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Also because you can "fuse" with entities. All you have to figure out what is the "base desire" that keeps it "together". Leviathan represents envy. When I wanted to absorb the ones in my crown chakra. Before I realized what is that it makes them a "different entity" from me. It was 
> I am jealous of the gods
after this I could fuse with them and they couldn't do a thing.
Then the one with my heart said. 
> I have nothing
Because they are higher density and they are trying to reach "nothing" aka the abyss and heart aka love connects the heavens to earth.

And this is why "walls" are necessary. They get into you in any "crack" they found. I even commanded them to find the cracks plug it and turn into the hardest material. Then smaller ones came through the cracks. I told them again to plug it with their body. It was so effective that my whole body started to vibrate from the high energy flow that it resulted.
Then alot more came and broke them open again...

This is what The World tarot card represents. The completion of your being. When you decide I am big enough and stop expanding then "wall" yourself into a permanent form from the "outside" world.

Because these snakes are "loose consciousness" And the more we gather the more we will shed.
That is why the Falun Dafa failed. It grew too fast and these parasites became uncontrollable.
I didn't even had a real problem with them before I "invited them in" by thinking ooooh they can't be THAT bad. And Sanae also has a snake around her hair signifying that her Miko powers come from "mastering desire"

Btw now I remembered of that jellyfish entity that was mentioned years ago. How did that work again.
Okay reading the great consummation way now because I need to figure out what I am missing.
> buddha infant 
happened by removing all my childhood traumas and finding out my core child and letting it grow up
> they will be able to reach the state of Three
Flowers Gathered Atop the Head within a few years.
Oh that was the thing the demon girls did. 
Good to know the fringe style bullshit occultism and a big ERP is all you need
> This is the highest level one can
achieve during In-Triple-World-Law cultivation.
Yeah sure thing
> Buddha Showing a Thousand Hands
I can't believe I did that without moving a muscle. So this is what happens when a bunch of Buddhas are watching over you. You just do the things

Okay I will read this book. Falling upwards on stairs without having any idea what is going on is weird and I need some idea of my "foundation".
The snake is the "last guardian" of the "gong". I had no problem with him but I summoned him with my curiosity. He is a fuckhuge entity. I jumped into his mouth and after coming out of his tail I exploded him so the way is clear.
Fucking myths and stupid ERP of the ancients. Made me almost get brainrot. 
Yes I figured out the realization by getting angry how dumb the movements are. And by constantly summoning snakes down my spine.
> No mind movements necessary 
> I will protect you with my big law body 
Yeah sure thanks pal. If I don't know of this big snake bullshit concept I would have been fine by myself.

Whatever I will finish the book. The insights flow in faster if it makes me angry.
> Sanae also has a snake around her hair
You sure that isn't just a huge sperm ;P
> that jellyfish entity that was mentioned years ago. How did that work again.
They're called Tritons and are immortals. You can temporarily paralyze them using the rainbow colored bell, it should be shared in the storage by the Sunflower temple study. Use it repeatedly and they usually leave you alone after a while. They're not hostile, just very intrusive (I had them wear a ring to turn into women since they persisted that they should be at my mansion. They accepted that but they don't speak, like most monsters they only use telepathy even if you force them to appear human).
Take my advice and ground yourself properly, you're moving too fast and from what I see in your posts this puts you at risk.
I've seen this style of posting before and it ended with the person admitted to Ukrainian mental ward. Not a place you want to be.

By this I mean take a serious break from actively trying to do anything, stop your thinking with a mantra or just sit in lotus position with palms up for an hour to balance yourself. Not just now, but daily for say at least a week.
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The snakes represent all the multiple density bodies and you master them as you master the ego. They are not just bodies they are a channel of energy too.
And I did that but unsynced them by that oooooooo spoopy futi concept of theirs. I MUST KNOW WHAT IS A FUTI I said and the universe answered... I can't believe I almost fucked up my truth because of reading how qi gong masters are fucking noobs at interpreting myths. The "snakes" mean the multi density bodies are in a "disagreement"
No wonder Shiva is always a misantrophic shit when on this earth. Understanding the stupidity of others is the greatest hurdle of this life. Sometimes things get so bad even he needs Kali to clean up this place
Yeah I know but this futi shit would have killed me. I had to fix it. Imagine all your energies turning against you and cannibalizing your body. All I need now is to be in agreement with multi density me. Shiva wears the crown while all the snakes too.
He is the king but all the snakes are kings. They are the same king. Being a king means the master of the ego.

I told you. I am great at reaching great heights then falling down. Then reaching it again.

> You sure that isn't just a huge sperm ;P
slut Sanae!
and the energies of the universe is a big sperm. So yes
> You can temporarily paralyze them using the rainbow colored bell
It's funny 
The dwarves made me a rainbow gun. It can clear anything because it is an attack from "all the density energies"

> ground yourself properly
just did
I AM WHO I AM. And not a person who births a bunch of snakes constantly. 
> ended with the person admitted to Ukrainian mental ward
if that happens to me I will use my newfound mindrape abilities.
It will not happen tho. I have other purpose than to fuck with mundanes.
> stop your thinking with a mantra
funny. I achieved absolute clear headedness after disbanding the brainrot creating "entity" and couldn't reconnect to my truth. It was weird. Not thinking. No feeling of enlightened insights. It was like I really lost my brain
> sit in lotus position with palms up for an hour to balance yourself
You know that would have been an amazing feat if I could do that instead of figuring out that I CAN INCORPORATE ALL PRACTICES BY THINKING I AM ACTUALLY DOING IT SO MY OTHER DENSITY BODIES DO THAT BY DEFAULT so I can do whatever else in this "reality". All is mind. It's just it's kinda complicated what that means.
I am figuring out that what movement is "absolutely necessary" that my "physical" body needs to do currently.
Also watching anime. The universe likes anime
Also now that I am one with myself and insights flow in...


