/baaa2/ - Autism

Dunking on the mentally ill

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And an another reason. I hate waiting or just think it's very cool to draw weird shit, I'm a weird kid anyway. Also I discovered omorashi first before diaper fetish stuff
i like how you didn't just see the filipino tease as anything racial. wow. 
you cant handle any other thing  yet you're not affected by 'transphobia' or even... racism?
We've been getting hit by our resident retard lately. I guess his 2 day ban didn't sit well by him. As always appreciate the assist.
i think he tarded up a few of his replies
not surprising
talking to him im a lil amazed he can figure out how to get the electricity into wtf he using to reply with
All of those pedophilic comments people make on me and telling me to send my nudes to them are screenshotted, so have fun getting exposed motherfucker, see you later!
> im going to post screenshots of klim being a pedo
ok cool
maybe geordies so full of pdd that he had to spread it out and give half to this lad so they can work shifts shitting the place up

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