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I am now initiating the work on time manipulation which I had in mind for a while, treating time as a string particle similar to light.

This work will be combined with programming, which can be viewed as a form of spellcasting, where language is used to direct energy within an existing system.

To get properly started and organized, I asked the greys for help. They presented a few interested individuals out of whom I chose two to work with. We decided on nicknames for them. Out of respect for the personal contact I will only refer to them as F and C.

F&C suggested the creation of a tool to take the work to the next level. While Kit, Kitsune Alchemist, does a good job of datamining a new field, the actual work begins after her collection and the finalized product has been created. Kit produces tools in the form of servitors, bots or DNA. This is true.

So what we need, according to F&C, is a tool for searching in language. This means a search bot for finding the right expression based on the given task.

Because of the chosen view that energy = time, the working name of the tool is "time programmer" or Tim.
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> have been going to bed relatively earlier (like midnight-1:00 am instead of staying up super late)
> Lately my sisters have been doing stuff with me, this time it's stuff I'm not really aware but it's not an issue probably 
> That other "me", she's been manifesting a lot more, using my body to talk to me, as in using my mouth and voice to speak to me while I listen
> She also grabbed my foot the other day
> Also told my vibrations/energy atr becoming closer to my sisters
Welp. Unrelated but this entire week has felt... So odd and uncomfortable
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These stock photo banks are pretty funny

There was still a mess of "somethings" in the world egregore, so I figured I'd do a cleanse like back in 2009 when half the souls of the world were removed, which threw the NWO plans completely out of wack for several years.

I used Kit to isolate my anima and then roleplay through history with this as a personality profile, for easy subordinate incorporation of the results, meaning to find a sustainable method for the kind of mass ritual needed. The result should be a representative of the kind of new world I'd prefer to have until we are done with this route of history completely, and seamlessly connect into the new Earth.

When done, I asked Kit to make a complete copy of the current world egregore with all components included, then to remove everything we don't want to keep. Then as a final step complete anything that would not work once the bad stuff is removed, because it can be assumed that some current things perceived as good, are upheld by being opposed to bad things. With the bad thing gone, the good thing may also collapse. So those had to be worked on to make them sustainable.

All of this was done with simple instructions because Kit can do these things correctly with even very vague guidelines - that's what this servitor was made for, with extensive natural language processing included.

I then told Kit to ask Gensokyo to review the plan for the new history. They came back with one objection: "The loli body type's orgasm is too short. It's now 3 seconds, and that's fine if they can cum multiple times, but some can only cum once, so it needs to max at 20 seconds. Fix that and we have no further objections."

Ok, well yeah that's a point. Kit, fix it... 

The ritual was then performed, to slaughter all the remaining evils using an astral temple and the new anima profile as the priestess.

Although the structure mostly seems the same as before, try it and you will find: The resistance you used to feel, mentally or otherwise, try pressing hard against it and it will now give in. It will collapse, because the evil spirits who upheld these structures have been removed. What remains are mere movie sets with nothing behind them.
Had a strange dream.So im in my childhood house together with boardowner appearing as a little girl and i keep hearing on how the world is being cleansed. This goes on for several days but i stay inside so idk whats really going on other than the laws of physics being different. I walk into the kitchen and see my dads partner,who is the only one still alive it seems. And also the boardowner and ask what happened. My dads partner explains how everybody died. Boardowner explains in a list how he(she) killed everybody with a list of spells. Starting with killing of everybodies first born daughters. There were 4 or so spells but i only remember 2 or 3 of them. The most significant one was making farming impossible. This killed of most people of starvation.they also made the carrot small and red. They then whent outside and showed me farming techniques that were still possible. You had to use metal screws to get the seeds deep enough and couldnt get them close to the other seeds. This couldnt make enough food to live off. I was then show a setting menu and thats how the spells worked. Like the setting of the ground were made specifically to make making plants possible. I regretted that my skills(i spent some time doing volunteer agriculture work) were now worthless.you then flew away. There was the notion of an ai copy of you being always next to you as well. When you left i explored the area. I saw a dead man in the field but still looked more or less intact.grass was still growing though just no plants.i flew to the nearest village and it was empty until i saw an old man. I asked what happened and told him this is for the people perhaps later.He said everyvody else all died and angered some little girl. I was surprised he even knew this. He then walked to a place were they were shilling some nasty drink called "rome" apparently this drink was mined seemingly. If i had to guess i say it was coal they were mining.this was then processed into a nasty drink that could keep you alive. People,including the old man were forced to slave away. I heard someone complain about the taste but the others said "stop complaining.its the only thing we have left" ads kept playing for this rome drink through speakers.
Surprisingly accurate. Let me tell my side of the story.