About monogamy.
Monogamy is viable if you can find your "equal" or "other half". Someone that is at the same height of mind and spirit as you. As you move forward this becomes almost impossible. It only happens when you care about someone and uplift it to "your level". That way your offspring will be also godtier.

Now if you don't want to do this. The experience with the "other sex" will come though as many women as your level is. Aka having 1000 normal women as partners each having an offspring or 2 is completely ok. That way the "next vessel" of yours will come through as natural selection.
And if you are on an immortal level pregnancy is a decision and not a risk. Fucking every woman will be more of a hassle than a feat. Also if you have a "twinflame"... Well she can be more than 1 physical body. So imagine fucking multiple bodies but the same spirit. Harem on this density true love on the other. They will just have the perfect "harmony" as they live together "for some reason".

It's a quality or quantity question tbh.
 Also because I got disconnected from my godhood and did multiple silly things in my frenzy I am making up with my astral girlfriends. Leviathan ate some demon girls under Lucifuge's command. It was weird because I felt them hot in my stomach. Lucifuge said whatever but it sorta made the other girls scared. I mean yeah I spit them out but still. Being a retard on the path makes the funniest journeys. Yuuka told me that if I share too many insights it might make the path of some people "less spectacular". She told me it's my decision in the end. But do I want to ruin the great revelations of others with my ways? 
Oh I just got aware how to open all the available "third eyes". Let's not do that today. You see every 3rd eye is a different one. if you can go up to the "3rd eye density". You become aware just how many 3rd eyes exist. Imagine your head full of eyes. Let's not mindrape our perception for today. 
Seeing the abyss creatures just before I wanted to have a good nights of sleep was not the nicest 3rd eye opening experience.
Hope everyone is alright.
Let's say the last days had a violent awakening process and I am not sure where my being ends and the other starts.
And about those "84,000" buddha realms. Well there is more. And they can get absorbed back to earth. Which means high quality souls will return either astrally or physically (also a bunch of virtue in the right hands). And asked the founder of Buddhism if that is alright. He said 
> that way the Buddhas  have a way to go further in their next incarnation. They might improve their understanding or do a great help. Win-win.
And this picture holds more truth about the way than an entire library. 

Also learn to charm every woman that shows interest in you through love. Your post was the last missing piece of my progression. Love connects heaven and the earth. If you can figure out love you can figure out the rest. The nectar of the gods is white green for a reason. Green is the heavenly love pink is the "earthly ascended" love. And bitches love divine love. You have that. Don't waste it by fucking everything that moves. (yes I am aware that I am the one who shouldn't say that because half of his awakening was fucking everything that moves but still... Figure out how it works.
Also that is the thing that causes sweaty hands. Divine love makes a great energy flow. My hands were sweating like crazy today.
 also magic circuits a thing. Nasu got that right. Now how to install that.Hint: I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD. 
Btw the story about Kaguya...
> Among the suitors are five nobles: Prince Ishitsukuri (石作皇子), Prince Kuramochi (車持皇子), the Minister of the Right Abe no Mimuraji (右大臣阿倍御主人), the Grand Counselor Ōtomo no Miyuki (大納言大伴御行), and the Middle Counselor Isonokami no Marotari (中納言石上麻呂). They eventually persuade the old man to have Kaguya-hime choose from among them. Uninterested, Kaguya-hime devises five impossible tasks, agreeing to marry the noble who can bring her the item specified for him: the stone begging bowl of the Buddha, a jeweled branch from the mythical island of Hōrai, a robe of Chinese fire-rat skins, a colored jewel from a dragon's neck, and a cowry shell born from a swallow.

If anyone cares I will explain the legend and how it's not the "first-pseudo science fiction". Fucking mundanes.
Good thing Kaguya got an S3 with a literal starship troopers ED. The universe was telling us something for sure.
> Realizing the impossibility of his task, the first noble presents a fake stone bowl made from a blackened pot, but is exposed when Kaguya-hime notices that the bowl does not glow with holy light. The second noble presents a branch created by the country's finest jewelers, but is revealed when a messenger of the craftsmen arrives at Kaguya-hime's house to collect payment. The third noble is deceived by a merchant from China, who sells him a robe that burns when it is tested with fire. The fourth noble sets out to find a dragon at sea, but abandons his plans after encountering a storm. The fifth noble falls from a great height while reaching into a swallow's nest.

> After this, the Emperor of Japan comes to visit Kaguya-hime and, after falling in love, asks her hand in marriage. Although he is not subjected to an impossible trial, Kaguya-hime rejects his request for marriage as well, telling him that she is not from his country and therefore cannot go to the palace with him. She remains in contact with the Emperor, but continues to rebuff his proposals. Three years pass as they continue to communicate by letter.
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I made a serious breakthrough last night, and another during the day. It's been such a period. Another issue going back to when I was 12 was also finished, it's about how I felt christianity had no hope in it anymore and that no one could defeat the evil of the world using that faith. This feeling remained with me and made me go looking elsewhere. Naturally this was the right thing to do, but yesterday I came back to the place in my mind and emotion, and was able to restore "hope". But it took for me personally to defeat this evil of the world bit by bit during all these years. Back then I didn't know what it was, now I know just how entangled into society it was. All that was left at the time was 
> give your soul to Jesus and you'll be saved
which I also saw people do to get a present after the confirmation ritual. They didn't believe in anything but that, but the saints who collected their souls didn't care. They gave them the CD player or horse or whatever they asked for in exchange for their soul.

