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The Mesopotamian society pre-existed before the formation of the Egyptian society which the Mesopotamians directly influenced the creation of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, you could even say that they've became the Egyptians. Much of that info is explained more than two-thirds into https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=BjluH0eNt5Y
> [...] for from the latter time to the present the Egyptians reckon more than ten thousand years, but from the Trojan War less than twelve hundred.
@ page 77 

> The son of Alcmenê, who was born more than ten thousand years later and was called Alcaeus at birth, [...]
@ page 77

> The priests of the Egyptians, reckoning the time from the reign of Helius to the crossing of 334 b.c. Alexander into Asia, say that it was in round numbers twenty-three thousand years. And, as their legends say, the most ancient of the gods ruled more than twelve hundred years and the later ones not less than three hundred. But since this great number of years surpasses belief, some men would maintain that in early times, before the movement of the sun had as yet been recognized, it was customary to reckon the year by the lunar cycle.
@ page 83

Will stop there because really the whole book is worth reading ;)

Will watch the video.
I don't take classical historians literally either, it all needs to be worked out against actual archaeological findings to see what they had missed and what they had gotten correct.
Right, and you'd need to create a timeline from the writings of these classical historians to see whether it fits with certain archeological finds, or if it corroborates with the literary works itself.
Then again pre-existing sites can be utilized by peoples completely unrelated to the people that created it in the first place ...
It always depends on context if it's necessary or not, if there's certain artifacts at the same level of the excavated location that might already correlate to a timeline, etc., but carbon dating is like the last resort type of deal which gets more and more unreliable the older something actually is.
Aren't you concerned about censorship, cover-ups, or corruption of archeological sites or finds?
I think there have been some, though I'd need to do some research on it.
There have been several times DNA testing and carbon dating has been prevented by the United States Gov. because it had to do with "sacred" Native American sites or skeletal remains (Kennewick man, Lovelock cave)
Those who are afraid to tell the truth haven't told the truth enough to as much as they can to as many people they can.
Are you aware of any attempts at creating some kind of time-line of the ancient historians regarding this "pre-historic" dating?
There is this dinky thing but besides this, no, not aware of a comprehensive dating https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_human_prehistory
I missed out on the whole pizzagate fiasco (I was off the chans)
can I get a QRD? I sort of understood that it's the elites masquerading pedophilia terms behind pizza but is there more to it?
Spirit cooking was an artistic sort of satanic ritual. This lead to james alefantis who hosted a pizza party for hillary at comet ping pong. Once on the comet ping pong instagram we saw what was basically like a dexter-esque candid look at an elite satanist. Eventually after people had staged protests outside james alefantis was false flagged so that a gunman came and shot a hole into his computer and nothing more. Then the worldcorp videos came out where skippy (podesta's alter ego) was filmed at comet ping pong scolding a child with water while singing the themesong to caillou. There is also speculation of hillary filleting a childs face off at comet ping pong and there is a screenshot of cctv footage of hillaru laying on a ping pong table at comet ping pong laughing that was proven not fake. I found a photo of obama wearing an occult moloch transexual headdress on instagram and there are satanists in art communities reviling in instagram
Hillary had also the servers which she emailed from and during the campaign she had an aid smash over 5 cellphones with hammers. Also people talk about the wikileaks emails of podesta quoting the pizza emails. John podesta also said he was in a "torture chamber " and busy. He also spoke of hillary's "poobah" friends and what they would think about something.
Also james alefantis is said to be james rothschild and one of the richest men in the world as an adrenochrome salesman. Adrenochrome is made by torturing children and extracting the adrenolized blood through the back of the neck with a syringe. He was ranked 50th in the top influental people in washington dc and he owns a pizza parlor and an outdoors goods store.
I don't doubt they are abusing children but as far as the posts its more of a depraved mock satanic ritual art that suggests actual cult behavior.An over-saturation of symbolism.Its satanism mixed with depravity of all kinds.
> John podesta also said he was in a "torture chamber " and busy. 
No that was his brother Tony Podesta, he said he was still in the torture chamber. Tony also has a underground cinema were he shows films to certain people (I don't think it is your typical Hollywood movie)
I'm looking for something really specific that I remember posted here:

Does anyone have footage of guillotine test footage? When masonigger used to post webms, there was tons of footage of guillotines. There also used to be a banner of a really low poly guillotine animation. Please help me find this footage, it's urgent.
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I think these are them
You also might be thinking of this https://youtube.com/watch?v=VKpQljw6dd0
The reason I don't post webms often is because I have gotten into the habit of trying to make longer videos and what would be a little clip is added to a bigger video.That also makes me put it off and I havn't even started on the next one but that doesn't matter because I already Know what I am gonna do I might make something soon.
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> Sol niger (black sun) The dark side of light. The nigredo, the initial black stage of the alchemical opus, has been considered the most negative and difficult operation in alchemy. It is also one of the most numinous. Linked to Saturn and Yahweh, the primus anthropos. For the most part, sol niger is equated with and only understood in its nigredo aspect. For untold ages men have worshipped the great god who redeems the world by rising out of darkness as a radiant light into the heavens.
I have seen the scissor thing in my area. Not good. Not good at all. Not saying its a kill room but there is nefarious people in Manhattan for sure. Like an American psycho guild spray-painting their turf. Underground access too possibly. They always use the symbolism.
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Yeah I thought it was strange that a vape lounge would have barber scissors and a razor in their logo. Also it's bolted and there's a security camera out front. Does anyone know the meaning of the letters on the gate?
I used google maps this time. Looks like this is it when it's open.
Seems strange if there's a lounge where people vape while getting their hair cut, but this is New York.
Pictures of inside and outside:

You can see from these the full phrase on the gate is "linus ragg sculpi" which means nothing as far as I know.

But the same address in google also gives this:

Inside looks completely different. Is that a back room behind the barber shop maybe? Also, it's certified kosher heh.

Another article about the vape lounge:
actually most likely a portico to hidden areas and or something in conjunction w/ kill rooms. maybe even adrenochrome.
Doesn't make a lotta sense. The whole point of being in a secret society that is secret. Why would they give it away?
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few years back, dont remember if it was 2020 or 2021, there was a thread here or on another chan about a man who was wanted by the police for "kidnapping" his daughter. After this news came out there was a video of his supposed daughter who claimed she was "alright and nothing is wrong." lot of anons were speculating the videos of her were AI generated and she probably didnt exist in the first place. I remember there being screenshots of it being posted on 4chan but they would get taken down everytime, cant really find any info on this anymore and wasnt really in the habit of saving things at the time, anyone remember anything like this?

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