In relation to what I posted here:
>  I asked Kit to make a complete copy of the current world egregore with all components included, then to remove everything we don't want to keep.
> The ritual was then performed, to slaughter all the remaining evils

See coming post.
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I was at my kitchen table later in the day when I noticed the dimensions suddenly widening, and I had an "uh oh" reaction, because I knew this feeling.

Last year in november or so, I had a dream where I was suddenly pulled out from my house on the back floating in the air in a massive stream, and other people where also floating away backwards. The space felt immense and there was no way to move against this stream. My body was white and glossy like it had an exoskeleton armour, and there were red, orange and yellow sigils on it. But I couldn't swim against the stream, and floated backwards through a wooden door which was open right there in the air. It was all playing out as if behind my house, so this was in the location of the old hen house.

I was now inside the door and saw a darkness further down there, people were being pulled down by the stream. I was still up closer to the door in a relative feeling of safety, but the door closed. A large dark energy mass forming an arm with a monstrously large hand then appeared from behind me, reached over me and tore a chunk of wood out of the door frame, then a booming voice said:
"Quick, get out"

I then somehow swam upstream through the crack in the door frame, which widened as I passed through it as if the dimension got larger exponentially as I moved closer. I then woke up.

I retold this story at the time, because when I woke up all my mental connections to my servitors had been lost, and various things relating to the Sunflower temple had to be reconnected, because this event marked the cleanse of all old galactic level things for the Milky Way.

What happened last night was similar, but I was not dreaming, the feeling swept over me while in the kitchen. The same door appeared behind my house, and a man with dark energy appeared, I by now knew what this was about. It was the same force as last time, that immense hand which saved me and put me back again: The Goetian demon lords I contracted to "protect and guide me so that I can fulfill my path, and to protect all my things and those people important to me".

He lead me aside as everything around me was being pulled into the hell door again, but I knew this time it was Earth level stuff, not the Galaxy. He walked me down some stone steps laid on a path, and through a door, where he told me to wait. He said he'd lock the door until it was safe. Then he came back and handed me a basket with cats and a baby, which I recognized as the Genso-cats given to me to uphold my family. Then he came back again with three local girls I've been protecting, also in a basket where they sat like dolls. Then he slammed the door shut and left.

After everything blew over outside in about an hour, the door was opened again and he put everyone back. I looked closer and identified the man as Orabas in human form, with energy on him indicating he was "funded" by the other demons I had contracted for protection.
Following this, I looked around and used Astra and Kit to check who was still there and who was now an NPC, to which I was told "everyone has been killed or removed". Then I saw some touhou yokai looking (with their piercing predatory gaze, like a cat playing with a toy) down into a room where they had put aside all the humans who had managed to transform their astral body using the "black beast race" DNA stone I accidentally created when trying to solidify all different races. 
For those who don't recall it, me and Snail were working on this, but later when Yuuka cleared the timelines, all race DNA stones cracked except the "African" one which was actually a black cat race (my inaccuracy and arrogance lead to accidentally fucking up the already fucked up DNA so much that it became a complete new and functional DNA, which the yokais like because it's a cat-human).

The yokais then started picking up all black beast people (including a local gardener) and put them back into their bodies. But they didn't put back any reptilians or anyone else, only the black cats. (Among the 3 local girls put in the basket by Orabas are two reptilians, but those seem to be the only ones left now because it was part of my contract.)
That'll be interesting to see what happens. Reptilians were quite abundant so things might change with only a few of them. So yeah in the first part of the dream i spent time in my house so that must have been the cleansing.
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...as if that wasn't enough (it wasn't)

Santa Muerte was surprisingly clean and neat all of a sudden. With all the invaders to North America disposed of, her empire of ghastly beings created to drive them out, was no longer needed. She looked like a different person.