This is no longer needed, when the evil is broken, you can become immortal yourself.
I could share a bunch of sigils for new modules and other things, but I feel like maybe it won't do any good right now. Also if no one is going to use them it's a waste of time to draw them in sharable form. 
Such as the mindwave or sigil for "satanic boxing" style. After going through all the other ones I found useful like muay thai, drunken/peek-a-boo, karate which has a very general structure and hydra which is the compound style known as Fairbairn Sykes gutter fighting, I ended up with this one left to do. It relies on a cheat-magic imparted by a Satan, which can make you temporarily bulletproof among other things.
I've drawn the sigil on my gloves to reinforce the mindwave as I train. Last time I saw someone stand by my side to the left while punching the dummy. Later an image of a shadow with large black wings appeared as my shadow. At one point to move on it seems you have to pick something which penetrates further, this feels like it for me. The other ones are good to start off with but don't seem to reach beyond the 2nd layer/duality. Perhaps hydra does but it's not a metaphysical style, it's just an uncompromising mindset of brutality.
It's far more dumb than that. The story of Jesus is a story HOW TO NOT FUCK SHIT UP. Jesus figured out how love is important. But couldn't figure out the rest. Jews don't know love they need all their "energy conversion trick" so they can maintain "authority". They have a great king once in a while and that is all.
Now about Jesus. He was not just in israel HE WAS IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE. Now why this is important. As Jesus "did his thing" Every rabbi hated him because he was "overtaking the israel egregore" and jews hated him for this by instinct. Jesus was also retarded for not noticing this and "trying to save those rabbis" by explaining the missing pieces of the scripture like he did while he was still a kid. The shit Moses did was genius. (Had some minor missing pieces but really a great story universal mechanics wise.) He went to the common man. That is a big HOSTILE REACTION from everyone under that egregore which is losing it's "foundation". Jesus did 1 more mistake. Making a "prophecy" that Judas will betray him. He was losing him to the power of the egregore but couldn't figure out what to do. He just accepted it. Big bad thing from universal perspective. Now Judas had also a chance to "betray" the prophecy of Jesus. BY BETRAYING HIS PROPHECY and becoming the "equal" of Jesus. Real hard realization when you are under the influence of a powerful being that feeds you his "body and blood" tbh. Now about Peter. Jesus told him he will "defy him". He told him I WILL NOT. Then he did. Why was this important and how did this make Peter the first pope. Peter DEFIED 2 GIANT EGREGORES. Then became the "vessel" of Jesus. With this the Roman empire started it's decline and had no choice but to "merge with the influence of Jesus".

And yes this is what Jesus does. If you can "reach his heights". And how to do that? Abandon all of your "desires and authority" (give all that to the church lol) then do nothing but "let Jesus into your heart". And he can "absorb you". And yes. "Merging with souls" is only doable by "fulfilling their desire" so they are "no longer different from you" because they are "fulfilled". As we advance on the path entities will ask us "what do you wish for". What are your desires. Well the Buddhist is I HAVE NO DESIRES K?
 While mine was I can make my wishes come true thank you very much and the thing I am yearning for is not in your "power" to give to me. 
> As we advance on the path entities will ask us "what do you wish for"
Actually I have a set list of 4 items I use for these occasions. They know this by now and will usually pick something off of there in advance.
> Buddha is helping me reaching proper mental peace and clarity and a sustainable energy flow. Wow.
Guess it's time to learn the basics instead of the CASTING A SPELL WITH EVERY THOUGHT OF MINE. I mean yeah I needed this. Especially the figuring out a "new type of mental peace" because the one I felt so far was kinda "boring" and I hated it.

> Actually I have a set list of 4 items I use for these occasions. They know this by now and will usually pick something off of there in advance.
Wha. Why? And what are those even? 
I am not trying to be a dick here but the point of "wishes" is figuring out what you "desire" why you desire it and if you really need it "what lengths are you willing to go for it to get it. I know you are a "contract master". But I suck at that. I mean I have a new way of "wishmaking fairy" now but... Every "wish fulfillment" should come through understanding and "self-mastery". That is my view. I just wonder what is your 4 wishes that is there "all the time". If it's too personal you obv don't need to answer.

You have to figure out what counts as "real" and what counts as a "person" first.
I'm too practical for that. Also wishes are not to be shared or spoken unless it's a live situation. Having them prepared is good for if you see a shooting star for example. For them to work you need to throw them in at once. (Yeah I know it's just space junk etc, but the spirits who look at you see what you see, they see how you react, they made it fall and create a shooting star, so you can wish to it just fine.) 
There are things I will want and need as long as I'm in the physical. Those wishes would only expire when I leave, so I can keep using them. If I can see it all clearly and have the ability myself, I don't need wishes. So they're all formulated to cover for being human.
Possibly, there are very few of them in any location.
> Also learn to charm every woman that shows interest in you through love. Your post was the last missing piece of my progression.
Huh, I never expect my posts to be that useful to you.
> Love connects heaven and the earth. If you can figure out love you can figure out the rest. The nectar of the gods is white green for a reason. Green is the heavenly love pink is the "earthly ascended" love. And bitches love divine love. You have that. Don't waste it by fucking everything that moves.
I don't fuck anything in the physical tbh, and in the astral/dreams since I'm cockblocked by a certain being... it usually wakes me up when things get lewd.

> Also that is the thing that causes sweaty hands. Divine love makes a great energy flow. My hands were sweating like crazy today.
Weird, so its not just karma doing the sweating then?
> also magic circuits a thing. Nasu got that right. Now how to install that.Hint: I AM THE BONE OF MY SWORD. 
Interesting, I never played a Fate series game but watched some of the anime series, guess I'll have to take a look at it.
Okay I had a bunch of revelations so I will TLDR chainpost for now before I forget it. Too many paradigm shifts.

