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Do you ever eat bacon in Finland?  American bacon is bad because American pigs are fed seed oil.  Danish bacon is better, because their pigs have a healthier diet.  I wonder what Finnish bacon is like.
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"Everyday is Finland for Wan Wan" is a catchy and upbeat song by Japanese artist Takako Minekawa. It's known for its quirky lyrics and playful melody, blending elements of electronic music with pop. The song's title suggests a whimsical and carefree attitude, evoking imagery of fun and adventure. It's a delightful track that often resonates with listeners for its unique charm.
t. ChatGPT 3.5
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> Be surrounded by disgusting and vile American women that demand all your money and attention so they can take your testicles and treat you like a doormat.
> Be surrounded by well manicured men and fancy restaurants and funky dives.
Homosexuality was invented so that American men wouldn't have to deal with American women.
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> American men are marrying foriegn born women faster than American men marrying American women.
> More American men are transsexual than any time in history.
> More American men are homosexual than in any time in history.
> American birth rate at 1.2 and steadily declining.
> Americans are getting married less and less.
I'm telling you Aussie. American women are utterly repulsive to every human male in existence.
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Russia is developed. You just have to go to the right places.
SD went to Moscow a lot.
Texas Monthly is a out of touch rich liberal rag that lives in such an isolated state of both loathing and being forced to accept that they live in Texas. 
So, when they're not moaning and bitching about right wing politics, bashing poor people for existing, or eating at 5 star restaurants. They talk about how amazing the state is by traveling to 5star hotels.
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That's just a delusional cope on your part. I have to figure out how to water the garden while my grandparents are away, they have hoses and sprinklers everywhere.
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was that the one where the space aliens send the time travelers back in time to the bombing of Dresden where they all watched and cried. Then they went on an LSD trip across space with the aliens?
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Yes it was.
That one. Crying of Lot 49(lol wtf was that waste of time), and Gravity's Rainbow were like serious pretentious circlejerks.
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Fiction and especially post modernist fiction should all be burned in massive book burning pyres.
Catcher in the Rye? Ew.
Silva Plath? Depressed Jewess.
Arthur Miller? Needed a kick in the teeth.
James Joyce? More like pretentious hogwash where he made up his own words just to sell his book.
Gravity's Rainbow? The author was a legit schizophrenic sex pest that has bizarro fetishes and snuck them into the book.
Allen Ginsberg? New York Jew with too much money and free time.
Infinite Jest? More like infinite waste of time.
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My intention was to turn everyone into cp lovers by always allowing CP spam on the board so over time it becomes less shocking and we every stop caring and learn to love the CP spammers.
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I don't know any transgender people at work.  But the rationalist/rat-adjacent sphere (LessWrong, SSC/ACX, TPOT, etc.), there are lots of MtF transgirls.

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Of course, the other reason why blacks are under-represented specifically in LessWrong/SSC/ACX is that the average IQ of LW/SSC/ACX readers is pretty high.  This same reason also explain why Ashkenazi Jews are over-represented.
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I put some tomato seeds in the fabric pot after my tomato plant transplant died spectacularly.
I didn't think they were going to pop up. But I stand corrected.
I have a grand total of one.
> What do you think about Hematospermia?
I would have preferred not thinking about it.

But since you asked, as I in turn asked GPT-4, and here is its answer:
Hematospermia, or blood in the semen, can be a concerning symptom for many individuals. It is often seen in men under the age of 40 without significant underlying pathology, and in many cases, it resolves on its own without treatment. However, for men over 40, hematospermia may be more likely to be associated with more significant conditions like infections, inflammations, or tumors of the reproductive or urinary systems.

Common causes of hematospermia can include prostate infections or inflammations, sexually transmitted infections, trauma, or, less commonly, cancer. Diagnostic steps typically include a physical examination, urinalysis, and sometimes imaging studies like ultrasound or MRI to determine the cause. Treatment is directed towards the underlying cause if identified.

If someone is experiencing hematospermia, especially with other symptoms like pain, fever, or if it persists over multiple episodes, it is advisable to seek medical evaluation to rule out any serious conditions.
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> asking what a word means
> uses the same word again without explaining anything
Sounds like someone trying to learn a new language

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