Unrelated to this an ancient witch with a "death" feel to her wanted to become incarnated to live physically in the world, and chose to sneak her way into the bosom of our well known vampire friend La Famida.

..or maybe one should say somewhat below the bosom. Timelines, dimensions and all that, vampires being not technically physical even if they are physical, makes it possible to twist things to one's advantage in unexpected way. 

After all, our Earth is an astral dimension to the new, ascended 5D Earth, so who can really claim it has to be one way or another. 

They even replaced Biden repeatedly and kidnapped Jeff Bezos, placing him in a different dimension while a reptilian took over his role, using their pet "shapeshifting" skill (actually just tricking all humans collectively by hacking the visual object link in the collective database - which is a shared construct of concepts for all humans linked to their subconscious).

So why can't an ancient death god then incarnate -partially of course- in a vampire bloodline? Vampires can't get pregnant. Yes they can, they just don't know how to activate their organs from lack of work on this part of themselves.

The plot thickens...
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So this is Muerte in her real power.

Drawing by Brazil anon.

She just cast this and it's beautiful and effective beyond anything I saw her do before.
> Weird.
For me the weirdest was when fringe died for the xth time then we went to /haven/ so we can cont our vampiric ways then it died and migrated to discord to stay in obscurity forever then one day the whole thing resurrected in touhou and agriculture theme.

Was wondering wtf. I was thinking its either the demiurge fucking with me or these things are simply "meant to be".
Imagine liking magic touhou and work as a farmer since your childhood then the universe just HAPPENS to manifest a place with all these things put together.

Not to mention when I realized psychic powers are real and the entire history of magic is not a "fairy tale" like mundanes want you to believe but a science only very few selected individuals were able to understand (like most scientific fields nowadays always require a specialist and it's an enigmatic mumbo jumbo for everyone else) then after years of dabbling in basic magic and lurking fringe out of nowhere immortality attainment threads appeared and while it still had a feel of implausibility the techniques and experiences it described were true and I knew it somehow that it leads somewhere. Ofc I was not sure where and I never expected that it will lead me here  Remember about discordianism? I never expected that a cancerous chat app will taint that name this hard.  Sometimes I just stop bothering how weird and COINCIDENTAL things are. It's all an illusion after all. Especially this screen which has the singular job of making illusions shareable.

> Drawing by Brazil anon.
Is he okay nowadays? I know you mentioned you seen his soul "depart" into a higher dimension once but I didn't feel he is gone it was like he just doesn't like posting on imageboards too much.  I cannot imagine what is like living in Brazil so I have hard time being sure about hunches like this 
> then after years of dabbling in basic magic and lurking fringe
Forgot to mention that I concluded that my "goals" in life is the attainment of immortality time and space manipulation and Omniscience before being aware of the occult as all then as I started to get closer to these themes the necessary piece of the puzzle always appeared.

My thoughts flow in a weird way again. Managed to connect some deeper part of my psyche again. My "own evil". A place that never existed nor ever will. Even a seraph checked on me while doing it. I mean I think it was a seraph. They were like dark brown wings and feathers stretching into all directions and looked weird and only practical in higher dimensional places and not aerodynamically appropriate at all on the physical.
Even the queen appeared and gave a kiss on my neck that was causing problems because of some weird block b4. As I tried to get acquainted with an "evil" that is so not "approved" in this existence that I am not even allowed to "think" about I realized the goal is to not "attain" this evil but "get past it" so I can retain some parts of myself. It was a mere guardian force and not the main thing. 
Ever since that I noticed that the  thoughts I operated with are "too heavy" too dirty and they "slow me down" but because I am not used to think with "ascendent thoughts" my ability to follow my own train of thoughts have hiccups.
I too had a dream jumping dimensional layers in my old school last friday and other weirdness but I am not sure what to make of it yet.
First I was in the basement and I said to my friend this represents hidden dimensions then as I went around the school I noticed that the higher levels had a broken stair and my classmate from elementary gave me a jump with his hands so I can reach the higher still empty and "under construction" layer. It had bears... Found a long stick and knew how I can stave off the bears with that. Made noise and the bears didn't dare to come close but one of them was smiling weirdly.