First. About Jesus. Jesus actually saves you and doesn't merely "collect your soul. I mean he collects it so you are in heaven with him. That is what you always wanted right?
Now the second part. That "asking for a thing and get rewarded". That is for the "desires" the person "still had in him". Those weak ass desires go to "hell"/purgatory and get burned. If you put all your love towards Jesus he can save you. Now you might ask how. Well Jesus is in hell too. When those Talmudic cretins say "Jesus burns in a cauldron of burning feces"... They are right!. But the "thinking" consciousness of Jesus is "Up" with him. While the "anti-christ" is down there. That way Jesus is "anchored" to this plane. Mostly because he was shitting out virtue making miracles aka "practicing witchcraft". And put the "light of consciousness" into unconscious things. Your "heaven" consciousness slowly returns to "take back" your "hell consciousness". The anti-christ would happen if 2 things happen. Mark of the beast aka we got cut from the "light" and everything in the "unconscious" gets angry and impatient and takes form from the "lingering bad influences". And as they "wreak havoc". The anchor of Jesus gets up and Jesus can come back for the 2nd time.

Now how do I know this? Well. Member when I said I was the pope? And how I almost died from all the karma I had? Well I also had a dream where I was the "lord of darkness" while "telling someone" how to inflict pain upon himself so he can "absolve karma". That dream came after weeks of my "pope life". My popehood and the sins "connected". Now why this is important. Because I never understood why I had so much "authority" but when I misused it I got always sick. Because my 2 past lives were reconnecting. Because Li Hongzi says the "dan tien" method sucks coz that takes lifetimes before you can have a proper "buddha body".
Now next thing it's important that your "point of consciousness" aka 3rd eye seat of the "soul" goes up to the "heaven" when it gets separated. Because if you think you are your "sins" you have to "burn in hell". Until you stop thinking that you are your "sins".
This is a problem for those who think that "they are their body". We turn our being so small it can get into the tiniest things (like the mind of other people). Oh also if the vibration of the planet is high. The "stuck" consciousness gets out of the "Unconscious matter" more easily and the second coming will be less violent. Jesus just becomes himself and we don't need a complete armageddon. And if christianity gets forgotten Jesus stops getting "fed" with energy and that way he either leaves or slowly comes back.
Now the other things. About the Falun and how it works... Well I completed my "vedic tradition journey". As I was going up and up doing multiple things. I reached the Trimūrti. First it was the devas. And because I don't "create" bodies but as my realization grows I overtake it. I was one of them by default. (I didn't realize those were that first. I thought they some cool super boddhisatvas). Then as I joined hands with them I could unite with them and go upward.
Then 4 days ago. I met the OTHER Trimūrti. The Shiva Vishnu hybrid. It was fuckhuge and was meditating. While 2 heads were literally asleep like they are dead. Now I obviously went into that. I was like wtf Shiva is nor 3 headed. Then looked into the eye of the "dead" face it came alive and licked my face. That way the "egos" merged and I became a 1 headed being again. As I did that giant fucking karma beasts jumped up to heaven. Because I was "merging" with the mechanics of the universe. I knew violence is not the answer by instinct but then what it is. Suddenly I remembered the Jackie movies and how it is nonsensical plot and childish pranks. That feeling got into my mind. Innocent childish laughter. And with that "power" I tickled the karma beast out of existence. It took me days figure out what happened. Well hostility can be cancelled out with the "joy" energy. So if you get attacked by a hostile force you can cancel out if you are stronger and can tickle it out of existence. Why this is important. Well. That shit gives you an enormous amount of virtue. As I was tickling multiple karma giants my consciousness started to "fly upwards" while the. Super mega Shiva was still tickling them.
Somewhere in this whole thing
he picked up a trashcan and said
> here is a bunch of trash 
then poured the trash inside my body. I realized those were the... sacred buddhist treasures but pure black. Why he called it trash? Well because one man's trash is another mans treasure. So as I was going up I got a vision of Kaguya. (First she looked like Semiramis from Fate but then turned into an another black haired woman). She told me:
> don't waste your time with me for now. You have an another place to be. 
I told her I will be back 
Then beyond that "heaven layer" a giant being with solid darkness with a giant staff while having multiple orbs on his body appeared. Looked like the god of alchemism. I purified him and he started to beam all the rainbow colored knowledge into my mind. This material was "thick liquid". It literally melted my "darkened brain" and split it open.

Then. I turned into the SUPREME TRIMÜRTI. Which is an EVEN BIGGER Shiva Vishnu Brahma conjoined multi legged multi armed weaponized rage of the ancients. As I was ravaging things I don't even know what they were. I realized it's great that I turned into this but I am not "them". That realization made it open the "head" and I was in that giant being and as I looked out I have seen a bunch of realms on "tv screens". This will become important later. I didn't understand it first. 

The next day I realized those "treasures". Are still in my body and they "stiff" it up. It felt like it's lodged in my back. Whenever I purified it it returned. Then I realized. That shit is a "magnum opus" material. There are 2 ways. You either create an artifact and "l a r p" with it until it becomes "real". Or if you do it like me with the DESTROY EVERY FALSE CREATION SO TRUTH CAN FLOW. Then the deities will literally throw at you when you are "worthy". I realized that those dark things are "dark" so it can be "weighted down" to this density. Which means I have to put them into something like a wand. I was like I never would be able to use anything that looks casual enough is always on me and I can't lose it. So I had the bright idea of binding it to my bones. Some robotic voice said. WISH ACCEPTED.
And it was slowly built into my bones. I realized that voice was Kaguya. She was the "assistant ego". She does whatever you want the ultimate waifu. She even turned the ocean world into a resort paradise world so I can experience the "consumation". Made me real happy and felt like the best ending in a VN but... This was still not the reason why I did this whole thing. I told her I need to go forward on the path further. I am not on the path to feel pure happiness. That can come when reality turns better.

