a saint.

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Chilies, potatoes, your discord, cucumbers, spring onions, tomatoes, peas, onions, garlic, zucchinis, beans, pumpkins, corn, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, rhubarb, brussel sprouts, spinach, kale, cabbage, silverbeet, ginger, beetroot, celery, eggplant, capsicum (bell pepper), sweet potatoes, radishes, leeks, fennel, horseradish, squash, parsnip, shallots, lettuce, okra, taro, carrots, peas, turnips and yams.

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You know when you see something and you must have it?
It's like that Chinese-Finnish hapa over on the Taiwanese board, or seeing a girl in a nice dress, or having cavier and eggs.
There are things that are needed in this world. Like the ripest peach. A taste, a lick, a something. Once you see it. You'll see.

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