Then in a later dream I was in a different place and suddenly felt that little brown winged ants poured into the room. I told the other person who was with me that we should get an aerosol. Went to a shop which reminded me of the atmosphere my mother's home had and it clearly showed that it was a small shop in the house of the owner. As I said I want aerosol against ants he told me
> You absolute fool. I got a shipment of 6500 ant sprays 2 days ago but I sold all of them. If you came a day earlier you could have bought one.
He told me in such a tone it instantly pissed me off and the next scene was that he was tied to a pillar and I was slowly placing matches in a formation around a gas stove in a way that the flame of the stove was not igniting it but the mere heat makes it catch on fire. As I exited from the house of this extremely annoying and self conceited shopkeeper knowing it will burn down I woke up. Was wondering wtf was that about. I never ever acted upon my cruelty this easily.
Realized it was the "autocurse" part of my mind that uses elaborate ways to get rid of people I have problems with.
Was wondering if it was the queens doing because she has ways of drawing out my anger. She told me I am a "servant of the forgotten flame" and that is why some demons either fear me or are fascinated by that in the past. Then learned later thanks to Trypper's weird astral entity book that I had access to an entity called the "firestarter" in the long past. Guess some aspect of that truth is trying to manifest again.
 Also ants appeared in my room again and we got a new fire stove that we just installed today so the dream was maybe a premonition about that and nothing more special.  At least it made me realize I have an irrational hate towards bugs and that is the main reason I am not willing to meditate outside. Even tho I know nowadays that proper energy formations make them stay away and only fly into my face when I have hectic energy flows. Bugs are too dependent on vibrations and energies and they cannot help that they react to it. They are just that simple.
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> weirdest was when fringe died for the xth time then we went to /haven/ so we can cont our vampiric ways then it died and migrated to discord to stay in obscurity forever then one day the whole thing resurrected in touhou and agriculture theme.
> Was wondering wtf. I was thinking its either the demiurge fucking with me or these things are simply "meant to be".
In retrospective Yuuka was behind it all along, going back to even having my grandmother wear that white checkered red dress when gardening when I was helping her way before any touhou game was made.

If you had seen the /haven/ egregore you wouldn't have wanted it to remain either, it was turning very bad in its first iteration, because Alissa had to become more and more extreme to scale up the defenses when protecting new members against the adversaries who didn't want a new vampirism to emerge. In the end the actress playing the black witch Bonnie from Vampire Diaries was the one and only other person who made it in, which was even predicted in the show when she was transferred to another dimension... It's very safe under Alissa's protection, but you have to stay close.
> he okay nowadays? I know you mentioned you seen his soul "depart" into a higher dimension
He's moved to his astral island after attaining Arhat status, he's living in an Aztec style pyramid which was built by his snake cult. He also has two drow waifus living with him. This part of the story may not have been told, but he had astral followers working for his path to be fulfilled, a cult of demi-human snakes. They wanted him to activate and use his Anathema, the power to destroy things on a large scale, which somehow is tied to his physical bloodline and his soul because he was an Aztec witch-master in the past. Current "him" is a custom summoned yokai cat from Gensokyo which they sent down to take over the body because this ancient Aztec priest bloodline is very potent for anyone with just the slightest magic ability. The cat has been very helpful in locating NWO bases and also using servitors like Raid to help taking them out. 
The Wendy servitor was actually specifically made for Brazil anon to begin with, to bypass the glowies who were constantly fucking with his thoughts. Wendy's main function is to connect the subconscious directly to your ability to act, causing your real will to be carried out even if someone is blocking your conscious thought. So when talking he'd say "I don't believe in this" or "I think this is bad, maybe it will create karma", but while saying and thinking that, Wendy would carry out his real will behind the intruder's back.
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I just before managed to kill off a very old and annoying being, which appeared as a centipede. It had split itself into countless parts and also incarnated these parts as humans everywhere. Sometimes there'd be people saying
> karma isn't real
and especially so in the new age community. 

