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I think the Irish are good people.

Let's have a pro-Ireland thread /kc/.

Say something nice about Ireland. Share some nice stories about visiting or meeting Irish people. Share Irish recipes ITT if you want
sure, they got given shit loads of money by Americans that think they're Irish. Then the top dogs got cushy government jobs to retire on.
The simple fact is, si doesn't want ni back, ni gets too much in gibs from London and si sure aren't going to match that. By the time of the ira I'm not sure si really gave a shit about murdering Protestants anymore.
> sure, they got given shit loads of money by Americans that think they're Irish. Then the top dogs got cushy government jobs to retire on. 

Well that's certainly something. Didn't know that

> You can post big titties without having big titties. Unbelievable but true!

I thought that it was just a fat dude that would take shirtless selfies of himselfs

> He also delivered big titty OC from his wife.
lol so wacky
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> I think the Irish are good people.
Me too, precious place, lovely people
> Say something nice about Ireland.
Ireland is very green, specialy the south, very natural, I love it.
> Share some nice stories about visiting or meeting Irish people.
I was asked if I was a jew when I was there, so I'm now waiting untill I get my seat in the US goberment as /pol/ says ::DDD
I think RoI should join to NI (resulting in entering the UK) then with the weight of their majority they hold a plebiscite and the whole island secedes from the UK.
Getting them protestant is a futile endeavor.
Maybe after Brexit NI secedes, they fund ISIS in Ireland then - since RoI isn't NATO member - they just simply move in as peacekeeping force, and gradually dismantle the administration of RoI while they assimilate the governing branches into the Ulsterian establishment.
How about
> Ireland becomes less actual religiously Catholic
> Northern Ireland becomes a mix of atheist/actual religious Calvinists
> eventually once they unite, Protestants dominate actual religion in the island
> c*ltoid
Nope. Made this thread because I saw an Irish ball and wanted to make it. He was actually a Germanball though. Also do like Irish things in general tbh

> Ireland belongs to the Dutch
And Canada's next on the list
Well Canada was attacked by the Irish once - see Fenian Raids - just as well the Dutch could follow. But North America is rightful Hungarian clay.
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> If that means Ireland is Calvinist, yes.

See pic related. Rally don't know how to feel about that tbh Protestant countries tend to turn out more atheist in the long term. Dunno why
Once again religion creates stupid division and shitstorm. Imagine your metaphysical perception divides your country. Religions are hell lot of a mess.
Well, religion is just pretense. If it didn't exist, peeps would find other things to use as an excuse to kill each other. Even before these religious conflicts came into fashion they were just fine making wars.
I don't doubt religious fundamentalism can be cancer tho. Sometimes might be the cure.
It's because of Jesuit infiltration attacking Calvinism and splitting it into a hundred sects. That's why Catholicks are the majority religion there now.
In Denmark and Scandinavia in general on the other hand, it's practically because of Americanism. In East Germany and the Baltics, it's because of the Soviets and because the fact that Estonia never really was Christian to begin with.
> Jesuit infiltration attacking Calvinism and splitting it into a hundred sects
I dunno. It seems natural them to split into newer and newer churches. It's in their nature, they were born saying we want to do our stuff and every single one who has his own idea does the same. It's like Linux distros and related software.
Actually the churches in Protestant Europe were mostly united in their predestination and historicist eschatology. Of course people disagreed (Zwingli with Luther, or Muntzer with Luther, etc.) but they were otherwise united in their weltenschaung. Jesuit priests created futurism  and preterism and it later spread among Protestants after the 30 years war which caused a drift in the Reformed churches.
Similarly with the "2nd Great Awakening" in America.
Otherwise yeah, pure liberalism and pure socialism are what paves the way of atheism, since they dismantle the sense of community and the community itself.
Religions deal in morality and the source of morality is the community. Those who can only think in individual can't respect morality and religions will seem superfluous to them.