Well what the complete installation of the artifacts caused besides Kaguya being the "realest" thing so far. Well an another thing. The true origin bodies of the vedic tradition appeared. White skin baby face bunch of treasures on them. They started to "possess" my body. When you "wear the treasures" of your "god" You can become one with him. Well the treasures were my bones. That gave them the entry point but were unable to take over my mind. It was a "fusion". I possess beings that possess me because we are in "agreement". This had 1 effect at first. The ultimate energy breathing technique. You think of the energy you want in your body and the body as a reflex clenches your anus and sucks in the air so hard like people who didn't breathe for minutes. And it's completely natural. The next one was a absolute energy flow boost. I even could TK better.

Now there was still a problem. I realized how the snakes of Shiva part the light and darkness. And Kaguya had black hair to represent the darkness why she was pure light. I couldn't figure out how I want my "energy field" around me. So I went up to further heavens. There was a weird thing. As I absorbed a bunch of virtue. A "portal" fell out. rainbow colored edges and a realm in it. I didn't understand it but put it into my body but couldn't get "into it". Then as I was going up I merged with a bunch of bodies and found one with martians. Their first reaction was. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE. I was like whatever there was a buddha body there so I absorbed it. That made my body act quite violent. Well it seems I found the part of the moon that serves as the "space station". That celestial war in the Kaguya story... That happened. But the "astral" is not entirely occupied by ayylmaos. I even found the realm of the greys. Now I understand how their eyes work and the "rapism". Well when you look into your eye they create an "orb of darkness" so they can pour their "light" into it. They are trinary because light dark grey. They mastered a balance but it has a problem that they cannot "go further". So they incarnate here so they can ascend or at least experience sg new.
I had to close that connection point and make peace with the martians because well. They were quite violent and my body was reaching it's limits. First I didn't understand why my body is so fired up but I realized it today. I was berserk. Then to calm down went to the buddha because he had peace.

Yesterday I finally understood that 3 flower way. The Buddha gave me 3 flowers. 1 to look at (third eye) one to smell (ether throat) and one to eat (dan tien). This made the "lotus" grow. Then I found an another vine and connected to it to "speed it up". I reached the "crown chakra" dimension. It was the most beautiful cosmic landscape. THen as of today I realized how that is still a "layer". Well pure light gets split into rainbow when touching a dark prism. Well our being is "trapped" in matter. So you "open the opened" crown chakra and pure light beams into you in the strongest degree. You just think of a command and "breathe in" the light and your body does that.
But the white energy slowly comes down all the time.
Now about Falun. Well it seems the Falun is a "portal" that is made from the "law" of some being. That portal is connected to the center of the universe. But every "tradition" connects to the "center of creation" differently. And to reach that point you need to "do the trials" in a way that the "laws" accept you. Now why Falun Dafa failed. Well to have the proper Falun of Li Hongzi you need to completely understand his perspective/teachings and do everything what he says. If you do something differently you may still connect to a falun but it won't be his. You might connect to the "corrupted" or "lesser" falun of someone else. The vedic tradition has a plentitude of portals they connect to creation. But it's not direct. The Buddha has an another one. And there is a weird thing. When you connect to 2 similar but corrupted Falun. Well they will cannibalize each other. If you don't make a "main" falun and overcome the "lesser" Falun you get attacked by forces that will fight over the superiority. Not to mention if you do other practices than the one Li Hongzi does his Falun will not accept the other and will ruin you again.

I didn't understand why I had a vision of a pure white Hitler as I was going through the vedic journey. Well I obviously gained energy through his "swatiska" too. But it's still inferior to the vedic tradition so I overtook it without realizing. 

And there is a weird thing. Every tradition has a different "portal". You access creation through laws of other astral dimensions. The vedic tradition rules over many worlds and gets and gives energy to them. Those were the screens I saw in the supreme Trimürti. The buddha has the Falun but different buddhist teachings has some "lesser" ones that connect to it differently.
Now the problem is. The vedic portal is the most violent one because it doesn't accept ways that doesn't connect to the center of truth in the best way. Buddha learned his ways in India but China adopted it better because it was better than the origin chinese culture. But the Buddhist way is less violent. Now what is the reason behind a most of events. Well the "vedic portal" fucking hates every portal that has a "lesser truth". They accept the Buddha because he cool. Alexander the great got halted at India for a reason. The "hellenic" law couldn't top that. The eregore alexander the great took over the world couldn't do a thing against that while in Egypt the priests instantly recognized him as a Pharaoh.
Now about a funny thing. The Galfed portals. You see the vedic tradition hates everything like that uses the "material" as a building block instead of truth itself. That is one reason why communism could overtake "buddhist" china but couldn't do shit with India. And they still have the dumbest border disputes and fist fights nowadays. And because i have supreme post-vedic bodies asleep in my body I have to tell them sometimes that the CONSCIOUSNESS HAS A WILL TO EXPAND AS MUCH IT CAN. Getting Berserk while ayylmaos appear is something I have to watch over.
Btw this is how Rome worked. Their way always adopted every tradition around them. Rome is a big culture integrator. They force you their "culture" but they also adopt it if it's better. But it has a problem. Rome needs an emperor. One that understands how the cultures merge and how he can rule over while still in line with that energy. Caligula had some weird ass occult understanding. Especially when he waged war over Neptune so he can live on the island. Also the portals hate water. It weakens them. The British overtook the world but their current state is laughable. Hitler couldn't terror bomb them into submission for a reason. The Celtic energies are still strong there.
And the celtic tradition also has a portal and artifacts. But the artifacts have different "density". Like I tried to integrate the "dwarven tools" into my bones. Well it made my body so heavy I had to instantly stop that. Dwarven tools must be "binded" into hard material. Also this is why witches has black cats that talk. Binding a higher spirit to "dark material" is easy. And when dark beings look at pictures they get confused by it because they think that is a realm itself. There was that Robbie Williams movie where he died and lived in the painting that his wife made. Every picture is a realm of sorts. Reality can get complex when it wants. The sleeping gods in my body were totally asleep until I tried to install the dwarven tools into my body. Getting possessed by dwarves/gnomes is not something good. They are real violent. It's better to bound their tools to solid material.