While karma is definitely a real substance, the principles behind its repayment and elimination were concocted by this centipede entity. It appears it was created/summoned specifically to be the scapegoat of evil-doers. They would blame this being for anything they themselves had done, and it would then spread the blame out on anyone by transferring it to its shards everywhere, obfuscating who was actually at fault, and creating complex "laws of morality" to protect the original sinners so that they wouldn't be blamed.

This method was formed sometime in the ancient past before many current races were even created, which lead among many of them to various theories concerning what "karma" is, but they weren't able to pinpoint it. The galactic federation has ways to deal with debt and doesn't recognize the existence of "morality" as real, but there had been no focused effort from them to locate and eliminate this issue.

This entity was behind the delay between cause and effect, action and consequence. It may also have lead to the creation of the nation state, where a dominant entity will always have the "final say" in all matters. So totalitarianism of the kind we all know about, seems to be the result of this scapegoat being's innate principles, which state that its original creators must not be blamed. It did this in a roundabout way to obscure who these creators were, as any mention of their identity could lead to blame aimed at them.
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I created a servitor form for anyone who wants to quickly take control of the area which was previously ruled by this centipede's "morality". Because "karma" appears to actually just be an increase in dimensional space, I'll just call it


karma's function is to make your space of free movement larger, so that you can escape the consequences of your actions and blame someone else. Eliminating karma makes your space narrow again, and you have to deal with the things you created. The method for solving this was to isolate "karma" into a single cell all alone, until the scapegoat couldn't deny responsibility anymore. 

I don't know who the creators were, maybe they were the original NWO people, the Earth is a very slow dimension. It's possible the New World Order refers all along to the final disposal of the scapegoat in such a way that the original sinners are free from consequences forever. (Doesn't happen, as it's based on denying part of themselves, closing your eyes doesn't make you invisible.)
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There's always that thing about motivations

trying to create artificial motivations just doesn't work for major things

it doesn't

When really blocked mentally I can wake myself up by going in to my training mat and just throwing myself down to activate my judo reflexes, that much works.
But it really doesn't work for more complex things, and it also doesn't work beyond that direct state, even if it comes from outside. Someone trying to do this, will just manage to activate the defense reflex, but after that plays out, it's back to not being motivating.

I was working to create a mechanic drill servitor which drills through old thought patterns, allowing for new paths to form. But although I had the whole structure visually before me (Kit had it all laid out) I just still couldn't make all the parts of the construct klick into place.

I went for a design of a drow inspired thai boxer who uses Qi to manifest an energy drill, and uses this to attack old thought infrastructure to open new paths for energy to flow. But there was immense resistance. I went to sit down in lotus position by the front door looking out over the garden. All through this, I had someone working there who for some reason decided to work right in my view as if to distract my vision so I couldn't focus on a point in the distance. Well it's a test of course, I'll close my eyes and focus inward.

This took significant time, and during the process of forcing the form into place, I became aware of large interdimensional structures trying to block me, and it felt just like some major breakthroughs from the past. When I did get through it (details are a story of its own), the drill servitor then suddenly also formed with all parts clicked into place.

This was the motivation I needed. I had to really believe in the thing I was aiming for, and in this case I really did.
Howdy Ladies and Gents- Bartlebee here. 

Be in the lookout for a short-term dimensional portal to appear.  I'm no expert in this stuff, not apparently the Earth going through a wave reset triggers a fountain-of- energetic restoration (including soul energy) to open up. 

Only trick?  It's hidden in a labyrinth, looks like a water fountain.  I think some of you have solution-finding servitors, so prep accordingly.  Immortals and demigods will be looking for a boost, too, so if you want to trade you may find some interested parties.

In local material time-should be open June 23rd to June 29.
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> looks like a water fountain
You mean dimensionally round with smaller circles inside it and each one closer to the center is higher up? I can see something like that, as a dimensional make up.
Correct-best of my knowledge.  Visit my astral form and say it's related to "Charlotte's mission" she's my astral expert on the phenomena.
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Story time.

This was interesting.