Protestant countries are more susceptible to liberalism and with that individualism.
> Protestant countries are more susceptible to liberalism and with that individualism.
Prussia, etc. weren't. They fell to liberalism purely because of the Soviets and East Germany.
The early Reformers were mostly aiming for a theocracy, just not rooted in Rome.
they were prone to liberalism still. due to last kaiser they seem more autocrat than they do and also hitler doesnt seem to help. but considering bismarc period and weimar period they were not too far from liberalism. not that liberalism is super good thing, just saying.
> Bismarck
> liberal
He was the antithesis to liberalism. Even Friedrich II was still an autocrat. 
The reason why the German flag was red/white/black instead of yellow/red/black is because the yellow represented liberalism and because the people establishing the Kaiserreich didn't want to go towards that route.
Victorian England also wasn't so liberal. Neither was South Africa.
He was a bit autocrat but not because of ideology rather than neccesity. He could easily set up a coup d'etad but he didn't. But history showed that he needed to be more autocrat than he was. The kaiser ruined everything. The weltpolitik meme was some erdoğan tier retarded joke.
Oh yes, here's a crackpot-theory regarding Moonman:
Moonman is a jewish surname.
Moonman = MM = 33. Therefore there is a masonic tie. Likely to the Shriners because they're a branch of freemasonry based around orientalism and esoteric Islam. That's why Moonman is basically white Sharia and jihad.
> crescent
as well. It's associated with the KKK, which is a para-masonic/crypto-Jesuit organisation hence pointed hats (Spanish tradition). Hence all the titles like Grand Wizard and Grand Dragon.
> Protestant countries tend to turn out more atheist in the long term. Dunno why

A lot of Protestant doctrine is basically shedding the overly retarded parts of Catholicism but still leaving just enough to ostensibly remain "Christian". It's not a mistake that it started popping up around the same time the printing press was developed and people no longer had to rely on the Church to interpret the Bible for them. It's like the first step towards atheism.

Which is also incidentally why people claiming that Christianity is the reason why Europe advanced so much are morons. Europe's advance coincided with a decrease in Christian authority as an overriding power in people's lives for reason.
> A lot of Protestant doctrine is basically shedding the overly retarded parts of Catholicism but still leaving just enough to ostensibly remain "Christian". 
You couldn't be more wrong. The Reformation was basically stripping all the ecumenical "Christian" influence yet still retaining the core New Testament doctrine and thus remaining "Christian" in that way. The Reformation was both rooted in Wycliffe and the Lollards, and the Hebrew studies movement during the Renaissance, which led to them rediscovering the Nazarenes, hence why it's a reform going back to pre-Roman Christianity. Look up Johann Reuchlin, his Hebrew studies would later lead to the Reformation itself.
Jesuits and the counter-Reformation on the other hand overplay the ecumenical doctrine, and that of the Greek and Latin fathers.
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> But North America is rightful Hungarian clay.
That would be pretty interesting. Everything american would be entirely different. Their interactions would be really something

I'd suspect that people would develop new Hungarian slang words. The educational system would have a really hard time teaching students since Hungarian is bretty difficult to learn
I guess Hungarian America would still be nuclear and IT superpower, we had the Jews for that (just think of Teller and Neumann).
In cuisine, Mexican/Tex-Mex would be much more widespread, since pörkölt and chili is basically the same, probably beef-paprika-onion-beans type of foods would be the staple all around. Hamburger might still exist with stronger garlic flavour. Beside bacon, salo type of fat slabs would also be dominant. More and better wine, fruit spirits instead of whisky.
Western movie absolutely would be one of the largest genre, probably country music too.
And now that we are at Mexico, that is also rightful Hungarian clay, so it would be part of the States. No wall there. Maybe on the Canadian border for good measure.
Civil wars and "peace when united under a stronk leader" type eras would constantly alternate. Probably religious wars against Muslim countries in alliance with Poland, Germany would be our total bitch.
> The educational system would have a really hard time teaching students since Hungarian is bretty difficult to learn
Nod really. Second generation immigrants would do just fine.
Also instead of this:
> Civil wars and "peace when united under a stronk leader" type eras would constantly alternate
It would might be a Hubsburg monarchy depending on when the rightful acquisition of clay happened.
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> I can imagine paprika eating boomers telling ex yugos to go back their 3rd world shithole™️ That's how it would be.

That would be pretty lulzy, ngl

And this is a lot to take in tbh
But does sound pretty cool

> It would might be a Hubsburg monarchy depending on when the rightful acquisition of clay happened.

America ruled over by the Habsburgs. Now that would be something
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So I just learned that the Irish had Medieval Kings, ranging back centuries across their entire Island.





