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okay fine 
some retards on t his board made a board, moreso a "mockery" attempt because apparently they like to make fun of my board, and genuine creations of my charactrers, shows adn more. 
they think i'm a "lolcow" for doing something that wasnt even worthy of cow or laughing. and i don't have any disorder like "pdd"... 

what else should i explain, OP? 
You're just gonna end up believing these terminally online idiots anyway.
now you see here: 
These are the "idiots" mentioned, they often take my own art (old or not), and edit into scat. 
They make numerous claims of me """being""" into scat despite the reality of it not being the case. 
I never drew pooping, I do not do whatever else these fuckers say. 

I do not draw porn of irl shit, I don't even fucking do anything besides do what I want WITHOUT HURTING PEOPLE.
> comprehensive explanation 
You don't explain anything, you're beyond  retardation that you post and steal edits made by other people. 
That tweet isn't even FROM me, t hat's just another brownnose pup thing, but NO WAY in hell am I getting degenerate with DIAPERS IN REAL FUCKING LIFE. 
Second image is just you editing a teenager's face, leave it alone you creep. 
Last three images  were edits that you made.
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> geordie wants a better explanation
this board is about a pdd pedozoo diapershit who eats poo and masturbates while he is on the internet talking to minors
there you go bro
nothing but facts in that one
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ffs Yonkers.
Will you fucking please stop posting pics of yourself wearing your mom's panties and pantyhose on that other site, then deleting them? No one is gonna save them, you sick fuck.
Deny it, we fucking dare you, you sick fuck.

and no it's not your Australian b/f, paranoid dickhead
i've actually never done this at a church you inbred retard. you have zero understanding of the fact of t aking other people's work and  twisting the story on me. 
you aren't funny. the salem church is not next to a diaper zone. we are not abuniverse, we do not sell diapers. leave my home area alone, you prick 
since when did i ever thought about posting my mom's panties? oh right, NEVER did that. at this point you're just deliberately lying, much worse than before 
> pretending to be angry 
and you wonder why I call *you* the sick fuck.  don't be questionable to my pics again, 
> paranoid 
being angry is not the same as paranoia. i am not scared of a feeble creep in their near-death age.
why should i show an elderly creep what i'm  working on. you wouldnt like it because it doesnt have your shitty fantasy about fucking literal children, or some  asinine shit like "the yonkers game". you're not worth being shown anything; you're a lost  cause. 
and not once would you care about something called "jampacked", i can sense you're going to pretend to care because you dont really watch cartoons (ones that could be nice too). 
instead you want to see content creators in mental peril, aka being subject to countless arguments, unwanted videos and shit - if not anything else like being stalked all the time; something that shouldnt happen, no matter what account. people like you are why we  need more security and less vehement liars like you, spaceyman, and anyone else like such. 
no seriously, words cant say more about how i want you deplatformed. i'm tired of seeing your posts every day, even after i wake up. as a matterof fact this whole internet, is  now a  chaos-mess because  of  insects like you. i fucking hate that you dont understand i hate  you, and i will not show you anything. because if i show, you're going to ALSO edit and steal it and claim as yours. just like with the older works you have claimed.
and the more you make a post, COMPLETELY ignoring my entire point; you're just proving me right. 
once you wake up you're going to have no clue  on  the  boundaries i set against you, and continue to reply with  more of the same inane words. it's more pathetic than my old days, really; because at least from my naiveness i learned to change things about that. gotten better at arting  and stuff more than you will ever do. 
you're just going to stay rotting in that crap you call a house, and i'm gonna stay untouchable and unstoppable; meaning that i'm having a better life than you freaky liars.
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See? Proving me right. 
You don't care because you're going to shit on my work, GENUINE work made  by someone who KNOWS  creativity; and doesnt force mainstreaming on such.  
and you're an old fart who just can't into  being nice. So you have to harass a 20 year old for attention as a coping thing. How sad :)
oh yeah i'm perfectly sane. I'm just not  wasting time SAVING PEOPLE'S PHOTOS OF THEIR CHILDREN, OR THEIR OWN SELF. or posting CRAPPY AI, which is what YOU do. 
I'm not you. 
Not stolen. Saving content that was once uploaded isn't the same thing.
Where di he go?
Looks like Carmen woke up and caught him online at 5.30 am [his time], and beat his ass. Good.
It is a strong suit if you remember correctly and don't force yourself to forget. 
I know times  properly, and better  than you. You entered my life since 2020s and have  never left. Fuck off. 
...HOW? You're  actually fucking retarded if you think I'm talking to a "minor". I'm talking to a grown old fart  who is immature compared to me,. a 20 year old. Jesus christ, I actually want to choke you for having SUCH HORRIBLE  READING COMPARISON.
all i'm telling to you is that, i did NOT get beat, I did NOT fart at a church, i don't "stalk or groom" and i definitely  don't enable your actions. maybe go jack off to my old pics again you utter weirdo 
he's never speficic, because klim is a fucking retard. plus he's a creep himself, why reply to someone who QUESTIONABLY SAYS STUFF ABOUT MY FACE? 
No, you DON'T have any fucking lore. STOP copying posts damn it. PLEASE. YOU'RE SOUNDING LIKE AN INSANE BROKEN RECORD.
> klim is a fucking retard
And yet he knows the time where YOU live better than you do? What does that make you?
Carmen said you were 5 in your mind, but it sounds like she was being generous since most 5 year olds can tell the time.
>  i can sense you're going to pretend to care because you dont really watch cartoons
What is it with you and cartoons? Is it your gateway to kiddies?
> people like you are why we need more security and less vehement liars like you, spaceyman, and anyone else like such.
That's why you only find us on imageboards. Call the security, for all you care.
Is Jordan going to grow into the hands of a care given situation? When Hector and Carmen are too old, to handle him. Or do the non stop cartoons simmer him down?
> is it your gate- 
No, it's just something I've always watched. Starting frmo when I was first born. It isn't a gateway for "kiddies", and I strongly avoid paraphiles. 
> FALSELY claiming things again 
Sorry, klim I've grown up. I already know Sophia wasn't real, or even any stupid cartoon I even "thought" of. I've only roleplayed the OC so you can stop creeping on me. 
...I've been given myself lots of care already. 
> when this, when tha- 
Nigga. You know nothing about my life. My parents are fine. Even dad himself. Now stop worrying with fake perceptions
Wrong. Also when the fuck do I watch cartoons only for children? Helluva boss is for kids now? Piss off
> pretending to be angry 
Klim, admit it. You love talking to me, there's no need for threats at all. Hell you even claim I "love" you sometimes; I bet you're going to post that next. 
> misunderstanding tasers 
You're a gullible moron attacking someone who's already admit their mistake on going to nsfw websites when they were young, it isn't criminal to do a non-crime mistake. Using your logic, you need that instead of innocent people who know more than your pea brain
He will never learn what paraphiles are, his PDD prevents him from learning this even with the whole internet available to him. The information just does not go in.
> no seriously, words cant say more about how i want you deplatformed
Then get out of Carmen's room. And do it. Don't talk about it, be about it.
there's a difference between the big three and others, though. 
pedo, zoo and necrophilia is bad. 
liking mere cartoons is not. 
and being into heartbeating or even an actual fucking car isn't bad either. 
i am  not prevented by a repetitive disorder you keep repeating to yourself. 
i know research, you don't. 
I obviously do. It's 5 in the morning now, idiot 
i've been out of  her room already silly lol. 
Geez, kinda sounds like, uh, shut the fuck up? Stop trying to be funny, old man 
Prove it, retard. I don't watch cartoons "for kids".
> Cece the pedo drew that, maybe go be friends with him instead? Both of you like kids lol
You know it doesn't work like that Jordan, you hate Klim in case he steals the minors you're trying to groom away from you.
> anon 
Am I yonkers, geordie, simon or anon? Who the fuck am I to you anymore, make up your mind. 

