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I have watched these videos too many times to even count them I think they are brilliant. So I am making a thread about them. Can I get the opinion of our resident russian here what he (or she) thinks of the vids?





To put it simply, it's a mixture of geopolitics, psychology, philosophy, biology all intertwined. Highly fascianting to anyone, especially to bernds.
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Didn't watch the vids because they are too long, but know about these guys. It is КОБ (Концепция Общественной Безопасности, yes, CPS), some kind of group that follows writings of anonymous collective. It was relatively known in past, but now are mostly forgotten, because their main popular figure (general Petrov) is dead. Now there is КПЕ - some loose group that follows that concept, but it looks pretty bleak.

Conceptually it is typical early post-Soviet thing, mixture of (pseudo)science, conspiracy, antisemitism, marxist theory, Russian/Soviet patriotism and neopaganism. Petrov in the end became neopagan priest called "priest (magus) Meragor": https://youtube.com/watch?v=JmejY8M5TQE

Considering their theories, opinion may be varying. Some ideas are pretty common (about evils of globalization, elites etc - everyone says this nowadays), some are too weird (like all that Egyptian priesthood thing). I'd recommend you to be skeptical about what they say, although it is always interesting to listen, maybe some ideas are good.

Sometimes these guys look like sect though, but they aren't some single entity with strong rules, more like free-to-enter club. There are plenty (really) of conspiracy groups in Russian internet though, and CPS is just one of them.
> marxist theory

Want to add: not that marxist theory in modern terms, but in Soviet style.

There were large institutions about so-called Marxism-Leninism, it was obligatory for everyone with education to have courses in political philosophy (pretty boring but who cares). Plenty of books were written, institutes established etc, only for studying these theories, and most works of people from that age have mark of this, sometimes hidden, but noticeable. Even when theory has mystical concepts, they often include some remarks in that marxist style (mostly about economics).

> There were large institutions about so-called Marxism-Leninism, it was obligatory for everyone with education to have courses in political philosophy 
Yeah, SU made it mandatory on the whole Eastern Block and I bet those who weren't literally part of it but were communist (like China) also adopted some of their own form of this. Getting good grades in the political course mattered more than competency in the chosen field of the intellectual if he aspired to hold titles, offices, and jobs of authority (like director of any institution).
Well while Druid spells only a little less convenient than Cleric ones, the Druid's armory sucks ass. Their Armor Class will be too weak by higher levels and the weapon selection is awful. Daggers and clubs... just, no. I would prefer a Priest of Helm any day and he did too. With high Con and Str, it even can tank in some good armor. Buff with Draw upon Holy Might and rock on.
> what the fuck

Man with specific mindset becoming old and influenced by his own theories (i.e. gone mad). Considering that discussed concept (CPS) has some mystical parts, it is not that surprising.

> werent druids celts

There are theories that druids (at least Britain ones) were originally from pre-celtic cultures, and their tradition just remained when Celts come to islands.


All these "mixed-style" classes are pretty specific. Classic pure Cleric or Magic-User (as it was called in early editions) still a better choice IMHO. Better to add specialized fighters into party to compensate armor/weapon weakness.
I don't have time to watch three long videos on druid ramblings. What are the key points about this? We already gassed the druids and not soon enough in my opinion.
"The theoretical basis of the Conception of Public Safety (CPS, or “COB” – the transliteration of the Russian abbreviation) is the Sufficiently General Control Theory (SGCT, or “DOTU” – the transliteration of the Russian abbreviation) – sufficiently general for describing any process of control or self-control with its terms. According to the Sufficiently General Theory of Control, all means of control can be divided into general groups which are arranged hierarchically from the most effective to the least. Such instruments of influence on society, whose reasonable use allows control over its life and death, are:"


its a weird mix of alot of things. I find it fascinating but I find alot of things fascinating.
> There are theories that druids (at least Britain ones) were originally from pre-celtic cultures, and their tradition just remained when Celts come to islands.

from what I know most if not all information about druids is from romans specifically ceasar
If we are talking about written sources, sure. I'm sure by now archaeology separated artefacts and remains tied to druidic religious practices.
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> werent druids celts
And from Ireland?

> We already gassed the druids and not soon enough in my opinion.

What was that one chapter in Berserk that had druids featured in it? Showed them doing some nasty things with a tree IIRC
It good. Art is really detailed and story very engrossing and engaging. I got that one chapter that just boiled down to "Jesus badz" and then I stopped reading it. Because forget it

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