Neat stuff
They had several little "kingdoms". The most prestigious was of Tara, and who wanted to be the king of kings, he needed that title. At least I remember reading something like this.
The high king only held the power in theory, not in actual practice. In reality all the other fiefs and kings had their own autonomy.
It's the opposite of the Kalmar Union in a way.
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> There aren't enough redheads in society.

> About 33 million Americans — 10.1% of the total population — identified as being Irish in the 2017 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
> This compares with a population of 6.5 million people on the island of Ireland. 


I think we all know what you need to do, America
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According to the article more Scots have the gene for that.
Despite Irish seems to have more gingers.

Hereabout a "strain" of Jews have red hair. Not sure their proportion among all of those. Second bloke's hair got blonder as he got older, if I had a pic from the '90s, maybe.
Too bad for the voice/speech synthetizer. And adding captions to read while one should listen to what's told is a mistake, especially when the intention is addressing wide range of people.
It's a disgrace what the British politics done with Ireland, very similar to the Soviet famine (exporting food while citizens starved to death by the mass).
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This is pretty sad fam. ngl

Also, the reason there are so many Irish in America is because 

a) the famine happened
b) they were brought in to america as indentured slaves (read: all work and no pay)
Brits invented racism against negers, and they treated paddies worse than negers. Tells a lot. They were genociding them since Cromwell (at least) but Brits are just too fond of taking the moral high ground to acknowledge that they are capable of committing "crimes against humanity" liek everyone else on this globe. Hypocrites.
Well, besides the Holocaust (which is everyone's fault anyway) the Novi Sad Massacre is recognized by everyone here, disagreement only could be on how to view it, a good thing or a bad, and should we be ashamed of it or not. Right now we think it's bad and we should be ashamed ourselves.
On the other hand do Turkey acknowledges the genocide she committed against various ehtnicities: Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks? My question is not part of some whataboutism, I don't know what Turkey acknowledges and not.
Assyrian and greek one is refused by both international courts and most of countries, as for armenian one recent international court decided it's not for certain like holocoust so it's okay to reject it plus it's not recognized by UN court from to my knowledge. 

So before throwing every kind of shit we're accused it make your research and don't believe anything you see on internet.
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A little obscure fact, but the Ottoman empire was actually one of the only places that offered aid to Ireland when the famine happened




> At a time when Ireland was enduring the terrible loss of a million dead and the mass exodus of a million more during the Great Hunger, the story goes that the Ottoman Sultan, Khaleefah Abdul-Majid I, declared his intention to send £10,000 to aid Ireland's farmers.

> However, Queen Victoria intervened and requested that the Sultan send only £1,000 because she had sent only £2,000 herself.

> So the Sultan sent only the £1,000, but he also secretly sent five ships full of food. The English courts attempted to block the ships, but the food arrived in Drogheda harbor and was left there by Ottoman sailors. That £10,000 that the Sultan pledged to the Irish would be worth approximately £800,000 ($1.7m) today.

> It's a wonderful story

Really makes you think tbh

The plaque I posted is an actual thing. You can go to Ireland anytime to see it
Armenian genocide was well known before the internet and outside of it. I heard it about two decades ago. The Assyrian was only mentioned, but that too outside the internet. The Greek was new to me.
What countries recognize is pure politics, since it's part of foreign politics.
> okay to reject it
Everything is okay to reject. Even the Holocaust. The problem with this one is that in certain countries, like on the Hungary, the denial or skepticism is a criminal offense.

It is very related, the Irish genocide is denied by the Brits, and it seems the Armenian genocide is denied by the Turks.
Btw you started it here:  >>/41008/ I went on with a "counterattack". So I wasn't even defensive.

On a different note, corsairs from the Barbary coast sailed sometimes to Ireland to capture slaves.
So everyone denies it is equal? You can just slander anyone and make them equal with genocidal freaks? 

> Everything is okay to reject
I was talking about point of law obviously.

As for irish one I was merely joking about "atleast we admit it" mentality where people admit it but officially denies it, so at that point they are running away from law which makes them worse but by no means in any way make them equal with us. 

Slandering can be political but admitting and officially refusing is outright bad behaviour. 