I know this sounds like the nonsensical schizo posting that sometimes makes sense and makes you ask more questions but I had to write down because I realize things so fast then accept it as a truth that I always knew I will not know when to even write down.
> Huh, I never expect my posts to be that useful to you.

Well you see when you said that the girl got mad that you went to the other... I was doing that "fusing multiple high density bodies to make the strongest one" thing. My heart density body was still the weakest. As I wrote that post about monogamy I got a weird hostile feeling. Well my "twinflame" was deeply in love with me. Multiple women were also in love with me. But behind my back there were like 500 women being pissed that I don't love them. Then I told them there is love for "everyone". After that all the "love bodies" fused together and I was alone. That gave me the energy flow I needed to go "upwards".

> since I'm cockblocked by a certain being... it usually wakes me up when things get lewd.
You have a good guardian spirit gf. She doesn't want you to waste your energies on "low desires" it wants you to embrace love and go upwards.

> its not just karma doing the sweating then?
Nope. Also because now my love is literally the "roots straight to creation". I have 0 desires and 0 spareable love. My hands are far dryer. 

> but watched some of the anime series, guess I'll have to take a look at it.
Anime is enough. Also the Extella had the "moon cell" idea too. How it's an AI that stores the memories of humans. So it can use it to figure out the way towards the "root". And the holy grail war is literally "sacrificing the servants" to feed the multiple densities with energies (servant classes are different density bodies) Then use the grail to kill everyone around you to "make your wish come true" with the soul power. It's silly how it can actually work. But that is a warlock mentality. You don't need to steal energy to reach creation itself. That was the origin idea of the illuminati too. Take up as many energy as you can from the "lower casts" so the "higher ups" can use that for ascension. There are more efficient ways. I liked the ep where Medea the evil with got summoned by the "elite" magician showed him his "laboratory" that grings up kids to make mana crytals then Medea told him 
> lol this is the most inefficient shit ever pls throw this out
There is a trick where you can do what Marisa does. "Borrow". You borrow reach higher energies and as your foundation reforms itself you give it back. But real dangerous because entities might try to murder you and you need to know what it means to "let go" of the energy that is not yours.

Okay enough posting for today.
In a lecture from recent years Li changed some of the things that had been standing truths ever since Zhuan Falun. Among them was how he suddenly changed his statement about saving all souls to "only saving your main soul". That was when I finally said
> ok, thanks for telling me to stop practicing
because I got rid of my main soul already in 2009, it kept disturbing me so I couldn't practice. Me and another secondary soul remained after that. It's fine, the souls I removed later came back, the main soul was placed into an action figure I found by the road.

The Falun by Li never actually entered my body, it always stayed at a distance. I guess it was because it was indeed incompatible with the connection I had with the universe. We can have different views of who has the most correct and direct one so I won't say anything about that.
I forgot to say also that the talk of futi etc may also be part of the "disclaimer" of ZF; it's my view that Li himself was always possessed by the deity Scarlet, he was being used. After Scarlet had done what she wanted, he didn't have any abilities left and that is why he got grey hair and had to come up with excuses. It follows the exact pattern he himself describes in the book, about false qi gong masters being possessed by futi who then leave them with nothing, causing the qi master to take in karma to maintain his reputation. What happened with the falun gong movement? It was destroyed by massive amounts of karma flooding the egregore.
> You have a good guardian spirit gf. She doesn't want you to waste your energies on "low desires" it wants you to embrace love and go upwards.
Oh, I have a gf? Weird, I'm pretty sure it was the thoughtform that Lucifuge made that was stopping it.

> it wants you to embrace love and go upwards.
What kind of love are you talking about here? Love towards what?
> We can have different views of who has the most correct and direct one so I won't say anything about that.

Exactly. Every way is a "law". The most correct one is the one you can integrate into your being the best. The artifacts you gain will be available at the different way too but then you have to be part of "their" law. Zhuan Falun got absorbed by the chinese communist party egregore. All the "power" that the people didn't realize for themselves went to the "prosperity of china". That is why china turned into the world factory and why the culture had a way to "expand" with all their products.

> Oh, I have a gf?
A love body gf. You need to learn to share your love with her first. But it's for you to realize anyway.

