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I wasn't going to share these but whatever, if some tard is still around they can't use this.

Lumi is a servitor doll for taking over control of your local illuminati structure, such as your government. 

Alruna (all knowing) is a triton version of the Tanya servitor. It will place you as the capstone of your own local pyramid and possess people around you using mirror images. With this you can direct access to the system to different people/groups in your area, giving out or removing material power as you see fit.

This design has sunflower values at the core and can't be misused, they were made under the watching eye of the illuminati faction who chose to support this project (astral organization, to clarify, not anyone who was involved on Earth before, they will gladly support someone aiming to kick out the current retards).
Interesting. I had a dream yesterday. I was in a sort of high tech megacity with enormous skyscrapers. It was high tech but nothing scifilike fancy tech you just knew it can do anything you might ever need tech. Humans were semi-psychic there. I was visiting "my friend". He was a sort of "super surgeon". His room was near the window which was a sort of medical workshop and he was able to jump out of the window and come back and retrieve the patients with a giant bodybag on his back. It was like a quick response field medic but if it's needed he amputates you puts you into sleep then into the bag and in the proper hospital they will help you regrow your limbs. It was completely normal there and didn't even feel out of place. Then as I was talking with him about some medicines my consciousness started to slip and I managed to possess the body of some bystander. Somehow he got cut in half and it seems humans had an extremely quick and powerful regeneration ability in that place. I managed to possess the part that got cut off and first it tried to grow into the person it separated from but because it was not the main part of the person it started to degenerate. While I wanted to grow back into it's original form by instinct I realized that it is not my body so I let go of it. Then disconnected from the timeline while realizing that that was not my body.
And because some months ago I realized how I can enter into a "spirit form" which is literally a sort of undetectable awareness and how to retain anything from it (the reason why I am not calling it an astral body because it cannot be attacked or interacted with and it is supposed to have less effects on any reality it visits than a slight breeze. With that you can enter most realities because it doesn't count as a force that becomes the chain of causes/effects. That way you will not be hunted down by guardian entities for being at the wrong place.) After a while I realized I am in that spirit form and I need to go home. I was in the darkness for a while then realized how to wake up IRL.

First I thought it was some universal levels or some other symbolical thing trying to manifest. Then I realized what it was. 
It was literally the timeline that the elites wanted to achieve. The problem ofc that in that timeline humans weren't retarded miserable cattle and knew how to form a proper functioning society and those megacities were quite spacious and not literal "pods". Not to mention it was managed so well that politics wasn't even a thing anymore. Even commies with their uniparty system couldn't get rid of politics in our history. There you didn't even feel there are politicians or people that try to oppress or "manage" your life. You just knew how to find a proper place in line with your abilities and you did it. Not the state enforced propaganda bullshit we constantly endure.

> astral illuminati faction
I also met several that was waiting for the retards to literally just kill themselves. They just knew they just need to wait and not tell them that they are jumping into a cliff because if they warn them then they will just make more people jump into the cliff. 
The way they operated was kinda peculiar and I didn't really got into it because it was like learning about the cracks of a building that is currently collapsing
Hi, BO knows me as Trypper. I noticed a sudden shift in myself to become more alike BO in interpersonal interaction and perhaps other domains. I find it a little jarring, the contrast between my current mode and the past, usual mode. Can BO check on this? Thanks in advance.
Where were you? It felt like you were gone again and then you deleted your account? I asked around and they said the one I used to talk to was at Baal ze bub's place to do some of those 375 years of servitude. You back from there or what is going on? Just a break?
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What I've seen in the past weeks has really completely changed my view of the retards in charge of this planet. They're just plain atheists who believe they live once, and will just do anything to prolong that life. That's the majority of them and that's why they ruin our environment and will drag the entire world into war over being able to get blood transfusions from trafficked children.

Behind them are aliens from many different past planetary systems who managed to create some kind of bunk immortality by dragging time out on their home planet, until their galaxy itself was consumed by their environmental abuse.

Because creator gods just look at the shit being done and adapt creations so that karma can play out, they let them all come to Earth, the extreme middle point of everything.

It was true what Li Hongzhi said: that for every level down on Earth, an entire galactic system out there must be cleared.

There are fake suns and artificial planets for every little glowie agency or unit to be removed, but they are concentrated to the half of the world orbiting around NY, which is the focal point of the Earth.

There is no real connection to outside dimensions in the eastern half of the world, it's pretty shallow and that is why they seem to make less of an impact culturally and politically. Getting just some support behind them, and a decent high energy faction, will change a lot. But it still means fighting an immense mass of evil spirits who will not give an inch unless every single one is overpowered.
An event happened that implies I did return, but then I have to bring up a point here. It seems that my body has become something of a meat wagon for me to just leave and return to as I like, with idk who to take my place when I take breaks. It's a bit funny.
I can see myself having done 'missions'. Also having been in teams where I played a scouting/intel gathering role. The impression I get is that this role is a low-level, specialist role.

I am currently taking a free intro to sociology course on the net. Interesting that Karl Marx is behind conflict theory, which is a method of looking at things from a sociologist's perspective. I currently plan to distill what I learn from this course in this board, possibly on how communism and sociology intersect.

Also, I don't deem me joining the discord servers being necessary, given my past of joining and leaving ad nauseum. But if you'd like me to join, then I'd oblige by stating my Discord handle.
The servers are barely used, so it's better to share anything you learn on here instead.

While you are a great channel, maybe we can resume that contact if needed, I don't see a reason for that right now. This, may also be why they are moving you back and forth like this. Baal, or anyone, wouldn't let go of someone who's a natural open channel like this, but if you're constantly in a confused state of mind and as you said 
> I find it a little jarring, the contrast between my current mode and the past, usual mode.
you may have received training over there to function better. There is nothing saying you can't serve Baal right now, in here, is there?