We're not refusing officially, we're refusing it altogether, since proven innocent until guilty don't expect me to accept this shit until proven by internation courts. It's a lawful term afterall.
> On a different note, corsairs from the Barbary coast sailed sometimes to Ireland to capture slaves.
This is a topic that deserves its own thread. the barbary pirates well the muslims in that area took millions (yes you read that right) of white slaves. insane when you read about it. and nobody knows about it.
swedes were behaving like a bunch of niggers in germany in the 30 years war. does that mean I had anything to do with it? no. 

you had nothing to do with the armenian genocide. maybe your ancestors did. genocide is not nice.
Correct but I'm just saying people shouldnt expect us to accept something unresolved by law. 

>  in that area took millions
no source that I read has mention massive depopulation in europe in those years, aside from mini ice age where nature being total bitch to everyone to everywhere which also lead to massive peasant revolts.

I'm assuming millions are slaves are not unique numbers slave A has been sold to places to places, yet this has been interpreted as fresh slave?

Just a speculation it's not for certain ofc. Just a note this was result of constant 250 year of raid. Also it's not really one sides, both sides had privateers and they disliked sitting around, pretty mch all admirals in this era liked sadly  raiding sadly this was the nature of business.
> just slander anyone
Dude, the Ottos did genocided Armenians. Even contemporaries noted it during the event (in comparison noone new or talked about the Holocaust up until later). They thought they are solving a problem and they actually did. Imagine having 1,5 mil+ more potentially hostile minority in Turkey.
I understand your aversion when people say that those committed something horrific whom you identify yourself with. This means your heart is in the right place. But everyone have to face and deal with the heritage. Imagine a sheepish Belgian when he learns about their ~10 mil tally done well in the Congo.
Rare is the nation on this Earth without some dark deeds in the past. But yesterday's mass murderer is tomorrow's victim, and vice versa. The Bible says Jews mass murdered whole cities without scrupulous, and it's their history and baggage. They are just fine with it. The Assyrians built hills from their victims' chopped off heads.
International relations are not easy either, full of hurt feelings, still the realities of the situations make us work together with people we might despise otherwise.

> This is a topic that deserves its own thread.
Meh. It would need more research, and that's work more than it worth. It's just for the curiosity's sake.

I dunno about the millions either. But thing happened during a long period. There were continuous slave import in Europe too since forever up to the 20th century. After WWI Germans and Hungarians were sold on Czech slave markets...
> unresolved by law
It is a historical event. Nothing have to do with law.
Btw law would mean there is a higher power which can force you to do something. Even if an international court would say Turkey should recognize the genocide, they couldn't make her do it.
> They thought they are solving a problem and they actually did. Imagine having 1,5 mil+ more potentially hostile minority in Turkey.
Weird thing, they were resettled in syria which was ottoman clay at the time and they had no intention to lose it. What you are doing now interpreting the past according to present.

> I understand your aversion when people say that those committed something horrific whom you identify yourself with. 
Am I speaking something non english? I'm saying we did not, if there was an aversion I would take the atleast we admit it route and proceed to not officially recognize it and not pay any kind of reperation.

> I understand your aversion when people say that those committed something horrific whom you identify yourself with. 
If you are implying not genociding makes us holier than others, that is not the case, neither I believe so.

What you write in here does not prove it in any way at all. You just say it's okay to admit it and everyone can be bad. Well if this is your way of your research, I hope your local police and court makes your research like this when an incident happens, I'm sure you would see marvelous results. 

Notice I'm intending to reject this slandering, I never brought up what happened to the Turks in balkans because it is completely unrelated to the subject. It only makes the discussion more politican than the lawful one. It matters because the term genocide is a lawful term whatever we like it or not. It's not a term to randomly throwed around.
And since you focus on political part more than me it's normal to assume my rejection has something to do with holier than thou syndrome or hubris.

