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I wish I brushed up on other languages so I can leave this place.  It just feels like there is no place to escape since liberalism has spread itself to every country in the world like a disease.  Except for the Islamic nations of course, but Islam is heresy.

> Turkroach SD

PLEASE NO SD.  Don't be a disgusting Turkroach!  Disgusting people.  Also their economy is shit.  Oh and don't send anything to Turkey.  You have to pay a lot of customs fees once the package gets into Turkey.  It's just a big scam economy over there.

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Food, heat, housing costs are more than doubled under trudeau
Wages stuck low, productivity down, taxes up, health system worst, all government services are inefficient, bloated and slow. 
Shitty 100 year old houses 2 hours from major cities cost around 3/4 of a million dollars. 
Every type of crime is up. Liberal policies are allowing catch and release to happen. The police have asked citizens to leave car keys near the front door so that criminals will take the keys during a home invasion and leave. 
The last thing anyone has on their mind is cricket vs hockey

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What he's doing is quite awful anyways. Parliament is essentially shut down till March end due to his actions.
We have no leadership to negotiate with the incoming Trump and his threats of tariffs. 
He's doing it to spite all the opposition parties essentially. And it's spite against the regular man who wants to vote him out. 
The only one it benefits is himself. He can claim he never lost an election, that he did not lose against PP. And it gives the liberals 3 months to choose a new leader. The liberal party does not deserve 1/4 of a year to pick a new leader. 
If trudope was truly remorseful, he'd give the nation what it wants, which is an election
How's foxy?

Sometimes I have issues logging in on .org do to or PoW (not CF's). But I wait a bit, log in, and everything works fine after that. Users can post via Magra.
We have not solved the problem itself, we are still deploying and setting up said PoW. Endchan is still not back yet.

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I don't know if it is known but I post weekly updates on each Tuesday ITT:  >>/operate/23305/
/kanojo/ has some traffic each day as well, and Hu has a bot running clearing the board. Although it's not a 100% solution but helps. And he has a userscript which autohides poo. Some users react quite badly for poo as I noticed.
We are doing what we can, sorry if it takes long.

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I was thinking about the point of ADHD the other day.
I know the meme about hunter gatherer societies have ADHD and that was advantageous for hunting.
The real kick is. What makes try creative approaches towards dilemmas?
Is it the non-linear thinking patterns that make people with ADHD seek alternatives?

There has long been a folk (and sometimes scientific) discussion around the idea that certain ADHD traits might have been beneficial in earlier human societies (e.g., hunter-gatherer contexts) and that these same traits can foster creativity in modern settings. While these ideas are partly speculative, they draw on a few kernels of truth regarding how ADHD can influence thinking styles.

### 1. The “Hunter vs. Farmer” Hypothesis
There’s a popular anecdote suggesting that in a hunter-gatherer context, heightened alertness to the environment, quick shifting of attention, and impulsivity could be assets for survival—helping individuals scan for threats or opportunities more rapidly. In more settled, agrarian societies (the “farmer” mode), the need shifted toward sustained attention and methodical tasks, so ADHD traits could become disruptive. Scientific consensus on this is mixed; it’s more of an evolutionary “just so story” than a confirmed fact, but it does highlight that certain ADHD-related tendencies might prove advantageous in environments requiring rapid shifts in focus.

### 2. Divergent or Non-Linear Thinking
When people talk about ADHD’s link to creativity, they often describe two mental processes that might foster new ideas:

- Attentional flexibility and “leaky filters.” ADHD can make it harder to “tune out” irrelevant stimuli, meaning your mind might wander or be drawn to various seemingly unrelated details. Some researchers suggest this can lead to unexpected associations—potentially sparking innovative ideas that more focused thinkers might miss.

- Impulsivity and risk-taking. Individuals with ADHD might be more prone to experiment, jump into new tasks, or try unconventional solutions, due to lower inhibitory control. While this can cause practical challenges, it might also encourage creative leaps.

### 3. Creativity and ADHD: What the Research Says
Research on ADHD and creativity is not entirely consistent—there are studies suggesting that people with ADHD can excel in specific types of creative tasks (especially those requiring divergent thinking), while other studies find no clear link or highlight that executive functioning challenges can hinder the completion of creative projects. Essentially:

- Strength in idea generation: Many individuals with ADHD report that their minds produce a high volume of ideas, some of which are highly original.
- Challenges in follow-through: Without adequate support or coping strategies, translating creative ideas into finished work can be difficult. 

### 4. Non-Linear Thinking and Problem-Solving
Non-linear or divergent thinking patterns can lead someone with ADHD to approach challenges from different angles. This might show up as:

- “Outside the box” problem-solving: Because their minds are prone to jumping between seemingly unrelated topics, they might discover an angle or pattern others haven’t noticed.
- Novel combinations of information: People with ADHD sometimes draw connections between distant concepts, sparking innovative solutions.

However, ADHD symptoms vary widely from person to person. While some people find creativity enhanced by ADHD-like traits, others experience significant struggles with focus and motivation that overshadow any benefits.

### 5. Balancing the Upsides and Downsides
It’s important to acknowledge that ADHD isn’t strictly beneficial or strictly detrimental. For many, the key is in identifying personal strengths—like creativity, curiosity, or spontaneity—and managing difficulties with organization or sustained attention. Strategies such as medication, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), coaching, or environmental modifications can help harness the creative side of ADHD while reducing the impact of its challenges.


Bottom line: It’s plausible that non-linear thinking and attentional flexibility (hallmarks of ADHD) can feed into creative problem-solving. Many individuals with ADHD do report coming up with alternative approaches and creative insights—sometimes precisel

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Slightly worried about it. I think there is pain in store for both countries. Obviously the US is economically stronger so we won't win in the long run. Anything marginally good developed here either moves their hq south of the border or gets acquired by a bigger corp on the US side. 
All in all we've always been the "snow Mexicans " or "slightly cheaper engineers".
Trump is just saying the quiet part out loud. 
Personally I'm just tired. I don't feel much joy. I think once I'm dialed in to this tired, no feeling, feeling, I can somehow be more productive job wise. 
Life sucks more when you desire to feel happy. There is more peace in just accepting what is. 
Are you worried about anything? Best not to be. Hope you're keeping well

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