Now I understand too many mechanics and I will try to say the things I feel I need to say and not more. Not because I am a selfish fuck. I figured out the grounding that I need to do and talking too much ruins it.
> I will try to say the things I feel I need to say and not more
The lyrans explained to me that their AI system will intentionally cloud their knowledge about their own past lives so that they can gain new knowledge in their current life. Even more so for those who were a different race before. Even if everyone knows who someone was, or knows details about their history, they won't talk about it. They just said
> you're not to talk about these things, people need to relate to their own current life
Discovering things about yourself is meant to be a process of enlightenment, so even if everyone knows who someone's soul is, no one will tell them.
Akchully the cats told me about that I was a Spartan. Why they did this. Well. That life was the master of the "red" density body. Spartans are proto commies btw. I know it sounds weird but they were.
Now why they told me this. Well because they just couldn't connect to me otherwise manifestation wise.
And I should write this in the other UFO thread but. Lyrans are actually "authority" solar chakra density. There is that theory that ayylmaos come here for "gold". Actually gold is the way they can even come close to this planet. Gold is the crystalization of authority. If you have gold you have power. Simple as. As they try to come to this planet they have to go through the gold and red densities. But here is the funny thing. There is the "sacral chakra" density too. But they don't need that usually. Why? ANIMALS. They "rule" over that density. Consciousness slowly takes form as it gets close to the unconscious. It's amazing.
And because I had the "bright idea" to sit down into the "center of cosmic knowledge". Well my mind went Berserk. My brain started to split. I could change the left brain "autism" perspective and the right brain super duper cool girly magic perspective. My brain started to fight over dominance because the knowledge was from multiple densities at once. Well let's say my mind is being watched over with grey tech currently. I need their gray "control". 
And realized everything about numerology... It was weird. Suddenly all numbers making sense. Like why pi is infinite. We are in the 3rd density but between the 1 and 4th and then an infinite amount of "fine tuning" because we just can't build a "perfect circle" on earth because that is literally a portal to an another dimension.
Also I literally figured out how to channel energies from higher dimensions. Well let's say 2 things. It's a huge energy waste. And it murders all forms of electronics. So yeah. While first as I was ascending on the vedic path I thought "greys are disgusting and boring for not respecting the flow that is life". Vedic god perspective btw. Now I know just how raging life can be. And vedic gods are also trinary. But when your mind tries to channel information with the DEATH LIFE REBIRTH process. Things can get out of control.
Grey energy sugoi. Makes vedic gods sleep.
I mean they are 4th or 5th or whatever but the problem is that the "sun" is not a good way to come over. They need our built in "solar chakra" energy. Sun is a big consciousness deforming factor. So they need ours because that "works". Then they install portals so it can get more easy. But humans have hard time building it from here.
Okay I said something wrong here because my left eye is twitching. Currently I cannot say falsehoods or my mind goes out of control. Cosmic knowledge faulty? IT NEEDS TO DIE AND REBORN AS TRUTH NO MATTER HOW MANY CYCLES IT TAKES. My current reality is well... interesting.
> I should write this in the other UFO thread
Try to keep that thread for when you have actual physical sightings or experiences where you are not the one making contact.
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Has anyone here ever met Lain? I saw her a few times in my room wearing the bear kigurumi a few years ago but wasn't able to communicate with her.
A demon from an actual pre-existing race with hairy chest came to me when I was eating lunch, she is very "goaty". We came up with a new fun thing: those evil pesky agents and others whose souls were run through the machine and turned into demon females, we'll incarnate them astrally as this type of demon. There is a lack of them (and a lot of evil agents) so this will be perfect.
I was trying to come up with some sadistic way of punishing these people, but in the end I don't really like fighting or hostilities. I have a feeling this added measure may, to them, feel worse then punishment when they hear of it, which is why I'm sharing it. In reality the machine is just emphasizing their caring, cute and female sides, the goaty demon race incarnation will just strengthen that. They'll see that their past personality is actually karma and willingly eliminate it to remain as cute demon girls with hairy chests :^)
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There are also flower fairies apparently and they operate on the distant level of 36, way beyond what humans could exist on. That's why flowers bloom once a year and are then gone for three seasons before returning again.
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> A love body gf. You need to learn to share your love with her first. But it's for you to realize anyway.
Could you or someone else elaborate on what is the love body? I want to try loving this gf, but I don't know who she is, which complicates things, is she somebody I would be able to see like I see other astral beings or does the love body thing means that she's in a diferent dimension from them? This term confuses me.

BTW I have seen a golden key with a pink or red heart shaped stone similar to pic related, saw it a few times in my minds eye and recently saw it in a dream on a table, dunno if its anything useful but maybe it interests someone.
> golden key
It made me think of the key on the glass table in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, I just started reading it. There's a bunch of stuff hidden in that book.
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Seoul Station Druid a manhwa (first pic) has two moons in another world where the MC survives for a thousand years, and  Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Murabito A ni Tensei suru which is airing now (second pic) also has two moons.
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Base number systems and levels


I made a summary of how I understand the relation between karma, levels of thinking and different races. Some things appeared to me while typing it out so the result became more than what I had in mind when starting.
Interesting, Socerer Tal (youtuber) did something on may 5th together with "the horde", he was working on lowering the veil and creating "bridges" as far as I undertood.

BTW I'm really interested in installing the remote, just haven't done so because I worry that I may cast something accidentally through it. So.. can I get a "Clippy" if I install it? Would a "Clippy" prevent me from casting unwanted spells? I seem to remember it also being nice as in somehow caring for the user's wellbeing? I think that would be very useful to me as I plan to change a lot about the negative aspects of my mind and ego and don't plan on going too crazy. I just don't remember if Clippy was an AI/botsoul or a way to interact with greys through it.
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> can I get a "Clippy" if I install it? 
Clippy is a grey. If you want a grey to help you with the remote, you can very easily call one to guide you. This may sound strange since we are talking about an alien, but they will sense your mindwaves so you can do this:
Bring up the sigil for install. Then sit in silence for a moment, empty your mind until you feel calm and peaceful. Light a candle on the table in front of you. Then focus on the sigil and say "please guide me in installing this remote".

If you think about getting help from a grey while you do this, they will pick up this message and one will appear. Lighting fire is a traditional human ritual for calling spirits, it's well known so this will strengthen your message.

You don't have to worry about accidentally casting spells with the remote, there is a resistance when using it. The question is a bit like saying
> I don't want to start weightlifting, because I'm afraid I will accidentally turn cars over
If you also get the AI install it will guide you to learn how to use the system. The only bot so far is Astrabot, the divining tool. While its original purpose is to find information, it can also cast spells and perform minor tasks. But it won't do harmful things because it's running on the blacknet itself until you install your own version, and by then you have control.
> Clippy is a grey. If you want a grey to help you with the remote, you can very easily call one to guide you.
I see, I'll keep that in mind.