We also got help from Adremelech, among others, so I guess they have to all look at what you signed up for and how that relates internally. Going by your past motivations as you explained them, maybe being "taken care of" like this is what you really wanted?

I used a different kind of contract because I want an active kind of support from them, so I can't really compare my relation to them with yours. Being "annoying" and able to ask them to take part in magic circles for extra power support essentially whenever I need, with no heads up.
Yeah, perhaps this arrangement is optimal for me. The negative emotional state I have floundered in for many years seems to have gone away, which is priceless to me. I also care much less about achieving in mundane terms, which I think was a reaction to having been denied this for so long.

Yeah, the servers were pretty much dead too last time I was there, which was a reason why I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about rejoining them.
Has anyone here performed the elemental energy exercises in Initiation into Hermetics long enough to see whether or not they're actually capable of performing the feats that Bardon says they're associated with? Levitation, immunity to heat, pyrokinesis, etc.
Someone who posted on here earlier claimed to have developed heat resistance from those exercises.

Personally I don't use these because they seem to be very slow and mostly meaningless in regards to what I want to do. I focus only on manifestation and teleportation (which includes manifesting fire). I can make it work by a method closer to prayer then the exercises described in there. It can't be used for party tricks that way, but it's enough for me.
It seems that something was about to happen, a possibility, and I, out of ignorance, sidestepped it.

Now, what I am about to say may seem way out there, and I accept that. Hopefully, at least it can be of use.

I subconsciously started associating myself with the identity of the Dajjal (the Muslim version of the Antichrist) and many 'signs' started coming. They include one person assuming my name is Mohammad, and also dreaming of some sexual activity I will not get into details here. And then, the culmination: a woman clad in dark clothes and a hijab approached me and started saying things that were incomprehensible to me for quite some time. After she stopped speaking, I said 'may Allah give you' and that I don't have any money to give her. Only then did she start speaking intelligibly, asking me to please give her money. I again repeated that I have nothing to give her (which indeed was the case at the time), so she smiled at me and left.
Same poster here as  >>/3821/

I just remembered another vision I had. Exact same scenario as the black-clad lady coming up to me, except I got seduced soon after she started speaking.
> dajjal

Described to have one blind eye and the word Kafir written on his forehead. Muscular with dark curly hair and a reddish tone of his skin.

I mean Donald Trump has orange skin but the other parts doesn't match. Which of them do you match for?
Semi related, I bought a new book by a guy named Duraid Al-Kamisi, a novel about a suburb, set in recent days. I felt it may be a relevant commentary.

In it was hidden messages from djinn, which lead me to a dimension where muslim women were kept, those who are not allowed to enter the (temporary) paradise, but who were too good for hell. I haven't read the whole book yet so there may be more to come.
Not much, really. Only thing perhaps is that my last name has something to do with Egypt, whereas the Dajjal is prophesized to spend some time studying in Egypt (which is not true in my case).

Might just be some egregore getting triggered, after all.
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I feel like I should try to get deeper into this lore, but I don't really know how or where. I interact with djinn pretty much daily, but it's also very daily in practice, I ask them to take care of astral children mostly, because that is something they do well. (They also insist they wear hijab and study the quran 2.0 which they have been sharing on the astral, but I have nothing to object to that.)

I made them a servitor so they can easier possess people, because there is a good wave of islamic rage right now to ride on, hopefully they are better at aiming than me. After all, they see everything really clearly.

The servitor is designed based on their request, it's a female djinn with a tight turban (the type for war) bare upper body, wide pants, a golden chain around the waist (a "chain of events" for manipulating reality), a curved knife and wearing shoes with a long toe tip curled inwards. I just used what they agreed on, it's a "djinn extremist" focused on slaying all infidels.

There is a lot of built up energy, it would be great to see that come to use. I see some of them sitting around "vibing" since I shared it, seems they liked it.

> pic
The servitor as drawn under the possession of djinn.
> I subconsciously started associating myself with the identity of the Dajjal
Why or how?

> Might just be some egregore getting triggered, after all.
I think this is the case

What I gathered about the supposed muslim antichrist that it is an old pissed af presence of a Magi in the middle east who might return to reclaim that land because it was his some very old pre-islamic time ago. There are really old and forgotten Magi traditions in that region but their energetic presence can be traced. Ofc thx to the djinn that presence is extremely sealed and if you don't have some ancient bloodline connection to it or some "vision/sight" that can see beyond the known history I have no idea how you can access it. Not to mention it would probably count as a declaration of war against several djinn factions. 
I have looked into several end times scenarios to know which are those seriously need to play out (most of them are theatrical which means it will be only on the astral or just new energy formations will manifest and not the way the people think it will play out and maybe only a few will truly experience it)

But then again the middle east and the dealings of the djinn are not my main concern so I am no expert about this. Especially because the djinn have a tendency to talk in a way that makes you distrust everything that they say. I don't like talking to them about history that they took part in. There is always something shady in those stories that they "just happened to forgot to mention".

If you feel like it is your destiny then go for it if it's not try to figure out why you 
> subconsciously started associating 
with it

> there is a good wave of islamic rage right now
Yeah but now it seems it's trying to be productive for once and not the impudent terror kind of rage.
Wonder where will it lead.
> trying to be productive for once
Islam was one of the three religions given permit to exist on new Earth, so of course they have reason to be productive. They even rewrote the Quran and are looking for a new prophet to write it into the physical for them.
> asking me to please give her money
forgot to mention that giving them gold helps them manifest here
So if you give them "Money" or something that has value that they can exchange it helps them manifest. (there is a reason why the golden lamp is made of gold)

> dreaming of some sexual activity I will not get into details here
Also it's an interesting mention that there are sexual activities that just help you activate some of your energy centers then there is the "Bonding" kind of activity where they get "attached". I am not experienced with the sexual practices of the djinnyeh because...  When my energies were shitty and weak she was reluctant to do it and when my energies started to soar I blew them away energetically and to "have sex" with them I had to share my energies (more accurately start an energetic fuse process which results in weakening my original energies). But then my path opened up and I had better things to do than to molest them (also sexual activities with them feel like some sort of etheric fire massaging your bodyparts... at least for me but this was just the "flirting stage" so I am no expert at this 

> assuming my name is Mohammad
A weird thing but they think every human that they can "perceive" (aka has psychic potential) is Mohammad until stated otherwise.

