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> For example, the Sunflower Project may very well be novel in the sense that it aims not to form a community, for the reason that communities degenerate. I would appreciate your input on this.
It was a simple observation that discord servers which aim to form communities either die, or turn into layered groups with an "elite" inside group of friends and a bunch of hangarounds, then randoms who join and never post. All progress then stagnates and the chat ends up being about crypto, drugs and sex related topics, no matter what topic the server was meant to be about.

I figured things that are hard to get access to will always attract interest, so I made it that way, then was clear in saying that this is not a community, share your input but don't stay around if you have nothing to contribute. We held sessions in there to form an astral base, which of course made it necessary to discuss what we want, but it was kept on point like this. 

This was also meant to imitate how the world elites operate, by mimicking the attitude of a rich egoist who doesn't have to care what anyone thinks. With this, the egregore would sync with the world system, and gain attention from the relevant spiritual beings, who would consider us just as legit as the leaders out there. Because seen from the astral, it doesn't matter your social position, only how you organize, what your energy is like, and how you represent the people of the world.

The rest you already know. It worked, Isis came to our table, greys came, skinwalkers came, and so on. This means we made it.
> things like the satellites and other space debris or do you mean toxic waste as in energy/aura/vibes?
A kind of satellite, more specifically the "planets" of the solar system which are all made up of garbage from Earth, except for Mars which is a real (although dead) planet and Saturn which is an old blacked out sun. Past civilizations were clever enough to come up with this, and the current retard leaders of Earth wanted to do the same. Plus that they used a portal under NY to dump negative energy out in space, it's that very long jet beam observed coming out from a black hole. That is the other end of the NY portal, the retards just didn't get that this was a portal with an exit, they though it was an endless hole to nothing. 

Aliens don't like people dumping trash into wormholes.

> how many entities/beings are players in regard to this planet?
No idea, too many. Loads. Most in numbers are some hivemind grey-likes, really dumb virus aliens who look somewhat humanoid but lack all self preservation instincts.
> . Plus that they used a portal under NY to dump negative energy out in space, it's that very long jet beam observed coming out from a black hole. 
> fucking new york
i... really shouldnt be shocked at one of th biggest shitholes here in the US would doing that
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I would like to clarify that a succubus is a very specific type of jew thats main path if not only path is to have as erotic sex as possible
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Artifact for the collective (and anyone interested in succubus magic)

Queen's rod

In common usage it is a regular amplifying magic rod. If externalized to the surroundings, it can be used to create a Queen's Temple.

The Queen's Temple is a construct which relies on the summoning of male demons from the void. One demon for each prime number will be summoned, and they represent that number hereafter.

They will stay in the temple, building up a spiral through the floors upwards. At the top room is the Queen's chamber, where you will assume the role of the succubus Queen. 

Through channelling the expressive force of male demons, outward magic can be cast with great force.

You must accept the role and its responsibility to use this temple creation.
Is it possible to not only sign up for the Succubus Collective, but also perhaps, as a higher-level alternative, to become an Heir?
> become an Heir
What does this entail? The Collective path doesn't restrict you in any way, you can develop all the way up to the standard of the ancient mothers, among whom Hathor is well known.
To become an apprentice of a sister(s), such that you take on their skillsets, characteristics, etc.

It's supposed to be more rigorous than simply signing up as a recruit. If the Collective lacks this option, do other groups have it?
> To become an apprentice of a sister(s), such that you take on their skillsets, characteristics, etc
Learning a magical practice from scratch as an outsider is too difficult, they tell me that what you are looking for is "rebirthing" where on the astral you become the daughter of the succubus whose path you want to learn. That way you have it in your DNA and can easier activate the different parts of her skills.
Thank you very much for your feedback!

But wouldn't rebirthing be a waste, given perhaps, depending on the recruit, it may be more valuable to retain the recruit's original DNA and instead modify it to align with the Collective succubus standard? Or have I missed something?

Or perhaps it may be more useful if I asked this: what are the different methods of joining the Collective?
> wouldn't rebirthing be a waste, given perhaps, depending on the recruit, it may be more valuable to retain the recruit's original DNA and instead modify it
If you already have such a strong DNA that there is no improvement to gain from rebirthing, then it may not be any point. But we are talking about the astral, you can retain your physical body as is, and still be reborn by the succubus of your choice if you really want her magic in your blood.
> what are the different methods of joining the Collective?
Just ask. But it's been made very easy here, you can use this sigil:
Just stare at it while sending love and your request to become a succubus into it for about 20 seconds. You will feel some minor effect when it activates.
I believe I've activated the sigil.