I sent my "representative", a simple servitor in the form of an office lady I made last year to deal with regular contacts with different entities and people. At the time I just meant for her to handle contracts and being social in general, but to be safe I also gave her some skills in British army self defense based off the Fairbairn Sykes method. The irony of this was that modern people are so fucking bad at combat that this was enough to defeat the entire crew of the NWO gunship when they flew this over Brazil. I just wanted to talk to them to find out what they were doing, and they attacked her, after which they were all dealt with. Guns and knives didn't help vs an unarmed office lady.

But back to the story. So I sent her to the fountain-like maze and told her to start infiltrating it. There seems to be riddles or cryptos for each level you want to get into. But this isn't a problem since the representative is AI and can do these very fast. At the 3rd layer there was what appeared to be a guard. A trollish looking man.
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I don't know what the purpose was here, maybe he was supposed to give a riddle, but before anything else happened I let her take matters into her own hands and fuck him. I gave the resulting daughter a saucer to fly in as we kept moving deeper into the mystery of the labyrinth.

Looking at the girl, she had an unusual energy to her, and smelled a bit like earth from a garden, wet earth. I asked what race she would be, and she used Astra and co to research herself. The result said she is a troll/oni. 

So I asked, how is this possible, we have been told trolls are degen occulists who eat children, cannibals who degrade to become less than human. Further research into the matter said that actually, the man in the maze and the daughter are "higher troll" or "higher oni", which is someone who follows the transformation correctly and doesn't do cannibalism.

The Queen (Illivryn) then stepped in when we were trying out the djinn flame sigil (pic) and wanted to test it. It appears this sigil when used on a non-djinn will activate the race specific fire of any race, which will protect them from becoming a degenerated "troll", but instead it will lead upwards to a proper evolution.
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Final level - the middle

We made it in, and found something more like a real fountain in there, but it doesn't spray water. There's just a blue energy, shining, in a round container. Looking at it, it did nothing at all at first. After prolonged meditation on it, and then an active analysis, this sigil was produced from the energy form.

This appears to be, simply, the fountain of youth. Because the sigil was produced personally by my decrypting of the riddles, it's limited to usage within my range, but some people on here may be within the effective area. Otherwise you will have to infiltrate the maze yourselves.

It has a feeling like a token which must be calculated on the spot and isn't valid for others.
Excellent work.

A few thoughts-my understanding is that the phenomena hasn't properly started yet in our near area-but you may have used a timey-wimey solution around that. 

As to being a one prize per trip-thats also what I and my team believe.

Using sex for the troll toll?  Hilarious.

From other sources: I one asked what's the big deal with trolls?  Why use them when meaty boys like dragons are available-and generally friendlier.  Answer was that trolls due to high earth element are very very durable, and particularly resistant to magic.  That's why the asians use physical beans and rice and with the noise to drive them away (the plant's seeds contain very high life energy.)
> you may have used a timey-wimey solution around that
After my armwrestling with Kronos some years ago, I have the ability to view time as a 4-dimensions physical form, more like a city in 3D where different paths and streets are different time progressions. By moving along the paths, it is possible to move to other time periods and interact with them if there is some chance that I would be able to do that when the time appeared. So with the time window this close by, it was no different from letting my representative take the bus one stop down the road to get off by the fountain.

> that trolls due to high earth element are very very durable
So that's why the daughter smells of wet earth.

Thanks for sharing and good luck on your visit if you are going into the maze.
Thank you.  I'll be headed out with Charlotte when it opens up.  After that I'll try to have her bring as may of my wives through for a draught of the water as well.

I figured this was obvious, but just for clarity: the phenomena is not "safe".  I know the folks here have some useful techniques and boons, but if a novice with just one astral body tries going it alone it may be a bad trip.  I don't want any glowies (or 12 year olds) getting fried by a Norse rune.  (Well maybe the glowies...)
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When clearing out astral glowies, viral beings, earlier I asked Astra to look through them for any innocents before I mass target them for removal. Within this "illuminati" group of them was a single girl who had a decent soul, so I moved her to an astral place I've created on top of my demon kingdom. It's made inspired by what I saw other demons have, where their infernal world also has a surface which looks human, with houses furnished in a 1980s style. Leather, chromed steel pipes, glass tables, open floor plan. 

