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Dunking on the mentally ill

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Actually, Lemonz, how come the pedo spammer is still posting? I assumed he was using Tor and you said that was disabled now.
I do delete and ban those things, and get Admin to give me a hand when I'm not around. But they seem to be worse off than we were, when Geordie tried to raid us. Most threads seem locked and their BO, has email available.
nigga what pedo spammer. no one even spammed the board today 
Joke or not, it's STILL inappropriate to just vaguely announce for someone to "groom little boys". And it could almost always warrant them a fucking trip to their house, just like you can't say death threats to certains on facebook or some shit like that. 
It's not "humor" to fucking joke about a serious thing like grooming, idiot. Especially when racism is involved. 
It's laugh*, retard. Plus you're not laughing. They dont even like you lol
> a way to address the cp spam
Mark the checkbox, scroll to the bottom of the page (hit home), and delete.
Or click del at the post which will mark the checkbox and jump the page to the bottom. Click delete.
On days when it gets posted, they do it 4-5 times perhaps maybe more. We expect BOs to delete on their boards, but if we notice we don't wait and leave it up.
No way to prevent it, but this you all should now well.
> explanation that it's not being allowed.
Well, it is illegal so it's not allowed. Not sure what explanation to give.
It happened that stayed up for some hours, occasionally they fall through the cracks, I suggest deleting he cache of your browsers regularly, or use some plugin, or private browsing.
Sure, thanks.
Inappropriate for sure, that doesn't constitute grooming. As for your whining about jokes, aren't you the one calling people "puritanical"? Nothing more puritanical than trying to ban jokes that offend you.
Banning jokes and grooming minors, are you trying for a job with the church?
I'm not falling for your AI speech voice shit, Klim. 
I can't stop doing what I've never done. I'm not the one who got uppity with Boss. I don't befriend "minors" on the internet.
Doing what I've NEVER done. And I have NOT groomed a single child, teen or even any human being. 
So can you please stop assuming otherwise? I would never want to groom or hurt another human being. Especially not a stranger. 
So stop fucking accusing so wrongfully, you fucking entitled brat.

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