 Not to mention sometimes they mix up the name Moses and Mohammad because to them that has the same meaning as "prophet dude". But then again not all djinn is bound to the Islamic faith their lore goes far beyond but now I am not sure I want to get into it 

Might be just looking for a mate and this is how the process works out for you. 

I think the question is how much you want it to happen.
> I got seduced soon after she started speaking
but if you got seduced that easily then probably you want it already
Thank you for your feedback!

In these 'visions', it seems that my interactions reflect my 'inner' state, or how I would react 'deep down'. Due to the training I probably got while serving Baal, I no longer see myself in the default 'nightmarish/weak' position, which I can easily see in how the vision could've turned out. And yes, from the Muslim viewpoint, it is seen that Djinn can be Muslim, Christian, or of any other faith. I once summoned a djinniyeh for someone, and then mentored this person on how to channel, who then, and the djinniyeh said she was Jewish (via this person channeling her).

On another note, I've been 'bullied' many times lately, which, factoring in the possibility of humans getting possessed and the mass zombification of humanity, probably means I am being nudged in some direction. I can only hope I got the 'message' right.
> why or how?
It was a throwback to my previous RP in mental instability, hah!

I really, really need to develop clarity of sight into the spiritual. As for all I know, while this may be achieved automatically when unfettered by the inhabitance of a human body, I still see it as utmost importance to also have this clarity of vision in human form. Any resources you can recommend? I can make up a makeshift plan, which is the following:
> practice automatic writing, which is 'channeling' but the output isn't on a chatroom but rather on more, at least initially, private means (such as a digital text file or a physical notebook)
> develop clarity of vision and communication (whether telepathy, partial possession or otherwise); assuming this is done by brute force and practice
> Due to the training I probably got while serving Baal
Do you even remember what he taught you or it was a sort of "spirit imprinting" which makes the knowledge extremely intuitive/instinctual

> or of any other faith
Yeah they are here on this planet for a while. When I got my connection back with my old vedic entities they chased them away because I managed to attract way too many djinn. It seems back in the past it was pretty common to have a djinn as a sort of spirit familiar because their wisdom and discipline was valuable. But something happened which made the djinn somewhat malevolent and they started to cause problems left and right... It's kind of a long story might write down it later.
> interactions reflect my 'inner' state
same here... I was also bullied when I was little but after I got past the "do no harm" mentality and embraced the rage and frustration within I figured out quite fast how to remove the bullies. Which sorta made my "shadow" kinda impulsive in the face of adversity. Because of that I have a sort of "the dog bites" sign around my spirit territory. I am getting in touch with it because the anomalies my mind create in reality when my tsundere emotions get worked up are not always good.  Thankfully it is very common in the spirit world because there are many souls that starts their awakening with the "wrong foot". So they understand 
Nowadays if I get bothered by an entity I usually practice some energy body muscle movement with them.

> clarity of sight into the spiritual
I am also working on this currently. It is called 'true sight'.

as BO said in this post
> The image is landing on a flat surface in the back of your eyes and from that is created the idea of the visuals having a physical reference. 

This is just the eyes only but our mind has a "visual cortex". It connects the eye and the all the eyes that we call 3rd eye usually. It's the way we process information. I figured out that I am noticing things without seeing them nowadays. It's similar how bugs see. They don't "see" they just "detect". Like they know which part of the flower is edible and they only see that part and instantly react to it while ignoring everything else.
Our mind is also has this and every different sight is "fueled" with different energy types. Like fear and rage fuels the muscles and makes you see parts of reality that helps you in the fight or flight while lust usually focuses on the reproductive parts of the opposite sex. I found out how different types of lust develops different kinks or fetishes. There is that "chakra petal" system where they explain how every petal is a different emotion or aspect of life. I tried to read about it further but everyone says something different and it's way more complicated than that. Not to mention there is the "safe spirituality" way when you do the exercise until sg happens which slow but at least makes only the nice emotions rise... more or less. Or there is the one where you carve the pathway till the 3rd eye no matter what and figure out how everything works by yourself when you finally start seeing it. Some say that is the "dangerous spirituality" but I like to call it the "interesting spirituality".

> utmost importance to also have this clarity of vision in human form
Turns out if you don't need spiritual vision for surviving as a human it will not turn on by default. Because it might hinder your survival. Then there are the times when talking to a spirit that kinda guards the person before interacting the person itself is beneficial so it turns on by default. I realized while it is sorta intuitive the way it works but I need to understand how my mind and my emotions load energy into my brain. There was a time when I was seeing the nerve connections of an eye then it turned out it is my ear. How my mind creates images by the sound it hears. Around that time I figured out how I can produce and navigate proper 3D images in the head with all the energies that surround my environment. The problem ofc is that there are way too many energies around us and "seeing" some is the equivalent of putting red pepper into your eyes. So you have to learn how to see it without putting it into your eye. While we call it the 'veil' it's more accurate to call them 3rd eyelids. When dust gets into your eye it automatically closes. Actually it functions closer to the lips of your mouth. Seen it many times like a mouth appearing and while "kissing" an eye appeared out of it.
The trick is learn how the brain processes all these different realities without uselessly mixing it up. While reality is an illusion as they say it... living in a "delusion" that does nothing but hinders you is an annoying experience.

