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Why is there malicious code in pdf? And wouldnt using appropriate reader prevent me from any harm?

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I edited a 1:1 card with a reference to the original, further directions on how to fill out the card are not included, you can find them in the corona generals on pol.


This file will be up for 24 hours and has a max 100 downloads, its your job to spread it around, I won't be uploading it again.
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its gonna get way... jpg
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not saying anyone not to fake the card - enough people will do it anyway to warrant the next step anyway
just a heads up that faking of covid cards will be used as a justification for RFID sort of smart mark baalshit digital vaccine certificate that will either be the thing that entitles you to banking system/shopping or it will have bank account tied to it in a post global reset cashless society and having such certificate will be the only way to buy/sell
so having a paper certificate won't buy you much time
it might be too late to prepare it but have some innawoods/rural retreat ready and accessible or if that's not an option then repent and get beheaded for Jesus when Christians start getting taken away to friendly, inclusive reindoctrination/quarantine centers (not concentration camps at all nuh-uh) that will start forcefully reincarnating people that refuse to go along with NWO

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The greatest reason for the German Reich's failure in WW2 was the occult garbage and Nordic LARPing of Himmler and the upper-portion of the SS.

Like it or not, National Socialism was Christian from its outset.

> inb4 source

Mein Kampf and endless speeches, as well as records of churches in the Reich support the fact that Christianity was promoted.

Had Hitler stuck to his guns, rather than letting Himmler waste time with Atlantis and meth, the war would have ended differently. Worse yet, the actions of the more sadist and esoteric officers allowed the modern world to levy criticisms on the NSDAP that are exaggerated or simply limited to lunatics in the ranks, who everyone else hated.

Now the question, what caused Himmler to fall for the pagan meme?
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The swastika Nazi mascot was proof that they had a deathtrap and they couldn't escape the iron cross so they fleeced the mobs with national socialism to get them killed as well because they were part of the corruption ruining Europe.

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As far as I remember, nothing has brought me greater happiness than witnessing the condemning, death and destruction in-crypt. The measley pleasure and appreciation pales in comparison.

My hate knows no bounds and grows daily exceeding all explanations.

The best part is this is only the beginning
I guess that means you volunteered for a 50% chance to die in such a subtly horrible way that no one will believe it wasn't an accident
Correction, I guess that there's a 50% chance you volunteered to die in such a subtly horrible way no one will believe it wasn't an accident.

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Each time one of their false gods constructed through fictional bullshit fails it makes them positively sick.

These literal socio-political deceptions so many people can't afford to survive without.

And every time they are disproven as nonsense the people get more positively sick. The masses that need to be possessed in order for their systems to function that revolt and balk anytime one of their precious deceptions are threatened.

And as increasingly important alters fail, the astounded masses will be positively sickened at the prospect because their minds were created by and perpetuating a false reality. And as each pillar of false alters is demolished their strength of the foundations of their false reality weakens, as the more important false gods they achieved fail. In the astonishment of such vast fictional pillars of false reality failing, they become more positively sick.

And all the deception, make believe and folly research and development will only get the sickness to sleep deeper into the depths of their corrupt cultures and bodies.
And when the spirits of the soulless dead are your gods within yourself, they will act as a parasite upon your soul from the grave.
I see it over and over again in places that touch on conspiratorial topics: people who talk like they're prophets or sages or whatnot and end up reaching no one.
Not everything can be said in simple terms, yes, but consider this, even if you hold the pearl of highest knowledge what's the point of speaking about it if you do in a way that isn't understandable?

I had to read it several times and I'm still not sure what the 'sick' is - is it 'angry; disgusted' or 'ill; diseased' in the context of OP.

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Late reply but whatever, someone might read it and get the wrong idea too. It's not even about the Scots (from Scotia, egyptian princess, also consider Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) or the Irish (Tuatha de Danan, tribe of Dan?) as much as it is about the lineage that's characterized by red and blonde hair. Not every redhead is a part of this but when you read that Mohammad had red hair as did Barbarossa (literrally Redbeard) gears should start turning in your head. If I remember correctly king David was described as a ginger too but I'm not sure how to process that information. Anyway, as it turns out, in most myths or accounts that tell about giants they have blonde or red hair (and are often said to come from somewhere underground, Hitler was very interested in that underground - Agartha). An easy example would be those Eastern Island heads were unearthed and actually are full sculptures of giants with what looks like red hats but was intended to be the hair.

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