I'm still adamant the term genocide is lawful but regardless of numbers and REGARDLESS of how many of us also killed, not using the term genocide does not unmake the tragedy we all had had to get through.
> resettled in syria
How come this 1,5 million Armenian in Syria is now just 30 thousand tops? They were taken away by the kitten?
> research
Here you go:
Just pick out the historical ones from the novels and poems. I'm sure a couple can be found on Library Genesis. Or just search there.
> he term genocide is a lawful term
Okay. They weren't genocided, they were liquidated.
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While I was looking around on Library Genesis (http://gen.lib.rus.ec) I came across a book that sounds fun. Written by a Jewish prof specializing in genocides and related topics. The pdf related is about the denial of the Armenian Genocide in Israel - as an unexpected turn of events. However on pages 46-47 he spend some words how Turkey does it.
I'm gonna quote here the last paragraph of page 46 and the whole page 47:

Many observers feel that the Turkish Republic, established in 1923, is not legally responsible for the genocide of the Armenians; nevertheless that country continues to this day to deny that the Young Turk government of its predecessor state, the Ottoman Empire, engaged in massive destruction of Armenians from 1915-1917, resulting in the deaths of over one million men, women, and children. Scholars also argue, however, that acts of genocide continued under Ataturk’s Turkey, in the years 1919-1923, before it became a republic.
Despite the vast amount of evidence that points to the historical reality of the Armenian Genocide, denial of this genocide by successive regimes in Turkey has continued from 1915 to the present. Unlike the Holocaust, which has been denied by various fringe groups and individuals, the Armenian Genocide has been officially denied by Turkish governments for almost ninety years. Out of political expediency, other governments, including that of the United States and Israel, have aided and abetted Turkey in its rewriting of history.
In the period immediately after World War I, the tactic was to find scapegoats to blame for what was said to be only a security measure gone awry. This was followed by an attempt to avoid the whole issue, with silence, diplomatic efforts, and political pressure used where possible.
In the 1960s, efforts were made to influence journalists, teachers, and public officials by telling “the other side of the story.” Foreign scholars were encouraged to revise the record of the Genocide, presenting an account largely blaming the Armenians or, in another version, wartime conditions. In the 1970s Turkey was successful in its efforts to prevent any mention of the Genocide in a report of the United Nations (in 1985 a sub-commission of the U.N. did acknowledge the Armenian Genocide), and in the 1980s and 1990s, in pressuring the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton administrations to defeat Congressional resolutions that would have authorized a National Day of Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in the United States. The Turkish government has also attempted to exclude any mention of the Genocide in textbooks and to prevent its inclusion in Holocaust and human rights curricula.
The Turkish government has attempted to disrupt academic conferences and public discussions of the genocide, notably a conference in Tel Aviv in 1982, with demands backed up with threats to the safety of Jews in Turkey, which we will discuss in detail later. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council reported similar threats over plans to include references to the Armenian Genocide within the interpretive framework of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.
Since the 1980s, the Turkish government has supported the establishment of “institutes” affiliated with respected universities, whose apparent purpose is to further research on Turkish history and culture, but which also tend to act in ways that further denial. The volume and extent of these activities have been described by one scholar as “an industry of denial” and by another one as “an industry of denialism.”

The little I read sold the book to me (well, Jews are the best merchants, innit), and gonna read this book.
> How come this 1,5 million Armenian in Syria is now just 30 thousand tops?
Well despite events occured in 1915 the numbers somehow keep increasing.
If you look at the Turkish muslim population of present day armenia it's close to zero needless to say they were 1/3 to 1/2 of population of the area. Knowing the government barely ensured if at all their soliders and citizens it's not hard to assume many did not subjected the policy or escaped. Not to mention there were mass chaotic mess, both sides had armed citizenry that killing each other. So supposedly culling the armenians is simply not the case. 

> Here you go
I know how to read and make research (methodology and whatnot) thank you. Assuming you know as well you can read both sides claims. 

> Okay. They weren't genocided, they were liquidated.
Well from your intentions you are clearly and easily joke about tragic events seeing your attitude at this point this is just your political pressure (a low quality one if we're being blunt here) rather than an attempt to uncover the truth. You are part of the problem not the solution.

If armenians and politicians they bought are so adamant they can invite us to discussion in international arena and we can open our archives. You ruthlessly slander us most likely assume we do it due to national pride, but there are several independent resources such as during and post ww1 american (not nation as a whole) reports etc. clearly states otherwise.

Not to mention two different group of people cant genocide each other, so you are simply unable to explain mass removal (out of think air) of Türks and focusing tragedies of one group. This is not "whataboutism" genocides happen when there is systematic will to seek destroyal, not when two groups mass kill each other during a total war and in a chaotic mess.
>  Written by a Jewish prof specializing in genocides and related topics
Cant even read ottoman Turkish, neither stepped in archives, specialist to my ass.