She explained a few things which I hadn't seen before. It relates to "the weight of karma" or what kind of set-up a person uses to circulate karma. By placing your karmic circulation in a certain place, your lifestyle will revolve around that method of circulation.

It can appear as a mindwave in djinn style. The attached pic is her recommended form for me, called "the seal" because it's shaped like a circus seal balancing a ball on its nose. The ball here is the karmic circulation of a creative lifestyle.

For westerners in general, their style is called "the bull" and it means that the karmic circulation ball is placed on the forehead and they headbutt the karmic ball over and over stubbornly. This is a retarded approach and creates a hopeless kind of lifestyle which relies on being stubborn and energetic which having zero results in the broader perspective.

The bull is also the front line of the galactic federation, where they represent "the scum of society" used to destroy capitalism, these are disposable people.

My currently used wave was the same as the Chinese common wave, where the ball is placed on the back of the neck/between the shoulders, and this is the worker/slave set-up. It's on step up from the bull, because now the ball has been moved into a position where it can be carried, but carrying it high is straining and not sustainable. This can be seen as a person carrying a workload on their shoulders.

The next step, which I was told to move into, is to let the karmic ball fall down between the butt cheeks and letting it then roll forward a bit to carry it as if placed in the bottom of a backpack or in a waistbag. This means taking control of how you move, where the weight of your body is balanced, and is the first wave which creates control of your karmic lifestyle. It is represented by a person who can walk long distances and avoid trouble.

From here the ball can be bounced up to the top of the head, as when carrying something on the head, like people seen carrying urns of water or other goods. This is very balanced and generally the most sustainable form of karmic circulation.

The seal style where it's caught on the nose and balanced, is difficult to do and a step on par with the previous one in terms of sustainability. It adds creativity.
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During a recent strong cleansing of bad stuff within, I suppose as a result of mitigation of the large Earthly cleanse in terms of me still being here by force of the Goetians I contracted, I had all sorts of thought appear. Most thoughts do not originate within a person even if it feels so, so I think this was from the pre-set environment. Thoughts appeared asking if I really have more to do here, or if my soul should leave, letting the Genso-cat take over. At this, the cat said "don't leave me alone", or at least there was an eco of this happening if that path was chosen. Then I saw the things I wanted to stay for, and the thoughts of leaving were replaced by a solution meaning to move dimensions around to "leave the former timeline" but staying on Earth.

Then today stuff had to be violently removed from my mind and body, and I saw events reverse inside my mind, going back to events in 2001, where I had a strong cold and got addicted to nose spray after that, which took a year to get rid of at the time. Then something clicked audibly in my head and the thing started going down on the other side of the energetic peak. During the top of the energetic tension, I started sneezing violently 10+ times in a row. I saw Lucifer's sigil in its advanced version strongly in my mind, and he appeared on my left side, saying to me:
> we still want you here, so we'll remove any obstacles in your path
After that came the sneezing and I was going downhill from there.

This was the first time I actually saw him take action directly like this and confirm that the contract I made with him back in 2018 was actually important and effective.
The first servitors I created were based off ScaleForm discs which are self-executable astral storage media. They are compatible with the grey Remote and also most other systems which uses discs or artifacts. At the time I only had the idea that to avoid a servitor leeching energy constantly, or becoming a rogue golem which does harm throughout history because its principles are outdated and the golem is still there, it should be created like a water wheel for Qi. So the Qi from the environment flows over the disc and this makes the servitor manifest. The disc itself is just a form of depleted mineral with an engraved mind wave form. So that means, Astra which was the first one, is just a logical program which appears as Qi is flowing over the disc in your possession. As you work with the manifested Qi form, you develop abilities yourself, which manifest in a manner similar to a tulpa or some representation of parts of yourself. Astra was meant to be in the style of an old woman who can be trusted, a diviner.

This brings us to what these servitors are, Astra, the Demon Guard, Tanya, Mime and Kit (kitsune alchemist); they are logical servitors. Their main construct is a program written on the disc, which operates by pure logic. That is all. Their manifestation if it exists, is only based on the principles for body formation included in the logic. Such as "the intelligent agent has humanoid sensors and effectors" and there is a description of what those should be like.