> practice automatic writing
I don't really like doing automatic writing. I usually channel too many energies at once and usually it makes sense only to me and if the energies are strong I can retrieve the memory better from my mind than from a paper so I avoid it. Not to mention I learned that I had many past lives with awakening processes from times when writing was either too different or not that common so it doesn't really help me. 

> assuming this is done by brute force and practice
First I also brute forced everything but then I had to realize how every muscle moves and how they need to relax so energy can go through it. Absolutely complicated and I mostly do it with the help of guides. Like there are times when an entity doesn't leave me alone and it turns out the reason why it is here because I grabbed it with one hand so strongly that no matter how hard I punch with the other it cannot leave. So the trick is to figure out which is the "hand" that grabs it and "let it go".
Not to mention my practices nowadays realizing that I am a living fire and how the living fire works.
 I had to start meditating naked because my body starts to emit such a heat and it needs to adapt to it and I need to feel how every part of my body reacts to the 'living fire' and if I have clothes on my body doesn't know how to adapt to the heat because the cloth disturbs the process. Not to mention when I manage to overload my nerves and my body can't decide if it's too cold or too hot. The way the spirit inhabits the flesh can be particular sometimes. 
> Any resources you can recommend
I am just working with guides. Every (current) human resource is inaccurate. Can't recommend any.
I have an energetic/spirit field that only let's in entities if they are willing to help in my development. Which means they are either wise spirits or if they malevolent then my guides usually want me to learn how to handle/punch them.

> communication (whether telepathy, partial possession or otherwise);
My telepathy is mostly mental synchronization and not the "exchange of words" kind of channeling. Which means if my mind is compatible I can receive a bunch of concepts instantly and suddenly know everything but when it's not it has trouble getting the gist of things.
Like here I asked for the Quran 2.0 if it's that distributed on the astral then it's easy to get. I even got the bright green energy like book. It caused me a headache first in my left brain because it had hard time reading it. It was like when you read a book but the words in it are completely foreign or unfamiliar so you have to use a dictionary at every 3rd word. So to "ground it" I asked for the astral energetic version of the original Quran. Which looked like a dark smoky block of text. Then the spirit of the book appeared and started to explain the book and it started with the concept of the "Messiah waiting process"... I sorta gave up because I realized this will take too long and I don't really care that much. And I had a mix of weird dreams yesterday and in one of them I was Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney and Miles Edgeworth started to explain some weird shit about how we are in the image of god and that gives us the right to destroy everything that we see fit or sg... at that part I realized this is a "corrupted dream" when concepts corrupt each other so they can appear somehow as the closest imitation of the real thing so I exited the dream.

I am developing the mental processing understanding because I have an exceptionally well made system for it but the problem is that it was not developed in the "current human" era. Which means I have to throw out every faulty bullshit that was ruined thanks to the societal retardation humans managed to imprison themselves with it and slowly let my innate truth manifest.

This makes it kinda hard to word my ways.

Not to mention thanks to the tower of Babel and Astra it sorta gets transmitted through the minds so the concepts I am working with sometimes get brought up on the board without my input.

I can't figure out the timing how I should share my own findings yet.
Not to mention I am still incapable of explaining things without a wall of text.
This is interesting. I've also started on a similar project. The verbiage 'true sight' is meaningful. I've been experimenting with switching the meta-contextual framing of the 'spirit' and 'physical'. Spirit is commonly viewed as 'delusion' while physical is viewed as 'truth'. It creates interesting effects if you switch these mantles so that you view the physical as 'delusion' and the spiritual as 'truth'. Efficacy of workings seem greatly improved using this framing since faith isn't a big issue anymore. I've also seen an exponential increase in physical synchronicities.
Improving clarity of course is a prerogative.
> Quran 2.0
It's in original astral arabic and a cooperation effort by 1000s of djinn all yelling at each other until every word is solid enough to withstand any aggression. v. 1 is the same, but it's not a good book, aside from explaining the syntax and general concepts of arabic itself. V. 2 is meant to actually guide people to become djinn, and not just kill infidels until they "get it".

I realized during this year that djinn are very involved in the C programming languages, the logics used are based almost entirely on the principles created by islamic mathematicians. The course I started taking had a large amount of arabic speakers, including the teacher, and they were all constantly possessed by djinn. They were also upset over an update in Visual Studio (so called "top statements") which are a manifestation of the "female supremacist" faction getting stronger. Djinn in general want to oppress all women and see them as dispensable, because among djinn, males give birth. But there is a small group who started getting stronger who want women to learn birthing by manifesting the smokeless fire by magic instead. This is the same as having the "top level statements" hidden and not having to create a "main" method.

It shows even more how close the spiritual is to the physical.
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Attached picture is an attempt at channeling a sigil of Quran 2.0

> Do you even remember what he taught you or it was a sort of "spirit imprinting" which makes the knowledge extremely intuitive/instinctual
It is the latter, or at the least it is effectually the latter. I can recall snippets of the training process but mainly it conferred a shift in my emotional baseline state.

> Same here...
I was bullied a lot in my youth. While I embraced the dark emotions, I let it turn inwards rather than let it out, due to many factors such as being afraid of getting into trouble myself (oh the irony! school staff sure give a shit when it comes to bullying, don't they?). The result is, as it were, was a very weak individual who was stuck in self-destruct mode. One day, while I was wallowing in this shitty state, I came upon one of BO's Succubus Collective recruitment threads on 4/x/ and applied there to join the Collective in a bid to destroy myself. At the time, I was a mundane Muslim, so I thought that joining seemed to be a really bad idea. Many already know of this story, as I've reiterated it many times elsewhere.

> 'true sight'
> and the rest of the commentary
Thank you for this feedback!

> I don't really like doing automatic writing.
> My telepathy is mostly mental synchronization and not the "exchange of words" kind of channeling.
I wasn't aware of this method of channeling; I will test it out!

