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Someone posted
> gay
Too. And that was either in the thread or another one, and a new thread don't exist.

The problem with the puzzle that it seems a guesswork.
I get it that the threads are "hidden" (actually, display: none). But that doesn't help.
I'd expect something posted and were set to "hidden" but beside my thread there was nothing.
Beside the pw could be pw in berndese, berndese, hidden, post/posts, thread/threads. None works as pw.
Board, I haven't tested yet.
Oh. Today I didn't spend time on the puzzle. I'm closer but I'm afraid the pw is krautchan, and I'm breddy sure we don't pronounce it the same.
dj^ z^kk^ wxwdjn
z^kk^ k^ks rkhj^rw nk^ vxmxd qn eez k^ksw password qdw pjfj^ eez pxfnsr
eezs xr rkhj^rw nk^ vz^ rkleexaa nk^ px^dw qpns z^kk^ j^hzd eez ixh
There was the implication that the pw will be hungary or hungarybernd or some combination of that, so I tried a few did not work. That's that.
I don't even know if that zip accepts such bs characters as ^ in the pw.
> impatient
LMAO. It's been a year. I don't think even the saints had indefinite patience.
The Rick and Morty thing was more of a gag, because it's a show for super intelligent people.

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