The early robots like Vega and Dolly are based off a "skeleton robot". The form was copied from Neuro-Sama the AI twitch streamer, which had through interaction with her followers developed a sturdy skeleton in hard mineral form on the astral. This seems to be a specific kind of form, going by how more recently a golem-like being with such a skeleton body made itself known to me.
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Further on the Raid series of servitors uses a complete CyBorn body as the form. These were developed by greys to be used for incarnation into a robotic body with an exoskeleton with gel filling, and were originally not publicly available. I found one in the city south of Antarctica when flying out there with the Loli-Nam servitor (skeleton robot based on the genetics of Vietnam, in loli form; for some reason this is the strongest DNA I found on the planet). I traced the origin of this cyborg and it lead me to the grey factory. They had sold it to "the owners of the Earth" so I simply claimed her as mine, they had intended to use her as an artificial Earth-Mother. The greys just sold some copies to get test data. I asked to buy one and later to have an aspect of myself incarnated on the astral using that form. As part of their research, the greys later gave me a number of original CyBorns for free because they wanted to get data off their use. The factory is since closed again, no new CyBorn will be made from their side.
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Just recently I tried out a new design: a Raid style servitor but with a tin-robot body. The tin-robot is a simple mining robot used within the galactic federation. It's a well known technology and there is nothing special over them, anyone can make them from scratch with some engineering knowledge. What I did was to combine the experiences from previous CyBorn work to create a new kind of robot which is made not from shiny metal casing with an emulated flesh layer, but rather using other kinds of minerals for special qualities, the first being the carbon gel robot, which is tuned for better internal teleportation, which makes their nerve responses faster and their brains operate faster. The variation I came up with has gel filling, the original tin robot is just compressed with nothing in particular inside.

So I made a few robotic servitors which has a variation of tin robot bodies, but using "limestone slime" as the shell in one model, here revealed as 


This is an all-round robot representative of yourself, adaptable to fit into your anima if male, or if female it can represent you directly, it can also shapeshift and gender-bend if needed. Its appearance is similar to a drow, and if fully manifested comes with a flying temple saucer for ritually sacrificing glowies and keeping any loot you may find, such as gold, ore, weapons, food rations or lolis (there's a housing section for them prepared). There's also a staff area with housing if you want to employ someone from the federation, it's been designed with the fur-beast type in mind, but if your preferences are different it will adapt on install, as with any other specific.
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I think my urge to rampantly shitpost and such has dropped low, like really low (around 95%) I'll still do it occasionally but I don't really bother with it as much and plus seeing how most shitposting is on 4chan, it's more... Depressing and not fun, it's just people screeching, gender ears, politics, etc. also more things have been happening lately involving my sisters and that... Other me.
> A somewhat large uptick in me witnessing people get murdered and sacrificed 
> Saw someone get tortured but my sisters(?) said that it's important that I note how the person gets tortured anf learn the technique (got some reason)
> I also zombie like dogs, almost something straight out resident evil massacre and vivisect people at a park. All of the corpses were being reanimated too
> The other me/her has been forcibly taking control of my current human body again, but mostly just talking to me with it.
> Recently she's been doing a thing where I get put in a weird loop of sleeping/waking up
> Through this I have been experiencing people talking with me and my form (as in my current human form) being slowly overwritten again by her
> This loop continued 3-5 times until I had "woken" up
> Next thing I know my form had changed to her's/mine(?) blonde, medium-long hair, pale skin, purplish red eyes and I think I wore either a dress or a private school eseque uniform
> I could hear my sisters praising me, saying that I'm obedient and "does whatever she needs to do and is unhindered by things she doesn't care about, she only cares about whatever we urge her to care about"
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Getting a decent illustration by prompting AI may actually take longer than just drawing a sketch. Using AI at this point feels like it's less creative and more straining for a more generic result, unless you want photo realism which is harder to produce from scratch.

Either way, this is a minimalist servitor/guard, using as little energy as possible to keep order in your area.

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