Justin McCarthy on the other hand knows Ottoman Turkish and read actual main sources. By methodology main sources takes priority, since 2nd hand "research writings" (idk how they are called in english exactly) can deviate main sources significantly. 

I don't suprise though since many armenians directly cite Morgenthau who also cant read ottoman Turkish and openly refers Turks as "from inferior blood" . I'm sure you can find dozens of "proofs" how McCarthy is a shill and Morgenthau is pretty neutral. It's internet afterall, when you repat a lie often enough...
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> Cant even read ottoman Turkish
Well, committing genocide isn't just Turkish privilege, it happens all around the globe. Specializing in the study of genocide doesn't need all the languages around the globe.
> neither stepped in archives
The book is about the Israeli reaction, and how Israel and Jews think/don't think about the Armenian genocide.

I'm planning to reply to your previous post, but while I was looking around I spotted another gem. This one (pdf related) is a 25 pages long paper on how they teach about the "Armenian question" (since it is the term) in the high schools of Turkey - or at least how they present it in textbooks.
It has a couple of good info right at the beginning, for example right after the incident the Turkish leadership did recognize it and made steps to mend things, but in the interwar period it became fashionable just to hush it up and don't talk about it, then decades later they went ahead and shifted responsibility onto the Armenians, who betrayed Turkey/waged war against Turkey/committed genocide against Turks.

How about Taner Akcam?
> Well, committing genocide isn't just Turkish privilege, it happens all around the globe. Specializing in the study of genocide doesn't need all the languages around the globe.
So he specialized in genocides despite not reading supposedly first genocide (armenian claims) . Way to discredit the author.

> The book is about the Israeli reaction
Which makes it as relevant to subject as Vogue magazine. 

> the incident the Turkish leadership did recognize it
Except they didn't, since the term genocide did not exist back then he takes any kind of word resembling 'atrocities' as genocide acceptance. 

We already accept bad things happened, so in a sense he is strawmanning. Not to mention  we also accept the fact the atrocities mutuat and not aimed to destruction of race, which makes neither atrocity a genocide.

> but in the interwar period it became fashionable just to hush it up and don't talk about it
Umm no, simply not the case. Maybe he mistook silence of entire world about the subject until 70's for Turkey only thing. I'm very sure it's a genuine mistake. He forgets to mention the armenian question has got its attention thanks to ASALA randomly killing diplomats and civilians in both in Turkey and outside of it in mainly 70's and 80's. Saying "Waaaah Turks just being silent!!!1" is way to be stupid, and we didn't base our entire identity to atrocities that made by armenians, due to diplomatic reasons. We're the ones who recognize armenia first in the world in 1918 and 1991 to disrupt political isolation. We did not had lobbies even if we did they would just killed by ASALA which continued, until they accidently killed westerns instead of Turks, which caused sudden dissappearence of the terrorist group as france knew where exactly these terrorist hiding for years. 

> then decades later they went ahead and shifted responsibility onto the Armenians, who betrayed Turkey/waged war against Turkey/committed genocide against Turks.
Our books clearly states it's generally Hınchak and Tashnak doing it, there is no complete targeting of Armenians.

> Taner Akcam?
He repeatedly claimed archives has been 'cleaned' by both us and germans. Assuming you know how archives work, it's such an absurd clownish claim.

The guy also calls Atatürk as Turkish hitler and many times he stated how he hated Turks and ashamed being so. If you want to bring counterarguments please cite someone does not blinded by hatred and make pitiful, easy to disprove factual  mistakes.

Most of his claims based upon destruction of archives, I think he seriously thinks archives does not have copies and many documents are already not cited by other historians.
The paper was written by another person, and she writes about the history books in Turkey. Up to the '80s Turkish students never even heard about that Armenian minority lived in Turkey.
Furthermore according to Taner Akçam, Atatürk accepted the genocide and he also said they should go after İttihad ve Terrakki Party.

Of course none of our archives has such interview. The supposed interview has been made by Emile Hilderbrand.

When you dig enough, oh well Emile Hilderbrand is imaginary friend of Taner Akçam. According to Swiss Embassy such person has never travelled to Türkiye. 