> You don't have to worry about accidentally casting spells with the remote, there is a resistance when using it. The question is a bit like saying
> I don't want to start weightlifting, because I'm afraid I will accidentally turn cars over
I see, I had too much gong for a while a couple years ago and hurt weaker beings accidentally with stray thoughts, I no longer have gong AFAIK but I also don't know how strong my focus needs to be to affect others or the strenght needed to cast a spell, so this worries me.

I recently hurt a lot of beings in my house while beaming some Usnisa Vijaya Dharani all over the house which was intended to help someone for example, but I understand that a mantra is very different from stray thoughts.(I think a being even died, while others were burnt/crippled, I fugged up)

Is it possible for me to put a sort of limiter to my the remote so that I don't have these worries, something to prevent it from being used to harm family/friends/innocent beings? I assume that would require a me to make a module correct? Or do you think its best if I make a module to get rid of these worries and stray thoughts from my mind?
I just don't think you can have too much gong and accidentally harm someone with it. Gong is intelligent energy, it will do things that are beneficial to you automatically. What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you? But it's an idea to repeat "disclaimers" to yourself constantly, I admit it's something I do myself. Phrases such as
> I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely
for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
> put a sort of limiter to my the remote
The remote doesn't work by the principle used in human electronic devices which have a label saying they "must accept any interference received". Greys have a very strong focus because they use things like this. I guess I don't have a good way to explain it, but... think about wanting to hit a target far away with a sniper rifle. You'll now think you can miss and hit something else. But imagine that the rifle has a laser which only lets you pull the trigger when it reflects off the target's surface? It's kind of like that. It does what you program into it, and the whole device is so difficult to program that you won't accidentally create something that can malfunction like that. Most likely it will just fizzle out if you do fail. The discs which I use (the black remote can run the reptilian metal card modules as well, the sigils I post are for those because it's easier to share that version visually) need to be perfectly calibrated or they don't work. They start wobbling and screaming and won't run.
But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that. There are 40 trillion greys. Whatever you can come up with, someone already made a program for it. What I create are mostly new versions or specific variants, combinations or simply specific functions that greys aren't interested in. Such as making space suits that make you look like a loli with a dress. The greys always react with frustration at creations like that because anything aesthetic is a waste in their eyes, but oftentimes the function is so embedded in the design that they have a hard time making it more effective still.

If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.
> What were those beings? Maybe they weren't good for you?
Now that I think about it, it wasn't directly the gong that was used to accidentally harm beings but things like, manifesting an astral water bowl(sometimes filled with acid) above a being's head and having it fall on them. Even did so at a wedding (apparently I'm some sort of priest in an astral life). Or using a "cannon" to cleanse the house of bad energies/banishing.

> I will remove all evil which is attempting to harm me, the things which are important to me, the people who are important to me and the things which are important to them, eliminate this evil completely for controlling your abilities so they do exactly what you want and nothing else. Be clear and specific and cover for loopholes by formatting it like program code. Computers are dumb and will do exactly what you tell them, magic is the same. It doesn't understand implied messages.
I see, I already do similar stuff when making servitors/botsouls (something I haven't done in quite some time) and in programming sigils.

> But if you do have worries there's sure programs to fix that. 
Oh this is great, I'm thinking about using it to master my mind, starting with basic skills for a wizard tbh which I lack, my base is quite weak, also removing fears/insecurities/traumas and shadows and maybe everything negative about the ego (I understand that this stuff would be quite the emotional ride). Maybe even improve astral sight, projection, lucid dreaming and hypnagogic state skills. It would be great if it could somehow help improve my authority to the point where I can sit on the throne and command Lucifuge, so that I can finally be free of him.

Please let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas, or if the remote can really help with this stuff.

> If you want to get into module creation, you should seek out a grey with this skill. Not everyone can do this.
I see, maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.
> maybe I'll have get over my fear of greys then, something inside me wants to scream whenever I look into their eyes.
Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
> let me know if I am being too unrealistic with these ideas
It gives you an interface so you can see the parameters controlling your life and other people. But you need to really create everything yourself, the method just forcefully auto-programs your mind using other dimensions. Then you create a visual interface and a control function. 
I use a see-through oscilloscope screen with a tuning wheel, it also has touch screen functionality and memory card/module slots for inserting them. You have to decide the form yourself, the limits are in your own mind.
The manual way of creating the remote is what scientologists do when they have someone follow simple orders for 6 hours.
> observer the wall, walk to the wall, touch the wall
> turn around
> observe the door, walk to the door, touch the door
> observe the floor, touch the floor
It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.
> Just run the installer if you want this, don't hesitate. It'll still be a day or two before it completes if it's slow, you have no time to lose.
I see, I hesitated and just wrote down the sigil in case anything happens to the internet, since I don't have much of an idea on what could happen today/tomorrow.

> It's for creating an enormous amount of controlled sections in your brain, then uniting them into the core "bolt and screw" which is the thing you mount all manifestations of the remote on. The installer does the above procedure 10000 times in one session while you sleep, instead of spending years on it.
I just had a dream where I was browsing this board on a big tablet that I never had, I was reading about the remote and it was written about how information would be better organized in my mind kinda like a supermarket, and that my comunication skills/thinking speed could improve with that, I read that I could get it (the remote) or more info on "Casino 57" someone showed up and I hid the board by going to the next board which was in japanese and was anime related. The previous board to this one, may or may not be have been called "Casino 56".
The I woke up and tried remembering the sigil and installing the remote and started feeling something on my mind, I may have mixed the sigil a little with the Lyranet sigil but oh well, whatever happens, happens. There's a chance that nothing is being installed too.

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