> I am developing the mental processing understanding because I have an exceptionally well made system for it but the problem is that it was not developed in the "current human" era. Which means I have to throw out every faulty bullshit that was ruined thanks to the societal retardation humans managed to imprison themselves with it and slowly let my innate truth manifest.
> This makes it kinda hard to word my ways.
> Not to mention thanks to the tower of Babel and Astra it sorta gets transmitted through the minds so the concepts I am working with sometimes get brought up on the board without my input.
> I can't figure out the timing how I should share my own findings yet.
> Not to mention I am still incapable of explaining things without a wall of text.
I have a really tough time keeping to myself, and I find it easy to fall into ignorant lines of thought, but at some level, I realize that those that walk the occult path (at least the pure ones) will come to realize the fallacies that lay within the thought processes of the masses as to uncover very basic (but unthinkable to most) understandings that make popular discourse a theater of blind men.
As for the last two quoted sentences, only you can decide for yourself the timing. Of course, by that time, I hope you have solid reasoning behind choosing the timing. And perhaps try studying Latin and Greek, and don't shy away from inventing neologisms if it would aid your brevity in the long term. Well, that's my opinion, anyway.

Thank you for sharing your insights!
At first glance, this looks like a book strewn about, but then looking at after a while, it resembles a bird, which made me think of 'the birds of heaven' (طيور الجنة) which are quite literally that, but the pathway to become one is to die while not being considered able to be judged (child, insane, etc).

Then, I flipped the sigil upside down, and now it resembles a book with a page strewn mid-air with that bookmark thread thing that Qurans tend to have!
> now it resembles a book with a page strewn mid-air with that bookmark thread thing that Qurans tend to have!
It does, and also a flower with the pistill in the middle and petals on the sides.
There is that saying that "illusory nature of self" and the reality is also illusory. It's important to understand what is the malleable part of reality and which is the truth the moves the movement. How your body moves to maintain stillness and how stillness generates movement. Like how a presence of a rock changes the flow of the river or the wind.
> a cooperation effort by 1000s of djinn all yelling at each other until every word is solid enough to withstand any aggression
This kinda explains everything. Especially the energies I feel today.
> djinn are very involved in the C
I mean C is like a crescent moon anyway.
> school staff sure give a shit when it comes to bullying, don't they
When I realized that they don't care I started to get things into my own hands. Which resulted in a chaos that made the teachers pay attention.
> being afraid of getting into trouble
When my rage reaches a boiling point I stop caring about that. Why destroy myself when I can destroy those who try to destroy me? This was always my thinking... Now I have to go beyond this thinking ofc. Thankfully I took an "oath of good" It was a long and complicated oath but calling it the oath of good is the best way. With that I will not unleash my higher energies all at once at some hapless fuck that managed to anger me. Only some lesser energies will run amok that way it just creates a minor disturbance and serves as a reminder for me that I am still not in touch with my emotions.
> only you can decide for yourself the timing
For me it's like sailing. When you feel the wind and know this is a good time to sail then set sail but when the wind blows in the wrong direction or it's not blowing you know you can still pull up the anchor and go somewhere but it would be pointlessly slow. Best stay in the harbor in those times.  Not to mention I am currently developing energies and the sacral chakra is usually about sexual energies but it is the base point of creative energies. The problem is that there is a negative energy flow which results in obsession or obsessive energies. I realized how to direct that energy many years ago so I could get obsessed at any subject which helped me get through my boring academic studies quite easily. Currently I am learning to let the creative energies reach a higher point without turning obsessive because that has unintended consequences 
> you have solid reasoning behind choosing the timing
Usually I feel that people would read the things that I write and I have an hour or two to write down and recheck it 2 or 3 times to see how incomprehensible is the thing I wrote. Then I write it down. Usually it's not reasoning itself but a feeling that results in something reasonable.
> (but unthinkable to most)
I realized a while ago that most people not just don't think but can live without thinking while properly fulfilling their purpose. I'm not just talking about botsouls but beings that operate on extremely simplistic mental processes. Sometimes I observe them because their simplicity is so efficient that I can even use it in my own workings. A wise man can learn from the fool but a fool can never learn from a wise man. Because if he learns from the wise he will no longer be a fool.
The problem today that current $oci€t¥™ is hardwired to ruin the innate purpose of most people for the most degeneretard reasons. Here are my neologisms for today.
> try studying Latin and Greek
I had to study Latin for a year for academic purposes. Sadly it is a dead language. The only thing you can use it today to sound smart between intellectuals. I only learn languages if I can convey meanings with them. (Yes I am aware of magical languages and how latin was used as such but it is not the most potent magical languages)
Also I had a ancientish Greek life where I was a sort of hermit where I managed to awaken in a mountainous region. But that is ancient greek with an absolutely dead dialect so it's also kinda useless. Not to mention I think I kinda (channel)invented letters for myself in that life.
> Well, that's my opinion, anyway
Thanks for sharing it btw. It's a good advice overall.
Also the main "perk" of my mental synchronization channeling is that I usually get all the images/intents and thoughts while the channeling happens. The main bottleneck ofc is that just how much information can my mind process all at once.
> not being considered able to be judged (child, insane, etc).
Also your mind needs to be this empty and malleable (child) and needs high energy movements like (insane) and... etc... ofc.
I just figured out I can do it. Had to realize I have hard time learning like normies do but I can sync up my mind and suddenly know a bunch of shit. Took me time to realize that the reason was it because most teachers are shit at teaching and you need to learn what you need to do to pass the test and not learn their faulty teachings. This is a long topic about all the faulty teaching methods our society has since the industrial era... Maybe will rant about later. Cute sigil btw. It's far more gentler than that energy that the book is made of.
> It's far more gentler than that energy that the book is made of.
I just realized because you are a Muslim you are familiar with the culture and most importantly a human which grounds or more accurately stabilizes those energies. Now I can summon it as a book with written text in it.
I didn't mention it but
yesterday I managed to channel a bunch of djinntype energies because I looked into the djinn culture and their history. With that I managed to become a sort of "semi-djinn". So when I looked at it I just managed to become +1 angry djinn for a book that is made of angry djinn yellings. 
It's funny how the energies play out sometimes.
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> Also the main "perk" of my mental synchronization channeling is that I usually get all the images/intents and thoughts while the channeling happens. The main bottleneck ofc is that just how much information can my mind process all at once.
This got me thinking on how to improve on this bottleneck. After some thinking, I remembered an anime referring to a magic spell which is meant to boost this very aspect of the mind. https://blacksummoner.fandom.com/wiki/Parallel_Processing