Also Atatürk never mentions such interview in his books. Please stop citing literal retards.
I dunno about cute Irish people, but if we talk in general about people (or electronic representations of them) when I played with aforementioned championship/football manager it was good to have Robbie Keane in the team.
> events occured in 1915
Events occurred from 1915.
> the numbers somehow keep increasing.
It isn't increasing, the estimate varies.
As I looked it up the number is in the hundred thousands, the lowest 200 000, the highest 1 500 000, the currently accepted number is ~800 000. Some of those people were executed, some "relocated" to the Syrian desert where they essentially were left to die.
Even in the case of the Holocaust the number would "fluctuate" it's just that perception that ties it to the modern Jewish identity does not allow to even mention other than the 6 million (that book here  >>/41059/ really offers some insight into their twisted mind, it appears that they perceive the revision of the number an attack on their identity, an attempt to destroy that identity, therefore as another genocide...).
> easily joke about tragic events
It wasn't a joke. If cannot call the killings of hundreds of thousands of people a genocide - since it's a legal expression - then somehow it should be called, liquidation is one possibility.
But yes, I would joke easily: how many Jews can be fit into a Volkswagen Beatle? 2 in the front, 2 in the back, 6 million in the ashtray. Jokes are never problems.
I figured. Couldn't name any. I remember the Irish fatty enthusiast bloke's threads on Krautchinz, so my impression is that their women are fat.
Trying to remember some actresses but I'm not big on these celebrity names, who is whos.
> Syrian desert where they essentially were left to die.

Deir-az Zor is not just a desert, it was isolated from the war and there are rivers to create communities in there.

> Events occurred from 1915.
Events occured in 1915. Relocations didnt take years but only a one year. Those who tried to use their authorities to massacre armenians have been hanged which shows we didn't intend to wipe them out which is neccesary for genocide definition. Not to mention all "war criminals" have been released after Malta Court after ww1 which you claimed we never subjected a court where we could forced to accept our crimes. Court already has been done, even the Nürnberg style pro-armenian court didn't find us guilty. Good luck for any pro armenians to press their claims.
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Well bernds, I'm bumping my lil thread  >>/32287/ up again to, sadly, inform you about my encounter with Irish "people". They were around me for only a little while (they had to leave) but it feels like I've known them a lifetime. The 5-10 Irish I've met were superbly rude and dumb. They just lived like such disgusting slobs and would always get into fights with people over absolutely every lil thing. They kept an extremely butthurt aura around them and would also keep a similar expression in their faces the entire time I knew them. Just announcing to the world that they're just unpleasant to be around. And other people I've know have also had the same issues tbh. It is not an isolated experience. 

As far as their women go  >>/41196/
The one Irish women I knew recently was a complete drunk. She would always be getting wasted and acting like such a sad slob. It was disgusting to look at. ngl she had a like a factory of alcohol around her all the time and would always drink herself silly. Liek, how do you even drink that much and so frequently? She had wayyy too many problems and was super scatterbrained. Always forgetting about things or showing up raly late to things tbh. The other Irish women were mega bitches and would act cold to practically everyone around them.

And I saw someone on /kc/ a lil while ago asking how it would feel like to be with a Ginger women. Liek, all women are the same for the most part. Gingers (Not Viking Redhaired women tbh) are actually kinda worse IMHO. A lot of attitude and a heap of personal issues. Blondes are better tbh. Well, any women at this point.
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I guess the entire moral of my lil story is this: be careful what you wish for. You may end up getting it. Along with all of the side effects of your choice

Maybe I should give Scottish or Welsh people a look into. They're probably a lil nicer
Tough experiences, must have been discouraging.
There are other Irish people, who have to be different. But stereotypes have basis, something must be behind the drunkard quarreler one too.

> Scottish
I dunno. They say something about that in Trainspotting, no?
Although I think these days the English consider Scotts kinda chill.
> Tough experiences, must have been discouraging.

Yes. It really was

> Although I think these days the English consider Scotts kinda chill.
Maybe. I'll have to see it first hand before making an opinion

> There are other Irish people, who have to be different. But stereotypes have basis, something must be behind the drunkard quarreler one too.

I think I've had enough experiences with Irish "people" at this point. Sorry to disagree with you on that one

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