But what I mean to say is, what other methods are there besides rebirthing?

I am tired and only realized that I misunderstood you, thinking the sigil activation was for asking further questions rather than joining, after the fact.
The sigil activates a cleansing magic which will dig deep inside to look for the "core" which determines if you are able to develop succubus nature or not. If it exists, it will be activated. How this manifests later is up to you. However you can use the manifestation method posted above:
and this sigil
to jump-start the formation. The form you create will start syncing with your core (if possible) and this will aid the process. Alternatively you can do the rebirthing and get a full tot-size body with succubus DNA and grow from there naturally.
I've never used a summoning method for succubus, I just reach out and grab one if I need to. 
If you need to use an explicit method, the general procedures in the Lemegeton/Lesser keys of Solomon, will work. You can also check the succubus thread on 4/x/.

If this is about joining the collective, you don't have to use a method, you can just use the sigil I already directed you to, or an expression of intent. That means you formulate in your mind the wish you have and all parts of it clearly (but don't complicate things, make it a simple honest wish) and then express it in some way, either by posting it in this thread (they are aware of this thread) or you can write it on a paper and burn it like with a sigil activation. If you want to make it stronger you can light some incense or candles while you do this.
Alright, I thought about this somewhat and I've elected to broadcast my intent here:

I seek to be rebirthed into a succubus who has the ability to send shards of their consciousness into reincarnation, as a way of further learning and as a contact point to gross/dense realities such as this.
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I think i messed up big time tried to get to induce a lucid dream as I've been lazy this past month or so and managed to anger one of the girls i believe she's from the collective that's why i am asking here.

She showed me a lot of strange visions through a computer,i had an idea of a computer that would act as an interface for all sorts of things so it makes sense, i am ashamed to say i don't remember the visions well.

I apologized i was still trying to grow and she said "Growing when then?" she left telling me “You'll be visited by a dark being tonight" after i apologized one last time.
Can i have some insight on this?
I appreciate the kick in the butt though I've been too lazy and lost my composure.

Not sure if this is relevant as i think i picked this from another channel days ago but I'd like clarifications on "Queen of the east" and "Earth's champion", someone told me they weren't persons but rather "positions", i somewhat believe it's just a malicious message but i don't want to anger someone off again...
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> "Queen of the east" and "Earth's champion"
Succubus replies:
"Yes, those are positions, question is in what way this is relevant to you. You figure this out, because the East is the region around China, while the Champion is supposed to be a uniting force, but it's created by the NWO, so naturally that position is everything bad in one person, the ultimate useful idiot who can be used by the evil to cover up their sins in the name of 'good'. Imagine the perfect bootlicking 'do-gooder' who supports his government and protects the rich, not because of laws but because he really has a sense of 'duty' and thinks that those things are 'sacred values' and anyone telling the truth about them are 'terrorists'. Someone would be chosen to become that idiot champion to unite the Earth, and create the final Empire of the Black Sun. The Queen of the East is not trying to unite the Earth but just steamroll over them to make China rule it. They are looking for her. The irony of the situation is that Queen of the East is a better choice because at least she will expose the evil in half the world."
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Much appreciated.
I knew something was bad about the Earth's champion position but i wasn't sure what he will be rewarded but it's not worth it is how i understood it, like power within the system not outside of it, i see a young man in blue with a large sword, someone told me someone already accepted that position but it isn't sure he will become that yet.
As for the Queen of the east i see a woman in gold and red maybe four arms? i am not sure
But it seems i can choose that position if i want and it will still be open till June?
"You have to firmly believe, that no matter what, China is superior, if you are to accept this." -Succubus

I can share a body-form/servitor with you directly from the Chinese intelligence/psi org and if you like the look of this or can sync with it, it should work out:

[Maoist revolution world-wide doll special Ed for Anon]

They sent me a personal astral spy to maintain contact earlier during an interaction linked to this board, this is from them.

Just focus on the tagged phrase and "accept" the contents to see it.
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Thank you!

I am not sure what i am looking at it just "open" into a tons of paper work on my end floating screens and a rotating figurine.
I'll think about it.