So here is an attempt at Parallel Processing, both in sigil and mindwave form, with the help of Djinn!
> I had to study Latin for a year for academic purposes. Sadly it is a dead language. The only thing you can use it today to sound smart between intellectuals.
Yeah, you're right about that, lol.

I may be Muslim but my Classical Arabic is pretty bad, lol. I'd have to put quite a lot of effort learning Classical Arabic to target the Arabophone demographic. But for some reason it seems they don't really care about that, because Muslims believe that Islam is the final, universal religion, so getting Muslims to adopt Quran 2.0 (or Islam 2.0 for that matter) might prove too much of a hassle.

I did get some idea of what the 'next' religion would be called when I was exhibiting symptoms of psychosis many years ago. "The House of Marriage/Giza" (بيت الجيزة) and I had a very elaborate cosmology form in my mind related to it which I have no recollection of besides a faint shape of some 'mind map' of it. Keep in mind I was pretty out of it at the time, even if merely engaged in weird thought patterns.
> Parallel Processing
Yeah I have that for a while. As a child I noticed whenever I have a question my mind figures it out after a day or 2 on it's own. Then in my teens when I had an interesting question I told my mind to "figure it out" then I got an answer in hours. Nowadays if I have a question I get an answer instantly or realize who I need to ask to get an answer. Not to mention I realized while I had to be in a band for folklore reasons that I hated because it was a timewaste I figured out how I can make my hands play a song on it's own and link it with only my ears so my hand knows when it makes a mistake while I could think about other stuff instead of wasting my concentration on something that I greatly dislike doing. That experience really helped me when I have to channel energetic pathway installations. My hand draws lines on the body and I just need to channel the energies with my mind and draw on my body and install it by feeling it. Feeling how the internal dimensions manifest at the body is complicated because the mind is 2D while the body is in 3D in the physical (while the lines start form 0D to 1D then go to the mind for 2D awareness then a 3D for a full body circuit then even more complex dimension as you realize how reality interacts). Like I realized how I can make my environment appear in 3D in my mind while I have closed eyes but I still need to practice how to make my mind realize that I am in the body and make me see my bodyparts. Which is hard because the body is invisible on that layer because I look for the stillness of my environment and not the moving force of my body. The body has too many moving parts and it's light can blind the "eye". There is a way how the inner and the outer sight can merged it's just needs meditation. It's bridging multiple parts of the mind/body complex. And as you do it you sorta feel like you get absorbed into nothing then merge with yourself
I have usually 8-10 parallel processor units and it depends on the difficulty of the task how much it needed at once. The problem arises when they become like selfish children and instead of working together they become autistic and all of them start doing different things at once. That usually results in an useless confusion. In hinduism Brahma is described as a multi headed entity who needs to meditate to realize the confusion. He needs to make "all his heads into one". Mental sync is usually about some of the processor "heads" get possessed then others become information processors/translators. The problem arises when the flow of information gets interrupted because I get overwhelmed with too many new concepts and my memory have hard time "engraving it into my being". Some knowledge are usually way too high energy and you need to adjust the lower energies first so it doesn't get rejected. That is why there are those "spirit lessons" that are impossible to comprehend while you are "driving your flesh suit". 
I remember how anons said that female entities while appearing naked told them to "not feel lustful". For me that never happened because whenever I deal with a wise female entity my mind is on a higher frequency and it is too curious about the knowledge instead of the sight of a body. Not to mention some parts of my mind is constantly on guard for the moment things go awry. Because of this there were times when female entities tried to rouse my sexual energies for energy work but because i was in my high mind I was "not into it". but when I was horny I could not find any entities that was willing or able to satisfy that. It turned out my lust energies were way too low and too blocked so no spiritual entity could touch it without getting punched by my "guard mind".
Some higher knowledge types require that you adjust your entire being for it to receive it. Which means you need a mind that readjusts your mind/being and one that understands that (You) who started the receiving process is still the same being after the process finishes. Like if you see a chicken and an egg you know that is not the same thing. But when you see how a chick hatches from the egg then grows up into the chicken you know it is the same thing. For this to work you need the "outsider"/observer perspective while you still in your body and feel all the changes that happen inside. The worst thing in spirituality when your highest and lowest form get too desynched and you get ripped apart.

Kumo desu ga also had this parallel mind processing and her was 1 information brain 1 movement brain and 2 spell casting brain. That way MC could stay as a monologuer while her other parts did the real work. Didn't hear about Black Summoner yet. Guess it is a sort of fantasy battle harem by the pic.
Also in Kumo she also could send her minds on a mission and it is also possible. You send your parallel mind on a mission which is easy because "walking"/traveling needs minimal amount of mental power usually the "winds" carry you anyway then when shit happens which needs more processing it gives a signal and more processing can be allocated to it.

Btw BO also made modules for Astra that does literally this.  Made me realize people not operate like that by default  It was useful for me because it helped wire my right brain. Because I didn't have time for creative artistic endeavors in my life it had not enough opportunities to reach it's full potential. It just supplied my left brains need for ideas which only utilized it from 12%-20%.