> we all wonder- 
YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FUCKING FRIENDS. And second of all, I know what it means from someone who isn't retarded; and it's not a fucking children cartoon reference. Being into cardiophilia is an actual thing, look it up if you're still so skeptical about MANY OTHER PARAPHILIAS OR FETISHES ON THE INTERNET.-
Once again, you're wrong. Stop quoting and immediately assuming people stalk each other. Please. 
he doesn't steal anything but my art and my own fucking face, stay out of this if you  don't know what klim is about. or if you're trying to put in "input". 
> jordan 
Who's Jordan? I thought I was an anonymous person like you are, except more smarter compared to a dolt who keeps assuming every being they interact with is a "predator". 

No they are not. Overdose on pills and fuck off. Like, you're actually fucking annoying. 
You're Jordan, Jordan. A PDD suffering minor attracted poo eater. The idea that you think you could ever blend in well enough to be 'anonymous' is laughable.
> inb- 
Dead meme.
> we ca- 
Being a profic/fictophile doesn't make me a fucking map you moron. I hate real children, and pixels are not such thing. If you see it like that then go get help or rehab, this isnt good to think like that. 
> is laugha- 
Oh really, what's my new account then? Idiot.
If you are BO, sure. But it's not a state secret:
"Hourly thread limit" can help some. That can slow down the flood.
There is also "Early 404" which will clear threads automatically if they don't get bumped to a certain amount. From the top of my head I dunno how many posts are needed or the time limit. Can happen that legit threads get deleted if they have too few replies.
You mean the IP hash? He is using Tor. All Tor traffic counts as 1 user. If you set IDs they don't get IDs either. Or country flags.
Alright, I'll adjust it from there as I see fitting. Again thanks for all the help and feedback. With helping us deal with this mess.
If he had put this much effort into his own board as he did into this one, then maybe it wouldn't still only be on page 2 after literally years.
Our Boi Geordie: always doing good things to help others.
What an amazing guy.
He'll sleep well after his massive effort today.

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