Oh right i wanted to ask if all this is any way related to some dragon girl body type? their immortality is represented on a scale on their neck,it's just a symbol of immortality the scale itself isn't what make them immortal, look similar to a succubus but got the designation of "dragon girl" no idea where all this come from it's just what i see myself sometimes.
Succubus reply:
"China is sometimes called a dragon, or referred to as having the descendents of the dragon living there. There are different ways to understand this, some will say it's that the writing system (kanji or trad Chinese) is a dragon with each character being a scale."
>  floating screens and a rotating figurine
Sounds about right, it's a body form to use in any dimension and it has AR built in, that would be the screens you see. Try using it as a suit or looking through the eyes of the figurine and give it orders to move. You can use it like a video game character in 1st person view or looking from above behind it to move about.
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now i am even more curious of what it's all about, make me think of Akatsuki no yona

Is it supposed to be in a giant white hangar? or is that a simulation?
Seems i can move it but it's not that easy.
something attached on my left arm some kind of incomplete body suit a controller?
> Is it supposed to be in a giant white hangar? or is that a simulation?
It was made for you specifically, but I can imagine that it needs to emerge from the hangar to actually be deployed, and that only happens when you can control it.
> Seems i can move it but it's not that easy.
Just practice, I think just giving orders in general should work.
> something attached on my left arm some kind of incomplete body suit a controller?
That would mean you are incorporating it slowly. I think the main control should be on the right hand palm if it's anything like other devices.
> Just practice
right i'll play with it and see what i can do !
the "body suit" is covering almost half my body now so it shouldn't take too long i assume.

thanks for sharing it with me.
I have been snooping airline some website which brought me here. Seem like I wanted to ask and give it a try.
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You should go through with the process in the guide posted here (the image attached):

Then also pick up this weekly exercise:

Collective Dream Visit

The first time you do this, it may take an entire day to get into the right mindset, so start this exercise the moment you wake up in the morning.
Lie on your back in bed, relaxed after sleep.
Visualize the cutest and most attractive succubus you can. Observe how this makes you feel inside, bring up the positive feelings and focus on those. If you feel anything negative, like anxiety, loss or detest, let those feelings remain there and observe them passively. Do not engage them.
Build up a feeling of love, respect and care, and project this feeling onto the image of the girl. If you are unable to do this because you do not feel that the girl you visualized deserve to be treated this way, adjust the image until you can honestly project these feelings onto her.
Do this until you get a feeling of emotional feedback from the image. This means an entity has appeared, summoned by your positive projection.
Think of her as both a mother and a lover, and let her motherly side come closer. Open yourself to the feeling of being cared for, until you can feel her almost physically close.
Rest on the feeling of her caring for you, and let her do it, let her protect you and lead you.
Express in your mind: "I want to visit the Collective."
Let your mind be silent and let the atmosphere of the Collective realm flow over you.
You may now be able to see the volcanic rocks in the distance, and feel excitement and relief building up inside.
Keep this image as your goal in the distance.
Now visualize a red/pink bar of energy in front of you, it's laid out before you to walk on, and it leads all the way to the Collective world. Get up on the bar and balance there. As long as you maintain your balance, you can feel the connection to the Collective, and the excitement and relief is getting stronger.
This is the main exercise. By now, you may need to get out of bed and start your day. Then do so, but keep balancing mentally on the bar. If you get busy during the day and forget about it, just get back up on the bar and regain the feeling.

When you get good at this, you will be able to walk all the way to the Collective in one go. But don't expect this to happen at once. It's good to keep a high standard for yourself, but having too high of a standard will make you start thinking of giving up. For this reason, set as your goal to balance on the bar, feel the distance between yourself and the Collective reducing during the day, but don't force yourself.

While you are balacing on this red/pink energy bar and walking closer and closer, the succubus you summoned and expressed your intent to, will remain by your side. She will help you maintain your balance, and she will catch you if you fall. Trust in her and let her lead you.

Suddenly, you will reach the end of the bar. Your feet will leave it and you will fly up into the air. A warm wind will surround you and you will feel it lifting you up. You have now entered the Collective realm. Maintain this mindset until you go to bed at night.
When you wake up the next morning, or if you wake up during the night, write down any dream experiences you had in a notebook kept by your bedside. It's best to do this at once, since once you fall asleep again, your memories tend to fade quickly.

We will be doing this on wednesdays, because it's the middle of the week and the most energetic day, which will make it easier to power the connection, "the bar" and reach all the way to the Collective realm.
Even though I got accepted I still want express my intent. I’d really want to be part of the succubus collective. I will do the the practice and wait for a sign.
I don't want to join the succ collective, but I would like a reliable connection to the succubus world. Can the collective help me get this?
Yes. Someone is already nearing your location, look to your right side a bit up. If you can't use astral vision or know how to look at non physical things, close your eyes and visualize her coming to you until you feel that the image is real, when it starts moving on its own, it's your contact.
It been a a while. I was just wondering if there is an anything I should be looking out. I know that I was accepted but I haven’t noticed anything.

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