> Classical Arabic is pretty bad
I am not sure it is needed. The original djinn language sounds like some whispers in an etheric wind while a popcorn got caught in your throat for me. So the Classical Arabic is like a weird simplistic way of the superelegant and specific way the djinn talk. I think there will be a sort of "new arabic" anyway which resembles the original way better.

> The House of Marriage/Giza
Never heard that concept but I too had to take the "Osiris path". Your body parts get chopped off then you get the magical bodyparts one by one sorta "eat it" then as it gets consumed it merges with the body. It was great a kinda insanity tier experience for me too. You need a Isis tier spirit waifu because the current human body is not fit for magic and you need to be reconstructed magically. It was extremely complicated procedure which was merely the beginning. The first human protocol as they called it. Might write about it later because I only mentioned it on this board just a little here and there like a year ago.
> for some reason it seems they don't really care about that, because Muslims believe that Islam is the final, universal religion, so getting Muslims to adopt Quran 2.0 (or Islam 2.0 for that matter) might prove too much of a hassle.
Oh they care, djinn just work from miles away and decades ahead of time. Because they lack concept of time and space the way we see it.

It still remains a fact that despite everything, the only truly religious experiences I've had, have been with islam, which I don't believe in. By this I mean the kind of sudden, overwhelming event that changes how you think and remains with you. Not some minor yogic thing that came from active practice. I don't count full body orgasm or meeting hindu deities while exercising to be particularly religious, because these things don't change anything. I expect it to happen and my worldview doesn't change. Same for summoning Goetian demons, while a strong experience, no, it doesn't change anything and I tend to forget the experience quickly after.

The moment I suddenly had my attention called by an imam recruiting in the street, is still as clear as when it happened, because the event changed something. All the negative images I had of islam were suddenly gone, because all he did was hold a card in from of his chest with the line "Discover Islam" and some contact info, and in that moment all the negative concepts from media were washed away, because he was a perfect manifestation of peace. And there is still nothing that can change this, because they did in that moment form the concept in my mind that islam is a religion of peace, and no matter what I hear of it, that isn't going away even after over 15 years.

After this has been the other things like accidentally getting an address wrong and walking cluelessly into a Mosque, which also was a perfect atmosphere of silence and peace, followed later by repeated and rather aggressive flirting performed by muslim women in public places.

They're not telling me to learn arabic, but they've planted the idea, because they know I won't do it in any time I have planned, so far, but they probably have it further down the line, just like with the ideas that I should convert which they insert now and then, with very convincing accuracy and timing.

If they want Islam 2.0 and Quran 2.0 they will make it happen, even if it takes 200 years.

They will just never tell you to do something that you can't do at the moment, they take it step by step and nudge you.
> Kumo desu ga
I've watched it months ago and found it more enjoyable than Black Summoner.

> "Osiris path"
I've heard of similar 'initiatory' paths, if only anecdotally, analogous to it at least, where the astral body undergoes 'surgery' to become more similar to werewolves and succubus.

Eh, what can I say? Glad to be in your company!
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Were you able to use the mindwave to some degree?

This is not just parallel thinking. Yesterday an interesting energy circuit opened in my body. It was like a tentacle going through my leg and it made me feel that I am connecting to something. My mind produced weird flashes sometimes but because some parts of my flesh body complex got scared it was slowed down by instinct.

I am developing postures in the last months that helps the energy flow in the human body by default. First it feels I walk like a young woman and when I get that I can adjust it into the male version which is best for my current body build. At this morning I noticed that I walk on my left leg like I was a cat and pressing parts of my legs so lightly like I had "paws" more accurately those little flesh buds that the paws have  wanted to post an anime girl with catpaws but the way they are drawn is always as something big and impractical to make it dumbcute while in reality the way it moves is extremely efficient. You need to play with the paws of a friendly cat to get it I guess (also cat is the best for this because as they pull in and out their claws is similar to the way the energy moves... other animals usually have their claws out by default... had to think for a while while the concept with dog paws don't work that well  The point was to understand just how much weight you need to put into your steps for the perfect walking. It feels like you are walking on air instead of feeling the hardness of the ground at every step.

It made me slowly realize that this is the sigil's working and not some rogue entity having fun with me. Had to slowly realize this is totally not the way my parallel thinking processes work. Then I gave in and asked a djinn what does it do exactly. He told me this will give my mind "supreme analytics". While I felt that my left brain is also opening up a little and there is a pathway system that I tried to merge before but it needs to merge as gently as possible so I didn't push it yet...
This is not like thinking with an another head. This is literally having a head that indexed the whole Akasha. Instead of thinking about stuff and "figuring them out" I just look at information know it instantly and if the knowledge gives me a new question the answer the new answer appears. So instead of looking for things and finding it by chance or intuition I can see the threads that connect every knowledge. Like how wikipedia works with the blue lettered link pages but far more fast and... far more dangerous. Like wanting to check out a single article which results in reading wikipedia for hours for new and new articles. It's important here to stay focused and get a feel how to not go overboard. Because it can result in a confusion type insanity when you learn too many things at once but you can only remember like 3 words from the whole thing.

It seems while it feels like my body is under a strain like I am running a marathon for the first time in my life... It is actually on a different layer which got activated for the first time. 
Feelings that I need to keep in check or more accurately fix is the human curiosity maniacal thinking and the thirst for knowledge. Especially because this is "recorded knowledge" which means it will be always there. No need to hurry. Nobody will burn down the Library of Alexandria or censor articles on google.

I know there were many stuff that Astra made by analyzing the records but the point here is that it's not making a pattern system that I can fall back to in need but I can use it in real time for any current issue. While my intuition also did this by default this just simply expands the range. Talking to the djinn it turned out while the vedic way is pure intuition and feeling. Kinda like being in the present which results in being all the presents at once and instantly going through all of them until reaching the desired one where you get what you want... This is more akin to accessing the information layer of reality. No not the meta layer the information layer. I have seen it before in glimpses... the Grey remote also likes to mess with it but this is different. More organic and less "grey".

