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Okay fellow faeries, I would have waited until the migration was fully complete before doing anything here. However I didn't expect that the situation with NEXT and 8chan overall would be this bad, but watching everything unfold in the last few days was like seeing my worst nightmares realized.

Infinity NEXT is not only very ugly, but also very slow, buggy, unusable and missing crucial features that used to be on 8chan. Not only that, but Josh also added a number of retarded design choices that make things only worse. 
The majority of anons seem to agree on how crap it is.

Based on what we have seen thus far I believe that it is a reasonable expectation that many anons will refuse to use next and will simply migrate to other chans, such as this one.
(There are several migration threads and discussion on multiple boards as I'm writing this.)  
Thus I view it as important to start building a 2hu community here so that migrating anons will want to visit us, since as of now a few shitposts aside, things look pretty empty and lonely.

So I would like some kind of feedback or opinion from those of you who have wandered in here. Mainly as to what should we do to attract more anons and make the board appealing. What kind of threads/activities would you like to see? Do you have any suggestion for the board itself? Should we keep the rules from old /2hu/ or vote on new ones? I would also need at least one volunteer who can monitor things at American time. We should probably also make some banners now that we are here. 

Please respond

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Ideally speaking, it shouldn't be just shitposting, but instead both primary and secondary content should be posted equally, something which never worked on /2hu/.
You can't really survive on shitposting alone 
But a new site, a new start, who knows /2hu/ might be able to host for primary touhou discussion as well, though I am highly skeptical of it happening myself 

Netplay threads would probably be the best as over a long period of time they really help in building a community, just like in /v/ soku threads. 
I already played some soku matches against the owner of /thg/ so maybe we could get this started as a habit.

> 少女収録中。


Next has problems but I think they will be fixed in the near future. I don't find it to be as bad as expected. The migration isn't even done yet.
> I already played some soku matches against the owner of /thg/ so maybe we could get this started as a habit.

Nice to see you again. Netplay threads would be interesting.

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I dont think you understand, /2hu/'s natural state seems to be mostly shitposting, sometimes posting about the game and a bit of lorethreads inbetween. I tried to mix up the formula a little bit but pushing it towards what /thg/ was and slightly limiting the shitposting and waifu posting but I think that bit me in the ass and then ruined it.. a long with board drama as well as 8chan's constant bleed of users. I tried salavaging it but figuring out how to set up netplay and have a list of all the 2hu games that could share high scores n ghost or even link it to twitch for EBIN live feeds of random players but then I learned I was a retard that doesnt know how to use the internet as well as set up anything so that failed. I mean if it can work for endchan it might work but by this point endchan is essentially going to be a splinter of some posters from 8chan who were all splinters or previous users of 4chan's /jp/ board that migrated over to 8chan after the whole gamergate shit and the /jp/ mods hotpocketing too much. If it works it would be great, if not well it was a fun ride. But if the netplay threads come back it would be great and Im tempted to join in on the soku shit but then I realize I am a shit at video games.

I think Josh is force migrating all of the image boards starting with numbers as well as a few other boards so wew.

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> I dont think you understand, /2hu/'s natural state seems to be mostly shitposting
There is no natural rule which states that /2hu/ needs to be a mere shitposting board.
/2hu/'s shitposting nature comes from the composition of its user base, that are made up of mostly secondary users.

Meaning that if a substantial amount of secondaries left or if a substantial amount of primaries come, then this board can actually be a host of primary touhou content.
I'm not saying that we should ban secondary content or kick out secondaries with this, that would be interfering with the natural composition of the board.

But here is why I am actually hoping for a change on endchan and of the current situation.

1. Let's face it, /2hu/ lost like 90% of its user base over the inactivity of the past 3-4 months and only a fraction of the remaining ones came to endchan. 
Meaning that most of the secondaries are gone as they aren't going to stick around for 4 months without any content or activity. Not to mention that with this the composition of the users has potentially changed, since the majority are now users who would stick with /2hu/ to the end.
Whether these remaining ones are primary or secondary, I do not know.

But this brings us to my second point. 
2. It has now become easier to change the composition of the users due to the void that was created 
All we need to do is advertise a bit and invite some primaries 

3.We are on a completely new chan and facing the possibility of many anons migrating here due to the shittines of NEXT
If this is not a good opportunity to grab some primaries I don't know what is.


> sometimes posting about the game and a bit of lorethreads inbetween. 
The problem is that 'sometimes' essentially became never ever in the last few months. 
The best we had was back in 2014 october-november when the majority of the stuff was still shitposting, but there were active lore and gameplay discussion threads. 

> I tried to mix up the formula a little bit but pushing it towards what /thg/ was and slightly limiting the shitposting and waifu posting but I think that bit me in the ass and then ruined it..
Anons generally don't like to be limited, if its a touhou board, then let me post all touhou related content I want.
Even the anons who play the games actively like to post secondary content. 

> But if the netplay threads come back it would be great and Im tempted to join in on the soku shit
I'm going to make a soku thread in some, that most likely no one will join kek. 

> but then I realize I am a shit at video games.
The more you play, the better you will become. I haven't even been trying soku seriously, as doing things seriously is against my nature, but due to playing for years, I can now stand up to low Irc tier players.
Of course mid and above still rape me.

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Atleast we aren't alone, though i wonder how things will continue now.
I've seen nu/pol/ a few minutes before the site went down. Not the slightest hint of remorse for killing 8chan, no interest in preserving imageboard culture and every other poster was a stormfront reject or fed judging by their posting style. Is this really the end times for us?

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Well from here on out we have atleast 4 options. We could wait and see whether 8chan comes back up eventually, stay here permanently, ask /a/ if we can get in their bunker like /monster/ and /tg/ did or go to the zeronet site that got heavily shilled on /v/ and glows like shit too
I'll wait one more day for an E-Mail reply, then ask in there.

By the way, did Ausfag or Tewi make it here?