It's kind of a "woah" feeling that comes from my body and not from my consciousness. The weirdest thing is that most of my path was just remembering the way I did things in my earlier awakenings and finding how they relate to the current one. Now this feels like I figured out how to open internet explorer the first time. It seems I didn't really do it this way. 

Right brain loading left hand glowing right arcs opening 2 carts loading 3 parts howling... A new type of energy booting process huh.
It seems the first thing I need to access on the information layer is how to use the information layer. That activates the whole circuit. It's like Googling how to use Google or reading a book how to read a book. Sounds redundant but It sure feels extremely complicated at first. But then most things are that way anyway.

I always wondered how the djinn see "programming" anyways. Tho the djinn says this is not programming this is "hardware mastery".
Also note to self for this I need properly meditate and can't just tell one of my minds to do it while I watch anime. It's the usual PLEASE CLOSE ALL PROGRAMS WHILE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE. 
Thanks to SSDs it's not really needed nowadays but in the HDD era it was sure as hell useful.
Not to mention it needs too many processing. I just noticed a bunch of mistakes in the post I wrote after posting while figuring out what am I doing exactly. Less talking more doing I guess.
Ayy, that's just rad. I attempted to activate it yesterday (at least I should dogfood the stuff I channel, no?) and got tingling in my head and felt some alteration of consciousness, but seems like things returned to baseline for me later. Inspired by your post, I resolved to put more energy into activating the sigil and now my head hurts, lol. I will definitely see where I can go with this Akashic knowledge access.

My only concern is that the mindwave and sigil don't seem to be parallel processing, as per your experience. Glad to see at least you seem to be enjoying it, and are giving valuable feedback about it too.
hmm, how do I put this.. I felt quite compelled to put this in all caps and stuff, but eh. Got all hyped up when I noticed at first, haha!

I just noticed I also have that cat walking gait thing. It's like the pressure isn't placed much on the posterior portion of the foot, but rather, the anterior, as if I indeed had paws for feet.
> I always wondered how the djinn see "programming" anyways. Tho the djinn says this is not programming this is "hardware mastery".
Then what is the "software mastery" equivalent? And what does this "hardware mastery" entail?

I would also like to add that what you say in general is valuable, even if I don't add remarks about some of the parts you say.
Would like to add one more thing for BO. Just to bring something to his attention.

Seems like this thread is autosaging?
We are above 500 posts and that is why we autosaging. 
> hardware mastery
Body is the "hardware" this is a sort of "Information layer of the body so if Akasha is the internet or cloud then your body is the computer. Hardware mastery is mastering the full capacities of the body. As I said before. Being able to open Internet Explorer. First you need to plug in the pooter set up the monitor etc then turn it on. Then wait till it boots up. Kinda bothers me how well I can explain this with IT terminologies but not with human body terminologies. We truly live in the information age.
> software mastery
Mind consciousness all aspects of the unmanifested energies... and even more it seems. The hard part is that djinn think a little differently and they have a different world they can operate from. Whatever hardware is the way the body and the subtle layers operate. Sound mind in a sound body. Answering what is the mind is too complicated.

> at least I should dogfood the stuff I channel, no
Yeah it's kinda amazing how well you channel extremely specific stuff without being "touched" by it. For me it is the opposite. I either see and know what I am channeling or no deal. If I can comprehend it it's allowed if not then maybe it's better to not let it loose on this world. Entities kinda like this mentality so they explain as much as they can. They told me I walk the path of understanding anyways. It is best if it happens this way for me.

> if I don't add remarks about some of the parts you say
I am not (You) hungry but I always appreciate a minor feedback. Especially to know if I talk about something that is way too common in spirituality for everyone but me or when I talk about something that no one gets anymore. I must always watch out to not lose the tracks of thoughts and end up talking to myself and myself only. 
Especially with this sigil. Turning your mind body complex into a broken record that repeats the same thing over and over when no one understands is a sad fate. But it seems it has a different understanding how memory works.
You know the solar chackra is the temple or kingdom or jeweled city. It seems it wants to use that place as the ultimate mental palace dump and not the brain itself. I mean we sorta need to "digest" information before we can comprehend it... But really it is an information layer of reality... not exactly in the "flesh body" but it is "seered into it". Like DNA knowledge but this is not DNA. Can't talk about it further. It seems my thinking is getting closer what it is but can't grasp it yet with my own concepts.
> Yeah it's kinda amazing how well you channel extremely specific stuff without being "touched" by it. For me it is the opposite. I either see and know what I am channeling or no deal. If I can comprehend it it's allowed if not then maybe it's better to not let it loose on this world. Entities kinda like this mentality so they explain as much as they can. They told me I walk the path of understanding anyways. It is best if it happens this way for me.
Man, this takes me back to the time I got inspired to channel a sigil of myself in Goetic style. I don't have the sigil with me anymore but I still remember it. I had BO 'interpret' it for me and, in short, it means I'm the sort of being that can just ascend doing the right rituals in the precisely correct way without understanding what I'm doing at all. So for all intents and purposes, it seems I follow the path of 'rote', even though in mundane matters it seems I would very much rather 'understand'.
Putting it another way, it may be that I follow the path of 'technique'. I think this works because, once I learn a skill, I can apply it and get groundbreaking results precisely because I don't need to understand anything other than the technique itself. Then, it boils down to refining the technique even further, alternative techniques, learning how to teach others the technique, etc.

> You know the solar chackra is the temple or kingdom or jeweled city. It seems it wants to use that place as the ultimate mental palace dump and not the brain itself.
If I remember correctly, BO said the brain itself is evil (along the good/evil/chaos scale), so perhaps the solar chakra is more appropriate for this.

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